Wouldn’t be surprised tbf the way science is going and the amount of crazy undiscovered shit that is starting to emerge. Though I doubt people will reanimate to be all canibalistic
Zombies as in they die and reanimate, or they only possess the same traits as zombies? Do they eat other deer? ? Either way, I’ve always wanted to merk a bunch of zombies.
Since now pigs brains are successfully reanimated who knows if we try to do that to a human have they not seen the zombie movies!!??
Well, there’s already one in the White House, so...
I was just thinking about those deers a few days ago.
Uh oh, you don’t want to get in trouble with that post, edit it before some of the mods see.
There's some sort of virus going around that essentially makes deers zombies.
@DabigRG means this.

I guess no more deer hunting for a while.
So I if kill a zombie deer and eat it will I turn into a zombie and merk some fools?
Well looks like I’m going to Kamchatka...aka Russia.
Lol dw people u won't become zombies, if this was real an apocalypse should have happened years ago.
Wouldn’t be surprised tbf the way science is going and the amount of crazy undiscovered shit that is starting to emerge. Though I doubt people will reanimate to be all canibalistic
Fucking merk ? haven’t heard that word in yeaaars. I’m bringing it back ?
Zombies as in they die and reanimate, or they only possess the same traits as zombies? Do they eat other deer? ? Either way, I’ve always wanted to merk a bunch of zombies.
Madre de dios.