I'm actually noticing a lot of familiar voices in my short time of playing. Ashley Williams (VA Kimberly Brooks, Barbara Gordon in Arkham Asylum/City), Joker (VA Seth Green, Chris in Family Guy and creator of Robot Chicken), Captain David Anderson (VA Keith David, President in Rick and Morty, and also apparently King Andrias in Amphibia), and Nelyna (VA April Stewart, Jessamine Kaldwin/The Heart in Dishonored, and a good chunk of the female characters in South Park) are the ones I was quickly able to recognize.
now I get all the Mass Effect jokes when Jesus in ANF had the same voice as him
Oh wow I never even noticed that. Jesus literally just sounds like Garrus but without a voice filter.
Yeah the Mass Effect trilogy has a really stacked cast. I'm sure you'll recognise even more voices as you play or if you look up the cast you might go "Wait, that was them???" like me lmao.
I'm actually noticing a lot of familiar voices in my short time of playing. Ashley Williams (VA Kimberly Brooks, Barbara Gordon in Arkham As… moreylum/City), Joker (VA Seth Green, Chris in Family Guy and creator of Robot Chicken), Captain David Anderson (VA Keith David, President in Rick and Morty, and also apparently King Andrias in Amphibia), and Nelyna (VA April Stewart, Jessamine Kaldwin/The Heart in Dishonored, and a good chunk of the female characters in South Park) are the ones I was quickly able to recognize.
Got two games on my plate:
Started Kirby Star Allies recently. Right off the bat the presentation is impressive, with this half-tone stylized opening and a freaking HD cutscene starting the game. Menu Intro Opening Cutscene
The game itself is a bit simple, but still fun to figure out how to get secret collectibles.
Resident Evil 2 Remake.
I've made some more progress in this, and man it's just gonna be stressful the entire way through, just like Alien Isolation.
From what I understand, in Resident Evil, the basic enemies are the zombies, then bigger mutations after that become nightmare-ish, inhuman murder creatures. I'm already spooked by the zombies!
I do think I've been making some good progress though. Just got into the secret passageway in the main police station hall, and along the way I got a few inventory upgrades and a shotgun.
Though the ammo conservation is really stressful. I've read that it should be easier to run around zombies instead of shooting them all, but I feel way more better if they're dead! And don't get me started on the Lickers! Terrifying things that crawl on the ceiling and walls. I've only seen one so far but I hate it!
Definitely only playing this game in 1-hour sessions.
Great to hear you enjoyed it basically the same as me!
Did you have a favourite choice of lightsaber colour? I used Orange most of the time. Felt like the kind of colour Cal would use.
I liked it. I didn’t really put down my thoughts because, honestly, AChicken summed up almost my exact thoughts in his post. Pretty much eve… morerything he said I agree with (except maybe the creatures, I thought it was cool to see other creatures in this universe, even if I had to kill them, and it was fun to slice the smaller ones in half). I liked that it was pretty open world and not a linear game like I thought it was going to be, the voice acting was great, and the game was equal parts frustrating as it was enjoyable (like Chicken, I’ve never played Dark Souls or DS like games, though I do have Bloodborne and Demon’s Souls in my library).
I also went with orange for most of the game. As stupid as it may sound, it's been my favorite color since I was a wee Metallica fan. Which is kind of ironic considering I'm a Yankee fan and not a Mets fan (who are on of their biggest rivals and orange is one of their team colors).
Great to hear you enjoyed it basically the same as me!
Did you have a favourite choice of lightsaber colour? I used Orange most of the time. Felt like the kind of colour Cal would use.
I've reached the part in Resident Evil 2 where Mr. X. is unleashed.
This, plus the fact that there's brand new Lickers and zombies in new areas to get there, ohhhhh man I'm gonna run out of ammo fast and I'm gonna curl up into a ball and die.
This will basically be me then for the rest of the game.
I've reached the part in Resident Evil 2 where Mr. X. is unleashed.
This, plus the fact that there's brand new Lickers and zombies in new… more areas to get there, ohhhhh man I'm gonna run out of ammo fast and I'm gonna curl up into a ball and die.
This will basically be me then for the rest of the game.
I've been playing Halo Infinite since the Multiplayer was released on November 15th, and it is a ton of fun so far, I've been rather boring and have spent the majority of my time practicing and adapting to the game, doing weapon training drills, playing against bots (a new feature for Halo I believe?), so to get a feel for the maps and weapon spawn points.
Graphically, it looks pretty, Halo as a franchise was never about photo-realism, but the locales are gorgeous.
The gameplay is smooth, and feels great, I really feel like a SPARTAN, a one-man army.
The weapons are for the most part, pretty good, I enjoy using the Assault Rifle, it has always been my go-to, more than the Battle Rifle (very unpopular opinion but that's how it is)
My gripe with the game was, and still is, the Battle Pass, it locks away a vast portion of armor components to personalize your SPARTAN, with the player having to spend money to unlock them. At the start, progression through the Battle Pass was rather stingy, and the objectives were hard to complete, reason being those objectives hinged on doing a very specific thing during a matchmade game, like getting a very specific type of kill in a specific mode, the progression system has improved though in a small form by having progress be gained through just playing games, it'll still be a grind, but it's a small step.
But one thing that needs to be changed is the Battle Pass, make it like Halo: The Master Chief Collection's Exchange, where you complete objectives through gameplay, earn a virtual currency that can't be bought with real currency, and put customization options behind that. That'll encourage gameplay, that'll retain player count, and create a positive image.
As for the Campaign, obviously I haven't played it yet, it's not out until December 8th (Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space Remastered also comes out on that date!) but from what I've seen, I like the dynamic between John (Master Chief) and The Weapon (voiced by Jen Taylor, who voices Cortana and Dr. Halsey), the latter being what I'd describe as fairly naïve and unintentionally humorous with how she interacts with Chief. Jega R'Domnai, one of the SPARTAN Killers in the game, looks awesome, absolutely awesome, and The Banished look awesome.
The AI though, referring to the marines in the game... they're not the brightest bunch:
Should make for a good laugh when playing through Halo Infinite's Campaign.
All in all, the game is good, the Campaign is shaping up to be absolute quality (hopefully), but the Battle Pass Progression? Needs to adopt the same progression system as Halo: The Master Chief Collection
I've been playing Infinite too and I do enjoy it. But I'm surprised there aren't many maps and fewer modes, for example infection, husky, and others. Unfortunately I'm only a silver in Ranked whereas my friends are platinum. But as for the battlepass I do hate that you have to pay to unlock the cool stuff. But then again it's free to play so I won't judge.
The AI though, referring to the marines in the game... they're not the brightest bunch:
God I've already played with the AI on my time for multiplayer when someone leaves the game and man it sucks.
