Episode 403 Waiting Thread - Releasing Jan 15th, New Trailer, Rated by Australia



  • But wasn't episode 3 almost done?

    sony12 posted: »

    People who are expecting things to happen relatively soon need to realize that Skybound isn't a traditional company that 'makes' video games

  • No not at all. As they have said that a lot of work still has to be done on it.

    Melton23 posted: »

    2020 is pushing it, don’t you think?

  • 2020 though? Very unlikely

    sony12 posted: »

    No not at all. As they have said that a lot of work still has to be done on it.

  • Yeah with a game over 2 hours. Don’t think it will take so long

    Melton23 posted: »

    2020 though? Very unlikely

  • They'd probably lose a lot of money trying to pay about 80 devs for 2 years without making a good amount of profit since the game would finish in 2020. I think the game will be finished in the first half of 2019.

    sony12 posted: »

    No not at all. As they have said that a lot of work still has to be done on it.

  • People are forgetting there's no real profit motive to bleed this out much more than it needs to be. This is a charity case through and through.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    They'd probably lose a lot of money trying to pay about 80 devs for 2 years without making a good amount of profit since the game would finish in 2020. I think the game will be finished in the first half of 2019.

  • edited November 2018

    This isn't GTA 5 or Final Fantasy that Skybound is finishing here. This is a combined 4 hours of gameplay Skybound is finishing out over the span of 2 episodes. If it takes until 2020, Skybound needs to cancel the product and move on.

    sony12 posted: »

    People who are expecting things to happen relatively soon need to realize that Skybound isn't a traditional company that 'makes' video games

  • edited November 2018

    This game will be a dead product either way if Skybound continues with this general vagueness as it has with no clue when/if it will be released. Plus, I mean we've made it this far without any news or episodes, so it might as well still be an unofficially cancelled product.

    And there is a motive to start the process at minimum as TFS devs can't just wait around for years and years for a project on limbo while Skybound takes a leisure walk through the park.

    People are forgetting there's no real profit motive to bleed this out much more than it needs to be. This is a charity case through and through.

  • Sorry to be so blunt, but you're full of shit.

    No, Skybound doesn't just "make" games. The developers do. Guess what they're doing right now? Hiring the developers from Telltale, the ones who know how to "make games" and the story and the TTG model. Skybound is funding the thing and providing resources for them to work. Skybound is also in charge of marketing (which they know how to do) and releasing the content (which they ALSO know how to do).

    Episode 3 will be released in early/mid December. Episode 4 maybe around March, depending on exactly how far the team got done with it before layoffs. While the dates may vary, saying they won't release until 2020 or even at all, is asinine and just wrong. They picked up the game for a reason, and they will see it through.

    sony12 posted: »

    People who are expecting things to happen relatively soon need to realize that Skybound isn't a traditional company that 'makes' video games

  • Also people acting like it's some charity decision to save TFS, while somewhat right, is also somewhat wrong. Yes, they could have let the product die. However. they invested a lot in this series too. They were helping TTG with these games, and have since the start. They had a reason to save it, and it wasn't just to be nice. They want their investment to hit the shelves and not go half finished, because while TTG fell, their names would also be on the unfinished product and they certainly didn't want that.

  • As long as ep3 and 4 release before July 2019 when I start my military service

  • Hardcore

    As long as ep3 and 4 release before July 2019 when I start my military service

  • Not really :D Its a mandatory 6-12 month service where I live so its not such a big deal :smile:


  • tfw you see some fellas who unironically think the game wont finish until 2020

  • edited November 2018

    Ian Howe posted in the AMA again yesterday saying "we appreciate everyone's patience - hang in there!"


    Basically no update, but its something?

  • Hard to gauge what they're really doing atm.

    Early December is my bet, though.

    gta3demon posted: »

    Ian Howe posted in the AMA again yesterday saying "we appreciate everyone's patience - hang in there!" https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/comments/9vzxhi/skybound_games_twitter/e9gvxtk/ Basically no update, but its something?

  • Aamuja

    Not really Its a mandatory 6-12 month service where I live so its not such a big deal

  • Call me crazy and a few loose screws short of normal, buuuuuuuut...

    ...what if Skybound releases both remaining episodes together either December 2018 or January 2019?

  • Possible, but unlikely.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Call me crazy and a few loose screws short of normal, buuuuuuuut... ...what if Skybound releases both remaining episodes together either December 2018 or January 2019?

  • "Sorry to be so blunt, but you're full of shit."

    That's unnecessarily aggressive. Let's tone it down some, please.

    gta3demon posted: »

    Sorry to be so blunt, but you're full of shit. No, Skybound doesn't just "make" games. The developers do. Guess what they're doing right

  • Nah. Unless they've been secretly grinding the development of the final two episodes under everyone's noses.

    eRock92 posted: »

    Call me crazy and a few loose screws short of normal, buuuuuuuut... ...what if Skybound releases both remaining episodes together either December 2018 or January 2019?

  • It should be noted Ian from Skybound is pretty active in the TT's TWD subreddit. Just saw him reply to a comment about the wait. You don't often get that direct interaction from devs/company people.

  • To follow up on this: He replied to someones post saying not to expect news before Thanksgiving with a "I find your lack of faith...disturbing :)"

    This instantly peaked my interest that we would be getting news within the next week or so. But then another reply of his made me backpeddle on that expectation (although it still could happen I guess)

    VengefulKenny replied to a post complaining about the wait by saying something along the lines of "Skybound isn't holding anything back, as soon as they are allowed to release information they will release it. It's not due to when they want to announce news, its when they CAN announce news." and Ian replied to his post with a "Correct."


