Ranking TFS Episodes

edited March 2019 in The Walking Dead

You know the drill. What was the best episode and which was the worst?

  1. Suffer The Children
    Am I really the only one who liked this episode the most? The third act is probably my favorite moment of the whole game. The only flaws that it had was Lilly's character.

  2. Done Running
    Character development at its best. Too bad none of the later episodes had this take on characters again.

  3. Broken Toys
    It's really hard which was the worst, either this one or the finale? I think I liked this one a little bit better because of Violet/Louis' backstory, Clem's group sneaking on the ship and...…..that's basically it.

  4. Take Us Back
    Just full of missed opportunities and questionable decisions. The Clementine's fake out death, Minerva being the most OP antagonist in the franchise as a whole, Eddie from 400Days coming back only to be killed in 10 seconds, no multiple endings, trusting AJ or not wasn't a difficult choice since minority prefers Tenn over Violet or Louis (Although, it's probably the best impactful choice since no one expected it to affect the fate of all the 3 characters), Lilly/James just get out of the picture like nothing happened and no multiple endings.


  • Was there a thread for this already?

    Eh, maybe some threads should definitely be collected and merged since there's bound to be people with the same general idea and little to distance them.

  • trusting AJ or not wasn't a difficult choice since minority prefers Tenn over Violet or Louis

    The problem with this is another thing: we didn't get the choice to pick Tenn or Violet, we got to pick to trust AJ or not, we didn't know the consequences of this choice.

    The choice also lies to you because it says "AJ seeks your approval above all else" but when AJ is presented with the choice to shoot Tenn or not he doesn't seek Clem's approval"

    This is why in my game Violet died, because I didn't really get the choice to save her.

  • Now a bit more on the topic with the rankings:

    For me the best episode is "Done Running".

    "Suffer the children" comes close to the first episode.

    "Broken Toys" is next, being a bit on the meh side with a disappointing ending.

    "Take Us Back" was good for me until the barn scene. Everything after that is a major letdown.
    It's such a pussy play from Skybound to make it appear like Clem dies but also make a fairytale happy ending, this way they can fuck with our emotions the easy way (kill Clem) but also end the series without killing her, something most fans want.

    The choices.... the god damn choices... there are 2 choices that matter in the end: Saving Violet/Louis in Episode 2 and trusting AJ or not in 3.
    Everything else ? Gone. All the choices involving shaping AJ throughout the season ? Gone. Your relationships with the other characters ? Gone. Killing Lilly thus showing AJ's dark side ? Gone.
    They show all these side characters at the end but no one cares about any of them.

    I was so sad and hurt through this episode, not because of what happens but because of how poorly this finale was made.

  • Now, to actually give a quick list:
    1. Done Running
    2. Suffer the Children
    3. Take Us Back
    4. Broken Toys

  • edited March 2019
    1. Broken Toys - Really made me fall in love with this series again after a pretty lame 2nd episode IMO. I laughed, I cried, but most importantly, i actually CARED.
    2. Done Running - Might have done a better job at introducing characters than any other season.
    3. Take Us Back - Really solid finale. I would've switched the Lee and Ranch flashbacks and not strung the player along for so long with that bait n switch, but just about everything else was great.
      4 - Really just genuinely don't like this episode. It has some good moments, like the Louis/Violet romance scenes, but the majority of it is just bland and predictable. Nothing feels natural or organic.
  • How do I vote for none? I found them all uninteresting.

  • Then be objective.

    How do I vote for none? I found them all uninteresting.

  • How? You know my views already.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Then be objective.

  • What episode had the least problems? What character focused scenes were some of the more effective? What plot points seemed the less bullshit?
    That kind of stuff.

    How? You know my views already.

  • Bro from another mo, I disliked it all. I found it a load of mierda that was poorly thought through.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What episode had the least problems? What character focused scenes were some of the more effective? What plot points seemed the less bullshit? That kind of stuff.

  • What did I say do?

    Bro from another mo, I disliked it all. I found it a load of mierda that was poorly thought through.

  • Claro, but I provided a general overview. I am sure individuals can piece it together.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What did I say do?

  • 1/2: Done Running and Take Us Back are tied at number one for me. I'd probably have to play the game again before I make a decision.

    3: Broken Toys

    4: Suffer the Children

  • Just wanted to say something about the trust AJ choice leading to Louis/Violet death.

    I like how this choice leads to their death, but I would 100% change it so Louis/Violet get bit on the neck and then make it over the bridge. These 2 characters had the most development the whole game, it was a bit lame they just "OOF" and die. They could have gotten an emotional goodbye scene, but the pacing of episode 4 was so bad they had to rush into Clem getting bit right away so they didnt. Just felt like that would have been a better send off for those characters instead of that incredibly rushed second act.