I've been playing Halo Infinite since the Multiplayer was released on November 15th, and it is a ton of fun so far, I've been rather boring … moreand have spent the majority of my time practicing and adapting to the game, doing weapon training drills, playing against bots (a new feature for Halo I believe?), so to get a feel for the maps and weapon spawn points.
Graphically, it looks pretty, Halo as a franchise was never about photo-realism, but the locales are gorgeous.
The gameplay is smooth, and feels great, I really feel like a SPARTAN, a one-man army.
The weapons are for the most part, pretty good, I enjoy using the Assault Rifle, it has always been my go-to, more than the Battle Rifle (very unpopular opinion but that's how it is)
My gripe with the game was, and still is, the Battle Pass, it locks away a vast portion of armor components to personalize your SPARTAN, with the player having to spend money to unlock them. At the start,… [view original content]
Yeah it sucks that there isn't a variety of maps and modes, co-op campaign won't even launch with the campaign on December 8th, it's a massive disappointment, not that I will utilize the co-op campaign, but for the players that will, I feel for them. I'm not ranked at all because I am big peepee poopoo at online games, I mostly just try to practice and play against SPARTAN Level bots to try and get a grip on how the game works.
The multiplayer component is free to play, which is absolutely incredible, that was a good move to make on Microsoft's part, but the microtransactions... maybe I'm being a bit overdramatic, but I think it's a very poor decision, I've seen a few Reddit posts on how much it'll cost to unlock items in the Battle Pass, it ain't cheap, that sucks, as I'd like to see a similar system to the one that 343 used with Halo: The Master Chief Collection, apparently there won't be any cosmetic items for multiplayer that's unlockable through playing the campaign, it's just an oddball decision to me. I get that it allows costs from development to be recouped, and usually I'm not too fussed about cosmetic microtransactions, this one just stood out to me as a peculiar one.
I've been playing Infinite too and I do enjoy it. But I'm surprised there aren't many maps and fewer modes, for example infection, husky, a… morend others. Unfortunately I'm only a silver in Ranked whereas my friends are platinum. But as for the battlepass I do hate that you have to pay to unlock the cool stuff. But then again it's free to play so I won't judge.
The AI though, referring to the marines in the game... they're not the brightest bunch:
God I've already played with the AI on my time for multiplayer when someone leaves the game and man it sucks.
Yeah it sucks that there isn't a variety of maps and modes, co-op campaign won't even launch with the campaign on December 8th, it's a massi… moreve disappointment, not that I will utilize the co-op campaign, but for the players that will, I feel for them. I'm not ranked at all because I am big peepee poopoo at online games, I mostly just try to practice and play against SPARTAN Level bots to try and get a grip on how the game works.
The multiplayer component is free to play, which is absolutely incredible, that was a good move to make on Microsoft's part, but the microtransactions... maybe I'm being a bit overdramatic, but I think it's a very poor decision, I've seen a few Reddit posts on how much it'll cost to unlock items in the Battle Pass, it ain't cheap, that sucks, as I'd like to see a similar system to the one that 343 used with Halo: The Master Chief Collection, apparently there won't be any cosmetic items for multiplayer that's unlocka… [view original content]
Last night I got up to what I assume the final area is: The L______ [spoilers]
Mr. X actually wasn't that big of a threat. I thought he'd chase you for the entire rest of the game after he shows up, but he's only in the Police Station and sparse scripted moments later.
The super freaky stuff though comes in the obligatory sewer level. Uuuuuugh, these terrifying Flesh-Blob monsters with long necks and giant eyes walk through this waist-deep water, can poison your character (which makes aiming harder and makes your next hit your last), and sends in small flesh-drones to attack you in the water. Ugh. Thankfully there's a weapon you can find to totally destroy them, but they are seriously freaky.
I can only imagine what horrors await me in the climax of the game... Thankfully the amount of weapons and ammo I've stockpiled make me feel a bit better when I come across some enemies now.
I know there's a Part 2 where you replay the game as the opposite character you didn't choose (with some alternate scenes), but... I think I'm gonna leave that for another time. This game keeps me on edge far too much.
(Also there's this one boss enemy that keeps showing up, and I really wish they'd stop doing the whole "Oh look he fell off a cliff, surely he's dead now for good". Uhhh... Obviously NOT! He's not dead until we actually see him blow up or melt or something. Just another way to keep me on edge I guess in terms of enemies.)
Mr. X actually wasn't that big of a threat. I thought he'd chase you for the entire rest of the game after he shows up, but he's only in the Police Station and sparse scripted moments later.
Yeah, Mr. X isn't in the game THAT long actually. The only reason players say that is because they didn't know where to go next due to the puzzles. He is no longer a big threat once you learn the whole game.
I'm nearing the end of Resident Evil 2 Remake.
Last night I got up to what I assume the final area is: The L______ [spoilers]
Mr. X ac… moretually wasn't that big of a threat. I thought he'd chase you for the entire rest of the game after he shows up, but he's only in the Police Station and sparse scripted moments later.
The super freaky stuff though comes in the obligatory sewer level. Uuuuuugh, these terrifying Flesh-Blob monsters with long necks and giant eyes walk through this waist-deep water, can poison your character (which makes aiming harder and makes your next hit your last), and sends in small flesh-drones to attack you in the water. Ugh. Thankfully there's a weapon you can find to totally destroy them, but they are seriously freaky.
I can only imagine what horrors await me in the climax of the game... Thankfully the amount of weapons and ammo I've stockpiled make me feel a bit better when I come across some enemies now.
I k… [view original content]
Started playing the Halo: Infinite. I've never played any Halo multiplayer before but the gameplay is fun and satisfying. It's also easy to learn and it's not super stressful for the most part, though that's not to say it doesn't have some intense moments. However, this might have the worst progression I've ever seen in a multiplayer game. You can only gain XP by completing set set challenges (up to three) given to you at the start of a match and you'll only get like 50XP per challenge you complete. Kills, objectives and assists don't have any effect at all. After playing for over three hours I finally made it to level 1 from 0. The fact that you can't earn new armors or anything cool without having the battlepass is even worse. At most you'll get an XP booster. There is pretty much zero progression and as someone who kind of needs something like to really feel invested I don't see myself playing this for that long.
Yikes, I've heard the progression was somehow broken, but that's how they're handling it? That's just annoying for annoyances sake.
I do think (if it'll still be in the game) their future-proofing Battle Pass system is pretty neat. Apparently when one of their Seasons end, it'll be put into an archive mode, where any new or returning players can still buy into it or progress that old Battle Pass.
Given that Fortnite and Apex and any other Battle Royale all have this 'Limited Time', "Fear of Missing Out" system tied into the Pass, it's way better -- psychologically and time-wise -- to not have this artificial limited scarcity dangled in front of players faces all the time.
