Personally Its pretty solid imo! The first episode especially does a great job showing how different of a game it is compared to the first. The writing is better, the characters are more investing, and the dynamic between the brothers is some of the most intriguing and interesting ways in conveying how choices really do matter. That alone is one of my favorite aspects. I'd say its worth giving a shot.
Its pretty good. It tackles a lot of modern day problems like racial bigotry, religion, and anti-vaxers. Choices DO matter. I made good choices throughout the entire game but wanted to make evil ones in the final episode but the little brother said "We're better than that." But if I has went the evil route, he definitely would have killed the people I told him to. Definitely check it out man
I'm a really big fan of season 1 and BTS, but I uninstalled season two after episode four, and I have no real urge to reinstall it at the moment.
I think Bryan Dechart is streaming the game, or has streamed it, and I think I'll just watch episode 5 when he uploads it to Youtube.
Life is Strange should get props. It tackles modern day issues in a way no other game has done before. It desmonstrates what its like for minorites to live with racial bigotry, it shows how anti-vaxers are harming their children, and how the most important thing in this world is family.
I think I'll just watch episode 5 when he uploads it to Youtube
Believe it or not, I did the same thing, I didn't buy Ep5 until I watched gameplay on YT first, if the episode was good then I would buy it or if it wasn't, well...
But man... trust me on this, it's MUCH MUCH MUCH BETTER than Ep4
I'm a really big fan of season 1 and BTS, but I uninstalled season two after episode four, and I have no real urge to reinstall it at the mo… morement.
I think Bryan Dechart is streaming the game, or has streamed it, and I think I'll just watch episode 5 when he uploads it to Youtube.
Oh yeah, it tackles stuff alright. Much like the first game and BTS, it’s “Believe in our politics, or you’re an evil bigot.” Great socio-political commentary right there, it’s handled with such nuance and subtlety.
Life is Strange should get props. It tackles modern day issues in a way no other game has done before. It desmonstrates what its like for mi… morenorites to live with racial bigotry, it shows how anti-vaxers are harming their children, and how the most important thing in this world is family.
From my experience with the first three episodes, not really. Some stuff is better, the dialogue is slightly improved, and the characters aren’t as bad. Overall though, a lot of the problems are still the same. Inconsistent tone and pacing, an annoying side kick character, pandering and unsubtle political messaging, and average voice acting. At least with me, the story just feels directionless (again, I still haven’t gotten around to 4 and 5, so I’ll concede my opinion isn’t based on the complete game). It just goes from location to location, almost to the point where it feels like the overall “goal” gets muddled by the other stuff going on.
Well, usually when people hate and discriminate against others; they're not subtle about it. Some of the horrible shit characters say in this game happens daily. The game wanted to demonstrate that lots of people are forced to live with this racism in our country on a daily basis. Like I said, LIS 2 should get props for not dancing around such a toxic subject. I understand if its not your cup of tea; but that doesn't mean its bad because you don't like it
Oh yeah, it tackles stuff alright. Much like the first game and BTS, it’s “Believe in our politics, or you’re an evil bigot.” Great socio-political commentary right there, it’s handled with such nuance and subtlety.
Life is Strange should get props. It tackles modern day issues in a way no other game has done before. It desmonstrates what its like for mi… morenorites to live with racial bigotry, it shows how anti-vaxers are harming their children, and how the most important thing in this world is family.
I dont know what are you guys talking about. The game is amazing and i like it more than S1. It made me appreciate more everything i have, even a little can of soda. It made me to look at life different. You cant hate on this game unless you dont have a heart. I bought full season and finished it, i knew they wouldnt dissapoint, looking forward for another season.
There are some grey characters. Depending on your choices; characters can view Sean in a different light. His grandma is grey, Chris' dad, Finn, some of the hippie members, and agent Flores. Plenty of grey to go around
You can see this as a reply to @Wheres_Dinner reply from my previous post, but I wanted to post this separately because I just finally got around to playing Episode 4 of LiS 2 today. Once again, the writing in regards to this game's political messaging is handled with zero grace, zero nuance, and is so on the nose in its portrayal, that it's really nothing to be praised over. I'm referring mainly to the scene of that Chad guy assaulting Sean, and after finishing the rest of the episode, I thought to myself "What did that contribute to the plot?" The answer was nothing, you can remove that scene from the game, and nothing would have changed, it's put in there for the writers to say "Look how progressive we are, this is A+ writing, racism is bad." Yeah, no shit racism is bad, and yes, people do experience racism and discrimination, but not only is it irrelevant to the plot of the episode, it's one dimensional and lacks any real substance for the players to truly think about.
You want to know a fantastic example of portraying the harmful effects of racism and bigotry that's handled with more class, dignity, and nuance? Watch these scenes from the animated series, Teen Titans (the original, not Teen Titans Go):
There will always be people who say mean words because you are different. And sometimes their minds cannot be changed. But there are many more people who do not judge others based on how they look, or where they are from. Those are the people whose words truly matter.
That's a much more mature and impactful way to handle this message, and this is from a show targeted to 7 year olds. Other children's shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, Static Shock, The Clone Wars, and The Dragon Prince have all done better in their depictions of racism, bigotry, and societal injustices, than the game meant for mature audiences.
