What Do You Hate Most About Walking Dead?
Give one thing from comic/show/game you hated the most and give the reason why. Cheers.
Comic - Dwight's death. Good character that was killed because of Michonne.
Show - Any scene with Andrea. Her voice, attitude, and thought process is fucking dumb. Everything she says and does is dumb.
Game - In ANF, so many people say, How dare you. So many people fucking say that; it gets on my nerves since I don't know anyone how actually says, How dare you after they're offended.
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I still haven't properly touched the former two, so this would end up having to just draw from the game.
So, what do you hate most about that game. Knowing you; it'd probably everything about Violet. ?
Oof--how long were you part/aware of this community?
August, 2018
The show started going downhill after season 2 but it fucking bombed from season 5 onwards. I hated the cringe writing and how the episodes went nowhere. Gimple pretty much ruined both TWD and FTWD shows for me.
Okay, for a second there, I thought you were referring to my initial impression of Violet from the E3 or whatever reveal of the Ericson Quartet.
Shane was the best of S2. Merle was the best of S3. Season 5 had the Terminous arc that kept it going for a bit. But S6-S8 sucked balls.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. But isn't one of the bug things you don't like about her is her model?
I honestly don't know how to answer that now, but back then, we didn't really have the model and thus had to go off the concept art for a long time.
In which case, yeah, Violet was my least favorite of the four even from just seeing her.
Walking Dead show is unwatchable, at this point its hard to pick if ANF or the show is worst.
What do you hate most about the show and ANF?
ANF was just insulting to those who played it with its fake choices and in general the story being so bad with 0 consistency in plot and terribly developed characters.
Show is pretty similar. Characters are all unlikable, story is idiotic, overall feels poorly done. Writing on the show had reached a point I was pretty much done. Can only experience a single walker falling down stairs right next to sleeping people for no one to wake up, and then to be overthrown with fresh walkers because apparently no one woke up when they were getting bit and yelled, let alone when the walker falls down the stairs, so many times.
Game: Anf and to be specific: G.A.B.E
Show: They killed the entire cast
Comics: I don't read em so I can't point out shit on that.
When there's a character who had a great fucking arc and then they die in the most pathetic way possible,holy shit it's the worst.
The ones i can remember who suffered from that were
Kenny/Jane after S2,Travis in Fear Season 3,Troy in Fear Season 3..
I also hate when the writers kill characters "to tie up loose ends"
Nick in TWDG S2,Sarah,Beta in the comics and many more i forgot.
By the way,Andrea is a much better character in the comics,she's a fucking badass i'll never forgive the show for ruining her character.
The final season.
The comics -- I'd have to stretch pretty far to find something I 'hate' about the comics. I would've gone another way with a few of the story beats, but nothing to the point of using hate.
The show -- If I had to pick one thing? Who's going to die is almost always telegraphed before the death. Aside from that, um.... there was dumpster Glen. Some characters felt severely under utilized due to the amazing acting such as Merle, Abraham, ect at times in favor of those that really couldn't pull off their part.
The game -- Ericsons is honestly the first group since Season 1 that's felt like a convincing group of people, and not Clementine's Cannon Fodder Crew. Ending all of the Seasons with Clementine on her own ( No, AJ doesn't count. Neither does Christa, Jane, or Kenny as they all die within the opening moments, before the opening moments, or don't have a character until TFS. ) really put the game at a disadvantage character development-wise.
Comic - too many boring issues in which nothing has happened, Dwight's death, Rick showing no sadness towards his killed friends in the future
TV Series - AMC sticking to 2x8 format that makes them do too much fillers. Wasted potential in Season 7 and Season 8. Most of Lori, Andrea, Beth and Henry's scenes. Wasted Noah's arc. Making Rosita and Sasha complete dumbasses suddenly.
Game - Too badass Clementine (not realistic as hell). Wasted Carver's arc that could be one of the best in the series (they made him a total idiot). Poor writing of Violet's character in TFS. Not enough of development for most of TFS characters (especially Aasim is being wasted here).
Show - Daryl
Seasons should be shorter instead of dragging on stories
Game - Character deaths are too quickly glossed over, nobody cares about Sarah because AJ has been born!
Killing of characters right after you save them, Sarah, Alvin, Ava/Tripp.
Muh parents gave me a shit ton of money but wouldn't let me get singing lessons so I ruined their marriage lmao
You need jesus
I didn’t really like the show because it’s. Omicly innnacruste, for example Shane shouldn’t had anseceondbseason and the governor should’ve had his arm cut off by Michonne and that Martinez One of the governors lackys was a post too get run over by Rick Grimes and especially Sophia She was apost to be alive through out Carl’s liftime But asfor Carol she was a post to die at he prison he neck torn by a chained walker.
That’s why I don’t like the show anymore so many comic inaccuracies.
There's too much to talk about for all of them. Could probably write 3 pages.
'Cause it’s about to get heavy (heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy)
It’s about to be on (heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy)
Yeah, I'm bangin’ slingin’ napalm (heavy, heavy, heavy, heavy)
So nobody move
'Cause I was sent to warn you
The devil's in the next room.
Just pointing out that Louis doesn't fare better
Games - ANF, though I don't really hate it. It's just super disappointing.
Comics - honestly? Nothing. Sure, there are some storylines and storybeats that aren't necesserily strong, but I don't really hate anything.
Show - oh boy. I hate the 16-episodes structure, which by itself hurt the show pretty hard and I hate the fact that Angela Kang wasn't showrunner after S5.
Season 1 and 2 were easily the best i agree. I did enjoy 3 and 4 but when they left the prison and arrived eventually at Alexandria, that has when the series really did go downhill for me. I only watch out of loyalty now
Of course he does. I was talking about Violet's overall development from all 3 Episodes.


Why can't I post my comment here? I made my comment talking about what OP asked but I get the message that say "Your comment will appear after it is approved".
Good question
I don't know this happened to me too a few days ago it's weird.
The way they handled Carl's death in the show was pretty lame, and also Jesus' death.
Mostly because of how terribly they dealt with the actors.
I'm honestly tryin(however lazily) to think of one thing in particular to cite and have to pick from at least three or four general onese.
I'd think that'd be obvious, considering who it is.
Probably because this forum has lost its security, no one is taking care of this site since Telltale was shut.
That’s pretty much it.
Any specific?
The entire conception feels like fanfiction and not your typical ‘Walking Dead’ narrative.