Asking For Minecraft Story Mode Season 3 Until We get it



  • Day 135 of asking for MCSM S3.

  • edited July 2021


  • edited July 2021

    Day 136 of asking for MCSM S3.

  • That's odd. I see the day 135 comment right above that one.
    Maybe you weren't on the latest page?

    chronogeo posted: »


  • edited July 2021


  • Yeah I'm dumb. When I pinned the tab on Google Chrome, I didn't realize it pinned it on page 9 of this thread. My bad!

    AChicken posted: »

    That's odd. I see the day 135 comment right above that one. Maybe you weren't on the latest page?

  • no worries :blush:

    chronogeo posted: »

    Yeah I'm dumb. When I pinned the tab on Google Chrome, I didn't realize it pinned it on page 9 of this thread. My bad!

  • Day 137 of asking for MCSM S3.

  • Don't stop fighting

  • Yay were on page 10! ^^

  • Day 138 of asking for MCSM S3.

  • Day 139 of asking for MCSM S3

  • Day 140 of asking for MCSM S3.

  • edited July 2021

    This is an upcoming computer interactive-adventure game based on its two previous seasons, released in 2015 and 2017. It was created by Mojang AB and will not be developed by Telltale Games, as they closed down in 2018. This season will be released on most platforms in 2023. This season is a continuation of the second season, but ten years later. This season is the final season and completes the story of the adventures of Jesse and his friends. This season has more episodes than the previous two seasons of the game. The main antagonist of the whole season is - Herobrin. But I use

  • I can agree, we need another Minecraft: Story Mode from TellTale!

  • Day 141 of asking for MCSM S3.

  • Day 142 of asking for MCSM S3.

  • Day 143/144 of asking for MCSM S3. I did it, I finally missed a day.

  • Is there gonna be another drawing to celebrate 150 days :0

  • Day 145 of asking for MCSM S3.

  • Maybe ;]

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Is there gonna be another drawing to celebrate 150 days :0

  • edited July 2021

    \( ‘0’ )/

    chronogeo posted: »

    Maybe ;]

  • Day 146 of asking for MCSM S3.

  • Day 147 of asking for MCSM S3.

  • Day 148 of asking for MCSM S3.

  • Day 149 of asking for MCSM S3.

  • Instead of adding a new character every time, I'm going to go through different characters for every 50 days up until the next big milestones because I would have way too many characters to draw when I get up to like. day 500. Anyway, thanks for all the support!

  • edited July 2021

    Gosh that's a cute (and well-detailed) drawing of Lluna! [I admit I had to look up the name... it's been a looong time].
    Congrats to making it to Day 150!

    Question: Why do you draw your 'A's with a line on the left? Is it just easy to draw an H and then connecting two edges like that?

    chronogeo posted: »

    Instead of adding a new character every time, I'm going to go through different characters for every 50 days up until the next big milestone

  • Thanks for the compliment! I know Lluna isn't the most popular character, but I ended up going with her bc of the fact that I like her and thought her chewing on Reuben's esrablished party hat would be funny.

    As for the "A," my handwriting is. something. I grew up with a few people writing the capital A's like that, and I thought it was kind of cute. Once I got to junior year of high school, I also decided to change some of my other letters to be... unique for ease of reading later (and in some cases like my "q" qnd "E," to look ugly as hell for no reason and to piss people off.) You're the first person to ask about my A's, actually!

    AChicken posted: »

    Gosh that's a cute (and well-detailed) drawing of Lluna! [I admit I had to look up the name... it's been a looong time]. Congrats to makin

  • Day 151 of asking for MCSM S3.

  • That looks really good. Good job.

    chronogeo posted: »

    Instead of adding a new character every time, I'm going to go through different characters for every 50 days up until the next big milestone

  • It’s so cute! Do you post any artwork online on social media or something?

    chronogeo posted: »

    Instead of adding a new character every time, I'm going to go through different characters for every 50 days up until the next big milestone

  • Day 152 of asking for MCSM S3.

  • I do! I don't have a dedicated art blog, but there's some in my tumblr art tag.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    It’s so cute! Do you post any artwork online on social media or something?

  • Day 153 of asking for MCSM S3.

  • Oh my god! It's been 2 months since I don't Talk here, I'm so sorry, I've been really busy :'(
    Also, my Discord now is darawastaken#2003
    Add me chrono and we can Talk sometimes, I'm really sorry.
    Also, day 153?
    P.D: If you miss one, we've got ur back don't worry

  • The last comment was supposed to be sent at 0:00 AM, not at 2 PM, sorry xD

  • Day 154 of asking for MCSM S3.

  • Day 155 of asking for MCSM S3.

  • Day 156 of asking for MCSM S3.

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