First season of The Boys down. Again, I have no idea about the comic series it’s based on and I’m judging it solely as a show. For the most part, it’s pretty good. Well written, superbly acted, and certainly a colorful cast of characters that keep you invested. Certainly not without its faults, it really hits a huge snag in the middle of the season, but it starts and ends strong. The middle felt like it was struggling to find stuff to fill up its episodes when it only had a handful of material to setup for the remainder of the season, and that’s when it really starts to feel like a slog, but it still kept you entertained enough to push through.
Favorite character right now is easily Butcher. Karl Urban kills it, not much else to say in regards to his performance other than that. He toes the line of likable asshole that you know is a prick and uses people, but he’s got a certain charm to him that you can’t shake off.
Hughie I’m a bit more mixed on. I’m not sure if it’s the character or the actor, but something about him felt a little off. He wasn’t bad, just not as good as I was hoping. Maybe it’s because it felt like, for the first few episodes, he kept going back and forth between not wanting to do something and then wanting to do something too many times. Not to mention he had some moments later in the season that were calling for him to be serious, and he kept playing it off more as a joke, which really wasn’t good since he was trying to win back his girlfriend Annie.
Speaking of which, Annie, or her superhero name Starlight, is another one of my favorites. Unlike the other heroes who want the fame and glory, she genuinely does care about helping people and doing the right thing. She doesn’t care about the PR, she wants to be a hero. I’m not usually a fan of fish out of water stuff, but the writing around this one reeled me in (pun intended)...for the most part, it did start getting a bit old towards the tail end of it. It’s understandable for her, coming from a religious upbringing in Iowa, she’s jot use to the expectations of the big leagues and is rightfully uncomfortable with it. She just wants to do what’s right, and it’s that that really opens her eyes to how twisted the behind the scenes stuff is with these superheroes. Kind of feels like this is what happens with a lot of people who try to make it in Hollywood to become actors and actresses, and considering what happens to her in the very first episode, yeah, I can see the parallels.
Superheroes are a literal business. Stock prices, PR, marketing campaigns, approval numbers, merchandise, reality shows, etc. Honestly, it’s a cool twist on how a world with superheroes would work compared to other takes we’ve seen with stuff like the MCU and other superhero movies. It’s not about saving the world, it’s about scoring big with target demographics. Honestly, if superheroes existed in the real world, I’m more inclined to believe THIS is what would happen instead of stuff like the MCU.
Homelander fucking terrifies me, as well as everyone else in the show, but in all of the right ways...okay, mostly all the right ways. His relationship with Stillwell was creepy as fuck and really grossed me out. His pandering to the people and noble act covers up the cruel and even sadistic nature to him. He’s unpredictable, and that’s what makes him compelling. He clearly has some serious mental issues from his upbringing and that carries some huge implications for the story of the show.
The rest of the characters are also really good and have a surprising amount of depth, especially the other heroes. And while it wasn’t show a lot, I really liked the relationship between A-Train and his brother. I really thought it would be one where, after their parents died, the brother would try to use his powers to propel him to fame as well and just use A-Train. But in reality, he did care about him and look out for him. Like I said, there screen time wasn’t long together, but you got the sense that he was always trying to protect and look out for him. But eventually, it got too much for him when A-Train wouldn’t stop taking the Compound V, and that was his limit. He didn’t want to see his brother continue to throw his life away to this drug, and I don’t blame him.
Like I said, the middle of the season kind of losses it in some areas. Felt like there was a lot of filler and padding, but just enough plot related points to keep things invested. Maybe it’s just because the stuff happening around the plot heavy moments wasn’t as good as the stuff before hand, but it felt really lacking. Like the stuff at the Christian festival. Wow, a big budget TV show/movie that takes a jab at Christianity and religion in general for not being progressive, when has that ever been done, except in almost every big budget TV show/movie with a large following. Honestly, that whole part and episode is a huge skip for me.
But yeah, that’s my thoughts on Season 1. Will at least start S2 tomorrow.
Finished The Boys Season 2. Got to be honest, while not a bad show, it’s not going to be something I continue with. The acting is still great, characters intriguing, and the writing has glimmers of greatness, but honestly, that’s just it, glimmers. It didn’t capture me in the same way Season 1 did, I don’t know if that’s the draw of the show (corrupted superheroes) wearing thin, or it’s unsubtle execution of themes and messaging, but it lost a lot of the luster that Season 1 had. So yeah, The Boys. Glad I checked it out, but yeah, not sure if I’ll be sticking it out. Maybe I’ll take a look into the comic series it’s based on and keep an eye out for stuff these actors and actresses are in (goddamn Giancarlo Esposito is on top of the world right now, he usually plays the same character every time, but he’s fucking marvelous in whichever role it is), but I won’t be here for Season 3.
Been binging a couple shows recently, the anime K-On!! and a rewatch of the thriller Mr. Robot.
Anyway, I just wanted to mention their great use of music.
K-On, to be honest, doesn't have enough musical sequences, especially as it revolves around a high-school band, but when it does lean into it they're great to experience. The latest episode I saw went full metal, diving into a character's backstory as a member of the old school's rock band that specialized in metal rock. Was a pretty surprising to hear this in such a show that's been laid back in terms of rock. Death Devil -- LOVE
Mr. Robot has such a damn good use of original score and licensed music. Part of that, I think is because of the great editing and sound mixing behind the show (they cut in and out at satisfying moments), but it's always awesome whenever a good track pops up. Here's a few.
[Music] Take Me Home -- Phil Collins
^ I'm sad this last one doesn't have a clip of its scene on the internet (S2E2), because it's 5 minutes of beauty!
(Also... Mac Quayle, or whoever owns the music (probs Universal), WHY have they not released Season 4 Part 2's soundtrack?! It's been nearly a year!)
I watched 'Batman: Death in The Family'. I have some thoughts. Keep in mind, this is the digital release. It isn't the interactive version unfortunately.
The "film" wasn't much of a film. The actual Death in The Family part of the entire thing is only 25 minutes long. And it isn't even an original animation... It's literally watered down version of DC's animated Under The Red Hood film. They literally reuse old footage for more than half the feature. In fact, it's all reused old footage. Without any changes. Only two of the 25 minutes had original animation and lines... They offer nothing to the plot, and quite blatantly, they exist to lengthen the run-time. It's just Clark Kent talking to Bruce Wayne. And literally nothing they said or did was significant to anything. Putting the false advertising(?) aside, this is still very weak. It has plot-holes and the pacing is grueling.
After the Death in The Family part concludes, they add pointless, unrelated, shorts of random DC characters. I had no interest in this part, so I just stopped.
It is unfortunate this was so bad, I was expecting much more. But, if you're considering watching this... You're much better picking up the BlueRay release. Not only does it contain more, it's what DC advertised and it is the definitive way to watch this film.
I just saw the K-On! Movie. I'll try to keep it short.
First off, it opens with a jaw-dropping Metal jam session, and Basically from then on, it's as cute as the show is and amazing to see. It actually takes place before the ending of the series (as it turns out the girls had a short London trip a week before their graduation) while also giving more context and added content to the ending of the show.
Coolest thing about the film is seeing all the new locations and style of London beautifully drawn. Even the voice acting is improved upon with more of their classmates having a voiced role and once they make it to London, all residents they come across in their trip actually speak English, in stark contrast to the purely-Japanese language I've been hearing across the series. (This most likely doesn't have the same effect, or is just confusing in the English Dub.) For the original language track, that was an awesome detail. The girls also have their fair share of attempts at communicating, but it never goes well...
Great film worthy of the series, but not enough London IMO. It's only in half the movie before they return to Japan for the last 30mins. They don't even get a cup of tea! 9/10.
Oh yeah, and when KyoAni have a movie-sized budget, they always make it look fantastic. Here's a nice shot of a sunset on a plane.
I just finished Scream tv series on (Netflix) which was pretty good did like the characters and how the developed through each episode but as of now I might watch either(Black Summer) or Slasher.
