Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia



  • She's still in contact with a lot of TWD devs.

    No reason to not believe her.

    Chibikid posted: »

    If she wasn't on TFS team they wouldn't be reaching out to her. Skybound is only interested in securing TWD dev team.

  • I do believe a few devs have said they are returning such as Kent Muddle.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    She's still in contact with a lot of TWD devs. No reason to not believe her.

  • They just responded to the news. They never explicitly said they're returning.

    Chibikid posted: »

    I do believe a few devs have said they are returning such as Kent Muddle.

  • That would suggest they are interested at the least.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    They just responded to the news. They never explicitly said they're returning.

  • What--what'd I missed?!

  • Slick grammar bro.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What--what'd I missed?!

  • The Walking Dead: The Final Season should've been their second game in terms of pure technology.

    Not that I've played yet, but that sounds surprisingly accurate.

    @GSSalvador There are all the comics created by Robert Kirkman.

    Outcast, Invincible etc.

    They could even do completely original stuff.

    I recall hearing a good testimony about Invincible, so I might just look into that.

    @Gauss99 Why you guys keep being banned? Mrgraffio and DabigRG are banned all the time lol

    Eh, this is like #3 for me.
    And ironically, it was me trying to dance around the general thing that caused #2 and seriously flopping on it.

    At least the squids were considerate enough with the explanation this time, so there's that.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    This is true. Most games before ANF would've been profitable, if the studio didn't expanded so much. If Telltale hadn't expanded this muc

  • Just a game about Sarita would suffice, thank you.

    @Jimayo Why would you even play this game if you're not going to roleplay?

    BeCause you assumed it might be fun?

    Gauss99 posted: »

    Or Kenny between S1 and S2, if you remember when Clem and Kenny were talking inside that Ski Lodge, Clementine asked Kenny what happened to

  • You came back. Surprising.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What--what'd I missed?!

  • I've been in contact with Skybound and I'm fairly sure that the rehired devs were in the offices as of this past Tuesday

  • Even after he said he doesn't really care about TFS and after he got banned he's still here. Surprising

    Chibikid posted: »

    You came back. Surprising.

  • Finish it? They didn't even get started. Let's not push our luck quite yet.

    HazzatheMan posted: »


  • Melissa was there so maybe ?

    I've been in contact with Skybound and I'm fairly sure that the rehired devs were in the offices as of this past Tuesday

  • I know right?

    Chibikid posted: »

    You came back. Surprising.

  • Perhaps in a odd way it's best there wasn't a second season.

    Being honest, I would have loved to have seen the graphics and gameplay upgrades of S2. I could just imagine unscripted combat environments with Bigby being able to transform between forms. Or open world chase scenes transitioning between wolf form and human form.

    Finish it? They didn't even get started. Let's not push our luck quite yet.

  • Do you know how many there were and when we could expect news?

    I've been in contact with Skybound and I'm fairly sure that the rehired devs were in the offices as of this past Tuesday

  • I have a feeling we can expect news before the AMA which seems to be on Wednesday, so the day prior perhaps?

  • Sorry but I do not know how many. It seems like Skybound is still hashing out details about release dates and potential delays, they will give us news as soon as they know for sure. It's possible that we could get some news early next week or during the ama.

    gta3demon posted: »

    Do you know how many there were and when we could expect news?


    Linkyop posted: »

    Um, no. I want Season 3. This is second best Telltale game after TWD.

  • Thanks for all the updates. :)

    Sorry but I do not know how many. It seems like Skybound is still hashing out details about release dates and potential delays, they will gi

  • I can't tell if that's an insult or just punny compliment.

  • Nope. Disagree.

    THIS! should've been TellTale's swan song :'(

    Chibikid posted: »

    Perhaps in a odd way it's best there wasn't a second season. Being honest, I would have loved to have seen the graphics and gameplay upgr

  • Literally aces are coming back, she knows nothing...


    Even lead designer Michael Kirkbride has spoken...

    ralo229 posted: »

    According to Emily Buck, there's still no word on whether or not Skybound has even contacted the former devs to finish off episodes 3 and 4. Should we be concerned at all? https://twitter.com/emilybuckshot/status/1050535078554558465

  • Here is a reply to her thread from a member of the team:

  • So true. Like I understand her situation, but apart from her, there is one former employee, who has been so annoying since the day one of lay-offs. His name is Job Stauffer, who has been constantly tweeting hateful comments directed at telltale and using the whole situation to make himself look so kosher and telltale to look evil...I mean, why to keep beating the dead horse, especially when you were fired more than 1 year ago and not involved with Telltale anymore whatsoever!!! What will it take for people to understand that nobody wanted things to happen the way it did at Telltale...

    His whole profile is flooded with that...

  • edited October 2018

    "We need to hold CEO's accountable for this kind of disaster."

    Then why isn't he spending his time going after his buddy in crime Kevin Bruner? It was his leadership that put Telltale in this position, which inevitably led to his own firing and the firing of damn near everyone else. The amount of shit that has spewed from both of their mouths over the years is probably the sole reason why San Francisco has such a huge feces problem. Who does Stauffer think he is, he's certainly not a torch bearer of virtue and morality.

    Fury2014 posted: »

    So true. Like I understand her situation, but apart from her, there is one former employee, who has been so annoying since the day one of la

  • I wonder how's Pete feeling about this whole thing. We haven't heard from him in a while.

    Fury2014 posted: »

    So true. Like I understand her situation, but apart from her, there is one former employee, who has been so annoying since the day one of la

  • He stated, that Telltale will issue further comments on company’s future. I hope it will happen before we hear news about Telltale shuttling down. I just still believe, that Telltale will be revived somehow. Pete is not going to give up easily

    NexusFire posted: »

    I wonder how's Pete feeling about this whole thing. We haven't heard from him in a while.