Started playing the Halo: Infinite. I've never played any Halo multiplayer before but the gameplay is fun and satisfying. It's also easy to … morelearn and it's not super stressful for the most part, though that's not to say it doesn't have some intense moments. However, this might have the worst progression I've ever seen in a multiplayer game. You can only gain XP by completing set set challenges (up to three) given to you at the start of a match and you'll only get like 50XP per challenge you complete. Kills, objectives and assists don't have any effect at all. After playing for over three hours I finally made it to level 1 from 0. The fact that you can't earn new armors or anything cool without having the battlepass is even worse. At most you'll get an XP booster. There is pretty much zero progression and as someone who kind of needs something like to really feel invested I don't see myself playing this for that long.
Yikes, I've heard the progression was somehow broken, but that's how they're handling it? That's just annoying for annoyances sake.
I do … morethink (if it'll still be in the game) their future-proofing Battle Pass system is pretty neat. Apparently when one of their Seasons end, it'll be put into an archive mode, where any new or returning players can still buy into it or progress that old Battle Pass.
Given that Fortnite and Apex and any other Battle Royale all have this 'Limited Time', "Fear of Missing Out" system tied into the Pass, it's way better -- psychologically and time-wise -- to not have this artificial limited scarcity dangled in front of players faces all the time.
So RE2make actually has some zombies near the end here that are basically Capcom version of Clickers.
Creepy wheezing sound, slightly faster than a normal Zombie, and the only way to kill them is by hitting specific pulsating weak points.
Phew! This was a really stressful and awesome experience. 8:19:27, C Rank. Not bad I guess?
I've never played the original (though I'm sure it doesn't capture the same kind of fear nowadays), but I can tell this is a stunning way to remake a game. Change the camera-angle to a modern over-the-shoulder, making you claustrophobic, add in modern lighting, textures, and some awesome sound design, and you get a really terrifying reimagining of a horror classic.
I loved the metroidvania style of this, where you get certain items that enable you to unlock shortcuts or new items in previous areas, with plenty of them optional. Really made me eager (and sometimes not) to explore all the locked areas I could find.
The game -- as mentioned -- is terrifying. Probably due to how every type of monster is always a threat, even near the end of the game. Basic zombies take multiple headshots, are very relentless, and often play dead after they fall over.
There's a 2nd Scenario for the other character, but I'll leave that for another time. I've already stressed myself out enough.
I am currently playing Counter-Strike. But I also occasionally play The Talos Principle VR where I have to solve various puzzles and explore the world around me, which combines the features of an ancient civilization and modern advanced technologies. I really like to plunge into the athosphere of virtual reality. lucidrealitylabs.com/blog/5-vr-headsets-making-headlines-2021
Finished Mass Effect 2 earlier today. This is my first opportunity to actually play the Mass Effect trilogy, which has been on my bucket list for a long time considering all of the praise it has gotten (except for the ending). I've been really enjoying myself going through the game, I've actually had trouble putting it down because I feel so engrossed with the game, story, and characters.
I think that I enjoyed Mass Effect 2 slightly over the first game. That being said, I did find the story and RPG elements of ME1 better than ME2. I was actually upset they toned down the RPG aspects in ME2 because, while a bit tricky in the beginning, I enjoyed it a lot in ME1 and added weight to the side missions in finding the best armor and weapons.
Everything else though I'd say ME2 improves on. Combat and gameplay is smoother (heard the first game was notoriously awful but was slightly improved for Legendary Edition). The writing is great, especially a lot of the dialogue between characters. On top of that, characters and crew members, with some exceptions (Jack, Miranda, and Jacob) are even better. Mordin, Kasumi, Thane, and Grunt were for me the best new characters. With the exception of, in my game Ashley, I was happy to see that the game balanced introducing new characters while also bringing back old faces like Garrus, Tali, and (though in DLC) Liara and expanded on them as well thanks to the loyalty missions. Best loyalty missions for me were Kasumi, Tali, and Legion. Some additional spoilers and choices below the cut. Onto ME3.
If you saw my comments in the What's on your Mind Megathread, my opinion drastically flipped on Tali from "meh, she's fine I guess" to "I will go into battle and die for you." That was in large part due to her loyalty mission, some really strong writing went into this one. And I'll also give props to ME1 for this as well, I didn't realize how attached I was to some of these characters until I saw them come back in ME2, and Tali was a good example. For someone I thought was just meh, I was surprisingly overjoyed when I saw her so early in the game, and jumped when finally given the chance to recruit her. And yes, I did end up pursuing a romantic option with her, and I will say, as someone who went with Ashley in the first game, this is infinitely better, and sweeter considering that, for Tali, she is risking a lot by doing it.
That being said, since Ashley will be in ME3 from what I know, I am interested to see what her reaction will be to me moving on, and hooking up with an alien no less. I'm kind of looking forward to it. Also, small detail, but in the beginning of the game in Shephard's quarters, he has a picture with Ashley at his desk. However, if you end up pursuing another romantic relationship, the picture goes away. Tiny details like that I really appreciate.
Despite being completely suspicious and skeptical about working with Cerberus and the Illusive Man throughout and doing a Paragon play through, I decided to give him the information from the base instead of completely destroying it. I'm worried what he'll do, but the info could be very useful against The Reapers.
I was able to earn all of the squad's loyalty, so no one died during the final mission of the game outside of some of the no-name crew members that were taken or killed during the Collector attack.
I decided to rewrite all of the Geth's code in Legion's side mission instead of wiping out the Geth. I'm very interested to see what kind of impact this will have in ME3, if any, especially considering the ongoing conflict between them and the Quarians.
Jack hates my freaking guts. One weak spot in the writing was that the game thought I was trying to pursue a relationship with her, when really, all I wanted to do was talk to her and get to know her like I did with everyone else. Thankfully I was able to pick up on this mistake and it didn't impact my choice with Tali, but after the last mission and when me and Tali hooked up, all Jack says to me is "Fuck off!" Decided to look it up, saw other people had this happen to them as well. That being said, it's really funny.
Finished playing Life is strange I have to be honest it was an emotional roller coaster especially being attached to Max and Chloe it took me nearly a week to compete this game I did enjoy interacting with the other characters like Warren who was beast when he stood his grounds >! Nathan Prescott and David even though he was edgy but saved you..
What I really enjoyed out of the game is each episode in the beginning had montage music which was very catchy and got hooked , casting that aside the game had its dark elements I like not putting Chloe out of her misery which was somthing I couldn’t do.
But I told David Madsen that Mr Jefferson killed Chloe and I felt so satisfied for putting that monster who did those speakable horrors to all those women in the dark room
I also shipped Max and Warren together as well even though I let Max kiss Chloess a sister love Kinda thing .
I forgave Victoria even know she was a nasty woman even though the plot makes you Drop paint on beaux mean girls.
I will play the prequel soon after I do my alternate Playthrough and if anyone else was wondering what was my last choice?
I sacrificed Arcadia bay to save Chloe , I know that’s a selfish choice but I think it’s murder todo since she died like two and the other two deaths if you chose to sacrifice her like with the when she had that car accident which Paralyzed her completely or Arcadia bay butterfly which I did not chose .
