Open This - Kenny will always be better than Jane and here's why.
- He loves you and protects you like you're his family. /Jane abandons you twice. Once at the observation deck and at the car crash.
- His reaction when discovering AJ alive showed that he loved that kid. /She's always trying to distance herself from AJ and leaves him in a freezing car.
- He teaches you to drive. / Jane tells you to abandon the people you love.
- Kenny stopped the walkers chasing you: he died to keep you safe. / Jane abandons you and AJ for the third time. Completely disregarding your safety as well as AJ's when she killed herself.
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Jane apologists will always try to make her reprehensible actions seem righteous or justified, no matter how selfish and unethical she is as a character. I appreciate what you're doing but it's going to stir up a bee hive shit storm
I love Kenny ?
I shot Kenny,and I'm PROUD of it.
I think that TellTale never gave us a question "who is better"... But, "is Kenny capable of taking care of Clem" and "is he dangerous".
And yeah, I think he was and Clem was better alone, or with Jane.
Oh god not this again
Have you seen what happened in ANF?
If you went with Jane she end up taking suicide probably just 1 week or 2 after season 2 ended leaving Clem to take care of herself and AJ. If you go with Kenny they make it at least over a year together, Kenny teaches her how to drive an show that he really cares about her and AJ. when he's paralyzed and about to die he does whatever he can do distract the walker sacrificing himself so Clem and Aj can get away safe.
Telltale basically spent a whole season forcing the player to hate Kenny. The man spent 2 seasons unwaveringly protecting the kids of the group. I can't say that for Lilly, Jane or any motherfucker on any bus except for Lee. So nobody can cast stones at Kenny from the glass house. Jane abandoned everyone multiple times and abandoned an infant in the snow during a zombie apocolypse. She's trash and it's not cool at all.
Kenny is boat god, always was boat god. He was Lee's right hand man regardless of his quirks. He was an incredible father, an incredible husband and an incredbile man. All of this while going through more shit then anyone else in the franchise and that's saying quite a whole lot. His son dying the same day his wife off's herself in front of him. Then you get your eye socket cracked out. Your new girl dies. You gotta leave Clem at the gate. Kenny stuck to the damn end. Put most in the shoes. They woulda left Clem or done some shady shit a long time ago in this type of world.
Kenny never cared about himself. To the point he destroyed himself for the sake of the group. I can only say that for Lee and him.
For the love of God please don't start this shit again.
Even after one this website shuts down, these debates are going to continue to live on.
Kenny reminds me of this guy and it isn't just the crazy dancing.
Kenny's burning in Hell as he watches Satan plow his wife while Jane is in heaven with Luke.
But suicide doesn't get you into heaven. Plus Kenny Easter egg. Telltale made him a god.
That was a Randy Tudor easter egg,not Kenny.
Jane was exempt from going to hell. Kenny killed Larry. He's definitely down there.
Larry was already dead though. Jane killed Russian guy.
You know this for a fact?
It was to stop him from killing someone else. And he was in the wrong. Larry was still there.
Kenny killed Larry to keep everyone safe. Plus Larry is an attempted murder. He tried to kill Lee.
Larry wasn't endangering anyone by being passed out on the ground. He didn't even try to help Lee and Lilly resuscitate him, just like that time he let Hershel's boy die even after duck was safe.
Larry was dead bro, Lilly even said he stopped breathing. Kenny killed a walker. Doesn't change the fact that Larry tried to get Lee killed. And Shawn died in the comics before Telltale's Walking Dead even existed. Nothing could've changed Shawn's fate.
Before Kenny the ripper dropped the salt lick you could see his mouth move like he was muttering something. When do walker mouths move like that? They always have that one grimace look on their faces that's motionless.

It couldn't be air being forced out of his lungs from the chest compressions now could it....naw. Then again, no point in arguing with Dex-Starr...
He didn't even try to help. He doesn't care about anyone else's needs but his own.
You don't think Larry did that for no reason do you? Lee was a convicted murderer and Larry was going to leave him behind to protect his daughter and Clementine. And doing so doesn't mean he deserved to be killed for it. If Vincent tried to step into the group, wouldn't you have left him behind, knowing that he's a child molester? Exactly.
Besides, Kenny's abusive and controlling. He tries to force you into killing a man who was most likely still alive. When you try to help resuscitate Larry, and decide not to help Kenny kill him, what does he do? He calls you a "son of a bitch" and "fucking worthless" despite all the shit you've done for him prior to that moment. Not only that, but he tries to force his way onto you, saying "It had to be done" and that you know it as well as he did. What kind of person does that? Don't even get me started on S2 Kenny...
Melton, could you? I.....I thought we were........nevermind
Yes we do. CPR only has a 3% chance of reviving someone, and that's someone in good health. Larry had a heart condition and just had a heart attack. He was dead, there was no way to save him without medication and a defibrillator.
Yeah but at the same time AJ got caught in the stomach with with a shotgun.......a SHOTGUN and lived.
Shotguns are close range weapons, at that distance, yes, you can easily survive. Try do the most basic of research.
Try typing well-structured sentences. Your grammar is shit.
Kenny was a horrible character in s2...he was the worst thing to happen to it. As for boat god he got his ass kicked by a group of geriatric cancer survivors...Hell it would have been even money if he could have beaten Ben. S1 they are starving...never once did he say...hey I know how to fish...I can be useful. S2...stupidly gets Walter killed...wants the group to agree to a suicide pact by trying to charge armed guards. Stupidly eggs on carver and gets his ass kicked...wallows in self pity..AFUCKINGGIN...Mercilessly beats an unarmed prisoner.. So yeah he is a hero.
Looking back on its absolutely meaningless to save Jane no matter what. Even if you left her behind, she probably killed herself quicker after realizing she was pregnant just as she does if you go with her to Howes.
At least with Kenny, he tries to leave Clementine and AJ in far more capable and safer care then he could ever provide and also acknowledging his own risky mental instability.
Listen man, I don't like it any more than you do, but that's what's happening down there as we speak.
That’s so true.

isnt kenny the angry alcholic, wouldnt go with a bitten man unless you 100% sided with every minor thing related to him, risked his group because he was in denial about his bitten son, volatile, scares a group till fallout and betrayal ensured. man with the moustache?
Yeah...that guy.
The good things overweigh the bad though so those things mean nothing ?
I understand why people don't like Kenny, the best description of him would probably be something like Davids. A hotheted idiot with his heart in the right place. But Jane is more of a cold hearted manipulative bitch that doesn't give a shit about anybody but herself proven in season 3 when she abandoned Clem for the 3 time.
oh hes a family man which all that sums into. its ok kenny sure you turnt nearly everyone against you and expect 100% loyalty back for it, put pressure on an 11yr old girl to keep everyone together, beat up a kid just after his group and sister got slaughtered (not absolving arvo for shooting clem regardless of stealing or not stealing from him)but you are a family man its cool
Kenny killed dolphins for a living.
Is it called fishing even though you catch a dolphin or is there another word for catching aqua mammals?