How would you invade the Delta?
Like to hear your military conquestal Mind set on how would you invade the Delta?
For me I would have military vechcles and handful of tanks but that’s not what my secret weapon would be....I would have captured walkers and strap bombs on them so they can blow up the walls of the Delta, but don’t wordy arms and jaws will be removed.
“Can’t afford any casualties on my own with my own weapons “.
However, I would have semi truck That has 50 walkers as my firstwave of attack, I know what your probaly thinking...pretty barbaric but what can I say War is Hell.
Than once I got my walker assult is done I’ll roll in my tanks and slowly move my Tactical units And we will liberate the Delta.
How would you guys invade Delta let me know in the comments below ?
Step 1: Get the kids out.
Step 2: Blow shit up.
With Pan Am
Unleash the Winged Hussars.
Use Kenny's moustache as a boomerang to decapitate every member of Delta.
. * Dramatic zoom down *
"I hear you're looking for fresh meat."
Every time I use speaker keeps saying the opposite of what I say...Siri is Deaf.
I would find a weak spot in their walls and sneak in
Or you could get yourself captured and destroy the community from in the walls, but definitely not practical
Make some skin suits and lead a giant herd straight into the Delta.
That would actually be smart
I would ask James to gather and direct a herd to one side of the Delta, one large enough to demand all able citizens of the Delta to rush to that point. While they are distracted by the herd, Clementine, AJ, Louis/Violet and the other kids sneak in at the opposite wall, where they have a low chance of being seen. While the security at the Delta is clearing out walkers, Clementine and the group sneak inside the Delta looking for where Aasim, Omar, Louis/Violet are being held
In Clem's stead ?
Her and the kid's best shot is to go sneaky at night, get the kids out and escape then run the hell out and never return to Ericson.
Even then their chances against the Delta are pretty slim
Locate and set fire to their crops and livestock holding pens/coops. Dam up a nearby river with walker corpses, doubling as a method to poison whatever is left.
When they start getting desperate, pick them off with rifles and arrows. Hold people hostage. Torture others for logistical and administrative info. When they are weakened, hit them with a walker herd. Invade alongside them, equipped with pistols and shotguns.
Aim for the head.
Have Clem say I know a guy and then get Javi and the new frontier and then also get James and his walker herd and bust in kill Lily and get everyone out find a boat and live the rest of their days on the’s fool proof
use louis as a human shield. or let them keep louis in exchange for everyone else. or use louis as a distraction while everyone escapes. or shoot louis then leave.
Damn, what’d Louis do to you?
If I were Clementine and the Ericson group, I would surrender (basically infiltrate the camp), learn how to use all the weapons, and escape.
I like this
Thank you! I could have done a better job describing it though
What would your plan of action be if you were to invade the Delta?
Send in Alvin "one man army" Junior.
That’s cold.
Seems like the obvious course of action would be to join forces with whoever the other faction is, problem being we have no idea if they're any better than the Delta.
That's pretty much what I'm sure a decent portion of Episode 3 is gonna be about discovering.
My bet is that the second returning character will be with the other faction. Like, how bad can the other faction be if the current one is kidnapping children to fight in their battles? Hoping it's Christa, or Mike. Shit, what a dilemma it would be if it was Arvo. Would you help him fight Lilly and rescue the children or give him what he deserves?
Go straight through the front and get shot.
There! I've "invaded" the Delta.
Very bad, considering the reason her people are doing that is the fight them..
Suuure, why not? If I can't have my nuanced/nebulous teamup in a bigger scope story, then go right a-fuckin head!
I'd try and sneak in n out.
"All of the above"?
Really depends on the goal of the invasion. Are we looking for assassination, rescue mission, total annihilation or robbery?
Assasinnation would be mostly what you said and finding Lilly(Of course scouting the are first and pin pointing her location would be key).
You basically described the rescue mission.
Total annihilation: Blowing up the gate/ or destroying it either without or in the midst of opening fire. Lead the herd through. While they're distracted, use da gunz to take them out. Better yet, get some ladders or something to sneak in from the other side and rain on them with your weaponry. Make sure people stay behind to ensure no one escape alive.
Robbery: First you need to scout the location and pinpoint where the good stuff is.
With walkers: Lead a nice herd through. Destroying the gate might make it more urgent for every resident to join in the defenses. While distracted, grab all the supplies and escape from the other side.
Without walkers: For this we'll need some mindgames. Have a mini-team of your group set up camp making it look like a large group here. Use some signs,large campfire..etc. Then open fire. Blowing up the gate might cause them to send out an army to their location and use everything they have so it would not be recommenended. Have the other part of oyur group sneak in, grab the supplies and escape. In this perhaps a ladder would not be as effrective since the Delta would have many scouting out the rest of the area. Perhaos a sewer drain, loose wall etc would be more effective. To play onthe mind games, have the mini-group raise a white flag after the operation is complete.