    It should be noted Ian from Skybound is pretty active in the TT's TWD subreddit. Just saw him reply to a comment about the wait. You don't often get that direct interaction from devs/company people.

  • The problem is Skybound hasn't made that more apparent. To the general audience outside of the community, it just comes off as Skybound having no information or updates to provide.

    gta3demon posted: »

    To follow up on this: He replied to someones post saying not to expect news before Thanksgiving with a "I find your lack of faith...disturbi

  • https://gamedaily.biz/article/385/telltale-games-is-closing-liquidation-underway-and-games-being-removed-from-steam

    Liquidation of Telltale's assets is underway. Telltale is officially shut down. Former CEO Pete Hawley is gone.

    To me, this says that we are going to get news from Skybound tomorrow possibly.

  • it seems Skybound are just waiting for all the legal issues surrounding TFS to fall through. Boring, professional things that tend to be very tedious. It's pretty obvious what's actually going on behind the scenes.

  • So since Telltale is pulling games from Steam and liquidating the company, what will happen to the rest of Telltale games products and TFS?

  • Lots of companies eyeing them I imagine.

    Chibikid posted: »

    So since Telltale is pulling games from Steam and liquidating the company, what will happen to the rest of Telltale games products and TFS?

  • In a perfect world, I'd love for respective companies to take a Skybound approach such as Gearbox, Vertigo, DC, etc to finish/develop future products/sequels of Telltale's content such as TWAU, Batman, Etc.

    Lots of companies eyeing them I imagine.

  • He is an intimidating looking guy with his height and his look. That Doctor Who episode was... weird :P

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Yeah, I remember him from one episode of doctor who. His interpretation of the Governor just has this menacing presence. I really like him.

  • I can wait however long for TFS to be released, waiting is the norm for TT games anyway haha

    But now that TellTale is shutting down properly I want Warner Bros to step the fuck up and make TWAU S2!! >:(

  • As great as that would be, it is highly unlikely Vertigo/Warner bros would pick up a game in the development cycle it was in not to mention that none has shown any interest in proceeding forward with TWAU.

    Its also important to note that TWAU dev team most likely have acquired jobs elsewhere following Telltale's shutdown meaning the original team wouldn't be working on it.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I can wait however long for TFS to be released, waiting is the norm for TT games anyway haha But now that TellTale is shutting down properly I want Warner Bros to step the fuck up and make TWAU S2!! >:(

  • That isn't much indication either way of when we'll receive news from Skybound.

    gta3demon posted: »

    https://gamedaily.biz/article/385/telltale-games-is-closing-liquidation-underway-and-games-being-removed-from-steam Liquidation of Tellta

  • Skybound has said news is coming soon, via their own social media outlets as well as Ian Howe on reddit. Then all this Telltale liquidation stuff comes out. Once the whole process is complete, I bet we get news, as Howe confirmed the only thing holding Skybound back from telling us news is that they're not allowed to yet (so legal stuff). If that stuff is now complete (after liquidation) we should get news then.

    Chibikid posted: »

    That isn't much indication either way of when we'll receive news from Skybound.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited November 2018

    I don't mean to be a downer, but there's also the unfortunate possibility that the liquidation could complicate things. Let's say that they're not quite done with the legal work they need to work around. Now they hypothetically have another layer of legal stuff to manage. Not to mention that the game assets themselves would now be up in the air too, wouldn't they? Or not even just the game assets, one could presume that the proprietary software is also up for grabs now too, IE the Telltale Tool. I mean, I doubt anyone would even want to lay their hands on that thing, but it's no longer officially Telltale's, right? Meaning Skybound might need to do more negotiations/work to make sure everything falls under their ownership or whatever.

    Of course, I know next to nothing about how any of this stuff works. Just taking a stab in the dark here.

    gta3demon posted: »

    Skybound has said news is coming soon, via their own social media outlets as well as Ian Howe on reddit. Then all this Telltale liquidation

  • This could create more complications and difficulties for Skybound continuing TFS. It may delay the remaining seasons even further potentially.

    Deltino posted: »

    I don't mean to be a downer, but there's also the unfortunate possibility that the liquidation could complicate things. Let's say that they'

  • so this is how it ends eh? They are liquidating everything..does this mean we can no longer play our games on steam?

  • I am wondering the same as well.

    PoppyP posted: »

    so this is how it ends eh? They are liquidating everything..does this mean we can no longer play our games on steam?

  • The negotiations for the continuation of TFS are completed. So, that much is assured. It's going to happen.

    With all the legal work that needs/needed to be done for this to happen (and still ongoing maybe?) means TTG and Skybound have to be/have been in direct contact for some time. I don't know exactly what legal work remains, if its with the crew or TTG themselves. But if its with TTG itself, I would bet this simplifies things due to Skybound is probably already in possession of the rights to TWD as a whole. I doubt this liquidation of assets came as a surprise to Skybound, however if there is still silence a week from now I would start to believe the other way. Of course this is all my opinion, I am not a lawyer.

    Deltino posted: »

    I don't mean to be a downer, but there's also the unfortunate possibility that the liquidation could complicate things. Let's say that they'

  • If you own the game, you will have it forever on Steam.

    PoppyP posted: »

    so this is how it ends eh? They are liquidating everything..does this mean we can no longer play our games on steam?

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