Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia



  • My opinion is just my opinion but:

    S1 is a great start
    S2 is very slow and not a lot happens, even though there is character development
    S3 to S5 are great!
    S6 to S7 are hit and miss in places, but not terrible
    S8 is the one that needs dedication. It is a bit of a low point for the series sadly
    S9 has only just aired, but 2 episodes in and it already feels very fresh and like the early seasons in terms of quality

    NexusFire posted: »

    Thanks! I'm having a lot of fun so far!

  • Are you referring to Glenn in the red Dodge Challenger at the end with "I'm a Man" by Black Strobe playing in the background?

    That is one of my favourite moments from the entire series!

    NexusFire posted: »

    Just finished watching episode 2. That ending tho Gotta love Glenn.

  • Yeah I'm referring to that. That track was perfect for that scene :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Are you referring to Glenn in the red Dodge Challenger at the end with "I'm a Man" by Black Strobe playing in the background? That is one of my favourite moments from the entire series!

  • "Where's Glenn?"

    Cue bass theme


    NexusFire posted: »

    Yeah I'm referring to that. That track was perfect for that scene

  • When Job made an AMA, then completely 'forgot' about it and only came back to answer it two weeks later before giving strange answers that only outraged fans more. He saw their articulated questions as hate.

    EbiManami posted: »

    Wait what "dodgy AMA"? What happened?

  • edited October 2018

    In my opinion, S1 is awesome, S2 is good but not great, S3 is great (minus the huge mistake in the finale), S4 is overrated -- I didn't really like it at all -- S5 is incredible, minus one completely ridiculous plotline, and I thought S6 was great. S7 is absolutely the worst Season and S8 was only a tiny bit better. I'm not sure why people are liking the current Season (S9) -- it's way too predictable and changes absolutely nothing up. It's better than S7 and S8 so far, but that's not saying much.

    When a massively popular franchise that's on the decline tells us it's "going back to our roots", that automatically spells doom for the series and never solves the issues (for example: COD).

    The best seasons in my opinion are:

    Season 1
    Season 3
    Season 5
    Season 6
    Season 2
    Season 9 (so far)
    Season 7
    Season 8

    NexusFire posted: »

    Yeah I'm referring to that. That track was perfect for that scene

  • edited October 2018

    While Skybound is taking questions. Can someone tell them to fix episode 2 choices where I can see them pls! I need to see how many ppl choose Violetine.

  • Ah yes, I did. Sorry about that, was on break from work

  • Dont forget he deleted the original AMA saying everyone was being too toxic, almost like everyone's going to be mad you ignore what you said you were going to do for a week, and then the answers you did give were worthless.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    When Job made an AMA, then completely 'forgot' about it and only came back to answer it two weeks later before giving strange answers that only outraged fans more. He saw their articulated questions as hate.

  • edited October 2018

    Part of me is curious how ridiculous these "answers" were.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Dont forget he deleted the original AMA saying everyone was being too toxic, almost like everyone's going to be mad you ignore what you said you were going to do for a week, and then the answers you did give were worthless.

  • Reasonable theory, could definitely be the case.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Maybe he burned himself out? Maybe he enjoyed being showrunner in the beginning, but quickly grew tired of it. Maybe being the showrunner of

  • edited October 2018

    Is that AMA still on Reddit?
    Edit:Never mind, the answer was like two comments below :smiley:

    Ghetsis posted: »

    When Job made an AMA, then completely 'forgot' about it and only came back to answer it two weeks later before giving strange answers that only outraged fans more. He saw their articulated questions as hate.

  • This was one of Jobs replies to a comment that basically said "This is Telltales vision of the story." Him replying like this basically just told everyone they didnt care about what fans were saying about the game. It was just really childish. All his answers were really worthless or condensing. For example one was "Will Javi use a baseball bat in ep 3?!?!?!?!" and answered "OMG MAYBE!!!!" just really pointless shit, and was clearly ignoring the real questions.

    Another good one was a really detailed post about why Kenny and Jane looked bad and the endings not mattering asking why it was like this, which he just replied with "I think they look fine."

    It was just really bad. That comment I posted from him, you cant even say those words without having your comment deleted because how bad it was. That reply made everyone super pissed at him.

    EbiManami posted: »

    Part of me is curious how ridiculous these "answers" were.

  • edited October 2018

    I know you know by now it was here, but I cant find either of them or even his profile, it seems everything related to him and that AMA has been fucking wiped out lmao

    Fury2014 posted: »

    Is that AMA still on Reddit? Edit:Never mind, the answer was like two comments below

  • Does he even know how to game dev? Feedback is part of the job, job.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Dont forget he deleted the original AMA saying everyone was being too toxic, almost like everyone's going to be mad you ignore what you said you were going to do for a week, and then the answers you did give were worthless.