But yeah , I loved Chloe‘s character very well written.
Finished playing Life is strange I have to be honest it was an emotional roller coaster especially being attached to Max and Chloe it took m… moree nearly a week to compete this game I did enjoy interacting with the other characters like Warren who was beast when he stood his grounds >! Nathan Prescott and David even though he was edgy but saved you..
What I really enjoyed out of the game is each episode in the beginning had montage music which was very catchy and got hooked , casting that aside the game had its dark elements I like not putting Chloe out of her misery which was somthing I couldn’t do.
But I told David Madsen that Mr Jefferson killed Chloe and I felt so satisfied for putting that monster who did those speakable horrors to all those women in the dark room
I also shipped Max and Warren together as well even though I let Max kiss Chloess a sister love Kinda thing .
I forgave Victoria even know she was a nasty woman even t… [view original content]
Look, I despise Chloe, like really fucking hate her. She’s selfish, irresponsible, immature, reckless, controlling, toxic, and overall, just a horrible human being. Her relationship with Max (platonic or romantic) is so poorly executed to the point of being forced that the game is a slog to get through. The other games are, while terrible, infinitely elevated because she isn’t in them.
But…that doesn’t mean I’m going to be pissed. I like to think I’m mature enough that I can handle, respect, and even defend a person’s right to have a different opinion than I do. He clearly saw something in Chloe and the game that I didn’t, and that’s okay. He found enjoyment and satisfaction where I couldn’t, that’s all that matters. Do I understand, hell no, Chloe is completely irredeemable to me, but not everyone is going to come to that same conclusion. He liked her, and that’s fine by me, as long as we can both respect each other’s opinions, than what is there to be pissed over?
And even I’ll admit that, despite my hatred for her, she is the most interesting character in the game by far, I just wish she was a better character.
The prequel is pretty darn good if you're a fan of Chloe and the people around her, especially intrigued by Rachel Amber.
It's a bit divided on whether the prequel has a satisfying ending or not, but I'll leave that up to you when you get to it. (Plus the bonus episode with Chloe and Max is pretty nice.)
After a good month and a half, I have now finished the Mass Effect trilogy. It's been a series on my bucket list for so many years, and now I finally got the chance to play it. The game series was phenomenal, with amazing characters and an immersive and gripping story, all tied together with some of the best writing I've seen in a video game. The Mass Effect trilogy is one of the best game series I have ever played...for 98% of it.
So yeah, that ending. Everyone and their mother said for years that the ME ending is extremely controversial, but I also heard expanded editions and the new Legendary Edition helped rectify some of it. All I knew going in was that it was supposedly bad, but I didn't know the contents of it. Even with all the praise I gave the series, I still tried to keep expectations low in the hopes that maybe it wouldn't be as bad as people said. But even then, oh boy. These endings are...oof. Still worth it, hell yes, but I won't lie, it's kind of infuriating.
So even though I did almost all of the side missions in all 3 games, made some pretty good choices I'd like to think throughout the series, did a great job of keeping everyone alive, I still managed to come up just short of the necessary resources I need to keep my Shepard alive. I've been looking into it, if I want the best ending possible (and even then it's still kind of meh), I need to destroy the Reapers (which I did obviously), and get 7800 resources. I believe going into the final battle, I was just short at 7780 or so, and that pissed me right the fuck off. It just makes you feel as though everything you did before was meaningless. The relationships you built with the characters, all your accomplishments, and your tremendous sacrifice, the game makes it practically impossible for Shepard to survive unless you do everything right. I get having certain outcomes where Shepard can die, it makes the choices you make more impactful and having various different outcomes creates a unique experience. Having even minute decisions and doing redundant side missions in the first couple of games have a huge impact on whether or not Shepard can live or die would have been monumental if done correctly, I'm all for that. But this is ridiculous. You have to play the game flawlessly to keep him alive, or the tiniest error sets him on a course for death. To bend over even more than I already did, just to get a somewhat decent ending where I don't have to break Tali's heart (seeing her hang up Shepard's plaque broke my soul) does not sit well with me. It's either Shepard dies, Shepard dies, Shepard dies, Shepard does nothing and everyone dies, or tucked away in a small corner over here, almost impossible to find, Shepard maybe lives.
There's a new Mass Effect in the making, the reveal last year showed one of the main crew members from the trilogy in Liara, so that should mean it's a direct sequel, unlike Andromeda. Not sure how considering the endings, but time will tell. For BioWare's sake, I need them to get their shit together for this game. With Casey Hudson, Drew Karpyshyn, and Mark Darrah gone, the disasters that were Andromeda and Anthem (the former which was directed by Mac Walters, the writer of ME2 and ME3, so I'm not sure what to think of that), and all of the other turmoil that transpired inside BioWare, I'm a bit worried. That new Dragon Age game they're making is going to be very telling. Even though I've never played, there's a lot riding on it, it will give us an idea as to whether or not BioWare is on the right track again, or if I should start panicking.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to somehow get the necessary support I need to ensure I get the best ending possible. Because there is a beach front property on Rannoch waiting for me and a certain Quarian.
Just finished my first playthrough of (Life is strange : Before the Storm ) and I did enjoy the the reaper in e of the most of the original cast in the first three episodes including the bonus episode in which I’ll talk about last.
Like Chloe story in this game was dark…>! especially when it came to the flash backs of her dad William about the horrific car accident like showing him with half a burnt off face including his voice deepened like a demon or the sitcom parts where it shows Rachel Amber and Chloe’s mom and step dad. I did like some aspects of it considering my favorite senses was at FireWalk concert where Chloe of cource being herself sneaking out smoke the refer and start partying like a rockstar and to be honest…(I Started banging my head too.
I did however defended Nathan Prescott when he was getting bullied by Drew and of cource Nathan being ungrateful as he is didn’t bother saying “Thanks Chloe.” and of course chose the option too sabotage (Victoria Chase) homework…Hell even as a Freshmen she is more annoying compared to her mean girls see or look in the original game I wish the option was to throw her project in the fountain that would’ve been even more satisfying and hilarious I also listened to Skip’s demo which wasn’t really bad it was good I also complied with David by empty my pockets after I’ve decided ditch school with Rachel but I let Rachel take the blame since she was the mastermind of the plot , I also hid Mikey so he doesn’t get involved with Drew and Damon’s conversation but of course I kept the money but also what I’d liked about (episode 2) was the play which I did laugh a little especially when Chloe participated in the play an played as Ariel and yes I did follow the script and of course.
When I went to the Ambers residence I still can’t help but wrap my mind that James Amber looks like David St John but only more meat on his bones or maybe it’s just me?…But I kept my cool at the dinner until James was talking some hypocritical lecture.but durning episode 3 I did try to conference Rachel‘s real mom to come see Rachel but later told Rachel the truth about what her dad did with involving Damon and her real mom I couldn’t just lie or see Rachel in denial.
