Well, I'm just gonna put out a few things out there, and you tell me what you have to say about that.
1. I'm pretty sure this is all one big internet joke
2. there's absolutely no legitimacy behind you being the girl in that pic you claim to be at all, so yeah you could very much be a guy like me I've seen more than enough Catfish episodes on MTV to know where situations like these go
3. I remember you saying you live in switzerland or something like that, so yeah..
Well, I'm just gonna put out a few things out there, and you tell me what you have to say about that.
1. I'm pretty sure this is all one bi… moreg internet joke
2. there's absolutely no legitimacy behind you being the girl in that pic you claim to be at all, so yeah you could very much be a guy like me I've seen more than enough Catfish episodes on MTV to know where situations like these go
3. I remember you saying you live in switzerland or something like that, so yeah..
Well, I'm just gonna put out a few things out there, and you tell me what you have to say about that.
1. I'm pretty sure this is all one bi… moreg internet joke
2. there's absolutely no legitimacy behind you being the girl in that pic you claim to be at all, so yeah you could very much be a guy like me I've seen more than enough Catfish episodes on MTV to know where situations like these go
3. I remember you saying you live in switzerland or something like that, so yeah..
Well, I'm just gonna put out a few things out there, and you tell me what you have to say about that.
1. I'm pretty sure this is all one bi… moreg internet joke
2. there's absolutely no legitimacy behind you being the girl in that pic you claim to be at all, so yeah you could very much be a guy like me I've seen more than enough Catfish episodes on MTV to know where situations like these go
3. I remember you saying you live in switzerland or something like that, so yeah..
Yes I loved you and you rejected me so now I hate you
Well, I'm just gonna put out a few things out there, and you tell me what you have to say about that.
I've seen more than enough Catfish episodes on MTV to know where situations like these go
1. I'm pretty sure this is all one big internet joke
2. there's absolutely no legitimacy behind you being the girl in that pic you claim to be at all, so yeah you could very much be a guy like me
3. I remember you saying you live in switzerland or something like that, so yeah..
damn you got me im chris hansen.
Well you just gonna have to trust me
Im just busting your balls mate...and btw I am from Switzerland is there something wrong about it you american pig
Uhhhhhh, yeah. You guys invented Swiss cheese. I fucking HATE Swiss cheese with every fibre of my being
Yolo amirite? Hehehe I need help ?
"Yolo"? Why yolo?
Y’know... read ur comment
Louis Armstrong
Louis Cummings
Louis Cornelius.
Louis Vuitton
Hawkins or Smith?
brownie points if you get the first one
This is still going huh? I have one chapter left and that'll be the first part finished.
Good luck on your story.
Hey you never know maybe Lee’s brother had a family and had a son that Lee never knew about Louis Everett
Louis Smouis
I'm still sticking with my first choice louis idiot
I was hoping that'd turn out to be some actual foreign term/name.