But other then that I’ve been watching B rated movies on (Tubi) which is by far ridiculous like all 7 of the Evil Bong movies , Zombie Beavers and VelociPastor which was by far the worst I’ve seen but I did see some good movies like Tucker and Dale Vs Evil and (Wicked Lake )which was an indie horror film.
But what I’m most proud of is that I finally saw (The Devils Rejects) which was the Rob Zombie film which thank god I can cross that one out.
Last night I watched the 1999 film Being John Malkovich tonight and it's quite possibly the weirdest movie I've ever seen. But it's good, quite good, in my opinion, all because of how much it rolls with the weird.
Let me set it up for you (as best I can -- explaining it is not going to do this movie justice) Craig Schwartz, an unsuccessful puppeteer, signs up for a filing job at an odd company -- its located at the 7th-and-a-half floor of an office building where the ceiling is only 5-feet tall. There, one day, he finds a literal door that leads straight into the head of the famed Hollywood actor John Malkovich.
It's through this strange door that he and many others discover things about themselves they never knew, find passion, find success, and a new view on life itself.
It's a very surreal film with nice themes of introspection.
To get into spoiler territory, character growth ends up being pretty unique for the time period it's in, as Craig's wife Lotte discovers she might be trans (to Craig's dismay unfortunately), as she feels more comfortable being in the body of a man. Craig's love interest Maxine finds herself to be bisexual as she develops a lust for romance with Lotte while in Malkovich's head, later finding love with Craig in Malkovich's head, and Craig himself finds a platform of power and success he can use to launch his puppeteering career. And for a 90s film, it ends up being pretty progressive in that it ends with a lesbian couple finding each other and driving off to better pastures.[/spoiler]
Stand-out moments have to be the Malkovich-Land sequence in the middle of the film and the Malkovich-subconscious chase near the end.
This movie is freaking weird, and none of this would have been possible without everyone saying "Yes" to just going with it. I don't know who convinced John Malkovich to be in this film, but I'm glad he signed up for it.
Just saw Texas Chainsaw Massacre for the first and gotta say was a good horror film but what disturbs me about that movie that it was based on true events.
what disturbs me about that movie that it was based on true events.
Except it wasn't. I mean, there was a serial killer called Ed Gein who inspired this film. But he wasn't someone who killed people with a chainsaw, wore a skin mask and brought his victims to a disturbing dinner with his family. He was just a grave robber who was stealing dead bodies from cemeteries and used them to make furniture out of their bones and skins. If I remember correctly, he did commit murder, he cooked meat out of his victims' bodies and sold them as "deer meat".
Just saw Texas Chainsaw Massacre for the first and gotta say was a good horror film but what disturbs me about that movie that it was based on true events.
what disturbs me about that movie that it was based on true events.
Except it wasn't. I mean, there was a serial killer called Ed Ge… morein who inspired this film. But he wasn't someone who killed people with a chainsaw, wore a skin mask and brought his victims to a disturbing dinner with his family. He was just a grave robber who was stealing dead bodies from cemeteries and used them to make furniture out of their bones and skins. If I remember correctly, he did commit murder, he cooked meat out of his victims' bodies and sold them as "deer meat".
I am watching a particular show on Netflix a little more than I planned, but I won't say too much about it until I finish the first season. All I'll say as far as impressions go is that the second episode was pretty good(even if I did occasionally check off a trope list) and that I'm a bit surprised just how many character names I recall hearing before show up so early
AAHHH "The Deerfox" is a freakin awesome backstory episode for Twig and Hilda!
But why'd they have to bring me to tears like that! Ah, man, first I think Twig was gonna leave, then I see he's returned, but then I also see that he chose Hilda over his family and he probably won't see them again for another 5 good years!
So that was nice.
The previous episode delving into time travel themes was very sweet, loved the whole sequence of inaudible dialogue the two lovers had at the bar, only accompanied by jazz music. Im pretty sure the animators still animated their lips correctly, so I did pick up on a few silent words they said. That was a nice touch.
Seeing that Hilda had a Holiday-themed episode really makes me regret not binging this season last month.
Hoo boy, my goodness, "The Yule Lads" is a very entertaining, and once again pretty dark episode in Hilda.
We've got child (and later adult)-kidnapping goons, whom their leader has a pretty sinister love for his job and we've also got this giant Ogress roaming the woods, only coming out once a year to feast on the kidnapped children.
Now, this episode obviously is set around winter, so we get to see all those fun winter costumes for the characters again!
Trevor the bully made a pretty surprising appearance in this episode, since I don't think I've seen him since Season One, long, long ago.
Ooh, and the music in this episode -- particularly the closing song -- was once again a stand-out joy to hear. Really wish Netflix would step up and just release the score to this series!
All in all, very enjoyable episode. Might watch it again next year (no, This Year) when it gets more festive.
(Also, apologies if I'm posting a lot of self-indulgent stuff lately, but holy cow it just brings me so much joy. This is such a feel-good, well-crafted series, perfectly suited to calm me down and get me invested in some quality animation. School's had me stressed-the-frick-out lately, and I've also discovered the true joy of art, so I'm sorry if I've seemed a bit high-energy lately. My self-esteem is doing very well and I really enjoy getting those fun hits of serotonin, that's all.)
EDIT 01/22
Damn, Netflix really loves teasing this show with possible character removals!
"The Replacement" was damn fun and cute, specifically the ending, I really hope to see these two meet up in the future. My heart is melting.
Just noticed the Season Finale is a double-length episode! Wowie! Consider me hyyyped!
JusT finish watching Black Summer (season 1) on Netflix was insane considering Zombies on how fast they run and 2 that was a prequel to (Z nation) but other then that I’m watching Jurassic World : Camper Cretaceous (Season Two) and so far like how the teenagers are adapting jurassic Park Isla Nubar and held her character development is growing as a team and getting used to each other.
Still also waiting for (Resident Evil : Infinite Darkness) to come out on Netflix I thought it was going to come out yesterday but still staying tune.
Hilda Season 2 is now complete. Well... sorta.
What the hell, Netflix??
Very bold move in ending this season on a cliffhanger! That was unexpected! (Though I'm happy to report that apparently there's still one more book not yet adapted, and it covers the events after this cliffhanger).
Still... wow this is very not wholesome, I better not have this hanging over my head for another 2 years.
The final episode here was around 42 minutes, but that really flew by!
This finale does bring up loads of questions surrounding the trolls and their way of life, hopefully it gets expanded on and explained in the future. As we have a troll society living inside the mountain, with some having their own furnished caves and loot piles. Not to mention the super-big twist at the end where through some troll-magic-voodoo, Hilda and the Baba troll switch bodies! Who orchestrated that and why??
I do feel like the trolls are going to invade Trolberg at some point though, since they do want their land back. Damnit, Ahlberg!
The side-plot of Frida and David searching for Hilda was nice, if only to see Ahlberg turned into a mute bug. Hell to the yes with that plot point! He finally shuts up.
I was thinking when Alfur mentioned he needed to get a "special kind of pigeon" or something, they'd finally re-introduce the Great Raven! Which would have been awesome! But, nope. It was the same one as the last episode... I get that his voice actor was probably unavailable when they were recording the show, but... damn, that sucks.
I liked how Hilda and Johanna's adventurous feud came to a head in this episode, especially with Hilda once again trying to sneak out after being forced to stay inside (now, I feel like she should have explained that she needed to deliver something to Frida because it was homework related, but ehhh). Lots of shows have a "I learned my lesson" moral for the episode and then it either sticks for the rest of the show or is irrelevant to future events. But with this, Hilda really doesn't learn her lesson once, and at various times went against her mother after that time-travel episode. It's anxiety-inducing but neat!
...Well, not learning her lesson makes sense as it's in the very first few lines of the Life of Hilda song!
Also here's the cool song that was composed, performed, and written by Bella Ramsey. That's awesome!
Not to mention the super-big twist at the end where through some troll-magic-voodoo, Hilda and the Baba troll switch bodies! Who orchestrated that and why??
