Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia



  • People who don't know how to survive :disappointed:

    Jimayo posted: »

    No shit. Who are 22% foolish enough to trust a bandit in the apocalypse?

  • People who know this is a game and that Clem can't die of hunger and that it'll probably not matter because they can tell as well as Telltale experiences?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    People who don't know how to survive

  • That too, but I like to get lost in the moment and forget that the choices lead to the same outcomes :P

    Ghetsis posted: »

    People who know this is a game and that Clem can't die of hunger and that it'll probably not matter because they can tell as well as Telltale experiences?

  • edited October 2018

    So people who aren't really playing the game but instead making choices based on the real world.

    Why would you even play this game if you're not going to roleplay?

    Ghetsis posted: »

    People who know this is a game and that Clem can't die of hunger and that it'll probably not matter because they can tell as well as Telltale experiences?

  • edited October 2018

    People have different reasons for playing story-narrative games and role-playing. What's the harm in that? ...Isn't that the point of role-playing?

    I mean, it's pretty well known by now that choices hardly matter when it comes to TellTale Games. Obviously nothing major was going to happen regardless if you let Abel walk out peacefully or not, even when you try to lose yourself in the moment trying to think the outcome may matter.

    Jimayo posted: »

    So people who aren't really playing the game but instead making choices based on the real world. Why would you even play this game if you're not going to roleplay?

  • I know it's common to just pick choices "based on what would I do", but with Telltale it's hard to find satisfaction that way if you're not building the character you're playing and if you just wait for huge branching stories.

    I really rarely get it when people scream about choices don't matter. Of course it's the illusion of the choice, a tailored experience where the choices shape your character - gasp - in your head! If you want that every choice will come back to you and everything will be referenced and there will be 100 different endings, please. Obviously it's nice when your choices in fact do something meaningful as it always amplifies the effect of the illusion, but in the end the meaningful things are just images you create in your mind. I mean, to think that some choices indeed have abstract outcomes instead of concrete ones... pretty crazy. Or is imagination dead nowadays?

    Jimayo posted: »

    So people who aren't really playing the game but instead making choices based on the real world. Why would you even play this game if you're not going to roleplay?

  • What people mean when they say that choices don't matter, they mean that the choices (a lot of the time) don't change anything or have very little consequences. No one is saying that TellTale should make a huge story branching arch with every choice mattering, thus leading to 250 outcomes and 50 endings. Of course we know that if they did things like that, then their games would never be made/finished and wouldn't have a very coherent story.

    For example of choices hardly mattering, In S2, Amid the Ruin, it didn't really mater if you saved Sarah or left her to die... she ends up dying in the same episode anyway. Saying that the choices are meaningful images you create in your mind isn't a good excuse of designing illusion of choice based games, especially since there are many games with the same budget as TellTale (and even lower) that utilize the illusion of choice a lot better.

    I don't say all this to talk down on TellTale Games (I consider this constructive criticism), I say this to bring up a point that there are many players who play their games knowing that their choices aren't going to have a huge impact on the story.

    Be that as it may, I fail to see the point in criticizing other players for making different choices from the majority. If players are suppose to play a certain way and pick the choices most people are expected to pick then that completely negates the point of these types of games.

    I know it's common to just pick choices "based on what would I do", but with Telltale it's hard to find satisfaction that way if you're not

  • For all their defects, I think Quantic Dream games have shown that you can make the Out meaningful and have the choices have varied - if somewhat binary - outcomes. Detroit become Human offered a good example, specially with Connor´s storyline: You would either go rogue or stay a obedient machine, but the paths to do so were many.

    I know it's common to just pick choices "based on what would I do", but with Telltale it's hard to find satisfaction that way if you're not

  • I really hope Skybound rescues GoT S2, Batman S3, and TWAU S2 from oblivion as well. But I'll take one miracle at a time for now.

  • Doubtful. Skybound is a Walking Dead company. If you want those series' saved, you'll need to look to other companies.

    I really hope Skybound rescues GoT S2, Batman S3, and TWAU S2 from oblivion as well. But I'll take one miracle at a time for now.

  • This is great news. Clementine and AJ getting a relatively happy ending will make it significantly easier to find closure and then move on to a new story. I think it is a great idea to tell a new story that isn't confined to Clementine; they can choose new characters, a new setting, and start back from the basics when the apocalypse first began. I'm all for that idea, but for it to happen I truly believe that Clem/AJ need a good ending or else players will be forever in mourning.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    There's a new article from Variety with an interview with Skybound with some interesting takeaways. With the most important one being this:

  • If we being real...

    GoT Season 2 has been unofficially cancelled for a few years now.

    I really hope Skybound rescues GoT S2, Batman S3, and TWAU S2 from oblivion as well. But I'll take one miracle at a time for now.

  • edited October 2018

    Of course I roleplay. I'm the one that didn't mind AJ from the start, I'm the one who said ANF's premise is fine because you're meant to roleplay. But in situations like this, you could pick anything really. It's obvious Abel won't die, and it's obvious Clem won't get angry. We are experienced with Telltale games, I just knew that Brody would get angry no matter what. So my choice was made on a whim, I didn't care for it at all, I didn't bother thinking about the repercussions of it because I knew it wouldn't matter.

    And for the record, I hate Quantic Dream games, I prefer Telltale for its story and characters and worlds. I'm absolutely fine with illusion of choice, idk why you were thinking something I never implied.

    Jimayo posted: »

    So people who aren't really playing the game but instead making choices based on the real world. Why would you even play this game if you're not going to roleplay?

  • When I play a telltale game I do every walkthrough possable seeing all the choices

  • Take my money!

    donmike84 posted: »

    Hopefully we might get the stand-alone Lilly game exploreing her life after she left lees group up to TFS episode one

  • Take my money x2!?