    1. Done Running - A good balance of wholesome conversations and dramatic confrontations. Best first episode in a while.

    The last 3 are very hard to place for me cause I sort of like them all equally but for different reasons. But if I had to rank.

    1. Suffer The Children - Provided great character development for Louis in particular. The one thing I would've done differently in this episode would be to take out the 2 week time skip and have us at least have one scene dedicated to helping the kids prepare. Would've given more time to flesh out other characters. Mitch needed it, this episode could've piggybacked off of Aasim's character a bit more. Etc.
    2. Broken Toys - I really liked all 3 acts of this episode. The one thing I would've done differently here is the party. It seemed like an idea that they weren't fully committed towards because of the tone and pace of the episode up to that point. "Chronic Masturbation!" was funny to me, but I would've replaced that by fleshing out Tenn's backstory. (Not necessarily the reason he was sent there, but to explain certain things, like his scar, even though I can put 2 & 2 together with the burnt area of the school and his knack for getting others into trouble.) This would've been cool to bring up because of his guilt for getting Mitch killed. So he would've had time to reflect on a fire that he likely could've started.
    3. Take Us Back - I've been very vocal about my love for this episode and I said I liked the last 3 equally, which is true, but in hindsight, this episode has the most things that I'd consider to be "complaints" in my mind when I look back at all 4 episodes. I only ever had a maximum of about 3 problems in each episode before this, most of which are minor complaints. But Take Us Back had the flashback, the barn (which I loved but felt too much like a rehash of Lee and Clem to ignore), the bridge (which I loved but at the same time was also very stupid considering Minnie's deus ex machina until the plot allowed the walkers to eat her.) the cave argument with James (which I loved for it's dialogue, but lessened my love and respect for James. He said his "non violence rule" has limits....so he excuses his own behavior because he limits, but we're supposed to limit ourselves and let Lilly possibly take/kill everyone we love? Fuck out my face fam. I have my limits. Lilly found them.) and finally the ending. That's a total of 5 issues. 5 issues that are NOT nitpicks, but valid pretty serious complaints. So I can't place it higher than last when I've loved other episodes that have also been narratively better as well.
  • Also if Louis/Violet dies in the end Clem gives no fucks

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Just wanted to say something about the trust AJ choice leading to Louis/Violet death. I like how this choice leads to their death, but I

  • edited March 2019

    It's especially jarring if it's Violet, which is the version I eventually found.
    Guess it's "karma" or whatever. What a shitshow.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Just wanted to say something about the trust AJ choice leading to Louis/Violet death. I like how this choice leads to their death, but I

    1. Done Running
    2. Take Us Back
    3. Suffer the Children
    4. Broken Toys
  • edited March 2019
    • Done Running
    • Suffer the children
    • Broken Toys
    • Take Us Back
    1. (Done Running)was great character development at its best.

    2. (Suffer the children)was good but Lily kidnapping children seems unlike her at first especially if she flip flopped at the end on whether too kill the kids and capture them since their using them for there war....(Unless) Lilly wants some dead and use walker kids as a tactical strategy ??

    3. (Broken Toys) Now I feel the same way on where @AronDracula is on this one,It was good too hear more about the characters backstory on how they went to the boarding school and especially about James backstory a little before we do a rescue operation in at the Delta.

    4. (Take Us Back) Now I cant lie, I loved this episode a lot because of all that happened andsifuations but I had some concerns about the episode for starters Lily’s scene was so weak only (2 minutes) really...it felt like re-experiencing (Long Road ahead) without a doubt we never see her again...it would’ve been nice if she piped up in the cave or at least redeeming herself and help on carry Clementine and part her way after.

    Secondly I just want to pull out same goes for James even though it’s obvious he got devoured by walkers when he abandon his (whisper mask) . But it was cool on how he developed and raged on Clementine to take AJ away from her because of his horrific past with the (whispers).

    Now for Tenn I just wished we got more character development from him he was still the same old screw up after (Suffer the children ) and wanting to get shot by his own sister I’m like....”Tenn you can’t be Fucken serious!” And ether got Louis/Violet killed including himself in the process.

    Minerva is another one I want to point out, I wish there was an option when she was getting flanked by the herd of walkers if there was a chance to save her...I mean (personally) I know she was a piece of garbage but I was going to shoot that walker as an act of good faith...and hopefully tell her what Lily almost did to AJ that would’ve been good temporary alliance Until the bridge scene where I posted in my latest talking thread about Minerva)


    At pretty much about Clementines situation in the barn has already been explained.