That's a much more mature and impactful way to handle this message, and this is from a show targeted to 7 year olds. Other children's shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, Static Shock, The Clone Wars, and The Dragon Prince have all done better in their depictions of racism, bigotry, and societal injustices, than the game meant for mature audiences.
This is so so so true, kids shows being more mature than a adult mature game is embarrassing.
You can see this as a reply to @Wheres_Dinner reply from my previous post, but I wanted to post this separately because I just finally got a… moreround to playing Episode 4 of LiS 2 today. Once again, the writing in regards to this game's political messaging is handled with zero grace, zero nuance, and is so on the nose in its portrayal, that it's really nothing to be praised over. I'm referring mainly to the scene of that Chad guy assaulting Sean, and after finishing the rest of the episode, I thought to myself "What did that contribute to the plot?" The answer was nothing, you can remove that scene from the game, and nothing would have changed, it's put in there for the writers to say "Look how progressive we are, this is A+ writing, racism is bad." Yeah, no shit racism is bad, and yes, people do experience racism and discrimination, but not only is it irrelevant to the plot of the episode, it's one dimensional and lacks any real substance for th… [view original content]
Not a bad comment at all. But Chad wasn't smacking up Sean because he was Mexican. The entire cult worshipped Daniel. The brothers heritage doesn't matter to the cult. Sean was getting beat because he was trying to take away the cult's "prophet."
You can see this as a reply to @Wheres_Dinner reply from my previous post, but I wanted to post this separately because I just finally got a… moreround to playing Episode 4 of LiS 2 today. Once again, the writing in regards to this game's political messaging is handled with zero grace, zero nuance, and is so on the nose in its portrayal, that it's really nothing to be praised over. I'm referring mainly to the scene of that Chad guy assaulting Sean, and after finishing the rest of the episode, I thought to myself "What did that contribute to the plot?" The answer was nothing, you can remove that scene from the game, and nothing would have changed, it's put in there for the writers to say "Look how progressive we are, this is A+ writing, racism is bad." Yeah, no shit racism is bad, and yes, people do experience racism and discrimination, but not only is it irrelevant to the plot of the episode, it's one dimensional and lacks any real substance for th… [view original content]
Well, I saw my friend stream the ending to Life is Strange 2 the other day. I have not kept up with the current season, and only tuned into small bits of the ending to Episode 5 (opening the wall, sent to jail, driving to the border), and, well, I thought it was good.
If not in how the story itself was handled, then the execution of choice and consequence. I heard there's about 7 different endings, and my friend went and played 2 of them. (one leaving for mexico the other staying in the usa) and wow... Dontnod really pulled out all the stops. Both endings were very distinct, and on top of that there's even the fate of the brother that can change too, it seems (either he goes with you or stays, and his tendencies to use his powers or not).
The first ending my buddy got was pretty nice and simple. In 2023, the bros are living apart, one with the grandparents in mexico, one who is back in the USA. The mexico brother sends him some sand, it's cute.
The second ending had both brothers arrested in the US. One brother was sent to jail for 15 years. This lands us at 2033, where he finally leaves. The other brother had a life since then, as we see in pictures getting a job, girlfriend, family life. The two brothers have a talk later on a hike, it's all unintelligible with music overlayed, but you can guess as to what they talk about. One begins crying, and man, with the music involved, I started to shed a tear. It's not clear if one brother is homeless or lives on the road, but that's my impression.
Still, however you feel about this series/season, and how it paints its themes, plot, and characters in broad strokes, you have to admit that the team behind it put a lot of work into at least creating a massive finale.
Maybe they had to make the plot and conflict so basic so even a layman could understand it, but the amount of work they put into the series is impressive, even if they had to have 3 month gaps between releases. All to get an-ever expanding, ever-changing journey across the US with new characters, locations, etc. And it paid off in the end with big differences.
It also seems that they aren't done yet. I thought they were doing poorly sales wise, and that this would be something SquEnix would kill off, but surprisingly, the studio is still thinking about a third season if this interview and headline is to judge by..
No, Chad was the guy who, along with his friend, found Sean sleeping in the car while he was making his way to the cult. He was the one that tried to force him to sing and all that crap, and by all available evidence, he doesn’t have any connection to what was going on with Daniel and the cult. He was just some random racist prick.
This proves my point, you don’t even remember who Chad was. He was so forgettable and pointless that you mixed him up with one of the people from the cult. So again, you can cut him and nothing changes.
Not a bad comment at all. But Chad wasn't smacking up Sean because he was Mexican. The entire cult worshipped Daniel. The brothers heritage doesn't matter to the cult. Sean was getting beat because he was trying to take away the cult's "prophet."
No, Chad was the guy who, along with his friend, found Sean sleeping in the car while he was making his way to the cult. He was the one that… more tried to force him to sing and all that crap, and by all available evidence, he doesn’t have any connection to what was going on with Daniel and the cult. He was just some random racist prick.
This proves my point, you don’t even remember who Chad was. He was so forgettable and pointless that you mixed him up with one of the people from the cult. So again, you can cut him and nothing changes.
