What Song Do You Want Used In Ep.3?
Salty Seas.
Personally, I think it would go great with the credits, especially if Louis or Violet dies. It would set the tone incredibly well that The Walking Dead universe is full of sadness when a character you love dies. I love Louis and Violet; if one of them dies in Ep.3, this would be the perfect song to emulate how sad it really is that a great character we loved died.
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something new would be nice.
Sure. Do you know any they could use?
idk. it's hard to say what'd be best without playing the episode. i think it'll be better to have a song i never heard before. makes it more immersive or whatever. then when i listen to the song later it'll make me think of whatever was in the ep. like i get hella nostalgia from 'take us back' because it always makes me think of the s1 ending.
Definitely hope they use this again.
Something other than a slow, depressing ballad sung by an emo female. Feels like I'm hearing the same damn song over and over again. At least the Michonne game tried something different. They should play some dark, violent rap music. It will fit the game better.
Like the credit music for dead space 2? Or something different?
As much as I like the remix of Remember Me, they're better off using original songs for the rest of the season.
And that's exactly why they should stay away from it.
Because nostalgia is bad?
Because TFS needs some backbone of it's own.
... And because nostalgia is cheap.
wolf first aid kit
I been teeterin about that, personally.
If this isn't in ep 3, i'm gonna shoot myself...

I can imagine this song in some trailers
I honestly don't like the musical callbacks. It weakens the initial connection you had with the songs that were originally meant to a specific episode during a specific season. It's also pretty lazy.
I really don't wanna hear Take Us Back. We already cried to that back in Season 1.
Give us a new song to cry to. I guarantee you the impact is not going to be same due to the fact you've heard the song already before over and over.
When I heard "In The Pines" at the end of Suffer The Children I was like really?
No one else found the teaser music for Broken Toys really fitting of TWD?
Post-rock is really fitting of this final season. Orchestral, ambient, but still full of drive.
To me it just matches the somber and finality tone of TFS and it being a proper goodbye.
I want Clem to sing country roads
Or in ANF's case, oddly specific.
Oh dude, same here.
And I wasn't really amused by the original to begin with.
Oh my god, no. It's a great song, but can only be sung John Denver, anyone else would butcher it
I'd prefer new music.

Yes. I've already said previously in similiar threads that Salty Seas would just about be perfect.
Didn't really appreciate that they reused a S2 song at all, and I hope they don't repeat it. There's a lot of great songs out there that are emotional and could fit the setting and story, reusing something they've already given us just feels unimaginative and unimpressive.
Was it even relevant to that episode?
It would fit perfectly; especially if Ep.3 ends on a sad note. We'll definitely lose another kid. My guess, Louis/Violet. If that does happen; the song would empower how sad it really is that a great character. And it's the most likely choice since they already used the song.
Still think this'd be good at the end of the next episode.
They reused the credits song of s2 ep 2, cuz the second episode of s2 is very similar to that from s4.
Pretty much just hanging a lampshade.
Sigh there's even people complaining about the fucking songs at the end of an episode now ? Jesus Christ.
Anyway,i don't really care to be honest,but i loved how the song they used for the intro was also in Breaking Bad,that really surprised me in a good way.
And i think Kirk on reddit said that they were gonna use "Take Us Back" in Episode 4 "somewhere" apparently,so that's interesting.
Also,there's nothing wrong about re-using a song like Take Us Back,this is the final fucking season,you're damn right they're gonna use it again.
I thought about this song with Ben (the barnyard character before you get confused) singing the vocals. Interesting concept but there's something better out there, though I haven't found it.
Oh, really now? And here, I thought it just flew out my ass.
Uh...may more along the lines of Spongebob Movie?
Right, let's just play Gary Come Home an everyone will be in tears on seconds

Not what I was referencing, but since people claim they wanna cry...
EDIT: Are you sure that's the song they used in the show? The instrumentals sound oddly treble.
--Ooh, better example!

I'm seeing some things starting to click
When you sneak into Delta to rescue Louis I can imagine him playing this music while you're searching for him.

Some Random Lyrics
What Child is this who, laid to rest
On Mary's lap, is sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet
While shepherds watch are keeping?
This, this is Christ the King,
Whom shepherds guard and angels sing,
Haste, haste, to bring Him laud,
The Babe, the Son of Mary!
Why lies He in such mean estate
Where ox and ass are feeding?
Good Christian, fear, for sinners here
The silent Word is pleading.
Nails, spear shall pierce him through,
The Cross be borne for me, for you,
Hail, hail the Word made flesh,
The Babe, the Son of Mary!
So bring Him incense, gold and myrrh,
Come peasant, king to own Him.
The King of kings salvation brings,
Let loving hearts enthrone Him.
Raise, raise, the song on high,
The virgin sings her lullaby,
Joy, joy, for Christ is born,
The Babe, the Son of Mary!
Fuck no.
Yea come on you know you wanna see Louis rap