Clementine should join Delta.
1.) Clementine is not going to be able to live at the school forever, eventually some herd or some other group of bandits will come and destroy everything like it has happened every time.
2.) Delta seems to have a very wide reach and is very organized and large community, you will need those types of groups in order to restore society.
3.) Clementine has already proven herself and if she joins would probably start off high in the ranks, perhaps she could rise through the ranks and change Delta from the inside, perhaps turn it into something like Alexandria. Clementine would definitely be able to do it, as she is by far the most capable 16 year old in the entirety of the walking dead universe.
4.) Clementine will not be able to defeat a group like Delta, it is simply not possible, while Clementine may be very capable, she is not superman.
5.) One way to ensure the survival of our group would be to trade herself in exchange for leaving them alone.
6.) For AJ, as it is unlikely that a 5 year old would be able to survive long term without joining some large organized group like Delta, Alexandria, Hilltop, etc.
I may be a little biased here though, as the ideal ending I want would be for there to be a time-skip many years in the future in which Clementine is the leader of Delta and is using the group to restore society, kind of like what Rick is doing in the comics.
The episode 3 we probably should have "gotten."
But sure, let her join only to be captured and tortured to death by The Other side of the War.
She can always leave the school. so can everyone else there.
.....Maybe not superman, but....
Did you not play/watch episode 3? Lily said there wasn’t any negotiating. She planned on taking every last kid.
Clementine doesn't need to defeat the entire Delta, she only needs to defeat Lilly's crew which she's already basically done. The rest of the Delta won't have anyone alive who knows where to find the school, nor would they be willing to expend even more manpower to mount a rescue mission for Lilly's crew. Clementine and the kids can basically live hidden deep in the woods now.
She's Spiderman
While that may be a possibility, we have no idea who the "other side of the war" is, whether Delta is winning or losing, or whether they torture their prisoners. Though I doubt someone like Clementine would get captured
Touche, but where would they go? It was difficult enough to find a safehaven with this school, finding a new one would be a challenge, plus many people in the group would die, as they lived in that school throughout the entirety of the apocalypse, not everyone would be able to adapt to a life on the road.
That was Lilly, if you had her killed than that deal is off the table, you may be able to make a more reasonable deal with the leader of Delta, plus if you didn't kill her you she doesn't have leverage over you now that you destroyed her boat and your group escaped, if you manouver yourself into a position of leverage over Delta, say taking Lilly prisoner and taking their supplies, than I think they would be more open to negotiation, as whats the life of a high ranking member of Delta and getting a recruit with enormous potential vs a group of kids?
We don't know that, plus I find it unlikely that they don't know where Lilly went, as it would be pretty stupid for a group like Delta to not keep records of where their ships are going, especially a ship that contains 8 members, supplies, and horses. Those are very valuable, and when they don't return they will probably send out a group to check out what happened at the very least. Plus we don't know if every raider died, at the very least Minerva survived, if those that survived escape they are most definitely going to report back to Delta and tell them what went down.
No, shes Spiderpig
Then again, we've just destroyed their only reliable source of transportation, and god knows where or how far away the Delta is. For all intents and purposes, Lilly's band of raiders are now stranded.
That's certainly a possibility, though we don't know how far away they are or how many boats they have, I doubt they just have the one. Though even if they are stranded I still find it likely that Delta would keep records of where their boats go, and when they don't return Delta at the very least would send a scout to find out what happened. I also think it is highly likely that Delta would use Walkie Talkies.
It wouldn't matter where they went so long as it wasn't a known location
Why even go looking for their leader? The boat's destroyed and a few of its people are dead. Now would be the best time to get up and get tf out of the school before more raiders show up.
I don't think a group dedicated to kidnapping kids to fight in a war would be open to negotiating.
Clemintine also killed or knocked out 2 of Lilly best people
Woo, what a misread that was.
i agree with you 100%
It does matter where they go, while they might be able to escape Delta, they are still living in the apocalypse, living on the road would still be dangerous, and it would take time to find another safe haven, and the group would need to adapt to that sort lifestyle and fast, I find it unlikely that they would as they are still kids, In all likelihood the same thing that happened to the cabin group when they left Howe's would happen to our ragtag group of kids, like Carver said, "Lambs to the slaughter". I would rather have Clem take her chances in an organized community rather than taking her chances on the road.