  • DingDingDingDing!!

    EbiManami posted: »

    Part of me is curious how ridiculous these "answers" were.

  • On que

    "So I would guess this is everyone's number one question - I can't give you a definitive answer at the moment. What I can say is that the team is not currently working on the game and until we're back into production, it's going to be nearly impossible to give an accurate answer.

    What I can say is that we will announce new dates as soon as we know what they are, there is no reason for us to hold that information back, so it will be public immediately that we can talk about it with confidence."

    gta3demon posted: »

    In what way does that imply anything more than an AMA? It says we know you have questions, ask them. It doesn't say "big reveal at the end"

  • Since we all know it will be delayed but do you guys think the disc copy will also still be released when episode three comes out

  • Honestly, with everything that they said in the AMA, it seems like Episode 3 will be delayed by a long time :/

  • I'm just glad it's coming at all. A bit of a delay is fine by me.

    NexusFire posted: »

    Honestly, with everything that they said in the AMA, it seems like Episode 3 will be delayed by a long time

  • And I could be wrong but it's entirely possible that the game could end up even better/getting additional scenes since they're no longer tied down to the release schedule.

    Pipas posted: »

    I'm just glad it's coming at all. A bit of a delay is fine by me.

  • Not really, they said by the end of 2018. That's only at max a month delay.

    NexusFire posted: »

    Honestly, with everything that they said in the AMA, it seems like Episode 3 will be delayed by a long time

  • They said they hope to complete Episode 3 by the end of the year.

    I don't know about you but usually when I hear "We hope to..." I know it's probably not going to happen; still, I still believe they might finish it by then.

    gta3demon posted: »

    Not really, they said by the end of 2018. That's only at max a month delay.

  • So Ian of skybound confermed that episode 3 was done but not in shippable form so we might be able to get are hands on episode 3 this year but not on the old release date maybe on the episode 4 release date is the new episode 3 release date

  • edited October 2018

    Hope for the best people. The best currently being end of the year. I can wait, no need to rush stuff...

    While i'm burning inside :)

  • I definitely agree.

    Pipas posted: »

    I'm just glad it's coming at all. A bit of a delay is fine by me.

  • I guarantee they finish it by the end of 2018.The episode is basically done. But what we need to hear about is when all these damn legal proceedings are done because they can't work on the game until thats done with.

    They said they hope to complete Episode 3 by the end of the year. I don't know about you but usually when I hear "We hope to..." I know it's probably not going to happen; still, I still believe they might finish it by then.

  • Awh I guess no one liked my joke :'(

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Does he even know how to game dev? Feedback is part of the job, job.

  • A... a... ah... I did!

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Awh I guess no one liked my joke

  • yay!

    NexusFire posted: »

    A... a... ah... I did!

  • Holy shit "Tell It to the Frogs" was fucking good. I think it's my favorite episode so far.

  • btw how are you watching it?

    NexusFire posted: »

    Holy shit "Tell It to the Frogs" was fucking good. I think it's my favorite episode so far.

  • Oh on Netflix ;)

    Ghetsis posted: »

    btw how are you watching it?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited October 2018

    This thread (and the forums) are not a venue to vindictively gossip about the personal affairs of Telltale Staff/Alumni. We've been lenient with banning because of obvious reasons, such as company closure, but we may start banning if people keep derailing the thread to make personal comments about staff.

    Forum Guideline 2.2: Be respectful of personal boundaries towards Telltale Staff members (past and present) and do not personally insult, harass, or scapegoat them - whether or not they post on the forums. Keep all game discussions focused on the content and not the creators. Avoid posting social media content from staff members that is not related to official and intentional game promotion.

    This thread is about waiting for Episodes 3 and 4 - it's not about posting about the personal lives of current or former staff members. Please stay on topic.

  • Okay I'm starting to watch Season 2.. we'll see if I enjoy it.

  • If i'm being honest, S2 has kinda a bad rep that it didn't necesserily deserves. It's definetly not my least favorite season anymore, that's for sure. I'm currently rewatching the show and started S2 yesterday and I really enjoyed it, which surprised me, since I wasn't the biggest fan of that season, either.

    NexusFire posted: »

    Okay I'm starting to watch Season 2.. we'll see if I enjoy it.

  • Does Netflix have S9 episodes yet?

    NexusFire posted: »

    Oh on Netflix

  • I don't think so, since S9 is currently being aired on AMC. But S8 shoukd be up there.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Does Netflix have S9 episodes yet?

  • Nope.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Does Netflix have S9 episodes yet?

  • Yeah I just finished Episode 3 and I'm still really enjoying it.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    If i'm being honest, S2 has kinda a bad rep that it didn't necesserily deserves. It's definetly not my least favorite season anymore, that's

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