Pretty sure it was the mama troll that did the switcheroo with her having swapped the heads of the doll things. Maybe to give her kid a chance at a better life by being inside of the walls.
I was thinking when Alfur mentioned he needed to get a "special kind of pigeon" or something, they'd finally re-introduce the Great Raven! Which would have been awesome! But, nope. It was the same one as the last episode... I get that his voice actor was probably unavailable when they were recording the show, but... damn, that sucks.
Yeah it would have been nice to see him again. There's actually a deleted scene from the episode where Hilda goes on the blimp ride with the safety patrol where she encounters the raven again only for him to say he'll be visiting other places around the world. I assume it got cut because it's pretty inconsequential to the episode.
Hilda Season 2 is now complete. Well... sorta.
What the hell, Netflix??
Also here's the cool song that was composed, performed, and written by Bella Ramsey. That's awesome!
Maybe to give her kid a chance at a better life by being inside of the walls.
Ah, that might be it, while Hilda gets to live more out in the wilderness where she's always felt more at-home (but obviously none of this is ideal for anyone involved).
I can see why that Raven scene was cut. Seems like they only had that scene to justify his complete absence from the season, just showing up only to leave immediately. I like that it's implied other towns around the world celebrate their own Bird Parades.
Anyway, Season 2 was really fun! There were a bunch of stand-out, memorable episodes, and it seems like the team really got the OK from Netflix to make the show a bit darker, given the amount of death and darker humour this time around. God, this show is one of Netflix's best! It's also perfect for a feel-good show to put on when you need a quick break. Lots of engaging stories that get wrapped up within the span of 25 minutes or so. I've definitely needed those these past few weeks.
There's a movie in production. Fingers crossed it's out within the next year, since that's quite the cliffhanger for Season 2.
(Ooh, it won a BAFTA for Season 1. I've got high hopes for another nomination!)
@AChicken @lupinb0y @AronDracula
I can’t imagine we’re getting S4 of The Dragon Prince this year, probably not until early-mid 2022 from what they’re saying here.
In my defense, we were getting conflicting info for a while. Certain responses, social media posts, and other stuff looked to indicate voice work had already started a couple of months ago, but that doesn’t look to be the case here. And I know that Seasons 4-7 were only green lit back in June of last year, but you mean to tell me that no sort of prep or anything was done between November, 2019 (when S3 premiered) and then? The other seasons were green lit one at a time, and yet those were able to come out 5-9 months apart. The pandemic is not having THAT much of an impact on development.
but you mean to tell me that no sort of prep or anything was done between November, 2019 (when S3 premiered) and then?
Of course I believe that they had already begun some of the work for the next season in the chance they got greenlit for the full saga. I wouldn't be surprised if they had an outline for the remainder of series already written out along with some of the script as they prayed to the Allfather (the executives at Netflix) that they would get the chance to complete their vision. It's just that writing, animating and recording in general takes time especially if they plan for things to be bigger and better than the previous seasons, regardless of the pandemic.
The other seasons were green lit one at a time, and yet those were able to come out 5-9 months apart.
And I expect a similar release format for the upcoming seasons. However, actual production on the upcoming seasons still only recently started within the past few months. Animated productions with multiple season orders tend to have those seasons worked on and completed close to each other to prevent long breaks between releases. I'm guessing that Dragon Prince had at least two to three years of production before the first season released (Wonderstorm was founded in 2017, but work on the series almost certain began earlier than that), and by that time they were probably close to completing season 2, and work on season 3 would have been steadily increasing.
I'm basing this all off of what some creators of other Netflix animated shows that had "bulk" styled production have said in the past such as Noelle Stevenson (She-Ra) and Radford Sechrist (Kipo). She-Ra had two and a half years of production, and by the time the first season was released (2018), seasons two and three were completed/close to completion and writing on the 4th and 5th seasons were in the process of being finished (the show ended in 2020). She-Ra had 3-6 months break between seasons. Kipo had three years production and all three seasons were released in 2020 and had a 3-4 month break between seasons.
Also apologies if the gif had seemed patronising in any way (like an "I told you so"). It was meant to be like a cheeky jab more than anything.
In my defense, we were getting conflicting info for a while. Certain responses, social media posts, and other stuff looked to indicate voice… more work had already started a couple of months ago, but that doesn’t look to be the case here. And I know that Seasons 4-7 were only green lit back in June of last year, but you mean to tell me that no sort of prep or anything was done between November, 2019 (when S3 premiered) and then? The other seasons were green lit one at a time, and yet those were able to come out 5-9 months apart. The pandemic is not having THAT much of an impact on development.
So unexpectedly finished with the first season I guess now's the time to reveal the show I was referring to previously: AMC's The Walking Dead.
Reiterating what I said earlier, I wasn't actually planning on watching this show, aside from the brief period of time years where the appropriate subforum was still open and I was considering becoming more in the know with everybody else. But that didn't happen obviously and it was only on that flimsy basis, so I didn't intend on going through with it.
And to further repeat myself, I never intended on getting mixed up with The Walking Dead beyond seeing and/or knowing of a few characters to begin with because I don't like zombies or too much of horror for that matter. But alas, between my seeming inability to truly leave the franchise in the ditch, the situation we as a nation have found ourselves in for about a year now, and having access to a streaming service, there wasn't too much in place to keep me from reconsidering it.
So here we are, with season 1 under my belt and I can say it was generally good. Can't really say there's an episode I thought wasn't good since t the seasom was so short and they can sort of blend themselves together upon recap, but I don't think it was necessarily amazing either. Is good--it's generally good, solid gripping enough television. Looking at a guide for reference, I'd say the even numbered episodes were generally the strongest and more enjoyable, while the odd ones could meander a bit while still being fine enough.
In regards to the cast of characters, I'm kind of leaving this current stalemate condition I've had lately where I have a hard time really saying or feeling much about a lot of them beyond "they're okay or meh." Which is sorta nice because, across these six episodes of time, I do have a couple of characters I did like to go with the ones that were eh or in maybe one case egh.
However, there are a few criticisms I can levy real quick before signing off. 1. As I said in my tease post, the first few episodes did feel like a checklist of Walking Dead stuff. Now, that's not really a problem with the show or remotely it's fault, given that I'd already experienced the entire game series at that point, but it's funny how that played out. Particularly in episode 2, where I just couldn't help but go "Go down the middle, you idiots!" when they just started hacking away.
2. Despite liking a decent handful and barely even disliking very few, there were still characters I felt fell into one of two less than noteworthy categories. The first were vaguely middle of the road, with me either sorta liking things about them except not really or didn't stand out much beyond knowing their name/face: so either your Rick and your Lori or your Carl and your Spanish guy whose name I forgot. Alternatively, there were those simply extraneous to the point that I struggled harder to recall anything about them, also known as Spanish guy's entire family, Sophia(who I didn't realize was Sophia until the credits of the last episode), and Carol. I'm not a fan of Shane, Daryl, or Ed either, but at least it felt like I'm meant to remember them rather than go through motions regardless of what I already know.
And for 3.
What was up with Black Vibrator Lady in the finale? I admit that most of the deaths have not been very graceful in this show thus far, but hers is the most "Why...?" by far. She already started out as kind of an extraneous character--standing out mostly because of her race and bringimg up whatever her past occupation was once in episode 2--but that made me realize just how much I didn't get about her character the begin with. Again, her only real contributions was suggesting the sewer system as an escape, somehow ticking Ed off with that vibrator joke, and personally discovering Jim was bitten, which also confused me at the end. First because it honestly started to seem like there was more of a developing bond between those two afterwards, which is sort of implied by her looking after him and you can even sort of make her out her doing...something in the convoy when everyone is leaving him behind. But even with that kinda being a background event, she was apparently going with T-Dog the entire time?! Not suggesting that whatever was going on with him with her and Jim was anything more than just platonic concern, mind you, but rather expressing confusion since I don't recall anything of the sort coming up or even T-dog having a particular reaction to her death, yet he clearly calls her baby when she makes her decision. But ultimately, her exit is so sudden, indicatory of a possible subplot that never properly happened, and perhaps most embarrassing of all, feels redundant as hell given Andrea's arc across the same two episodes and then some. We see that final shot of her and Dr Jenner holding hands as the others manage to escape and it's like, "Yeah, this is totally a moment or something we're having right now." What did the writers realize they didn't want to kill off Andrea at the last minute and still needed to death or did the actress take the script's argument a little too seriously given her race and go "F*** this, I'm out!"?