So I recently saw this really good fan-made segment of a concept of what a "real" Life is Strange 2 could be like and it got me thinking
I didnt really love Life is Strange. I felt it had some issues and the story kinda jumped around a lot but it did have a very good concept, idea, direction, and sense of atmosphere and place in the world that I feel a lot of games are lacking lately. After seeing this video it kinda made me wish they made a more direct Life is Strange 2.
I still have yet to play Life is Strange 2 but I dont really know if Im interested in it. From what I've watched Im not sure I really enjoy the overall plot as it seems more all over the place than the first one. I pretty much know the entire story of episode 1 but after that not much other than theres a cult or something lmao
So I have a question for those who played it. Would you recommended it and which game would you consider to be better? 1 or 2?
I mean, both games have their message. Life is Strange 1 is about friendship, bullying, and mystery. Life is Strange 2 is more about racism, bigotry, and family. Both games tackle different modern day problems while showing that through all the uglyness in the world; family and friends can still make us happy and smile. To answer your question: should you play this game? Honestly, if you found enjoyment out of LiS1; I wouldn't have regrets recommending LiS2. Ep. 4 is the only time where the story starts to drag a bit, but the rest of the game is great.
So I recently saw this really good fan-made segment of a concept of what a "real" Life is Strange 2 could be like and it got me thinking
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I didnt really love Life is Strange. I felt it had some issues and the story kinda jumped around a lot but it did have a very good concept, idea, direction, and sense of atmosphere and place in the world that I feel a lot of games are lacking lately. After seeing this video it kinda made me wish they made a more direct Life is Strange 2.
I still have yet to play Life is Strange 2 but I dont really know if Im interested in it. From what I've watched Im not sure I really enjoy the overall plot as it seems more all over the place than the first one. I pretty much know the entire story of episode 1 but after that not much other than theres a cult or something lmao
So I have a question for those who played it. Would you recommended it and which game would you consider to be better? 1 or 2?
I thought S2 started great but the second episode was just so bad i stopped playing the game for a while after that (also the episodes took forever to come out) i recently played it again and i thought Episode 3 was the best one,i also liked 4 and 5 was ok i guess
but yeah it's kinda all over the place,i feel like the devs knew how they wanted to end the game but didn't really know how to get there.
One thing i really liked was that the choices ACTUALLY mattered this time in the end,they did what Telltale failed to do with AJ in TFS. You know the entire story of EP1 so i assume you know that Daniel has a power,it's a big deal and what you tell him to do with his power is what i think really matters in the end. (There's 7 different endings in EP5)
Honestly i liked it if you can get past the cringe dialogues and the dumb forced political stuff you'll enjoy it like i did maybe, there's some good ideas and i liked how they handled the endings.
So I recently saw this really good fan-made segment of a concept of what a "real" Life is Strange 2 could be like and it got me thinking
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I didnt really love Life is Strange. I felt it had some issues and the story kinda jumped around a lot but it did have a very good concept, idea, direction, and sense of atmosphere and place in the world that I feel a lot of games are lacking lately. After seeing this video it kinda made me wish they made a more direct Life is Strange 2.
I still have yet to play Life is Strange 2 but I dont really know if Im interested in it. From what I've watched Im not sure I really enjoy the overall plot as it seems more all over the place than the first one. I pretty much know the entire story of episode 1 but after that not much other than theres a cult or something lmao
So I have a question for those who played it. Would you recommended it and which game would you consider to be better? 1 or 2?
It's below mediocre, not very good but I still think it is worth watching if you have the time. And the extra time to talk about what you disliked. Not only are there minor problems with plot, dialogue and political crap (metallica's comments sum it up really well) but there's also main problems like the younger brother (opinion) and just characters in general.
To start with, the pacing isn't good, but I think that was done intentionally, they make it drag out on purpose, don't know why though. Voice acting, dialogue, lip-syncing and animations all aren't good. Each episode presents itself as its own thing, the location and set of characters is different and because of that there isn't any good flow with the story. The main focus of choices mattering is on Daniel, the younger brother, less so with everything else, so you could find yourself annoyed at the story going back to the straight path to make for the climactic end, which is more or less the same regardless of choices (which is another problem in itself, at the end of an episode, it feels like the writers go "oh crap we need to get to the next episode's location, let's just make the brothers go on the run again, action scene").
Endings are handled pretty well, perhaps the saving grace. IGN said "LiS 2 is at its most satisfying at its quietist, the music swells and the camera cuts between different angles. It's in such moments that LiS 2 isn't about superpowers or the end of the world, it's about relationships, it's about that delicate acoustic guitar." The game is full of those kinds of moments. Lots of hugs.
So I recently saw this really good fan-made segment of a concept of what a "real" Life is Strange 2 could be like and it got me thinking
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I didnt really love Life is Strange. I felt it had some issues and the story kinda jumped around a lot but it did have a very good concept, idea, direction, and sense of atmosphere and place in the world that I feel a lot of games are lacking lately. After seeing this video it kinda made me wish they made a more direct Life is Strange 2.
