The Real Reason We Didn't See Christa in S4
She died in S2. People wanted to see her again, but guys, she died. A yell suddenly cuts off after a gunshot. Uh, yeah, she dead.
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She died in S2. People wanted to see her again, but guys, she died. A yell suddenly cuts off after a gunshot. Uh, yeah, she dead.
Considering how some people felt Lilly was handled in an anti-climatic manner, maybe it's for the better that Christa didn't return.
What about my Queen Jane if you leave her? Do you still think she commits suicide?
Didn't Mara Junot tease something way back before ANF premièred, btw?
Such as?
It was essentially a #knowing smile.
Not really if i remember correctly (it's been a while) she told people to stop asking her if Christa was returning on her twitter then people thought Christa or either Lilly was returning because they both followed the lead writer or something i dont remember exactly.
then she deleted her twitter and then a few months after she came back she was weird lmao
What do you mean ‘weird’? Like annoyed with fans?
Christa isn't dead,she's definitely alive out there they just never bothered to use her again because it was kinda pointless and after S2 was over it was too late to bring her back.
I think at some point before TFS started they were thinking of bringing her back but decided to bring back Lilly instead because she had more potential and we all know how that turned out lol.
i wouldn't blame her if she was annoyed by the fans but no it's more like how she deleted her twitter after telltale died and then came back a few months after that was weird.
I definitely did not annoy her like I annoy you and I see.
But I'm wondering. Why did her VA, Mara Junot, delete her twitter account when Telltale announced its closure?
She also had enough of their failure. ☠️?
Imo Lilly long over stayed her welcome. I’d rather her be taken out before she can kill somebody we actually like (RIP Mitch) Ericson development>Lilly development
If Kenny can be brought back through "Luck" then Christa has no excuse. I am quite glad they didn't bring her back just to kill her off onscreen.
She's still pregnant; so yeah
iirc one of the scrapped ANF plotlines actually involved Christa, so it's possible the tease was real.
Oh really?
And what questionably BS source was this gleaned from?
Probably came from some guy on this site ?
The same one that said David and Gabe didn't exist in the original premise, mayhap?
Most likely
Actually, the gunshot hit the dude Ralph that was supposed to be Mike, this is why Mike has the scar on his face. Mike's VA confirmed this.
Sorry, I am confused: why does Mike have a scar then if Ralph got shot?
Because they were intended to be the same character.

Interesting and thank you for the link.
Link within a link.
And you're welcome.
I really liked the part where Christa floats by Clem on a raft and then yeets
I find Christas where about Shallow and pedantic .?

Am I the only one that couldn't care less about Christa? I never liked her very much and I got over her before even finishing "What Remais".
Me neither. I do, however, miss my Katie-potatie, lool.
After saying i wouldn't watch the final episode,i did, but skimmed through it on youtube, im glad Christa wasn't ruined and brought back for a cheap death just for a reaction, as it stands in some playthroughs Kenny,Lilly,Christa,and Clem are all still alive alone in different locations, there is some satisfaction to that.
i would bring up Lee (possibly) aswell as if Clem can survive that! theres no way Lee turned... but i don't want to open up a can of worms lol
Of course that stupid bitch commits suicide regardless, one million percent
Doesn’t commit suicide in my canon, because I let Kenny stab her right through her black heart... ?
To be fair, she was committing suicide in all her outcomes. Pissing Kenny off was suicide for her
Was that necessary? I have not shat on Kenny.
I'm a little late but nah,Jane comitting suicide was just bad writing. The S2 writers never intended to kill her off like that and as far as i know the ANF writers never understood Jane's character or Kenny.
Just look at how they portrayed Kenny in that game,he went from having PSTD issues and all that to a complete saint lol.
Also,by doing that they completely ruined the S2 endings and made them look like going with Kenny was the "right" choice which is the complete opposite of what S2 did,there was no wrong or right endings.
So screw Jane comitting suicide, i like to believe that if you left her she regrets what she did,moved on and changed into a better person.
It's worth noting that Nick Breckon and partly Pierre Shorette were involved in writing Ties that Bind Part 1 and 2.
That is a nice way of thinking about it, thank you.
I guess some mysteries are left best unsolved...all I can say is that I’m glad they brought back Lily.