And of cource in the Farewell episode I told Chloe I was leaving for Seattle.
I will play my alternate playthrough and do my opposite choices and continue of the graffiti mis signs as much as I can then replay the first game since I failed to save kate in my alternate playthrough .
I’ve finished the lake level now. I think I’ll give my current thoughts now and then give later ones when I beat the game:
Movement feels amazing as long as you’re not prone to motion sickness (there’s several options to mitigate that though). Player is given full 360 control opposed to the tank controls of the original game. Only slight downside is the game is a bit easier since you can dodge attacks more freely.
Changes to inventory are really nice. I set it to immersive which means you pick up your weapons and health on different places around you which is cool.
I love the typewriter save station where you actually type on the typewriter. Just feels really good for some reason lol
Battling the lake monster was a blast in vr especially driving the boat.
Also I’m dreading the regeneradors at the end of the game in vr 😅
As for cons the only ones I really have are how the game pulls you out into third person more often than I’d like when doing certain actions (though it’s understandable) and the knifing could be better (feels like I’m slapping the enemies with a knife than actually stabbing them). The game has been censored with some lines from what I read which is a little irksome but it hasn’t been too distracting so far.
Other than that I’d say this is a must play for RE4 fans and oculus owners
I’ve finished the lake level now. I think I’ll give my current thoughts now and then give later ones when I beat the game:
* Movement f… moreeels amazing as long as you’re not prone to motion sickness (there’s several options to mitigate that though). Player is given full 360 control opposed to the tank controls of the original game. Only slight downside is the game is a bit easier since you can dodge attacks more freely.
* Changes to inventory are really nice. I set it to immersive which means you pick up your weapons and health on different places around you which is cool.
* I love the typewriter save station where you actually type on the typewriter. Just feels really good for some reason lol
* Battling the lake monster was a blast in vr especially driving the boat.
* Also I’m dreading the regeneradors at the end of the game in vr 😅
* As for cons the only ones I really have are how the game pulls you out into third person mor… [view original content]
My oculus is the main thing I’ve been playing recently. It takes getting used to with motion sickness but it goes away after some time (I’ve been playing RE4 with max motion settings and haven’t had any problems)
I think since VR is still somewhat new there isn’t a lot of big name titles like RE4 yet (except Half Life Alyx but you need to hook up the oculus to a good computer to play that one so I haven’t tried it yet). There’s still a lot of good games like Superhot vr and walking dead: saints and sinners.
Just finished Resident Evil 4 VR on normal difficulty. One of the most impressive port/remakes I’ve played and probably my favorite experience in vr so far.
Full 360 movement in RE4 is refreshing even if it makes things a bit easy at times (see cons below)
Shooting and reloading is fluid and satisfying (for the most part, see cons below). Blowing a guy’s face off with a shotgun in RE4 will never not be satisfying.
The boat and jet-skiing are a blast if you’re not prone to motion sickness
My playthrough was smooth and completely bug-free
I love that you can actually type on the typewriter save station when naming your save slots, it just feels so cool.
The boss fights are absolute chumps with full movement. The only boss I really had trouble with was Salazar. You can adjust controls to be more faithful to the original though I haven’t tried this yet.
As I said in my last post, knifing is a little cheesy. Especially compared to something like Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners where you actually jam a knife into a zombie’s skull and have to yank it out. It isn’t a big issue though.
Scoping is a major issue, to the point that I avoided using rifles in my playthrough. You have to hold and keep the rifle in a certain position to use the scope and a lot of times it just wouldn’t register. Or it would and then take me out of the scope when I moved an inch too far.
While it wasn’t that distracting for me, certain dialogue that was considered risqué was removed for the vr version, which will definitely piss off the purist re4 fans out there.
The criticisms people had with the original game are still present like the Ashley escort missions and qtes. You can disable qtes in cutscenes in the options menu though.
Right now you only get the main story, meaning no Assignment Ada or Separate Ways and no announcements as to if they’ll be updated in. Mercenaries will be coming in an update soon though.
I know the cons are more detailed than the pros, but I really enjoyed my time with this. If you have the means to play this version definitely check it out.
I'm actually noticing a lot of familiar voices in my short time of playing. Ashley Williams (VA Kimberly Brooks, Barbara Gordon in Arkham Asylum/City), Joker (VA Seth Green, Chris in Family Guy and creator of Robot Chicken), Captain David Anderson (VA Keith David, President in Rick and Morty, and also apparently King Andrias in Amphibia), and Nelyna (VA April Stewart, Jessamine Kaldwin/The Heart in Dishonored, and a good chunk of the female characters in South Park) are the ones I was quickly able to recognize.
Yeah the Mass Effect trilogy has a really stacked cast. I'm sure you'll recognise even more voices as you play or if you look up the cast you might go "Wait, that was them???" like me lmao.
Got two games on my plate:
Started Kirby Star Allies recently. Right off the bat the presentation is impressive, with this half-tone stylized opening and a freaking HD cutscene starting the game.
Menu Intro
Opening Cutscene
The game itself is a bit simple, but still fun to figure out how to get secret collectibles.
Resident Evil 2 Remake.
I've made some more progress in this, and man it's just gonna be stressful the entire way through, just like Alien Isolation.
From what I understand, in Resident Evil, the basic enemies are the zombies, then bigger mutations after that become nightmare-ish, inhuman murder creatures. I'm already spooked by the zombies!
I do think I've been making some good progress though. Just got into the secret passageway in the main police station hall, and along the way I got a few inventory upgrades and a shotgun.
Though the ammo conservation is really stressful. I've read that it should be easier to run around zombies instead of shooting them all, but I feel way more better if they're dead! And don't get me started on the Lickers! Terrifying things that crawl on the ceiling and walls. I've only seen one so far but I hate it!
Definitely only playing this game in 1-hour sessions.
Great to hear you enjoyed it basically the same as me!
Did you have a favourite choice of lightsaber colour? I used Orange most of the time. Felt like the kind of colour Cal would use.
I also went with orange for most of the game. As stupid as it may sound, it's been my favorite color since I was a wee Metallica fan. Which is kind of ironic considering I'm a Yankee fan and not a Mets fan (who are on of their biggest rivals and orange is one of their team colors).
I've reached the part in Resident Evil 2 where Mr. X. is unleashed.
This, plus the fact that there's brand new Lickers and zombies in new areas to get there, ohhhhh man I'm gonna run out of ammo fast and I'm gonna curl up into a ball and die.
This will basically be me then for the rest of the game.

You're in for a treat. But at the same time, once you get used to the game, it's not that bad.
Let's hope so. From what I've seen though, he's really a big, scary part of the game and I'm both excited and afraid to continue where I left off...