    But over all I sill enjoyed the whole season as a collective.

  • Bumping this for any new/recent completioners.

  • edited April 2019

    James didn’t die. It confirms it during the end credits sequence when it shows you how your Clementine left the rest of the cast feeling, plus it was confirmed by one of the devs (Kent Mudle I think). Before anyone calls it stupid, think about Rick in the show and the comics when Alexandria is flooded with walkers and he single handedly wipes a good chunk of them out before receiving help from the other survivors.

    * Done Running * Suffer the children * Broken Toys * Take Us Back * (Done Running)was great character development at its best. *

  • I know that I was referring to saving Lily which killed James.

    Melton23 posted: »

    James didn’t die. It confirms it during the end credits sequence when it shows you how your Clementine left the rest of the cast feeling, pl

  • My babies are featured on this week’s DLC:


  • But you said he was devoured by walkers when he abandoned his mask...but he doesn’t abandon his mask when Lilly kills him, not really, and not a single walker touches him because he turns.

    I know that I was referring to saving Lily which killed James.

  • That was my assumption before they said he was alive it didn’t sound realistic for him to make it out alive I’m that scene ,Specially for him not getting bitten.

    Melton23 posted: »

    But you said he was devoured by walkers when he abandoned his mask...but he doesn’t abandon his mask when Lilly kills him, not really, and not a single walker touches him because he turns.

  • edited April 2019

    You mean how he was stabbed through the throat and was barely clinging onto life?

    That was my assumption before they said he was alive it didn’t sound realistic for him to make it out alive I’m that scene ,Specially for him not getting bitten.

  • edited April 2019

    The cave scene , how to heck did he survive that that doesn’t look realistic I mean it’s not like you have a fairy odd parents and just wish yourself to safety.

    Melton23 posted: »

    You mean how he was stabbed through the throat and was barely clinging onto life?

  • Well Lee went through an entire walker herd without being bitten. Speaking of which, I’d like to further reiterate my argument for people being blinded by both nostalgia and “a good game” (S1 was good btw, don’t get me wrong) but if that was a real situation, then virtually the entire herd would have went after Lee rather than the odd few walkers that he’d have the chance to kill. I can’t be the only one to have noticed that the majority of those walkers completely ignored him. Plus I don’t think there would have been nearly as many walkers for James in the cave, so I wouldn’t call it unrealistic, especially compared to the “gauntlet” scene in No Time Left

    The cave scene , how to heck did he survive that that doesn’t look realistic I mean it’s not like you have a fairy odd parents and just wish yourself to safety.

  • Lee approaching the herd was also unrealistic but the same time Nostalgically bad ass It was like if he was having a Mexican standoff with a walker herd.?

    Melton23 posted: »

    Well Lee went through an entire walker herd without being bitten. Speaking of which, I’d like to further reiterate my argument for people be

  • He got lucky, real lucky...

    The cave scene , how to heck did he survive that that doesn’t look realistic I mean it’s not like you have a fairy odd parents and just wish yourself to safety.

  • I liked done running the most because it surprised me while I was expecting anf shit to happen again, so it was a nice surprise, I rate ep 4 after done running because unlike any of u I accepted what I've seen and I liked it for what it was, I know it had flaws and I know it wasn't paced well but I couldn't have asked for a better ending for clem than this, after that comes episode 2 because it was unique and new for young people try and plan an ambush attack lmao, I didn't hate episode 3 but I was least entertained with it until the last 10 min of it.

  • As much as I love nostalgia and bad ass scenes, it annoys me the way people are willing to let stupid scenes slide as long as they are nostalgic or original, then completely hammer something that has similarities just because it’s new.

    Lee approaching the herd was also unrealistic but the same time Nostalgically bad ass It was like if he was having a Mexican standoff with a walker herd.?

  • Yep.

    Melton23 posted: »

    As much as I love nostalgia and bad ass scenes, it annoys me the way people are willing to let stupid scenes slide as long as they are nostalgic or original, then completely hammer something that has similarities just because it’s new.