May start watching again at some point, but don't feel any immediate push to right now.
Oh no, you were fine, you weren’t coming off as patronizing at all. I didn’t mean to make it seem like I was coming off as defensive, I was just reemphasizing why I originally though S4 could come out this year before this tweet dropped.
You are right that screenwriting does take a lot of time, and based on interviews from the creators, they do have an outline and roadmap of how the show is going to go. I guess I just assumed that, with a detailed roadmap, it would cut back on some of the writing time since now they just have to put their thoughts to paper, not conceptualize each new season from scratch and then start writing.
Yeah, I can see a large gap here, but very quick turnaround times for the following seasons once S4 is released, mainly for similar reasons for the ones stated above, even if I haven’t watched those shows. Now that the whole saga was green lit, I can imagine they’re working simultaneously developing and writing the rest of the seasons so that the gaps between them will be much shorter.
I guess I’m just worried what the overall impact on the shows popularity this could have. You’re talking a 3 year hiatus possibly of no new content (outside of the Through the Moon comic, but not everyone read it). People move on in that time, casual fans forget and assume the worst without doing their research. While the show has been green lit, that’s not to say Netflix can’t reverse their decision if ratings aren’t that good, and a three year break could be detrimental. Now maybe it won’t have too much of an impact, maybe it actually helps the show and more people com onboard during this time or they market the hell out of it when S4 is announced, but these are all a lot of “if’s.”
but you mean to tell me that no sort of prep or anything was done between November, 2019 (when S3 premiered) and then?
Of course I b… moreelieve that they had already begun some of the work for the next season in the chance they got greenlit for the full saga. I wouldn't be surprised if they had an outline for the remainder of series already written out along with some of the script as they prayed to the Allfather (the executives at Netflix) that they would get the chance to complete their vision. It's just that writing, animating and recording in general takes time especially if they plan for things to be bigger and better than the previous seasons, regardless of the pandemic.
The other seasons were green lit one at a time, and yet those were able to come out 5-9 months apart.
And I expect a similar release format for the upcoming seasons. However, actual production on the upcoming seasons still only recently started within t… [view original content]
I guess I just assumed that, with a detailed roadmap, it would cut back on some of the writing time since now they just have to put their thoughts to paper, not conceptualize each new season from scratch and then start writing.
Having an outline almost certainly does help cut some of the writing time, along with the fact that the show pretty much has no fat to it anyway, which probably helps to keep things even more focused. However, there's always the chance that they may decide to change a few things, thus having to do some re-writes.
You’re talking a 3 year hiatus possibly of no new content (outside of the Through the Moon comic, but not everyone read it). People move on in that time, casual fans forget and assume the worst without doing their research.
Yeah unfortunately it's a risk they'll have to take, so hopefully the content they plan to release between now and the premiere of the next season helps retain some of its viewership.
Shakes fist at Netflix for not greenlighting the full saga from the start
While the show has been green lit, that’s not to say Netflix can’t reverse their decision if ratings aren’t that good, and a three year break could be detrimental.
If it were live action I would be more worried, but Netflix has gone out of their way to say that they're dedicated to releasing more animated projects for streaming considering how successful many of their past and current endeavours have been before and after the pandemic, so personally I think it's a lot less likely for them to go back on their word and cancel the series even with the big hiatus. But yeah, retaining viewership might be the big problem going forward, so hopefully Netflix does a good job advertising the show, merch and whatever upcoming plans they have for it.
Oh no, you were fine, you weren’t coming off as patronizing at all. I didn’t mean to make it seem like I was coming off as defensive, I was … morejust reemphasizing why I originally though S4 could come out this year before this tweet dropped.
You are right that screenwriting does take a lot of time, and based on interviews from the creators, they do have an outline and roadmap of how the show is going to go. I guess I just assumed that, with a detailed roadmap, it would cut back on some of the writing time since now they just have to put their thoughts to paper, not conceptualize each new season from scratch and then start writing.
Yeah, I can see a large gap here, but very quick turnaround times for the following seasons once S4 is released, mainly for similar reasons for the ones stated above, even if I haven’t watched those shows. Now that the whole saga was green lit, I can imagine they’re working simultaneously developing and writing th… [view original content]
I think the huge revitalization of Avatar since it's return to Netflix has helped a bit. Even before the show premiered, they went heavy marketing it as being created by the former head writer. Now that a lot of people have either rewatched Avatar or seen it for the first time, some of those viewers will carry over to watch TDP. I've already seen several accounts of this on Reddit and YouTube. You just need to hope that these people will stick around.
That being said, I think they said the only new content is the tabletop game and the novelizations of the show's seasons, nothing else has been confirmed. I was hoping for maybe more comics, but they already said that TTM is the only one planned between now and S4, so when they say unannounced canon stories, what are they referring to?
I guess I just assumed that, with a detailed roadmap, it would cut back on some of the writing time since now they just have to put their th… moreoughts to paper, not conceptualize each new season from scratch and then start writing.
Having an outline almost certainly does help cut some of the writing time, along with the fact that the show pretty much has no fat to it anyway, which probably helps to keep things even more focused. However, there's always the chance that they may decide to change a few things, thus having to do some re-writes.
You’re talking a 3 year hiatus possibly of no new content (outside of the Through the Moon comic, but not everyone read it). People move on in that time, casual fans forget and assume the worst without doing their research.
Yeah unfortunately it's a risk they'll have to take, so hopefully the content they plan to release between now and the premiere of the next season helps retain some of… [view original content]
Recently started Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath. It's honestly very scary what this "church" has done to people. Serious investigations need to be done and it's tax exempt status needs to be revoked.
Maybe some original novels set in the world of Dragon Prince. Other than that I can't really think of what else it could be if they don't plan to release any more comics for the moment.
I think the huge revitalization of Avatar since it's return to Netflix has helped a bit. Even before the show premiered, they went heavy mar… moreketing it as being created by the former head writer. Now that a lot of people have either rewatched Avatar or seen it for the first time, some of those viewers will carry over to watch TDP. I've already seen several accounts of this on Reddit and YouTube. You just need to hope that these people will stick around.
That being said, I think they said the only new content is the tabletop game and the novelizations of the show's seasons, nothing else has been confirmed. I was hoping for maybe more comics, but they already said that TTM is the only one planned between now and S4, so when they say unannounced canon stories, what are they referring to?
Good, finally something worth waiting Can't wait for more Viren and Aary adventures. Also @MetallicaRules have you read those TDP novels? If so are they good?
@AChicken @lupinb0y @AronDracula
I can’t imagine we’re getting S4 of The Dragon Prince this year, probably not until early-mid 2022 from what they’re saying here.
So there's only one novel out right now, that's the novelizations of Book One. I thought it was pretty good, albeit more simplistic than what I was expecting. I guess I was thinking something more along the lines of the Kyoshi novels in Avatar, but the books are definitely made more for an elementary school audience. That being said, they still do delve more into the characters thoughts and feelings, and some possible canon lore building. I say possible because the novel did make some changes here and there from what happens in the show, which can make one think that just because something is said or happens in the book, doesn't make it true for the show. Example: Ezran is 10 in the show, but he's 8 in the book. Other changes pertain to dialogue changes, rewriting certain scenes entirely, swapping characters, combining different scenes into one, etc. But I'd say it's probably 80-85% the same as the show, but with, what I think, enough worthwhile tidbits of character growth to make it worth the purchase. The novelization of Book 2 is due out later this year, and an eventual Book 3 novelization at a later date.