(With everything I've seen of this guy, he looks like he provides a bunch of fun chases at least)
I've been playing Halo Infinite since the Multiplayer was released on November 15th, and it is a ton of fun so far, I've been rather boring and have spent the majority of my time practicing and adapting to the game, doing weapon training drills, playing against bots (a new feature for Halo I believe?), so to get a feel for the maps and weapon spawn points.
Graphically, it looks pretty, Halo as a franchise was never about photo-realism, but the locales are gorgeous.
The gameplay is smooth, and feels great, I really feel like a SPARTAN, a one-man army.
The weapons are for the most part, pretty good, I enjoy using the Assault Rifle, it has always been my go-to, more than the Battle Rifle (very unpopular opinion but that's how it is)
My gripe with the game was, and still is, the Battle Pass, it locks away a vast portion of armor components to personalize your SPARTAN, with the player having to spend money to unlock them. At the start, progression through the Battle Pass was rather stingy, and the objectives were hard to complete, reason being those objectives hinged on doing a very specific thing during a matchmade game, like getting a very specific type of kill in a specific mode, the progression system has improved though in a small form by having progress be gained through just playing games, it'll still be a grind, but it's a small step.
But one thing that needs to be changed is the Battle Pass, make it like Halo: The Master Chief Collection's Exchange, where you complete objectives through gameplay, earn a virtual currency that can't be bought with real currency, and put customization options behind that. That'll encourage gameplay, that'll retain player count, and create a positive image.
As for the Campaign, obviously I haven't played it yet, it's not out until December 8th (Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space Remastered also comes out on that date!) but from what I've seen, I like the dynamic between John (Master Chief) and The Weapon (voiced by Jen Taylor, who voices Cortana and Dr. Halsey), the latter being what I'd describe as fairly naïve and unintentionally humorous with how she interacts with Chief. Jega R'Domnai, one of the SPARTAN Killers in the game, looks awesome, absolutely awesome, and The Banished look awesome.
The AI though, referring to the marines in the game... they're not the brightest bunch:
Should make for a good laugh when playing through Halo Infinite's Campaign.
All in all, the game is good, the Campaign is shaping up to be absolute quality (hopefully), but the Battle Pass Progression? Needs to adopt the same progression system as Halo: The Master Chief Collection
I've been playing Infinite too and I do enjoy it. But I'm surprised there aren't many maps and fewer modes, for example infection, husky, and others. Unfortunately I'm only a silver in Ranked whereas my friends are platinum. But as for the battlepass I do hate that you have to pay to unlock the cool stuff. But then again it's free to play so I won't judge.
God I've already played with the AI on my time for multiplayer when someone leaves the game and man it sucks.
Yeah it sucks that there isn't a variety of maps and modes, co-op campaign won't even launch with the campaign on December 8th, it's a massive disappointment, not that I will utilize the co-op campaign, but for the players that will, I feel for them. I'm not ranked at all because I am big peepee poopoo at online games, I mostly just try to practice and play against SPARTAN Level bots to try and get a grip on how the game works.
The multiplayer component is free to play, which is absolutely incredible, that was a good move to make on Microsoft's part, but the microtransactions... maybe I'm being a bit overdramatic, but I think it's a very poor decision, I've seen a few Reddit posts on how much it'll cost to unlock items in the Battle Pass, it ain't cheap, that sucks, as I'd like to see a similar system to the one that 343 used with Halo: The Master Chief Collection, apparently there won't be any cosmetic items for multiplayer that's unlockable through playing the campaign, it's just an oddball decision to me. I get that it allows costs from development to be recouped, and usually I'm not too fussed about cosmetic microtransactions, this one just stood out to me as a peculiar one.
Yeah I wish it was cheap but the battlepasses that come out later on will cost the same I assume.
I'm nearing the end of Resident Evil 2 Remake.
Last night I got up to what I assume the final area is: The L______ [spoilers]
Mr. X actually wasn't that big of a threat. I thought he'd chase you for the entire rest of the game after he shows up, but he's only in the Police Station and sparse scripted moments later.
The super freaky stuff though comes in the obligatory sewer level. Uuuuuugh, these terrifying Flesh-Blob monsters with long necks and giant eyes walk through this waist-deep water, can poison your character (which makes aiming harder and makes your next hit your last), and sends in small flesh-drones to attack you in the water. Ugh. Thankfully there's a weapon you can find to totally destroy them, but they are seriously freaky.
I can only imagine what horrors await me in the climax of the game... Thankfully the amount of weapons and ammo I've stockpiled make me feel a bit better when I come across some enemies now.
I know there's a Part 2 where you replay the game as the opposite character you didn't choose (with some alternate scenes), but... I think I'm gonna leave that for another time. This game keeps me on edge far too much.
(Also there's this one boss enemy that keeps showing up, and I really wish they'd stop doing the whole "Oh look he fell off a cliff, surely he's dead now for good". Uhhh... Obviously NOT! He's not dead until we actually see him blow up or melt or something. Just another way to keep me on edge I guess in terms of enemies.)
Yeah, Mr. X isn't in the game THAT long actually. The only reason players say that is because they didn't know where to go next due to the puzzles. He is no longer a big threat once you learn the whole game.
Started playing the Halo: Infinite. I've never played any Halo multiplayer before but the gameplay is fun and satisfying. It's also easy to learn and it's not super stressful for the most part, though that's not to say it doesn't have some intense moments. However, this might have the worst progression I've ever seen in a multiplayer game. You can only gain XP by completing set set challenges (up to three) given to you at the start of a match and you'll only get like 50XP per challenge you complete. Kills, objectives and assists don't have any effect at all. After playing for over three hours I finally made it to level 1 from 0. The fact that you can't earn new armors or anything cool without having the battlepass is even worse. At most you'll get an XP booster. There is pretty much zero progression and as someone who kind of needs something like to really feel invested I don't see myself playing this for that long.
Yikes, I've heard the progression was somehow broken, but that's how they're handling it? That's just annoying for annoyances sake.
I do think (if it'll still be in the game) their future-proofing Battle Pass system is pretty neat. Apparently when one of their Seasons end, it'll be put into an archive mode, where any new or returning players can still buy into it or progress that old Battle Pass.
Given that Fortnite and Apex and any other Battle Royale all have this 'Limited Time', "Fear of Missing Out" system tied into the Pass, it's way better -- psychologically and time-wise -- to not have this artificial limited scarcity dangled in front of players faces all the time.
Yeah that's legitimately a great feature that other games should adopt, but it's weighed down by the absolutely terrible XP system.
So RE2make actually has some zombies near the end here that are basically Capcom version of Clickers.
Creepy wheezing sound, slightly faster than a normal Zombie, and the only way to kill them is by hitting specific pulsating weak points.
Resident Evil 2 Remake complete!
Phew! This was a really stressful and awesome experience. 8:19:27, C Rank. Not bad I guess?