I still have yet to play Life is Strange 2 but I dont really know if Im interested in it. From what I've watched Im not sure I really enjoy the overall plot as it seems more all over the place than the first one. I pretty much know the entire story of episode 1 but after that not much other than theres a cult or something lmao
So I have a question for those who played it. Would you recommended it and which game would you consider to be better? 1 or 2?
Dartigan's video is definitely worth watching. Like all Sins videos, there are some parts that are a bit annoying but he says a lot of the things I've said and wanted to say very well.
The devs really were sponsored by the Bernie Sanders campaign, weren’t they? Either that, or Warren.
If you create a piece of entertainment that focuses on politics and social issues, I sort of expect you are doing it with the idea of changing minds. If all you write are straw men that you can easily set fire to, you are simply making yourself feel good about the beliefs you already hold.
Thank you Dartigan for perfectly vocalizing my problems with this game. I said it before, the writing in the game isn't smart or subtle enough to discuss current political and social events, it's just for the writers to show how progressive and left-leaning they are, by alienating and vilifying those that even slightly disagree with the viewpoint. That's not clever, that's elitist.
Dartigan's video is definitely worth watching. Like all Sins videos, there are some parts that are a bit annoying but he says a lot of the things I've said and wanted to say very well.
ok fellas Steam sale ends tomorrow. Should I just say screw it and just see what its all about even if what I heard from you guys so far doesnt keep me in the mindset that Ill enjoy it very much? Even though I may not love it, is it worth it for the experience?
Just do what you think you're in the mood for right now. I tried watching playthroughs and reactions on this game but the concept is WAY too boring for me to watch. At least Season 1 and BTS had decent ideas which made it interesting to watch, even though I don't love them.
ok fellas Steam sale ends tomorrow. Should I just say screw it and just see what its all about even if what I heard from you guys so far doe… moresnt keep me in the mindset that Ill enjoy it very much? Even though I may not love it, is it worth it for the experience?
Just send it. A comment describing a game doesn't really tell you everything about it. If you have family that you love and would do anything for, this is a game you can connect to on that level. People just talk about the politics in the game when the overall message is Family.
ok fellas Steam sale ends tomorrow. Should I just say screw it and just see what its all about even if what I heard from you guys so far doe… moresnt keep me in the mindset that Ill enjoy it very much? Even though I may not love it, is it worth it for the experience?
The devs really were sponsored by the Bernie Sanders campaign, weren’t they? Either that, or Warren.
If you create a piece of entertai… morenment that focuses on politics and social issues, I sort of expect you are doing it with the idea of changing minds. If all you write are straw men that you can easily set fire to, you are simply making yourself feel good about the beliefs you already hold.
Thank you Dartigan for perfectly vocalizing my problems with this game. I said it before, the writing in the game isn't smart or subtle enough to discuss current political and social events, it's just for the writers to show how progressive and left-leaning they are, by alienating and vilifying those that even slightly disagree with the viewpoint. That's not clever, that's elitist.
Then maybe they should write games focusing on the problem in their own country, instead of focusing on a guy who, geographically, is living thousands of miles away, but apparently is living rent free in their heads.
Let's face it, while he's not mentioned by name to my recollection, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a lot of the political points brought up in the game (Daniel asking why there's a barrier between the US and Mexico and not Canada, the old gas station owner saying Sean is the reason they need to build a wall, their dad saying things are scary in the country, it taking place in 2016-2017) are direct jabs at American Republican President Donald Trump, who made a central part of his campaign in 2016 about illegal immigration and building a "big and beautiful" wall between the US and Mexico. You also see it in how some of the characters act (a lot of racism in the game is done by either rednecks or elderly white men, which are two big demographics that make up support for the Republican Party) that they're trying to depict Trump's base, again, in a not very subtle or nuanced manner (easier to depict them all as racists and villains than explore any of the legitimate reasons why most Trump supporters argue in favor of border security). Like I've said, the game feels more interested in political posturing and pushing ideological talking points than anything else. That was expressed a few times by Dartigan, as well as many other critics of the game, and unless you already agreed with those positions, it got old and tiresome after a while. Even those that did agree with the game's politics were growing weary of it after a while.
I've yet to see Dartigan's video. I understand everything you've been saying, but there was a fence before a wall. And from my experience, I recall asking my dad why there wasn't a Canadian border but there's a Mexican one. I'm sure we've all asked that question at one point in our lives.
Let's face it, while he's not mentioned by name to my recollection, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a lot of the polit… moreical points brought up in the game (Daniel asking why there's a barrier between the US and Mexico and not Canada, the old gas station owner saying Sean is the reason they need to build a wall, their dad saying things are scary in the country, it taking place in 2016-2017) are direct jabs at American Republican President Donald Trump, who made a central part of his campaign in 2016 about illegal immigration and building a "big and beautiful" wall between the US and Mexico. You also see it in how some of the characters act (a lot of racism in the game is done by either rednecks or elderly white men, which are two big demographics that make up support for the Republican Party) that they're trying to depict Trump's base, again, in a not very subtle or nuanced manner (easier to depict them all as racists and v… [view original content]
And the answer is fairly simple. No one from the US is trying to illegally enter Canada, and no one from Canada is trying to illegally enter the US. There are people who are trying to illegally enter the US through Mexico, hence the argument for tougher security and a fence/wall. It's a pretty simple answer, one that the game fails to even provide or acknowledge. It's actually kind of funny how much they try to work around the obvious answer to Daniel's question, all to just constantly paint it as "Wall is evil, orange man bad."