  • Maybe.. I also hoped for Telltale to continue but after they laid off their skeleton crew I'm starting to lose hope for that. But let's just wait for him to finally say something.

    Fury2014 posted: »

    He stated, that Telltale will issue further comments on company’s future. I hope it will happen before we hear news about Telltale shuttling down. I just still believe, that Telltale will be revived somehow. Pete is not going to give up easily

  • Honestly this may be quite stressful on him. We can only imagine what is going on at Telltale HQ at this moment in time but I am pretty sure that he is pretty stressed. I really don't envy his position. I am sure the constant pings from Job J's tweets that include his name are frustrating him too...

    NexusFire posted: »

    I wonder how's Pete feeling about this whole thing. We haven't heard from him in a while.

  • edited October 2018

    "We need to hold CEO's accountable for this kind of disaster."

    Unless his name is Kevin Bruner. Then I'm not gonna do jack about it. Put a sock in it, Job.

  • As much as I respect Job J Stauffer for the work he did while at Telltale (Although this tenure was controversial due to many reasons that many of you OG Forum Users know of) I really don't appreciate what he is doing.

    Pete Hawley should not be blamed for the mess that was caused by Kevin Bruner.

    Kevin destroyed Telltale while Pete was the one who had to clean up after him. Job was around during the time of Kevin's reign as CEO, he knew what was going on, why didn't he step up and voice his complaints regarding how things were run? A lot of the overworking took place under Bruner and Job witnessed it. But why did he turn a blind eye to it? Only when Telltale is confirmed to be closing down that he comes out and voices his disgust at what happened at Telltale. Why didn't he do it in November 2017 last year, when the freshest memory of mismanagement of Telltale was when Bruner was at the helm?

    Pete did nothing but benefit the Company, the recent articles posted about Telltale even support it, that Pete was a fair CEO, he even increased employee wages, he was honest, and he let his employees do their work. And what do the articles say about Kevin Bruner? Investing bucketloads of money into The Super Show, a project that never made it past post production, demanding rewrites and reworks on projects just weeks before their launch date, bringing employees into meetings with executives to devalue and criticise their work, despite the employees doing exactly what they were asked, failure to invest in more proven technologies such as Unity, Unreal Engine 4, the list goes on and on.

    I understand that since Pete was the CEO at the time of both layoffs that he would receive criticism as the finger would be pointed at him, he is the authoritarian figure at the company. But what about Bruner? It was his actions and choices that led to all of this. Should he not receive the criticism that is being sent towards Pete?

    Fury2014 posted: »

    So true. Like I understand her situation, but apart from her, there is one former employee, who has been so annoying since the day one of la

  • edited October 2018

    I'm pretty sure the lawsuit, along with Telltale's already lingering financial woes, were the big reasons as to why they pulled out. I've seen people blame AMC and Smilegate, as well as Lionsgate, for pulling out, but I can't say I blame them. They're businesses, they need to make decisions that they think are best for them. They have their own interests, their own employees, etc. to worry about, and investing in a struggling company that may not be around for much longer would just not be a smart move.

  • edited October 2018

    So how do you guys actually feel about Pete? Do you think he could've saved Telltale only if he had more time or if Kevin hadn't messed up so much? I thought he was a good CEO for Telltale but apparently employees were still overworked and people weren't given any severance or were informed about the problems at Telltale.

  • I think we can all agree Pete did a better job, even in some interviews and former staff twitters it seemed everyone liked him way more. A few interviews said some didnt, but thats kinda expected with anything, theres always some people who will always be the opposite of everyone else. Seems like majority liked Pete, minority didnt, unlike Bruner where it seems no one liked him.

    NexusFire posted: »

    So how do you guys actually feel about Pete? Do you think he could've saved Telltale only if he had more time or if Kevin hadn't messed up s

  • edited October 2018

    Kevin needed to be fired much sooner than he did, and if he was, then Pete definitely could have done more. The problem was that, when Bruner was finally let go, Telltale were beyond the point of saving. The company's name had become associated with a certain negativity in the gaming world that many had made up their minds on the company, and by the time Telltale finally tried to reinvent themselves, it was just too late. I wish I could go back to 2015 and give these pieces of advice to Telltale:

    1. Never put Kevin Bruner in charge of the company, at best, leave him on the board, and even then I'm hesitant.
    2. Reduce the staff, freeze all hires, and put certain upcoming projects on a temporary hold.
    3. After analyzing the financial state of the company and re-organizing it, focus on making your own original IP. That, at the end of the day, was one of Telltale biggest missed opportunities. Telltale had a great reputation of being amazing story tellers, and having them make their own IP was a literal gold mine. It didn't need to be the Super Show, just make an original story in its own universe, it could have achieved the same level of success as Life is Strange. You're not bound by another universe's canon so you can make choices really matter, and this way, you don't need to spend a ridiculous amount of money on licensing and property rights.
    4. Make Minecraft, but limit it to only the first season and Adventure Pass. As much as we hate it, this game was actually profitable and kept the company going for a while, so it needed to be made.
    5. Fire Stauffer and hire a real PR person, one who knows how to do their job right and not shit on the fans.

    These steps could have easily saved the company if done at or around 2015.

    NexusFire posted: »

    So how do you guys actually feel about Pete? Do you think he could've saved Telltale only if he had more time or if Kevin hadn't messed up s

  • Agreed, talking about Job just makes me miss her more.

  • edited October 2018

    Emily clarified that she was wrong about Skybound not contacting ex employees with Ian confirming that. Let the harmony be restored once again

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