I've never played the original (though I'm sure it doesn't capture the same kind of fear nowadays), but I can tell this is a stunning way to remake a game. Change the camera-angle to a modern over-the-shoulder, making you claustrophobic, add in modern lighting, textures, and some awesome sound design, and you get a really terrifying reimagining of a horror classic.
I loved the metroidvania style of this, where you get certain items that enable you to unlock shortcuts or new items in previous areas, with plenty of them optional. Really made me eager (and sometimes not) to explore all the locked areas I could find.
The game -- as mentioned -- is terrifying. Probably due to how every type of monster is always a threat, even near the end of the game. Basic zombies take multiple headshots, are very relentless, and often play dead after they fall over.
There's a 2nd Scenario for the other character, but I'll leave that for another time. I've already stressed myself out enough.
I recorded myself playing Little Nightmares 2. I have the whole footage but I can't edit right now due to personal business.
I am currently playing Counter-Strike. But I also occasionally play The Talos Principle VR where I have to solve various puzzles and explore the world around me, which combines the features of an ancient civilization and modern advanced technologies. I really like to plunge into the athosphere of virtual reality.
Finished Mass Effect 2 earlier today. This is my first opportunity to actually play the Mass Effect trilogy, which has been on my bucket list for a long time considering all of the praise it has gotten (except for the ending). I've been really enjoying myself going through the game, I've actually had trouble putting it down because I feel so engrossed with the game, story, and characters.
I think that I enjoyed Mass Effect 2 slightly over the first game. That being said, I did find the story and RPG elements of ME1 better than ME2. I was actually upset they toned down the RPG aspects in ME2 because, while a bit tricky in the beginning, I enjoyed it a lot in ME1 and added weight to the side missions in finding the best armor and weapons.
Everything else though I'd say ME2 improves on. Combat and gameplay is smoother (heard the first game was notoriously awful but was slightly improved for Legendary Edition). The writing is great, especially a lot of the dialogue between characters. On top of that, characters and crew members, with some exceptions (Jack, Miranda, and Jacob) are even better. Mordin, Kasumi, Thane, and Grunt were for me the best new characters. With the exception of, in my game Ashley, I was happy to see that the game balanced introducing new characters while also bringing back old faces like Garrus, Tali, and (though in DLC) Liara and expanded on them as well thanks to the loyalty missions. Best loyalty missions for me were Kasumi, Tali, and Legion. Some additional spoilers and choices below the cut. Onto ME3.
I know I’m late on the Conversation but I’m playing Life is Strange right now.
Finished playing Life is strange I have to be honest it was an emotional roller coaster especially being attached to Max and Chloe it took me nearly a week to compete this game I did enjoy interacting with the other characters like Warren who was beast when he stood his grounds >! Nathan Prescott and David even though he was edgy but saved you..
What I really enjoyed out of the game is each episode in the beginning had montage music which was very catchy and got hooked , casting that aside the game had its dark elements I like not putting Chloe out of her misery which was somthing I couldn’t do.
But I told David Madsen that Mr Jefferson killed Chloe and I felt so satisfied for putting that monster who did those speakable horrors to all those women in the dark room
I also shipped Max and Warren together as well even though I let Max kiss Chloess a sister love Kinda thing .
I forgave Victoria even know she was a nasty woman even though the plot makes you Drop paint on beaux mean girls.
I will play the prequel soon after I do my alternate Playthrough and if anyone else was wondering what was my last choice?
I sacrificed Arcadia bay to save Chloe , I know that’s a selfish choice but I think it’s murder todo since she died like two and the other two deaths if you chose to sacrifice her like with the when she had that car accident which Paralyzed her completely or Arcadia bay butterfly which I did not chose .
But yeah , I loved Chloe‘s character very well written.
Oh boy, someone is gonna get pissed. Just a small warning
wtf imagine people having fun..........
I have a feeling you’re referring to me.
Look, I despise Chloe, like really fucking hate her. She’s selfish, irresponsible, immature, reckless, controlling, toxic, and overall, just a horrible human being. Her relationship with Max (platonic or romantic) is so poorly executed to the point of being forced that the game is a slog to get through. The other games are, while terrible, infinitely elevated because she isn’t in them.
But…that doesn’t mean I’m going to be pissed. I like to think I’m mature enough that I can handle, respect, and even defend a person’s right to have a different opinion than I do. He clearly saw something in Chloe and the game that I didn’t, and that’s okay. He found enjoyment and satisfaction where I couldn’t, that’s all that matters. Do I understand, hell no, Chloe is completely irredeemable to me, but not everyone is going to come to that same conclusion. He liked her, and that’s fine by me, as long as we can both respect each other’s opinions, than what is there to be pissed over?
And even I’ll admit that, despite my hatred for her, she is the most interesting character in the game by far, I just wish she was a better character.
Guys, @MetallicaRules @CrazedRabbit
I was just joking. No need to get so excited. I never said he shouldn't have fun with characters that I don't like.
Is this a warning about the prequel? If so i’ll keep my guards up if I suspect any bad acting.
Actually, the prequel might be for you since you enjoyed the first game. Maybe don't expect the same quality.
The prequel is pretty darn good if you're a fan of Chloe and the people around her, especially intrigued by Rachel Amber.
It's a bit divided on whether the prequel has a satisfying ending or not, but I'll leave that up to you when you get to it. (Plus the bonus episode with Chloe and Max is pretty nice.)
After a good month and a half, I have now finished the Mass Effect trilogy. It's been a series on my bucket list for so many years, and now I finally got the chance to play it. The game series was phenomenal, with amazing characters and an immersive and gripping story, all tied together with some of the best writing I've seen in a video game. The Mass Effect trilogy is one of the best game series I have ever played...for 98% of it.
So yeah, that ending. Everyone and their mother said for years that the ME ending is extremely controversial, but I also heard expanded editions and the new Legendary Edition helped rectify some of it. All I knew going in was that it was supposedly bad, but I didn't know the contents of it. Even with all the praise I gave the series, I still tried to keep expectations low in the hopes that maybe it wouldn't be as bad as people said. But even then, oh boy. These endings are...oof. Still worth it, hell yes, but I won't lie, it's kind of infuriating.
So even though I did almost all of the side missions in all 3 games, made some pretty good choices I'd like to think throughout the series, did a great job of keeping everyone alive, I still managed to come up just short of the necessary resources I need to keep my Shepard alive. I've been looking into it, if I want the best ending possible (and even then it's still kind of meh), I need to destroy the Reapers (which I did obviously), and get 7800 resources. I believe going into the final battle, I was just short at 7780 or so, and that pissed me right the fuck off. It just makes you feel as though everything you did before was meaningless. The relationships you built with the characters, all your accomplishments, and your tremendous sacrifice, the game makes it practically impossible for Shepard to survive unless you do everything right. I get having certain outcomes where Shepard can die, it makes the choices you make more impactful and having various different outcomes creates a unique experience. Having even minute decisions and doing redundant side missions in the first couple of games have a huge impact on whether or not Shepard can live or die would have been monumental if done correctly, I'm all for that. But this is ridiculous. You have to play the game flawlessly to keep him alive, or the tiniest error sets him on a course for death. To bend over even more than I already did, just to get a somewhat decent ending where I don't have to break Tali's heart (seeing her hang up Shepard's plaque broke my soul) does not sit well with me. It's either Shepard dies, Shepard dies, Shepard dies, Shepard does nothing and everyone dies, or tucked away in a small corner over here, almost impossible to find, Shepard maybe lives.