    Gauss99 posted: »

    Or Kenny between S1 and S2, if you remember when Clem and Kenny were talking inside that Ski Lodge, Clementine asked Kenny what happened to

  • Quantic dream are a Unbeliveable company , nothing comes close there games they create , was hooked on Fahrenheit / indigo and bought everything since

    Ryousan posted: »

    For all their defects, I think Quantic Dream games have shown that you can make the Out meaningful and have the choices have varied - if som

  • I really want Minecraft: Story Mode Season 3.

    I really hope Skybound rescues GoT S2, Batman S3, and TWAU S2 from oblivion as well. But I'll take one miracle at a time for now.

  • Careful what you wish for

    Linkyop posted: »

    I really want Minecraft: Story Mode Season 3.

  • edited October 2018

    Delete this right now, sir.

    Linkyop posted: »

    I really want Minecraft: Story Mode Season 3.

  • I did say "miracle," didn't I?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    If we being real... GoT Season 2 has been unofficially cancelled for a few years now.

  • Really?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    If we being real... GoT Season 2 has been unofficially cancelled for a few years now.

  • Ehh during season 2 I would've loved a DLC story that explained all that happened with Christa and her baby during those 16 months. Maybe someone like Nate or Roman from 400 days could've showed up as an antagonist

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Oh god, please no prequel games explaining what happened to certain characters between seasons. It really doesn't matter.

  • edited October 2018

    Just a recent tweet from TWD/skybound. Looks like the queen is back!

  • According to Emily Buck, there's still no word on whether or not Skybound has even contacted the former devs to finish off episodes 3 and 4. Should we be concerned at all?

  • edited October 2018

    Um, no. I want Season 3. This is second best Telltale game after TWD.

    Delete this right now, sir.

  • You won't get it. Telltale is shut down, Minecraft is dead.

    Linkyop posted: »

    Um, no. I want Season 3. This is second best Telltale game after TWD.

  • Like she said, they wouldn’t contact her. She doesnt really know the behind the scenes, so take her knowledge with a grain of salt. Wait for the official Skybound updates, or updates by TWD staff themselves. She knows about as much as us right now. Plus it’d sort of contradict the last few notices we’ve gotten to this point. Anyways no need to be concerned. Like the long wait for the confirmation that it would continue, everything is part of the process. Trust in it.

    ralo229 posted: »

    According to Emily Buck, there's still no word on whether or not Skybound has even contacted the former devs to finish off episodes 3 and 4. Should we be concerned at all? https://twitter.com/emilybuckshot/status/1050535078554558465

  • ralo229 posted: »

    According to Emily Buck, there's still no word on whether or not Skybound has even contacted the former devs to finish off episodes 3 and 4. Should we be concerned at all? https://twitter.com/emilybuckshot/status/1050535078554558465

  • Yeah so she's objectively wrong I guess. Lol.

    Gauss99 posted: »

    https://twitter.com/ChristRebbert/status/1048747057131937792 https://twitter.com/kentmudle/status/1048758241197314048

  • edited October 2018

    I'm the opposite. If her fate is alive people will just bug Skybound to bring her back. It's TFS for a reason, imo. It won't be emotional if it becomes a false send-off.

    I doubt TFS is going make Skybound any huge amounts of money anyway. Skybound actually say they're not prepared to have an in-house studio making games.

    This is great news. Clementine and AJ getting a relatively happy ending will make it significantly easier to find closure and then move on

  • edited October 2018

    She was working on TWAU, not TWD.

    Skybound contacting people who worked on TFS, a Skybound/Kirkman property =/= Skybound hiring everyone who ever worked at Telltale.

    It's not hard people.

    ralo229 posted: »

    According to Emily Buck, there's still no word on whether or not Skybound has even contacted the former devs to finish off episodes 3 and 4. Should we be concerned at all? https://twitter.com/emilybuckshot/status/1050535078554558465

  • Thanks, Captain Obvious.

    Of cource i get it, but i still want it.

    AronDracula posted: »

    You won't get it. Telltale is shut down, Minecraft is dead.

  • It'll probably take until middle of next year for the last 2 episodes to release if they do.

    Seeing how Skybound is still trying to secure TWD development team for the project and how negotiations seem to be still being worked out with the project, I'd assume it'll take the rest of October to actually finalize the deal and potentially securing the original dev team. And after that is all finalized then the game can resume development which most likely will start in late December or early January.

  • Dont forget that S2 sold millions of copies on a single platform too. That's still AAA sales right there.

    Clem may be popular on face value, but the actual sales of TWD beside Season 1 prove otherwise.

  • More like 97% it was pretty awesome how much people were digging it.

    Gauss99 posted: »

    Why you guys keep being banned? Mrgraffio and DabigRG are banned all the time lol I guess I'm missing something, but whatever... I hope TF

  • My guess is we get some sort of news tomorrow, isn't it walking dead day or something?

  • If she wasn't on TFS team they wouldn't be reaching out to her. Skybound is only interested in securing TWD dev team.

    ralo229 posted: »

    According to Emily Buck, there's still no word on whether or not Skybound has even contacted the former devs to finish off episodes 3 and 4. Should we be concerned at all? https://twitter.com/emilybuckshot/status/1050535078554558465

  • Now we know we getting the final 2 episodes can we create an episode 3 waiting thread


    ralo229 posted: »

    According to Emily Buck, there's still no word on whether or not Skybound has even contacted the former devs to finish off episodes 3 and 4. Should we be concerned at all? https://twitter.com/emilybuckshot/status/1050535078554558465

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