There better be something behind these updates, cause otherwise I think each vtest is probably just adding one new hair to make up Rhys' glorious stache.
So something did come out of Telltale kinda randomly advertising Texas Hold Em but they did confirm in the comments that they are still looking to secure the rights to their old games. I know there was a bit of confusion after the last batch they gained back as it wasn't super clear if they were done or would keep trying.
So looks like they are still looking to get more Ips back, so thats good.
I hope they can get Minecraft just because of the financial security it could provide them. I also think Back to the Future and Game of Thrones would be good fits for LCG
Tfw the next rereleased games are Bone and Law and Order Legacies
So something did come out of Telltale kinda randomly advertising Texas Hold Em but they did confirm in the comments that they are still look… moreing to secure the rights to their old games. I know there was a bit of confusion after the last batch they gained back as it wasn't super clear if they were done or would keep trying.
So looks like they are still looking to get more Ips back, so thats good.
Here we all worried about if Tales is actually being worked on by Gearbox and not Telltale when really we shouldnt be because we all know Gearbox doesnt actually care about Tales.
Here we all worried about if Tales is actually being worked on by Gearbox and not Telltale when really we shouldnt be because we all know Gearbox doesnt actually care about Tales.
why would gearbox care about tales if they don't even care about borderlands 3 LOL
have you guys seen the leaked directors cut content it's ass lmao. Obvious cash grab
I'll wait until we see what it truly is but it was accidently leaked by Gearbox so this probably is all it is but the "Director's Cut" is basically just some side quests from Ava for a murder mystery and then just a place where you can read about cut content. How this translate to director's cut and not "Ava's Murder Mystery" is pretty crummy to do, as director's cut makes everyone think its you know, a directors cut where content that didnt make it into the base game is now added in, not the "Pay us 15 dollars to read about cut content" cut.
I'll wait to see if there is more to it but seeing how it was leaked by Gearbox accidently revealing what was going to be in the director's cut page too early, it doesn't really seem like it.
So this seemed to have gone under peoples radar, but TFTBL was rated by PEGI for PS5 and XBSX Dec 18th 2020.
Def promising, but Tales was also awkwardly rated again along with Telltale's GOT back in 2019 and nothing happened. Also it seems 2K is publishing if this is accurate. (But there is a chance New Telltale is involved with the project. Probably cutting it slim now, but seeing how Telltale technically doesn't publish themselves anymore, if we are lucky 2K is simply publishing for them.)
It's near impossible for New Telltale not to be involved. They own the complete rights to the Telltale Tool. If TFTB was reformatted for Series X and PS5 then yeah they definitely had some emails exchanged at the minimum.
So this seemed to have gone under peoples radar, but TFTBL was rated by PEGI for PS5 and XBSX Dec 18th 2020.
Def promising, but Tales… more was also awkwardly rated again along with Telltale's GOT back in 2019 and nothing happened. Also it seems 2K is publishing if this is accurate. (But there is a chance New Telltale is involved with the project. Probably cutting it slim now, but seeing how Telltale technically doesn't publish themselves anymore, if we are lucky 2K is simply publishing for them.)
So this seemed to have gone under peoples radar, but TFTBL was rated by PEGI for PS5 and XBSX Dec 18th 2020.
Def promising, but Tales… more was also awkwardly rated again along with Telltale's GOT back in 2019 and nothing happened. Also it seems 2K is publishing if this is accurate. (But there is a chance New Telltale is involved with the project. Probably cutting it slim now, but seeing how Telltale technically doesn't publish themselves anymore, if we are lucky 2K is simply publishing for them.)
It'd be worse if it was somehow a next-gen exclusive title. (cries in PS4)
Honestly... I don't think Telltale is quite yet at the spot where their games won't run on current-gen, or a re-release of one of their old titles either.
Damn, is it finally happening? Aw yiss, it's been so long.
You know, it'd be nice if they fixed some of the bugs as well, like Zer0's voice for example. Can't believe Telltale never got around to it even though they acknowledged it in the AMA. 😅
So this seemed to have gone under peoples radar, but TFTBL was rated by PEGI for PS5 and XBSX Dec 18th 2020.
Def promising, but Tales… more was also awkwardly rated again along with Telltale's GOT back in 2019 and nothing happened. Also it seems 2K is publishing if this is accurate. (But there is a chance New Telltale is involved with the project. Probably cutting it slim now, but seeing how Telltale technically doesn't publish themselves anymore, if we are lucky 2K is simply publishing for them.)
Seeing how it seems higher ups just wanted Tales to wrap up already while the leads pushed against them, I got a feeling something happened trying to finalize Zer0's voice and they were stuck having to release it on Oct 20th and were hoping they'd get the greenlight to fix it after, but higher ups said no.
Damn, is it finally happening? Aw yiss, it's been so long.
You know, it'd be nice if they fixed some of the bugs as well, like Zer0's voice for example. Can't believe Telltale never got around to it even though they acknowledged it in the AMA. 😅
So I dont play Fortnite but they keep having Troy Baker do these reality log things as promos and a lot of it is Rhys energy writing. Apparently its written by Eric Stipe, thus someone who actually wrote for Rhys. So now Im just thinking about alternate universe BL3 where Rhys is Troy Baker and being written by someone who wrote for Tales.
So I dont play Fortnite but they keep having Troy Baker do these reality log things as promos and a lot of it is Rhys energy writing. Appare… morently its written by Eric Stipe, thus someone who actually wrote for Rhys. So now Im just thinking about alternate universe BL3 where Rhys is Troy Baker and being written by someone who wrote for Tales.