I've yet to see Dartigan's video. I understand everything you've been saying, but there was a fence before a wall. And from my experience, I… more recall asking my dad why there wasn't a Canadian border but there's a Mexican one. I'm sure we've all asked that question at one point in our lives.
So I finally got around to playing this game and I have to say- pleasantly surprised. Honestly didnt think I was going to like it that much but I gotta say I think I actually liked it more than Season 1. And I dont mean that as in I just liked it more, I actually just really enjoyed this game.
Im kinda surprised I heard so many negative things about it like how Season 1 was just "clearly better" for example. I thought the dynamic of your little brother having the power may not work to well but honestly I think it worked very well and the bond you make with Daniel was very well done. Also I really enjoyed Sean as a character.
My only real complaint was I didnt think episode 4 was that good but I didnt hate it or think it was bad. I feel they stripped away too much of Daniel as well as the ep 3 set up being weird for why Daniel would just dip out on Sean. It was kinda glossed over about why Daniel just left with Jacob. Just overall I feel that maybe it should have been 4 episodes as episode 4 feels a bit stand alone. But thats probably about as far as I go for criticisms.
So real spoilers ahead here: I ended up getting the ending where Sean surrenders and Daniel lives his life and then Sean is released 15 years later and Lyla is there. And this is where I give the game its most praise. All of the endings- none of them can be considered "the correct or best ending" as each one has some kind of catch to it. And I applaud the devs for sticking to that. Its a great example on how a choice base game can have multiple endings without having one that can be considered "the best." The devs knew from the start that there is no "true" happy ending for the Diaz brothers and I'm glad that message is preserved and tells a real life moral through their story. There is no true "happy" ending and life isn't fair. Either Sean has to pay for crimes he didnt commit just to be with his brother again, he dies, they end up having to be criminals to survive, or they are separated. All the endings wrap up the story in a satisfying way based on how you played while like I said not making one ending definitively the correct one. And Im glad they pulled it off.
(I will say I find it a bit weird theres no ending where Daniel and Sean are in Mexico without being "bad people." But I suppose if it was done it may create and ending that could be considered the "best" so for that reason I feel that it probably is for the best it isnt there. Kinda ruins the theme of life isn't fair if it was there.)
this is actually a super interesting concept, and i really like the twist at the end. overall i think i do prefer the V/H/S-like route they're taking by telling a different story each game (even if it is executed... not very well.), but this is a super cool concept that i'm glad somebody explored.
So I recently saw this really good fan-made segment of a concept of what a "real" Life is Strange 2 could be like and it got me thinking
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I didnt really love Life is Strange. I felt it had some issues and the story kinda jumped around a lot but it did have a very good concept, idea, direction, and sense of atmosphere and place in the world that I feel a lot of games are lacking lately. After seeing this video it kinda made me wish they made a more direct Life is Strange 2.
I still have yet to play Life is Strange 2 but I dont really know if Im interested in it. From what I've watched Im not sure I really enjoy the overall plot as it seems more all over the place than the first one. I pretty much know the entire story of episode 1 but after that not much other than theres a cult or something lmao
So I have a question for those who played it. Would you recommended it and which game would you consider to be better? 1 or 2?
Yeah it is a cool concept but honestly its kinda impossible to make unless it was a single episode spin-off. Im not sure if a Life is Strange 3 will even be made. Dontnod seems pretty busy right now and I dont think LIS2 sold well enough for them to 100% have set in stone that they will make a third game. Doing a different story each game is probably the best way to do it but I am actually really going to miss Daniel and Sean, really surprised how invested I got with their characters. Was worried Sean would feel super blank-slate-y and Daniel would be beyond annoying but that was very much the opposite case for me.
this is actually a super interesting concept, and i really like the twist at the end. overall i think i do prefer the V/H/S-like route they'… morere taking by telling a different story each game (even if it is executed... not very well.), but this is a super cool concept that i'm glad somebody explored.
I haven't even touched Life is Strange 2
Am I missing out?
It's more forgettable than the first game and BTS expansion. That is the best description for this game. Not to mention it had poor sales.
Personally Its pretty solid imo! The first episode especially does a great job showing how different of a game it is compared to the first. The writing is better, the characters are more investing, and the dynamic between the brothers is some of the most intriguing and interesting ways in conveying how choices really do matter. That alone is one of my favorite aspects. I'd say its worth giving a shot.
Its pretty good. It tackles a lot of modern day problems like racial bigotry, religion, and anti-vaxers. Choices DO matter. I made good choices throughout the entire game but wanted to make evil ones in the final episode but the little brother said "We're better than that." But if I has went the evil route, he definitely would have killed the people I told him to. Definitely check it out man
I'm a really big fan of season 1 and BTS, but I uninstalled season two after episode four, and I have no real urge to reinstall it at the moment.
