For how much long will this website be able to survive?
I mean who supports this website now that telltale is gone?
I already noticed that it's started to glitch and almost all avatar pictures disappeared, but if nobody supports it how long is it til' this forum dies out? Or is there somebody who keeps it going?
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There are a couple of URLs that didn't get their certificates replaced with non-Symantec certificates, so you need to manually override the security settings on those if you use a Chrome-like or Firefox browser. The URLs are:
When you click on those, you'll get a certificate warning. If you override it and permanently store the exception, the broken parts of the website will start working again (at least as well as they ever did). Note that what you get as the end result of those URLs isn't important. You just want the certificate overrides.
I see that the certificate expires on May 9, so additional bad things may happen after that day, if the site stays up that long.
May 9/July. But does that mean that the site will actually dissapear after those dates?
Other browsers like IE/Edge/Safari would start objecting to those certificates, and those users haven't had to do anything special yet. The site would remain up, but non-technical users would have a hard time getting on. There's also a chance the newer games that try to connect when you start them up might have problems. I haven't analyzed those to figure out what they try to connect to. Search engines also tend to delist sites with expired certificates.
Telltale did manage to convert two of its certificates previously (you used to have to store exceptions for four of them), but without much of a technical staff, they're not getting everything.
Let's see if this works:
I give it until May/July until this website fucking goes to hell and starts doing all kind of weird things.
Dammit i'm too stubborn to let this forum go,i hope the random dude who renewed one of the certificates do the same thing again in July :kennysad:
Oh wow, it helped fix all of the pictures and bugs on this site, many thanks
Where is Mr Hawley anyway?
Are you going to miss me?
Ohh Ohh Ohh. It's going to take more than that to get on his good side.
I'll remember you. Sometimes..
I thought you were singing Halestorm's 'I Miss The Misery' there for a second. Damnit, dude! At least you will remember me. xo
I hope it won't go down too soon. I'm okay with the end of Telltale era, but the forum death itself puts me into denial. Maybe it's because I'm still not used to Discord, it's much worse in there.
Or you can be a loser like me and use Microsoft Edge.

Can’t seem to find a skybound forum anywhere ? or maybe that’s just me being stupid. Any chance this place will be resurrected into a skybound games forum?
No, you can't say this forum only has a week to live
Only a week. This is it bois, we're in the endgame now. Nothing exciting will happen despite the situation but it's finally here.
Also it's funny how May 9 is the apparent end date for the certificate, but the LiS2 Episode 3 release date.
No. No... It can't be...
No way...
Sheesh, don't tell @MetallicaRules that. ?
Aye. I had hoped there was still more time...but it appears that I was wrong.
So what you’re saying is May 9th is going to be the worst day of my life.
tfw in one week everyone will disappear into the void, never heard from again
For real tho, that shit probs gonna depress the fuck out of me. Its crazy thinking how long I've even been on this place, only video game board I ever actually used. Gonna miss it a lot
Everyone move over to r/telltale. It won't be the same, but it'll feel better than r/TWDG. We could make it work.
I feel like this place is just a really good archive right now. The amount of interesting discussions, memes, etc. are worth looking at. Knowing all that 'content' will probably go away is quite depressing.
Wait a minute, this whole forum will close in May 9th? No one told me that.
EDIT: Nvm, it's my fault I wasn't around.
One of the certificates expires on May 9, but it's not the most important of the certificates, so some parts of the site might still work. I don't know about the newer games, what certificates they use or how tolerant they are about them. There's also a chance Pete will figure out how to renew the certificate.
How much does it cost to renew a certificate?
It depends who you renew it with, but by Silicon Valley standards, it's barely anything. They probably charge more for coffee there.
This forum possibly on May 9

Whatever happens next, I'm glad that at least everyone had a chance to say goodbye to each other
...Holy shit, there's actually some merit to that!
Damn, it's gonna be sad if we try coming here on the 9th and the site is inaccessible... I will have to take a moment of silence.
In the event that things do go ass over teakettle here, I'd like to say that it has been quite the journey and that I'm grateful for everyone I've met here. I hope to see most of you at r/TheWalkingDeadGame where things will be business as usual.
Oof, I didn't know the situation was that dire... I guess it's time to finish my postponed goodbye letter.
I don't think the site will be inaccessible as the certificate is still valid until July 15th but I am not sure if people will be able to log in after the 9th.
Do you have any updates on Louche's situation?
Well, that's a frightening theory.
The site would be active but no users can access it.
Oh, thanks for reminding me! I'll check now.
EDIT: It seems Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge are giving him trouble. And the links I gave him on how to fix it apparently doesn't work, so I might have to type out the instructions and hope he gets back
So I take it since each thread is it's own URL the Wayback Machine won't be much help?
Apparently not--I tried the Concept Art thread last night and it dated back about April 2018 at the soonest.
I wish I joined the community sooner.
Is this place covered by the Wayback Machine? That would be some respite at least
Well before this place is gone forever and we are wipes out could someone post a thanos snapping his fingers before we go
I will post a goodbye comment on Whatever thread and it will be my very last comment before this place walks away.