Then there's the comic, Through the Moon. That was great, a fantastic extra story that focuses primarily on Rayla and her fears and feelings in the aftermath of the battle at the Storm Spire. It's ending sets up a very interesting plot thread for S4, so I would definitely encourage people who are fans of the show to read it.
Good, finally something worth waiting Can't wait for more Viren and Aary adventures. Also @MetallicaRules have you read those TDP novels? If so are they good?
Just saw Hell Fest on Netflix loved the movie what got me so exited is that (Bex Taylor Krause) from MTV's Scream tv series was in it but other then that the soundtrack was really got me loving the slasher film.
I’m watching Slasher on Netflix and after watching pilot episode gotta say was outstanding gotta thank my PUBG/Facebook friends for recommending me this show.
I am late to the party but I finally got to watch Mandalorian Season 2. What can I say? It was ten times better than Season 1 and this is exactly what Star Wars is meant to be. Great character arcs, great action sequences and great special effects.
Sadly, I was already spoiled that Luke Skywalker was in this season but I still had emotions in my brain when I saw him come out of nowhere and kick some ass in Season finale. I could care less how rough the de-age CGI looked because this is soooo much better than Luke from the sequel trilogy. SUCK ON THAT, RIAN JOHNSON!!!
I also loved the way they handled the characters from the Clone Wars show. Although, I would say that the actress who played Ahsoka Tano seemed a little bit off, maybe due to her face. But she did do a good job nonetheless. I think they did a better job with Bo-Kataan's character. That's what I would call the best "jump from animation to live-action" character ever put in TV. She was amazing
Last but not least, Dave Filoni strikes again with the redemptions for the characters who weren't really treated well by George Lucas in the movies. First Darth Maul and now Boba Fett. Boba Fett was easily the best part of the season and this is coming from someone who always thought Boba Fett was overrated. Temuera Morrison is so lucky to have played the whole Fett family and his performance was just outstanding.
This is what the future for Star Wars needed, not the Sequel Trilogy. I have spoken.
I am late to the party but I finally got to watch Mandalorian Season 2. What can I say? It was ten times better than Season 1 and this is ex… moreactly what Star Wars is meant to be. Great character arcs, great action sequences and great special effects.
This is what the future for Star Wars needed, not the Sequel Trilogy. I have spoken.
I've recently been pointed to this video. If anyone enjoying the tense atmosphere of WandaVision hasn't seen this yet, check it out. It's a crazy, unsettling short by Adult Swim about a sitcom intro that begins to fall apart...
I've recently been pointed to this video. If anyone enjoying the tense atmosphere of WandaVision hasn't seen this yet, check it out. It's a … morecrazy, unsettling short by Adult Swim about a sitcom intro that begins to fall apart...
Warning: blood and gore.
First season of The Boys down. Again, I have no idea about the comic series it’s based on and I’m judging it solely as a show. For the most part, it’s pretty good. Well written, superbly acted, and certainly a colorful cast of characters that keep you invested. Certainly not without its faults, it really hits a huge snag in the middle of the season, but it starts and ends strong. The middle felt like it was struggling to find stuff to fill up its episodes when it only had a handful of material to setup for the remainder of the season, and that’s when it really starts to feel like a slog, but it still kept you entertained enough to push through.
Favorite character right now is easily Butcher. Karl Urban kills it, not much else to say in regards to his performance other than that. He toes the line of likable asshole that you know is a prick and uses people, but he’s got a certain charm to him that you can’t shake off.
Hughie I’m a bit more mixed on. I’m not sure if it’s the character or the actor, but something about him felt a little off. He wasn’t bad, just not as good as I was hoping. Maybe it’s because it felt like, for the first few episodes, he kept going back and forth between not wanting to do something and then wanting to do something too many times. Not to mention he had some moments later in the season that were calling for him to be serious, and he kept playing it off more as a joke, which really wasn’t good since he was trying to win back his girlfriend Annie.
Speaking of which, Annie, or her superhero name Starlight, is another one of my favorites. Unlike the other heroes who want the fame and glory, she genuinely does care about helping people and doing the right thing. She doesn’t care about the PR, she wants to be a hero. I’m not usually a fan of fish out of water stuff, but the writing around this one reeled me in (pun intended)...for the most part, it did start getting a bit old towards the tail end of it. It’s understandable for her, coming from a religious upbringing in Iowa, she’s jot use to the expectations of the big leagues and is rightfully uncomfortable with it. She just wants to do what’s right, and it’s that that really opens her eyes to how twisted the behind the scenes stuff is with these superheroes. Kind of feels like this is what happens with a lot of people who try to make it in Hollywood to become actors and actresses, and considering what happens to her in the very first episode, yeah, I can see the parallels.
Superheroes are a literal business. Stock prices, PR, marketing campaigns, approval numbers, merchandise, reality shows, etc. Honestly, it’s a cool twist on how a world with superheroes would work compared to other takes we’ve seen with stuff like the MCU and other superhero movies. It’s not about saving the world, it’s about scoring big with target demographics. Honestly, if superheroes existed in the real world, I’m more inclined to believe THIS is what would happen instead of stuff like the MCU.
Homelander fucking terrifies me, as well as everyone else in the show, but in all of the right ways...okay, mostly all the right ways. His relationship with Stillwell was creepy as fuck and really grossed me out. His pandering to the people and noble act covers up the cruel and even sadistic nature to him. He’s unpredictable, and that’s what makes him compelling. He clearly has some serious mental issues from his upbringing and that carries some huge implications for the story of the show.
The rest of the characters are also really good and have a surprising amount of depth, especially the other heroes. And while it wasn’t show a lot, I really liked the relationship between A-Train and his brother. I really thought it would be one where, after their parents died, the brother would try to use his powers to propel him to fame as well and just use A-Train. But in reality, he did care about him and look out for him. Like I said, there screen time wasn’t long together, but you got the sense that he was always trying to protect and look out for him. But eventually, it got too much for him when A-Train wouldn’t stop taking the Compound V, and that was his limit. He didn’t want to see his brother continue to throw his life away to this drug, and I don’t blame him.
Like I said, the middle of the season kind of losses it in some areas. Felt like there was a lot of filler and padding, but just enough plot related points to keep things invested. Maybe it’s just because the stuff happening around the plot heavy moments wasn’t as good as the stuff before hand, but it felt really lacking. Like the stuff at the Christian festival. Wow, a big budget TV show/movie that takes a jab at Christianity and religion in general for not being progressive, when has that ever been done, except in almost every big budget TV show/movie with a large following. Honestly, that whole part and episode is a huge skip for me.
But yeah, that’s my thoughts on Season 1. Will at least start S2 tomorrow.
Finished The Boys Season 2. Got to be honest, while not a bad show, it’s not going to be something I continue with. The acting is still great, characters intriguing, and the writing has glimmers of greatness, but honestly, that’s just it, glimmers. It didn’t capture me in the same way Season 1 did, I don’t know if that’s the draw of the show (corrupted superheroes) wearing thin, or it’s unsubtle execution of themes and messaging, but it lost a lot of the luster that Season 1 had. So yeah, The Boys. Glad I checked it out, but yeah, not sure if I’ll be sticking it out. Maybe I’ll take a look into the comic series it’s based on and keep an eye out for stuff these actors and actresses are in (goddamn Giancarlo Esposito is on top of the world right now, he usually plays the same character every time, but he’s fucking marvelous in whichever role it is), but I won’t be here for Season 3.
Been binging a couple shows recently, the anime K-On!! and a rewatch of the thriller Mr. Robot.
Anyway, I just wanted to mention their great use of music.
K-On, to be honest, doesn't have enough musical sequences, especially as it revolves around a high-school band, but when it does lean into it they're great to experience. The latest episode I saw went full metal, diving into a character's backstory as a member of the old school's rock band that specialized in metal rock. Was a pretty surprising to hear this in such a show that's been laid back in terms of rock.
Death Devil -- LOVE
Mr. Robot has such a damn good use of original score and licensed music. Part of that, I think is because of the great editing and sound mixing behind the show (they cut in and out at satisfying moments), but it's always awesome whenever a good track pops up. Here's a few.