I think Bryan Dechart is streaming the game, or has streamed it, and I think I'll just watch episode 5 when he uploads it to Youtube.
Life is Strange should get props. It tackles modern day issues in a way no other game has done before. It desmonstrates what its like for minorites to live with racial bigotry, it shows how anti-vaxers are harming their children, and how the most important thing in this world is family.
Believe it or not, I did the same thing, I didn't buy Ep5 until I watched gameplay on YT first, if the episode was good then I would buy it or if it wasn't, well...
But man... trust me on this, it's MUCH MUCH MUCH BETTER than Ep4
Oh yeah, it tackles stuff alright. Much like the first game and BTS, it’s “Believe in our politics, or you’re an evil bigot.” Great socio-political commentary right there, it’s handled with such nuance and subtlety.
From my experience with the first three episodes, not really. Some stuff is better, the dialogue is slightly improved, and the characters aren’t as bad. Overall though, a lot of the problems are still the same. Inconsistent tone and pacing, an annoying side kick character, pandering and unsubtle political messaging, and average voice acting. At least with me, the story just feels directionless (again, I still haven’t gotten around to 4 and 5, so I’ll concede my opinion isn’t based on the complete game). It just goes from location to location, almost to the point where it feels like the overall “goal” gets muddled by the other stuff going on.
Well, usually when people hate and discriminate against others; they're not subtle about it. Some of the horrible shit characters say in this game happens daily. The game wanted to demonstrate that lots of people are forced to live with this racism in our country on a daily basis. Like I said, LIS 2 should get props for not dancing around such a toxic subject. I understand if its not your cup of tea; but that doesn't mean its bad because you don't like it
Guys!! How can i fix 0xc00007b problem in the season 1? I tried many ways but was unsuccessful. My windows is 10. Please if anyone knows tell me.
It's done so terribly though. There's no interesting or morally grey characters. Everyone Sean meets is either evil or too nice.
I dont know what are you guys talking about. The game is amazing and i like it more than S1. It made me appreciate more everything i have, even a little can of soda. It made me to look at life different. You cant hate on this game unless you dont have a heart. I bought full season and finished it, i knew they wouldnt dissapoint, looking forward for another season.
There are some grey characters. Depending on your choices; characters can view Sean in a different light. His grandma is grey, Chris' dad, Finn, some of the hippie members, and agent Flores. Plenty of grey to go around
You can see this as a reply to @Wheres_Dinner reply from my previous post, but I wanted to post this separately because I just finally got around to playing Episode 4 of LiS 2 today. Once again, the writing in regards to this game's political messaging is handled with zero grace, zero nuance, and is so on the nose in its portrayal, that it's really nothing to be praised over. I'm referring mainly to the scene of that Chad guy assaulting Sean, and after finishing the rest of the episode, I thought to myself "What did that contribute to the plot?" The answer was nothing, you can remove that scene from the game, and nothing would have changed, it's put in there for the writers to say "Look how progressive we are, this is A+ writing, racism is bad." Yeah, no shit racism is bad, and yes, people do experience racism and discrimination, but not only is it irrelevant to the plot of the episode, it's one dimensional and lacks any real substance for the players to truly think about.
You want to know a fantastic example of portraying the harmful effects of racism and bigotry that's handled with more class, dignity, and nuance? Watch these scenes from the animated series, Teen Titans (the original, not Teen Titans Go):
That's a much more mature and impactful way to handle this message, and this is from a show targeted to 7 year olds. Other children's shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, Static Shock, The Clone Wars, and The Dragon Prince have all done better in their depictions of racism, bigotry, and societal injustices, than the game meant for mature audiences.
This is so so so true, kids shows being more mature than a adult mature game is embarrassing.
Not a bad comment at all. But Chad wasn't smacking up Sean because he was Mexican. The entire cult worshipped Daniel. The brothers heritage doesn't matter to the cult. Sean was getting beat because he was trying to take away the cult's "prophet."
Well, I saw my friend stream the ending to Life is Strange 2 the other day. I have not kept up with the current season, and only tuned into small bits of the ending to Episode 5 (opening the wall, sent to jail, driving to the border), and, well, I thought it was good.
If not in how the story itself was handled, then the execution of choice and consequence. I heard there's about 7 different endings, and my friend went and played 2 of them. (one leaving for mexico the other staying in the usa) and wow... Dontnod really pulled out all the stops. Both endings were very distinct, and on top of that there's even the fate of the brother that can change too, it seems (either he goes with you or stays, and his tendencies to use his powers or not).
The first ending my buddy got was pretty nice and simple. In 2023, the bros are living apart, one with the grandparents in mexico, one who is back in the USA. The mexico brother sends him some sand, it's cute.
The second ending had both brothers arrested in the US. One brother was sent to jail for 15 years. This lands us at 2033, where he finally leaves. The other brother had a life since then, as we see in pictures getting a job, girlfriend, family life. The two brothers have a talk later on a hike, it's all unintelligible with music overlayed, but you can guess as to what they talk about. One begins crying, and man, with the music involved, I started to shed a tear. It's not clear if one brother is homeless or lives on the road, but that's my impression.