Who said it HAD to be the leader? and who said we HAD to go look for him? I merely used him as an example, It doesn't HAVE to be the Leader, it could be another high ranking member and they could end up looking for us, though I would like to meet this leader, And like I said in a previous post who said that was their only boat? A community with showers, a steady food supply, clean clothes, and a training system, and engaged in a full out war with another community I find unlikely only has 1 boat. It seems to me that they probably have many boats sent to many different regions that recruit from those regions. Also think, why would they send out a boat to a different region simply to recruit instead of recruiting from their own region? Seems like a waste of a resource to me, unless they are forced to. I think it is because they likely already recruited practically everyone within their region and they are forced to recruit from others, Which suggests that Delta has a crapload of people in it. Though to be fair we really don't have a lot of confirmed information regarding Delta, so we are kind of forced to specialize.
While they may usually prefer to enforce their demands instead of negotiating, If enforcing their demands does not benefit them and only causes damage, while conversely negotiating would cause benefit you can be sure that they would choose the latter, as it is within their self-interest, as every organized community follows it's self-interest or they wouldn't exist, the only reason they are even kidnapping people is because it is within their self interest, as it aids them in winning a war and enables them to survive as a community, if we can get them to see that the trade is within their self-interest and the Pros massively outweigh the cons than they may be willing to come to the table.
Gosh, i miss making Troll Threads. Is Clementine actually Spiderman? HA! That would be hysterical.

nah she's a batgirl
While it may not happen, I am hopeful we are at least given the option to join Delta.
That's why I think there's going to be a plothole.
Cause it's clear Marlon and Lily had long contact with each other before Clem wound up there.
I agree that the Delta KNOW where the school is and have no reason to not investigate what happened to Lily's mission
In a weird way I like OP's idea. I mean Kirkman's universal lore basically dictates that the only people who can actually survive for a sustainable amount of time in the apocalypse are the ones who join communities.
Clementine is a HUGE misnomer, most if not all important characters Kirkman has created belong to a community and they stay there for a long time.
Clementine has somehow skirted this for the majority of her life in the apocalypse. The longest (canon) time she's ever spent with a group is 3 months at the age of 8, yet she's still alive.
I think it'd be an interesting plot twist, regardless of the possibility of it being an optional ending.
It seems out of character for Clem to take such a deal, but what if it gets really desperate?
Most people have a sense of code, and Clem is the toughest survivor ever, but she's not unbreakable; and desperate times call for desperate measures.
No bc Lilly big meanie
Clementine has lived on the road for quite a while and she seemed to get by just fine. Im pretty sure they can adapt to that lifestyle.
I never said they only had one boat. The boat that was there in the game got blown up. Nobody from the Delta could go back to HQ for help because of that, which is why they should’ve ran at that moment.
You think they’d join the Delta after their people killed Mitch, cut out Louis’ tongue, had Minnie kill Sophie, and cause Marlon to kill Brody? Too many people got killed because of them. They wouldn’t join them.
1.) Clementine herself has stated that she is tired of living on the road and wants to settle down, and i doubt a group of kids can adapt to that king of lifestyle, or at the very least a few will not be able to, and those few will die, even those that fully adapt have a chance of dying.
2.) I never said that you said that they only had one boat, I was quoting a statement I made from a previous post in order to reinforce my point, and we have no idea where Delta's camp is, they could be across seas or they perhaps could have simply used their boat to make their trip faster, since they had to carry supplies and horses, and like I said in a previous post, I find it likely that Delta has walkie talkies and keep records of where their boats go.
3.) I never said the boarding school kids would join delta, the quote you used was referring to Delta being open to negotiation.
If there’s anyone who needed to join the Delta, it was definitely Sarah from S2. Lily would’ve made a warrior out of her. A GODDAMN WARRIOR!