What could have been.
Some of the tweets in question, for anyone wondering: they really do have big Rhys/Troy Baker energy.… moreatus/1333928343452999688
Not gonna lie, there would be something funny about never learning. In a twisted sort of way, yes.
Am I tripping or is this a picture of TFTB with updated visuals? It looks really good maybe I'm overthinking it
Nevermind I was overthinking, just hadn't seen the game in a while I guess.
tfw all the replies to that Gearbox tweet are "you ruined Vaughn's character."
Gearbox really went and killed 2 Telltale characters, huh?
I'm the fastest man alive

every time vtest is updated
Please... please I just want to know what vtest is already
I'm starting to think we might have gotten the bad ending here,damn it.
Sorry to hear that, my heart goes out to your future lover.
not ok

Hot damn, you didn't have to go at him that hard.
Be sure to tread softly around these parts. He will not hesitate.
Hopefully dojo will will not find any discrepancies or innuendos in this post.
Inb4 Dojo removes this meme due to being a bit too much for the forums political guidelines.
Wham! Triple threat!
But yeah, goddamn Dojo, that one was a deeeeep cut.
new vtest update 6 hours ago
not taking a pic existance is pain
There better be something behind these updates, cause otherwise I think each vtest is probably just adding one new hair to make up Rhys' glorious stache.
Been thinking about how Trouble by Cage The Elephant is in Borderlands 3’s credits but tucked away instead of just being the end credit song
So something did come out of Telltale kinda randomly advertising Texas Hold Em but they did confirm in the comments that they are still looking to secure the rights to their old games. I know there was a bit of confusion after the last batch they gained back as it wasn't super clear if they were done or would keep trying.
So looks like they are still looking to get more Ips back, so thats good.
I hope they can get Minecraft just because of the financial security it could provide them. I also think Back to the Future and Game of Thrones would be good fits for LCG
Tfw the next rereleased games are Bone and Law and Order Legacies
Vtest update 6 hours ago
I still find it funny that this game didn't go back on shelves with Borderlands 3's release, considering some of the characters in that game.
Here we all worried about if Tales is actually being worked on by Gearbox and not Telltale when really we shouldnt be because we all know Gearbox doesnt actually care about Tales.
why would gearbox care about tales if they don't even care about borderlands 3 LOL
have you guys seen the leaked directors cut content it's ass lmao. Obvious cash grab
eh, it's there for people who want it
Unless it's overpriced, but I wouldn't know
I'll wait until we see what it truly is but it was accidently leaked by Gearbox so this probably is all it is but the "Director's Cut" is basically just some side quests from Ava for a murder mystery and then just a place where you can read about cut content. How this translate to director's cut and not "Ava's Murder Mystery" is pretty crummy to do, as director's cut makes everyone think its you know, a directors cut where content that didnt make it into the base game is now added in, not the "Pay us 15 dollars to read about cut content" cut.
I'll wait to see if there is more to it but seeing how it was leaked by Gearbox accidently revealing what was going to be in the director's cut page too early, it doesn't really seem like it.
So this seemed to have gone under peoples radar, but TFTBL was rated by PEGI for PS5 and XBSX Dec 18th 2020.
Def promising, but Tales was also awkwardly rated again along with Telltale's GOT back in 2019 and nothing happened. Also it seems 2K is publishing if this is accurate. (But there is a chance New Telltale is involved with the project. Probably cutting it slim now, but seeing how Telltale technically doesn't publish themselves anymore, if we are lucky 2K is simply publishing for them.)
It's near impossible for New Telltale not to be involved. They own the complete rights to the Telltale Tool. If TFTB was reformatted for Series X and PS5 then yeah they definitely had some emails exchanged at the minimum.
Also worth noting it's (incorrect) release date is the same as Borderlands 3 on PS5 and Series X
Wasnt BL3 released with the PS5 and XBSX upgrades at launch?
So to add on to this, I think this isn't a mistake. Here is the original TFTBL rating by pegi from 2014
The description is different which would be very unlikely if its a mistake. Looks like the game has been truly rated again.
Tales from the Borderlands Re-Relase trailer starts playing.
No Telltale Games or AdHoc Studio logos
Yeah, that'd be bad.
It'd be worse if it was somehow a next-gen exclusive title. (cries in PS4)
Honestly... I don't think Telltale is quite yet at the spot where their games won't run on current-gen, or a re-release of one of their old titles either.
Damn, is it finally happening? Aw yiss, it's been so long.
You know, it'd be nice if they fixed some of the bugs as well, like Zer0's voice for example. Can't believe Telltale never got around to it even though they acknowledged it in the AMA. 😅
Seeing how it seems higher ups just wanted Tales to wrap up already while the leads pushed against them, I got a feeling something happened trying to finalize Zer0's voice and they were stuck having to release it on Oct 20th and were hoping they'd get the greenlight to fix it after, but higher ups said no.
So I dont play Fortnite but they keep having Troy Baker do these reality log things as promos and a lot of it is Rhys energy writing. Apparently its written by Eric Stipe, thus someone who actually wrote for Rhys. So now Im just thinking about alternate universe BL3 where Rhys is Troy Baker and being written by someone who wrote for Tales.
What could have been.
I like how this thread slowly morphed into a general thread for TFTB desperation.
Some of the tweets in question, for anyone wondering: they really do have big Rhys/Troy Baker energy.
hypothetically let's say everything was ok
I looked it up on youtube and it's just like Rhys talking to Yvette
Also the second trailer makes me think of Rhys gathering and giving descriptions of all the vault hunters