Still, however you feel about this series/season, and how it paints its themes, plot, and characters in broad strokes, you have to admit that the team behind it put a lot of work into at least creating a massive finale.
Maybe they had to make the plot and conflict so basic so even a layman could understand it, but the amount of work they put into the series is impressive, even if they had to have 3 month gaps between releases. All to get an-ever expanding, ever-changing journey across the US with new characters, locations, etc. And it paid off in the end with big differences.
It also seems that they aren't done yet. I thought they were doing poorly sales wise, and that this would be something SquEnix would kill off, but surprisingly, the studio is still thinking about a third season if this interview and headline is to judge by..
No, Chad was the guy who, along with his friend, found Sean sleeping in the car while he was making his way to the cult. He was the one that tried to force him to sing and all that crap, and by all available evidence, he doesn’t have any connection to what was going on with Daniel and the cult. He was just some random racist prick.
This proves my point, you don’t even remember who Chad was. He was so forgettable and pointless that you mixed him up with one of the people from the cult. So again, you can cut him and nothing changes.
Now I remember Chad. My mistake
I can see why that whole scene had nothing to do with the plot. I thought you were referencing the church scene.
So I recently saw this really good fan-made segment of a concept of what a "real" Life is Strange 2 could be like and it got me thinking
I didnt really love Life is Strange. I felt it had some issues and the story kinda jumped around a lot but it did have a very good concept, idea, direction, and sense of atmosphere and place in the world that I feel a lot of games are lacking lately. After seeing this video it kinda made me wish they made a more direct Life is Strange 2.
I still have yet to play Life is Strange 2 but I dont really know if Im interested in it. From what I've watched Im not sure I really enjoy the overall plot as it seems more all over the place than the first one. I pretty much know the entire story of episode 1 but after that not much other than theres a cult or something lmao
So I have a question for those who played it. Would you recommended it and which game would you consider to be better? 1 or 2?
I mean, both games have their message. Life is Strange 1 is about friendship, bullying, and mystery. Life is Strange 2 is more about racism, bigotry, and family. Both games tackle different modern day problems while showing that through all the uglyness in the world; family and friends can still make us happy and smile. To answer your question: should you play this game? Honestly, if you found enjoyment out of LiS1; I wouldn't have regrets recommending LiS2. Ep. 4 is the only time where the story starts to drag a bit, but the rest of the game is great.
I think S1 is better.
I thought S2 started great but the second episode was just so bad i stopped playing the game for a while after that (also the episodes took forever to come out) i recently played it again and i thought Episode 3 was the best one,i also liked 4 and 5 was ok i guess
but yeah it's kinda all over the place,i feel like the devs knew how they wanted to end the game but didn't really know how to get there.
One thing i really liked was that the choices ACTUALLY mattered this time in the end,they did what Telltale failed to do with AJ in TFS. You know the entire story of EP1 so i assume you know that Daniel has a power,it's a big deal and what you tell him to do with his power is what i think really matters in the end. (There's 7 different endings in EP5)
Honestly i liked it if you can get past the cringe dialogues and the dumb forced political stuff you'll enjoy it like i did maybe, there's some good ideas and i liked how they handled the endings.
It's below mediocre, not very good but I still think it is worth watching if you have the time. And the extra time to talk about what you disliked. Not only are there minor problems with plot, dialogue and political crap (metallica's comments sum it up really well) but there's also main problems like the younger brother (opinion) and just characters in general.
To start with, the pacing isn't good, but I think that was done intentionally, they make it drag out on purpose, don't know why though. Voice acting, dialogue, lip-syncing and animations all aren't good. Each episode presents itself as its own thing, the location and set of characters is different and because of that there isn't any good flow with the story. The main focus of choices mattering is on Daniel, the younger brother, less so with everything else, so you could find yourself annoyed at the story going back to the straight path to make for the climactic end, which is more or less the same regardless of choices (which is another problem in itself, at the end of an episode, it feels like the writers go "oh crap we need to get to the next episode's location, let's just make the brothers go on the run again, action scene").
Endings are handled pretty well, perhaps the saving grace. IGN said "LiS 2 is at its most satisfying at its quietist, the music swells and the camera cuts between different angles. It's in such moments that LiS 2 isn't about superpowers or the end of the world, it's about relationships, it's about that delicate acoustic guitar." The game is full of those kinds of moments. Lots of hugs.
Dartigan's video is definitely worth watching. Like all Sins videos, there are some parts that are a bit annoying but he says a lot of the things I've said and wanted to say very well.

The devs really were sponsored by the Bernie Sanders campaign, weren’t they? Either that, or Warren.
Thank you Dartigan for perfectly vocalizing my problems with this game. I said it before, the writing in the game isn't smart or subtle enough to discuss current political and social events, it's just for the writers to show how progressive and left-leaning they are, by alienating and vilifying those that even slightly disagree with the viewpoint. That's not clever, that's elitist.
ok fellas Steam sale ends tomorrow. Should I just say screw it and just see what its all about even if what I heard from you guys so far doesnt keep me in the mindset that Ill enjoy it very much? Even though I may not love it, is it worth it for the experience?