^ I'm sad this last one doesn't have a clip of its scene on the internet (S2E2), because it's 5 minutes of beauty!
(Also... Mac Quayle, or whoever owns the music (probs Universal), WHY have they not released Season 4 Part 2's soundtrack?! It's been nearly a year!)
I watched 'Batman: Death in The Family'. I have some thoughts. Keep in mind, this is the digital release. It isn't the interactive version unfortunately.
The "film" wasn't much of a film. The actual Death in The Family part of the entire thing is only 25 minutes long. And it isn't even an original animation... It's literally watered down version of DC's animated Under The Red Hood film. They literally reuse old footage for more than half the feature. In fact, it's all reused old footage. Without any changes. Only two of the 25 minutes had original animation and lines... They offer nothing to the plot, and quite blatantly, they exist to lengthen the run-time. It's just Clark Kent talking to Bruce Wayne. And literally nothing they said or did was significant to anything. Putting the false advertising(?) aside, this is still very weak. It has plot-holes and the pacing is grueling.
After the Death in The Family part concludes, they add pointless, unrelated, shorts of random DC characters. I had no interest in this part, so I just stopped.
It is unfortunate this was so bad, I was expecting much more. But, if you're considering watching this... You're much better picking up the BlueRay release. Not only does it contain more, it's what DC advertised and it is the definitive way to watch this film.
I just saw the K-On! Movie. I'll try to keep it short.
First off, it opens with a jaw-dropping Metal jam session, and Basically from then on, it's as cute as the show is and amazing to see. It actually takes place before the ending of the series (as it turns out the girls had a short London trip a week before their graduation) while also giving more context and added content to the ending of the show.
Coolest thing about the film is seeing all the new locations and style of London beautifully drawn. Even the voice acting is improved upon with more of their classmates having a voiced role and once they make it to London, all residents they come across in their trip actually speak English, in stark contrast to the purely-Japanese language I've been hearing across the series. (This most likely doesn't have the same effect, or is just confusing in the English Dub.) For the original language track, that was an awesome detail. The girls also have their fair share of attempts at communicating, but it never goes well...
Great film worthy of the series, but not enough London IMO. It's only in half the movie before they return to Japan for the last 30mins. They don't even get a cup of tea! 9/10.
Oh yeah, and when KyoAni have a movie-sized budget, they always make it look fantastic. Here's a nice shot of a sunset on a plane.

I just finished Scream tv series on (Netflix) which was pretty good did like the characters and how the developed through each episode but as of now I might watch either(Black Summer) or Slasher.
But other then that I’ve been watching B rated movies on (Tubi) which is by far ridiculous like all 7 of the Evil Bong movies , Zombie Beavers and VelociPastor which was by far the worst I’ve seen but I did see some good movies like Tucker and Dale Vs Evil and (Wicked Lake )which was an indie horror film.
But what I’m most proud of is that I finally saw (The Devils Rejects) which was the Rob Zombie film which thank god I can cross that one out.
Last night I watched the 1999 film Being John Malkovich tonight and it's quite possibly the weirdest movie I've ever seen. But it's good, quite good, in my opinion, all because of how much it rolls with the weird.
Let me set it up for you (as best I can -- explaining it is not going to do this movie justice) Craig Schwartz, an unsuccessful puppeteer, signs up for a filing job at an odd company -- its located at the 7th-and-a-half floor of an office building where the ceiling is only 5-feet tall. There, one day, he finds a literal door that leads straight into the head of the famed Hollywood actor John Malkovich.
It's through this strange door that he and many others discover things about themselves they never knew, find passion, find success, and a new view on life itself.
It's a very surreal film with nice themes of introspection.
To get into spoiler territory, character growth ends up being pretty unique for the time period it's in, as Craig's wife Lotte discovers she might be trans (to Craig's dismay unfortunately), as she feels more comfortable being in the body of a man. Craig's love interest Maxine finds herself to be bisexual as she develops a lust for romance with Lotte while in Malkovich's head, later finding love with Craig in Malkovich's head, and Craig himself finds a platform of power and success he can use to launch his puppeteering career. And for a 90s film, it ends up being pretty progressive in that it ends with a lesbian couple finding each other and driving off to better pastures.[/spoiler]
Stand-out moments have to be the Malkovich-Land sequence in the middle of the film and the Malkovich-subconscious chase near the end.
This movie is freaking weird, and none of this would have been possible without everyone saying "Yes" to just going with it. I don't know who convinced John Malkovich to be in this film, but I'm glad he signed up for it.
Just watched Starship Troopers traitor Of Mars .
Just saw Texas Chainsaw Massacre for the first and gotta say was a good horror film but what disturbs me about that movie that it was based on true events.
Except it wasn't. I mean, there was a serial killer called Ed Gein who inspired this film. But he wasn't someone who killed people with a chainsaw, wore a skin mask and brought his victims to a disturbing dinner with his family. He was just a grave robber who was stealing dead bodies from cemeteries and used them to make furniture out of their bones and skins. If I remember correctly, he did commit murder, he cooked meat out of his victims' bodies and sold them as "deer meat".
Then it’s called AlterNet historical events if that’s the case
Just finished season 4 of Dexter.
Oh god I really hope that ending was just a dream or something, I don't usually get emotional at TV shows but that ending really messed me up.
I am watching a particular show on Netflix a little more than I planned, but I won't say too much about it until I finish the first season. All I'll say as far as impressions go is that the second episode was pretty good(even if I did occasionally check off a trope list) and that I'm a bit surprised just how many character names I recall hearing before show up so early
Netflix, why must you toy with my emotions?!
AAHHH "The Deerfox" is a freakin awesome backstory episode for Twig and Hilda!
But why'd they have to bring me to tears like that! Ah, man, first I think Twig was gonna leave, then I see he's returned, but then I also see that he chose Hilda over his family and he probably won't see them again for another 5 good years!
So that was nice.
The previous episode delving into time travel themes was very sweet, loved the whole sequence of inaudible dialogue the two lovers had at the bar, only accompanied by jazz music. Im pretty sure the animators still animated their lips correctly, so I did pick up on a few silent words they said. That was a nice touch.
Seeing that Hilda had a Holiday-themed episode really makes me regret not binging this season last month.
Hoo boy, my goodness, "The Yule Lads" is a very entertaining, and once again pretty dark episode in Hilda.
We've got child (and later adult)-kidnapping goons, whom their leader has a pretty sinister love for his job and we've also got this giant Ogress roaming the woods, only coming out once a year to feast on the kidnapped children.
Now, this episode obviously is set around winter, so we get to see all those fun winter costumes for the characters again!
Trevor the bully made a pretty surprising appearance in this episode, since I don't think I've seen him since Season One, long, long ago.
Ooh, and the music in this episode -- particularly the closing song -- was once again a stand-out joy to hear. Really wish Netflix would step up and just release the score to this series!
All in all, very enjoyable episode. Might watch it again next year (no, This Year) when it gets more festive.
(Also, apologies if I'm posting a lot of self-indulgent stuff lately, but holy cow it just brings me so much joy. This is such a feel-good, well-crafted series, perfectly suited to calm me down and get me invested in some quality animation. School's had me stressed-the-frick-out lately, and I've also discovered the true joy of art, so I'm sorry if I've seemed a bit high-energy lately. My self-esteem is doing very well and I really enjoy getting those fun hits of serotonin, that's all.)
EDIT 01/22

Damn, Netflix really loves teasing this show with possible character removals!
"The Replacement" was damn fun and cute, specifically the ending, I really hope to see these two meet up in the future. My heart is melting.
Just noticed the Season Finale is a double-length episode! Wowie! Consider me hyyyped!
JusT finish watching Black Summer (season 1) on Netflix was insane considering Zombies on how fast they run and 2 that was a prequel to (Z nation) but other then that I’m watching Jurassic World : Camper Cretaceous (Season Two) and so far like how the teenagers are adapting jurassic Park Isla Nubar and held her character development is growing as a team and getting used to each other.