There's a new Mass Effect in the making, the reveal last year showed one of the main crew members from the trilogy in Liara, so that should mean it's a direct sequel, unlike Andromeda. Not sure how considering the endings, but time will tell. For BioWare's sake, I need them to get their shit together for this game. With Casey Hudson, Drew Karpyshyn, and Mark Darrah gone, the disasters that were Andromeda and Anthem (the former which was directed by Mac Walters, the writer of ME2 and ME3, so I'm not sure what to think of that), and all of the other turmoil that transpired inside BioWare, I'm a bit worried. That new Dragon Age game they're making is going to be very telling. Even though I've never played, there's a lot riding on it, it will give us an idea as to whether or not BioWare is on the right track again, or if I should start panicking.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to somehow get the necessary support I need to ensure I get the best ending possible. Because there is a beach front property on Rannoch waiting for me and a certain Quarian.
Just finished my first playthrough of (Life is strange : Before the Storm ) and I did enjoy the the reaper in e of the most of the original cast in the first three episodes including the bonus episode in which I’ll talk about last.
Like Chloe story in this game was dark…>! especially when it came to the flash backs of her dad William about the horrific car accident like showing him with half a burnt off face including his voice deepened like a demon or the sitcom parts where it shows Rachel Amber and Chloe’s mom and step dad. I did like some aspects of it considering my favorite senses was at FireWalk concert where Chloe of cource being herself sneaking out smoke the refer and start partying like a rockstar and to be honest…(I Started banging my head too.
I did however defended Nathan Prescott when he was getting bullied by Drew and of cource Nathan being ungrateful as he is didn’t bother saying “Thanks Chloe.” and of course chose the option too sabotage (Victoria Chase) homework…Hell even as a Freshmen she is more annoying compared to her mean girls see or look in the original game I wish the option was to throw her project in the fountain that would’ve been even more satisfying and hilarious I also listened to Skip’s demo which wasn’t really bad it was good I also complied with David by empty my pockets after I’ve decided ditch school with Rachel but I let Rachel take the blame since she was the mastermind of the plot , I also hid Mikey so he doesn’t get involved with Drew and Damon’s conversation but of course I kept the money but also what I’d liked about (episode 2) was the play which I did laugh a little especially when Chloe participated in the play an played as Ariel and yes I did follow the script and of course.
When I went to the Ambers residence I still can’t help but wrap my mind that James Amber looks like David St John but only more meat on his bones or maybe it’s just me?…But I kept my cool at the dinner until James was talking some hypocritical lecture.but durning episode 3 I did try to conference Rachel‘s real mom to come see Rachel but later told Rachel the truth about what her dad did with involving Damon and her real mom I couldn’t just lie or see Rachel in denial.
And of cource in the Farewell episode I told Chloe I was leaving for Seattle.
I will play my alternate playthrough and do my opposite choices and continue of the graffiti mis signs as much as I can then replay the first game since I failed to save kate in my alternate playthrough .
Here is my playthrough of Little Nightmares 2. Dunno why it took me soo long to upload it though.

Just started playing Resident Evil 4 VR. Incredible port so far. Will give full thoughts when I finish it.
I’ve finished the lake level now. I think I’ll give my current thoughts now and then give later ones when I beat the game:
Movement feels amazing as long as you’re not prone to motion sickness (there’s several options to mitigate that though). Player is given full 360 control opposed to the tank controls of the original game. Only slight downside is the game is a bit easier since you can dodge attacks more freely.
Changes to inventory are really nice. I set it to immersive which means you pick up your weapons and health on different places around you which is cool.
I love the typewriter save station where you actually type on the typewriter. Just feels really good for some reason lol
Battling the lake monster was a blast in vr especially driving the boat.
Also I’m dreading the regeneradors at the end of the game in vr 😅
As for cons the only ones I really have are how the game pulls you out into third person more often than I’d like when doing certain actions (though it’s understandable) and the knifing could be better (feels like I’m slapping the enemies with a knife than actually stabbing them). The game has been censored with some lines from what I read which is a little irksome but it hasn’t been too distracting so far.
Other than that I’d say this is a must play for RE4 fans and oculus owners
I definitely would love to but at the same time, I am not a VR guy and I am afraid I wouldn't use VR after playing this one.
My oculus is the main thing I’ve been playing recently. It takes getting used to with motion sickness but it goes away after some time (I’ve been playing RE4 with max motion settings and haven’t had any problems)
I think since VR is still somewhat new there isn’t a lot of big name titles like RE4 yet (except Half Life Alyx but you need to hook up the oculus to a good computer to play that one so I haven’t tried it yet). There’s still a lot of good games like Superhot vr and walking dead: saints and sinners.
Just finished Resident Evil 4 VR on normal difficulty. One of the most impressive port/remakes I’ve played and probably my favorite experience in vr so far.
Full 360 movement in RE4 is refreshing even if it makes things a bit easy at times (see cons below)
Shooting and reloading is fluid and satisfying (for the most part, see cons below). Blowing a guy’s face off with a shotgun in RE4 will never not be satisfying.
The boat and jet-skiing are a blast if you’re not prone to motion sickness
My playthrough was smooth and completely bug-free
I love that you can actually type on the typewriter save station when naming your save slots, it just feels so cool.
The boss fights are absolute chumps with full movement. The only boss I really had trouble with was Salazar. You can adjust controls to be more faithful to the original though I haven’t tried this yet.
As I said in my last post, knifing is a little cheesy. Especially compared to something like Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners where you actually jam a knife into a zombie’s skull and have to yank it out. It isn’t a big issue though.
Scoping is a major issue, to the point that I avoided using rifles in my playthrough. You have to hold and keep the rifle in a certain position to use the scope and a lot of times it just wouldn’t register. Or it would and then take me out of the scope when I moved an inch too far.
While it wasn’t that distracting for me, certain dialogue that was considered risqué was removed for the vr version, which will definitely piss off the purist re4 fans out there.
The criticisms people had with the original game are still present like the Ashley escort missions and qtes. You can disable qtes in cutscenes in the options menu though.
Right now you only get the main story, meaning no Assignment Ada or Separate Ways and no announcements as to if they’ll be updated in. Mercenaries will be coming in an update soon though.
I know the cons are more detailed than the pros, but I really enjoyed my time with this. If you have the means to play this version definitely check it out.