Just do what you think you're in the mood for right now. I tried watching playthroughs and reactions on this game but the concept is WAY too boring for me to watch. At least Season 1 and BTS had decent ideas which made it interesting to watch, even though I don't love them.
Just send it. A comment describing a game doesn't really tell you everything about it. If you have family that you love and would do anything for, this is a game you can connect to on that level. People just talk about the politics in the game when the overall message is Family.
Well Dontnod is a French studio. I don't think anyone in Europe, or any sane person, would really support that dipshit Trump.
Then maybe they should write games focusing on the problem in their own country, instead of focusing on a guy who, geographically, is living thousands of miles away, but apparently is living rent free in their heads.
What does Trump have to do with any of this?
Let's face it, while he's not mentioned by name to my recollection, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a lot of the political points brought up in the game (Daniel asking why there's a barrier between the US and Mexico and not Canada, the old gas station owner saying Sean is the reason they need to build a wall, their dad saying things are scary in the country, it taking place in 2016-2017) are direct jabs at American Republican President Donald Trump, who made a central part of his campaign in 2016 about illegal immigration and building a "big and beautiful" wall between the US and Mexico. You also see it in how some of the characters act (a lot of racism in the game is done by either rednecks or elderly white men, which are two big demographics that make up support for the Republican Party) that they're trying to depict Trump's base, again, in a not very subtle or nuanced manner (easier to depict them all as racists and villains than explore any of the legitimate reasons why most Trump supporters argue in favor of border security). Like I've said, the game feels more interested in political posturing and pushing ideological talking points than anything else. That was expressed a few times by Dartigan, as well as many other critics of the game, and unless you already agreed with those positions, it got old and tiresome after a while. Even those that did agree with the game's politics were growing weary of it after a while.
I've yet to see Dartigan's video. I understand everything you've been saying, but there was a fence before a wall. And from my experience, I recall asking my dad why there wasn't a Canadian border but there's a Mexican one. I'm sure we've all asked that question at one point in our lives.
Yeah we're just talking about the quality of the writing, less so what they choose to write about.
And the answer is fairly simple. No one from the US is trying to illegally enter Canada, and no one from Canada is trying to illegally enter the US. There are people who are trying to illegally enter the US through Mexico, hence the argument for tougher security and a fence/wall. It's a pretty simple answer, one that the game fails to even provide or acknowledge. It's actually kind of funny how much they try to work around the obvious answer to Daniel's question, all to just constantly paint it as "Wall is evil, orange man bad."
So I finally got around to playing this game and I have to say- pleasantly surprised. Honestly didnt think I was going to like it that much but I gotta say I think I actually liked it more than Season 1. And I dont mean that as in I just liked it more, I actually just really enjoyed this game.
Im kinda surprised I heard so many negative things about it like how Season 1 was just "clearly better" for example. I thought the dynamic of your little brother having the power may not work to well but honestly I think it worked very well and the bond you make with Daniel was very well done. Also I really enjoyed Sean as a character.
My only real complaint was I didnt think episode 4 was that good but I didnt hate it or think it was bad. I feel they stripped away too much of Daniel as well as the ep 3 set up being weird for why Daniel would just dip out on Sean. It was kinda glossed over about why Daniel just left with Jacob. Just overall I feel that maybe it should have been 4 episodes as episode 4 feels a bit stand alone. But thats probably about as far as I go for criticisms.
So real spoilers ahead here: I ended up getting the ending where Sean surrenders and Daniel lives his life and then Sean is released 15 years later and Lyla is there. And this is where I give the game its most praise. All of the endings- none of them can be considered "the correct or best ending" as each one has some kind of catch to it. And I applaud the devs for sticking to that. Its a great example on how a choice base game can have multiple endings without having one that can be considered "the best." The devs knew from the start that there is no "true" happy ending for the Diaz brothers and I'm glad that message is preserved and tells a real life moral through their story. There is no true "happy" ending and life isn't fair. Either Sean has to pay for crimes he didnt commit just to be with his brother again, he dies, they end up having to be criminals to survive, or they are separated. All the endings wrap up the story in a satisfying way based on how you played while like I said not making one ending definitively the correct one. And Im glad they pulled it off.
(I will say I find it a bit weird theres no ending where Daniel and Sean are in Mexico without being "bad people." But I suppose if it was done it may create and ending that could be considered the "best" so for that reason I feel that it probably is for the best it isnt there. Kinda ruins the theme of life isn't fair if it was there.)
this is actually a super interesting concept, and i really like the twist at the end. overall i think i do prefer the V/H/S-like route they're taking by telling a different story each game (even if it is executed... not very well.), but this is a super cool concept that i'm glad somebody explored.
Yeah it is a cool concept but honestly its kinda impossible to make unless it was a single episode spin-off. Im not sure if a Life is Strange 3 will even be made. Dontnod seems pretty busy right now and I dont think LIS2 sold well enough for them to 100% have set in stone that they will make a third game. Doing a different story each game is probably the best way to do it but I am actually really going to miss Daniel and Sean, really surprised how invested I got with their characters. Was worried Sean would feel super blank-slate-y and Daniel would be beyond annoying but that was very much the opposite case for me.