Still also waiting for (Resident Evil : Infinite Darkness) to come out on Netflix I thought it was going to come out yesterday but still staying tune.
Hilda Season 2 is now complete. Well... sorta.
What the hell, Netflix??
Very bold move in ending this season on a cliffhanger! That was unexpected! (Though I'm happy to report that apparently there's still one more book not yet adapted, and it covers the events after this cliffhanger).
Still... wow this is very not wholesome, I better not have this hanging over my head for another 2 years.
The final episode here was around 42 minutes, but that really flew by!
This finale does bring up loads of questions surrounding the trolls and their way of life, hopefully it gets expanded on and explained in the future. As we have a troll society living inside the mountain, with some having their own furnished caves and loot piles. Not to mention the super-big twist at the end where through some troll-magic-voodoo, Hilda and the Baba troll switch bodies! Who orchestrated that and why??
I do feel like the trolls are going to invade Trolberg at some point though, since they do want their land back. Damnit, Ahlberg!
The side-plot of Frida and David searching for Hilda was nice, if only to see Ahlberg turned into a mute bug. Hell to the yes with that plot point! He finally shuts up.
I was thinking when Alfur mentioned he needed to get a "special kind of pigeon" or something, they'd finally re-introduce the Great Raven! Which would have been awesome! But, nope. It was the same one as the last episode... I get that his voice actor was probably unavailable when they were recording the show, but... damn, that sucks.
I liked how Hilda and Johanna's adventurous feud came to a head in this episode, especially with Hilda once again trying to sneak out after being forced to stay inside (now, I feel like she should have explained that she needed to deliver something to Frida because it was homework related, but ehhh). Lots of shows have a "I learned my lesson" moral for the episode and then it either sticks for the rest of the show or is irrelevant to future events. But with this, Hilda really doesn't learn her lesson once, and at various times went against her mother after that time-travel episode. It's anxiety-inducing but neat!
...Well, not learning her lesson makes sense as it's in the very first few lines of the Life of Hilda song!
Pretty sure it was the mama troll that did the switcheroo with her having swapped the heads of the doll things. Maybe to give her kid a chance at a better life by being inside of the walls.
Yeah it would have been nice to see him again. There's actually a deleted scene from the episode where Hilda goes on the blimp ride with the safety patrol where she encounters the raven again only for him to say he'll be visiting other places around the world. I assume it got cut because it's pretty inconsequential to the episode.
Ah, that might be it, while Hilda gets to live more out in the wilderness where she's always felt more at-home (but obviously none of this is ideal for anyone involved).
I can see why that Raven scene was cut. Seems like they only had that scene to justify his complete absence from the season, just showing up only to leave immediately. I like that it's implied other towns around the world celebrate their own Bird Parades.
Anyway, Season 2 was really fun! There were a bunch of stand-out, memorable episodes, and it seems like the team really got the OK from Netflix to make the show a bit darker, given the amount of death and darker humour this time around. God, this show is one of Netflix's best! It's also perfect for a feel-good show to put on when you need a quick break. Lots of engaging stories that get wrapped up within the span of 25 minutes or so. I've definitely needed those these past few weeks.
There's a movie in production. Fingers crossed it's out within the next year, since that's quite the cliffhanger for Season 2.
(Ooh, it won a BAFTA for Season 1. I've got high hopes for another nomination!)
Probably going to get to Kipo next.
Just finish watching Jurassic World : Camp Cretaceous season two and now moving on to Breaking Bad.
@AChicken @lupinb0y @AronDracula
I can’t imagine we’re getting S4 of The Dragon Prince this year, probably not until early-mid 2022 from what they’re saying here.
In my defense, we were getting conflicting info for a while. Certain responses, social media posts, and other stuff looked to indicate voice work had already started a couple of months ago, but that doesn’t look to be the case here. And I know that Seasons 4-7 were only green lit back in June of last year, but you mean to tell me that no sort of prep or anything was done between November, 2019 (when S3 premiered) and then? The other seasons were green lit one at a time, and yet those were able to come out 5-9 months apart. The pandemic is not having THAT much of an impact on development.
Of course I believe that they had already begun some of the work for the next season in the chance they got greenlit for the full saga. I wouldn't be surprised if they had an outline for the remainder of series already written out along with some of the script as they prayed to the Allfather (the executives at Netflix) that they would get the chance to complete their vision. It's just that writing, animating and recording in general takes time especially if they plan for things to be bigger and better than the previous seasons, regardless of the pandemic.
And I expect a similar release format for the upcoming seasons. However, actual production on the upcoming seasons still only recently started within the past few months. Animated productions with multiple season orders tend to have those seasons worked on and completed close to each other to prevent long breaks between releases. I'm guessing that Dragon Prince had at least two to three years of production before the first season released (Wonderstorm was founded in 2017, but work on the series almost certain began earlier than that), and by that time they were probably close to completing season 2, and work on season 3 would have been steadily increasing.
I'm basing this all off of what some creators of other Netflix animated shows that had "bulk" styled production have said in the past such as Noelle Stevenson (She-Ra) and Radford Sechrist (Kipo). She-Ra had two and a half years of production, and by the time the first season was released (2018), seasons two and three were completed/close to completion and writing on the 4th and 5th seasons were in the process of being finished (the show ended in 2020). She-Ra had 3-6 months break between seasons. Kipo had three years production and all three seasons were released in 2020 and had a 3-4 month break between seasons.
Also apologies if the gif had seemed patronising in any way (like an "I told you so"). It was meant to be like a cheeky jab more than anything.
So unexpectedly finished with the first season I guess now's the time to reveal the show I was referring to previously: AMC's The Walking Dead.
Reiterating what I said earlier, I wasn't actually planning on watching this show, aside from the brief period of time years where the appropriate subforum was still open and I was considering becoming more in the know with everybody else. But that didn't happen obviously and it was only on that flimsy basis, so I didn't intend on going through with it.
And to further repeat myself, I never intended on getting mixed up with The Walking Dead beyond seeing and/or knowing of a few characters to begin with because I don't like zombies or too much of horror for that matter. But alas, between my seeming inability to truly leave the franchise in the ditch, the situation we as a nation have found ourselves in for about a year now, and having access to a streaming service, there wasn't too much in place to keep me from reconsidering it.
So here we are, with season 1 under my belt and I can say it was generally good. Can't really say there's an episode I thought wasn't good since t the seasom was so short and they can sort of blend themselves together upon recap, but I don't think it was necessarily amazing either. Is good--it's generally good, solid gripping enough television. Looking at a guide for reference, I'd say the even numbered episodes were generally the strongest and more enjoyable, while the odd ones could meander a bit while still being fine enough.
In regards to the cast of characters, I'm kind of leaving this current stalemate condition I've had lately where I have a hard time really saying or feeling much about a lot of them beyond "they're okay or meh." Which is sorta nice because, across these six episodes of time, I do have a couple of characters I did like to go with the ones that were eh or in maybe one case egh.

However, there are a few criticisms I can levy real quick before signing off. 1. As I said in my tease post, the first few episodes did feel like a checklist of Walking Dead stuff. Now, that's not really a problem with the show or remotely it's fault, given that I'd already experienced the entire game series at that point, but it's funny how that played out. Particularly in episode 2, where I just couldn't help but go "Go down the middle, you idiots!" when they just started hacking away.
2. Despite liking a decent handful and barely even disliking very few, there were still characters I felt fell into one of two less than noteworthy categories. The first were vaguely middle of the road, with me either sorta liking things about them except not really or didn't stand out much beyond knowing their name/face: so either your Rick and your Lori or your Carl and your Spanish guy whose name I forgot. Alternatively, there were those simply extraneous to the point that I struggled harder to recall anything about them, also known as Spanish guy's entire family, Sophia(who I didn't realize was Sophia until the credits of the last episode), and Carol. I'm not a fan of Shane, Daryl, or Ed either, but at least it felt like I'm meant to remember them rather than go through motions regardless of what I already know.
And for 3.