  • I honestly missed that I did do a quick list here when I started typing this. Ah well, here's a general review.
    1. Done Running is the best episode of the Season. It basically set the terms and status quo for what the story was gonna be about as well as establishing most of it's cast. And as the first episode, I think many would agree it did that well, with many characters being intriguingly distinct and AJ getting a strong reintroduction. Additionally, the gameplay and hub areas were pretty snuff and immersive, give or take some shortcutting in places. The third act was a little jarring, but that's kinda the point and it was built up to fairly well.
    2. Suffer The Children was kinda dodgy throughout it's runtime from what I recall of the first impression, but given what it's doing and following up on, it's understandable. While the episode overall was leaning on good-ish and the pieces were fine, there were some flaws within the facets that can cause some to lean a bit themselves. Pros go to things like Louis's character arc, cons come from overlooking major developments. This is also more or less where some of the real world issues around the game became relevant, but again, it's somewhat understandable.
    3. Take Us Back is a mix of No Going Back and From the Gallows in structure and execution. The overall product felt like it was just checkin off a short list sometimes, not really rushing through them, to say nothing of how it squandered the bulk of it's minimalist cast, combining into something that has been described as underwhelming. There's also the matter of how certain [of few?] choices were handled to peculiar results and especially the lack of multiple endings, which is disappointing since it's also the finale of the series. Ultimately, all that can really be said on my end is, it's over.
    4. Broken Toys is structurally the drop off point of The Final Season: this penultimate is the point where the story seems to drift forward idly before sharply sinking in it's third act, as has been the case with previous seasons/installments. Now admittedly before and during this point, the season had it's merits, but was pretty straightforward and bare. This was due to fairly quickly unveiling the issue of having little to no structure, to say nothing of a very slight, inescapable undertone of feeling desperate/futile out of universe. However, on a functional level, the general feel was alright. It was odd in places in places, but also had enjoyable parts. However, this was increasingly made tandem with a possible trend of subverting expectations and a bizarre sense of pacing given what the episode was building to, overall feeding a need to try ignoring the oddities and starving an urge to get a move on to make the most of the runtime.

  • edited April 2019

    Just finished replaying the Final Season. Enjoyed it even more the second time around. Made some different choices this time around so ended up with Clem and Louis together and with him alive at the end (poor Tenn). For whatever reason, Violet seemed like a more natural fit. Anyway, episode ranking is hard but...

    1. Suffer The Children. This episode seemed to have plenty in it and the character development was right up front here in terms of priority. The stuff with Louis and Violet in particular but we have an opportunity to get to know the others too and it’s the episode that made me feel attached to this cast. A weird thing is that I had become used to losing the entire cast of The Walking Dead games (any hope was gone after Luke in season 2) and I didn’t honestly care about many characters in ANF but, even on first play through, I had a strong feeling that many of these kids would make it to the end. It feels weird that Abel and Lilly took so long to finally make their raid and that caused a bit of a stall for me but there was still great character stuff leading up to it.

    2. Done Running. A strong introduction to the season, I think. What I really liked in this season was that nobody was really a bad guy in the main group. Even Marlon after what he did, I felt for and so the end of this ep came as a bit of a shock.

    3. Broken Toys. I like this episode and I’m still not sure I shouldn’t have made it number 2 but here it is at number 3 anyway. I love the boat raid and Minerva added a really strong element, in my view. I wanted to believe the best in her and it hurt when she let us down. In my first play, Louis lost his tongue and that was nasty. And it’s interesting that it affected my feelings of the raiders because, on this play they didn’t do that and they didn’t injure Violet. I felt very justified in taking them out but that was because of what they did to Louis - that damned them for me. Even then, on my first play I told AJ not to kill Lilly. Rectified that this time around. Felt kind of bad about it.

    4. Take Us Back. Yeah it’s at the end of the list but I actually really like the ending. I was very happy with the resolution the first time I played it and even more so the second time. It feels right. I still don’t trust AJ but I get why he is the way he is and I think that flashback, the placement of which I questioned a little and I know other have too, actually tells us a lot about how they both got to where they are. I thought it worked for me the first time around because I was always trying to make AJ be nice and the flashback totally contrasts with that and shows just how brutal Clem had to be but even playing things harder on this play it worked because it tells me that AJ actually needs that streak of brutality, even if I personally don’t like it. It works for me.

    So why is the episode at the bottom? Really only because the pacing just felt really patchy to me. It doesn’t keep up the momentum and gets very talky precisely when it feels like it shouldn’t. It moves, stops, moves, stops. I have no doubt that the circumstances in which it was made played a part, like how Fast and Furious 7 was messy after losing Paul Walker (it’s a valid comparison!). Under the circumstances, I’m really glad we got the ending and that we got the ending we did.

    Oh one extra thing about the final episode - I really liked that AJ’s dialogue came with a new mechanic.

    This is a nice season. It has characters that I honestly think are the strongest since the first season and it allows some things to go right rather than punishing everyone. A really good experience. I’ll miss Clementine but really enjoyed the journey.

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