If you had to pick 5 characters from any Season to form a group with, who would you pick and why?
The title is pretty self explanatory, but to go into better detail:
If you existed in Telltale's The Walking Dead game universe, and were to form an initial group comprised of 5 people, who would you pick and why?
- You can select any character from any Season (Michonne included), Comic Book characters such as Jesus or Glenn are valid selections, as they appear in the games.
- You may base your selections on survivor skill, overall usefulness, or even based on personal preference
- Please explain your selections, what benefits they may bring to your group, how you may use them to help maintain and protect the group
Looking forward to seeing who you guys pick Have a fantastic day everyone!
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Clem, Lee, AJ, Luke, and S2 Jane.
Edit:Forgot about the why.
Clem-Capable of pretty much anything.
Lee-Super smart, and very good leader.
AJ-The future
Luke and Jane-Cause I shipped, and thought they would've been perfect together.
Off the top of my headish, I think I'd form my own Sextuple Survivors with Alvin/Mike/Ava, Sarah, Kate/Ava, Eleanor/Ruby, and Doug/Louis.
This is mostly preference, I realize, but there is some degree of logic to them: it's a well-rounded group made of muscle, speed, wisdom, medicine, and innovation, in addition to something of a leader or two.
Linking the previous thread for easy reference here.
Clem, Lee, Kenny, Violet, Jesus.
Clem - hardened survivor that is does what's best for her friends.
Lee - good mind set and would make good choices for the group.
Kenny - strong and fiercely loyal.
Violet - because she is fast runner and good at killing walkers.
Jesus - martial arts skills
Lee- leadership
Jesus- When shit gets real
S1 clem- To bring people something to live for
Kenny- Cuz we need a boat
Luke- Why the hell not
Clem, Lee, Kenny, Violet and Lilly.
Lee - Great leader, could train everyone in combat and my Lee knows when to give some-one a chance and when not to and is a caring person.
Clementine - She's looked after a young child for most of the apocalypse and is badass when it comes to any combat. Her independance and strength will benefit the group.
Violet - Second in command. She did a pretty good job at leading the school after Marlon was sent to the farm up state, so if anything happens to Lee, everything won't go to shit. She also looked after Tenn, showing that she has compassion and is also a badass
Ruby - Eventhough she's not a doctor, she's the only character with any kind of medical training that doesn't betray you or is too stupid to tell from a dog bite to a human/walker bite. She can be hot temptered sometimes, but not to the extent of Larry or his daughter. Her caring for AJ after he was shot and managing to get him through an infection convinced me that this young red haired nurse was the best medic we've ever had in any season.
Ben - Yeah, he's a fuck up, but he is physically strong. When I replayed the game and saw that Ben carried the heaviest of boxes from the stranger's car with relative ease, I realised that Ben had strength, he just needed the right training to use it to his advantage. That, and he is quite tall (6.4 feet apparently) which Ben can use to grab supplies from higher shelves without doing something dangerous.
Honourable Mentions
Lilly - Lilly used to be in Violet's place because of her experience with guns, but after she shot Carley/Doug and started kidnapping children, she's been kicked off the list, and hopefully off the planet soon.
Katjaa - She used to be in Ruby's position, being the only "medic" in the game that wasn't stupid or backstabby, but Ruby had been taught how to deal with human wounds while Katjaa's a vet. Also, Katjaa commiting suicide after her son's death, while somewhat understandable, left the group without any medical help whatsoever and that would be a BIG problem within the group.
Kenny, Aj, Clem, Violet and Lilly.
Kenny, Lee, Carley, Clementine, and AJ.
Good list! And thank you for the lengthy comment, I enjoyed reading it
I believe @Deltino made a post a while back explaining why Carlos may have thought that a dog bite resembled a walker bite. So I don't think it is as far fetched or as silly as initially thought
I can link it to ya.
And to be fair to Carlos, he never explicitly believed it was or wasn't a dog bite--he was operating on the idea that she could also be infected. In fact, if you tell him directly that it was a dog, he takes it into serious consideration and regardless of it, does state during the house meeting that he does believe she may have been telling the truth.
Hey man, that would be greatly appreciated!
And yeah, I did notice that from Carlos, although I believe I forgot, but thank you for explaining
I told him it was a dog, but I do not recall hearing him say that during the house meeting, I definitely missed it.
Thanks again for replying to my comment
He doesn't say that it was dog, from I recall--irrc, he just states that they do need to let Clementine inside soon when either Luke or Pete say something along the lines that of him believing she wasn't infected. I can find the video for that toot sweet.
Here's the Bossman's post.
EDIT: Oops. My bad. He was just reaffirming that she could die if they don't help her.

Much appreciated man! Thank you for sharing that
Kenny (He's the fucking boat god, the all boatly one. The most loyal character and loyalty is important in group chemistry. He's honest, leader orientated and usually has good plans.)
Lee (Lee and Boat God are like Smuckers and the Skippy. Lee is level headed and reasonable and also another loyal member.
Eleanor (She's a medic which is obviously a great skill set to have. She's smart, also level headed. And she's pretty hot. I'd definitely try to clap cheeks
Michonne (Efficient Killer, deadly assassin with that blade. and tough as nails. So long as we can keep her coexisting with Kenny)
Javier (Level headed and Loyal (except when he smashes his brothers girl). I think he has that Lee element of being a good leader, having sound decision. Him and Lee and Kenny form a big 3. I just hope they'd get along well enough to realize that could easily conquer any situation)
I love Clem, Violet and them. But this would be my group. I think it has the most intelligent, fierce and leadership oriented individuals.
Ben, Duck, Arvo, Gabe and Kenny. I just wanna watch the world burn
Wooh--Gabe and Kenny in one place.
The explosion could be heard for miles.
Nate, Randal, Negan, Abel and Willy
Why would you do that? Why would you ever do that?
?? I just wanna see who would die first
I know, WHY did you put poor Willy amongst these psychotic pricks?!
You don’t know what if he’s the last one standing while the others are trying to best one another
...I mean, that's be humorous, but still.