What was up with Black Vibrator Lady in the finale? I admit that most of the deaths have not been very graceful in this show thus far, but hers is the most "Why...?" by far. She already started out as kind of an extraneous character--standing out mostly because of her race and bringimg up whatever her past occupation was once in episode 2--but that made me realize just how much I didn't get about her character the begin with. Again, her only real contributions was suggesting the sewer system as an escape, somehow ticking Ed off with that vibrator joke, and personally discovering Jim was bitten, which also confused me at the end. First because it honestly started to seem like there was more of a developing bond between those two afterwards, which is sort of implied by her looking after him and you can even sort of make her out her doing...something in the convoy when everyone is leaving him behind. But even with that kinda being a background event, she was apparently going with T-Dog the entire time?! Not suggesting that whatever was going on with him with her and Jim was anything more than just platonic concern, mind you, but rather expressing confusion since I don't recall anything of the sort coming up or even T-dog having a particular reaction to her death, yet he clearly calls her baby when she makes her decision. But ultimately, her exit is so sudden, indicatory of a possible subplot that never properly happened, and perhaps most embarrassing of all, feels redundant as hell given Andrea's arc across the same two episodes and then some. We see that final shot of her and Dr Jenner holding hands as the others manage to escape and it's like, "Yeah, this is totally a moment or something we're having right now." What did the writers realize they didn't want to kill off Andrea at the last minute and still needed to death or did the actress take the script's argument a little too seriously given her race and go "F*** this, I'm out!"?
May start watching again at some point, but don't feel any immediate push to right now.
Oh no, you were fine, you weren’t coming off as patronizing at all. I didn’t mean to make it seem like I was coming off as defensive, I was just reemphasizing why I originally though S4 could come out this year before this tweet dropped.
You are right that screenwriting does take a lot of time, and based on interviews from the creators, they do have an outline and roadmap of how the show is going to go. I guess I just assumed that, with a detailed roadmap, it would cut back on some of the writing time since now they just have to put their thoughts to paper, not conceptualize each new season from scratch and then start writing.
Yeah, I can see a large gap here, but very quick turnaround times for the following seasons once S4 is released, mainly for similar reasons for the ones stated above, even if I haven’t watched those shows. Now that the whole saga was green lit, I can imagine they’re working simultaneously developing and writing the rest of the seasons so that the gaps between them will be much shorter.
I guess I’m just worried what the overall impact on the shows popularity this could have. You’re talking a 3 year hiatus possibly of no new content (outside of the Through the Moon comic, but not everyone read it). People move on in that time, casual fans forget and assume the worst without doing their research. While the show has been green lit, that’s not to say Netflix can’t reverse their decision if ratings aren’t that good, and a three year break could be detrimental. Now maybe it won’t have too much of an impact, maybe it actually helps the show and more people com onboard during this time or they market the hell out of it when S4 is announced, but these are all a lot of “if’s.”
Having an outline almost certainly does help cut some of the writing time, along with the fact that the show pretty much has no fat to it anyway, which probably helps to keep things even more focused. However, there's always the chance that they may decide to change a few things, thus having to do some re-writes.
Yeah unfortunately it's a risk they'll have to take, so hopefully the content they plan to release between now and the premiere of the next season helps retain some of its viewership.
Shakes fist at Netflix for not greenlighting the full saga from the start
If it were live action I would be more worried, but Netflix has gone out of their way to say that they're dedicated to releasing more animated projects for streaming considering how successful many of their past and current endeavours have been before and after the pandemic, so personally I think it's a lot less likely for them to go back on their word and cancel the series even with the big hiatus. But yeah, retaining viewership might be the big problem going forward, so hopefully Netflix does a good job advertising the show, merch and whatever upcoming plans they have for it.
I think the huge revitalization of Avatar since it's return to Netflix has helped a bit. Even before the show premiered, they went heavy marketing it as being created by the former head writer. Now that a lot of people have either rewatched Avatar or seen it for the first time, some of those viewers will carry over to watch TDP. I've already seen several accounts of this on Reddit and YouTube. You just need to hope that these people will stick around.
That being said, I think they said the only new content is the tabletop game and the novelizations of the show's seasons, nothing else has been confirmed. I was hoping for maybe more comics, but they already said that TTM is the only one planned between now and S4, so when they say unannounced canon stories, what are they referring to?
Recently started Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath. It's honestly very scary what this "church" has done to people. Serious investigations need to be done and it's tax exempt status needs to be revoked.
Maybe some original novels set in the world of Dragon Prince. Other than that I can't really think of what else it could be if they don't plan to release any more comics for the moment.
Watched Hot Fuzz twice within the same week.
Goddamn, do I love Edgar Wright.
Good, finally something worth waiting
Can't wait for more Viren and Aary adventures. Also @MetallicaRules have you read those TDP novels? If so are they good?
So there's only one novel out right now, that's the novelizations of Book One. I thought it was pretty good, albeit more simplistic than what I was expecting. I guess I was thinking something more along the lines of the Kyoshi novels in Avatar, but the books are definitely made more for an elementary school audience. That being said, they still do delve more into the characters thoughts and feelings, and some possible canon lore building. I say possible because the novel did make some changes here and there from what happens in the show, which can make one think that just because something is said or happens in the book, doesn't make it true for the show. Example: Ezran is 10 in the show, but he's 8 in the book. Other changes pertain to dialogue changes, rewriting certain scenes entirely, swapping characters, combining different scenes into one, etc. But I'd say it's probably 80-85% the same as the show, but with, what I think, enough worthwhile tidbits of character growth to make it worth the purchase. The novelization of Book 2 is due out later this year, and an eventual Book 3 novelization at a later date.
Then there's the comic, Through the Moon. That was great, a fantastic extra story that focuses primarily on Rayla and her fears and feelings in the aftermath of the battle at the Storm Spire. It's ending sets up a very interesting plot thread for S4, so I would definitely encourage people who are fans of the show to read it.
Just saw Hell Fest on Netflix loved the movie what got me so exited is that (Bex Taylor Krause) from MTV's Scream tv series was in it but other then that the soundtrack was really got me loving the slasher film.
One more episode of Dexter left, bit concerned what's gonna happen given what I've heard about the ending, but at least there will be a 9th season.
I’m watching Slasher on Netflix and after watching pilot episode gotta say was outstanding gotta thank my PUBG/Facebook friends for recommending me this show.
I am late to the party but I finally got to watch Mandalorian Season 2. What can I say? It was ten times better than Season 1 and this is exactly what Star Wars is meant to be. Great character arcs, great action sequences and great special effects.
Sadly, I was already spoiled that Luke Skywalker was in this season but I still had emotions in my brain when I saw him come out of nowhere and kick some ass in Season finale. I could care less how rough the de-age CGI looked because this is soooo much better than Luke from the sequel trilogy. SUCK ON THAT, RIAN JOHNSON!!!
I also loved the way they handled the characters from the Clone Wars show. Although, I would say that the actress who played Ahsoka Tano seemed a little bit off, maybe due to her face. But she did do a good job nonetheless. I think they did a better job with Bo-Kataan's character. That's what I would call the best "jump from animation to live-action" character ever put in TV. She was amazing
Last but not least, Dave Filoni strikes again with the redemptions for the characters who weren't really treated well by George Lucas in the movies. First Darth Maul and now Boba Fett. Boba Fett was easily the best part of the season and this is coming from someone who always thought Boba Fett was overrated. Temuera Morrison is so lucky to have played the whole Fett family and his performance was just outstanding.
This is what the future for Star Wars needed, not the Sequel Trilogy. I have spoken.
I think it probably helped that Bo-Katan was played by the actress who voiced her in clone wars. But yeah, I agree. Seasom 2 was amazing.
I've recently been pointed to this video. If anyone enjoying the tense atmosphere of WandaVision hasn't seen this yet, check it out. It's a crazy, unsettling short by Adult Swim about a sitcom intro that begins to fall apart...
Warning: blood and gore.
"Too Many Cooks"

Real classic this one. Could never get enough of it.