Game Informer Telltale article - new details on Wolf 2, studio culture, more.

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Hey all! I'm making a new thread so we can discuss the Telltale article in the latest Game Informer. I wrote up a short summary about the Wolf 2 news below, but they also discuss other stuff about The Expanse and the new studio culture.
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I bought the digital magazine; it talks a lot about Wolf 2 and shows a concept art screenshot with the new/updated 3D character models. It uses the same Wolf 1 stylized approach, but with higher fidelity (basically, think Wolf 1’s style with the model fidelity/quality of Batman Enemy Within).
Bigby wears a trenchcoat, kind of like Pooger’s concept videos, except it is dark blue instead of Brown. Snow has a new suit with mostly white clothes.
The story takes place six months after Season 1, and with the S1 creatives onboard, they get to revisit lots of ideas that they could not revisit for the earlier drafts and versions of Wolf Season One’s story due to original Telltale’s time limitations. They say S2 will have “mostly new Fables”, and S2 has the “most time in the oven out of any Telltale series.”
Lots more was discussed, but this is my very, very brief overview of Wolf 2 updates. Don’t let the shortness of my forum post concern you; they actually talk about a decent amount of stuff.
Here's a reddit post showing the pics
Looks super cool. I know it is just concept art, but the style looks great!
Wait a minute...oven? Fables? Oven + Fables = Hansel and Gretel -> Witch from Hansel and Gretel confirmed.
also just realized theres a Christmas tree in the concept art and the story takes place 6 months after season 1 which is what I said in my video like almost 2 years ago now
The Wolf Incognito Telltale Staff Member Among Us…
me shadow developing Wolf 2 the whole time
Honestly super cool to hear all this about Wolf 2 and I am glad the GI did lead to a decent update when it seemed to go back and forth with will it won't it have much it.
Super cool to hear it is overall closely tied to Season 1 as I think that is what I wanted most. Not a huge time skip and hopefully not like past Telltale sequels where the previous season had practically no importance.
In terms of going back to older cut ideas (which I think a lot of us assumed would happen with the returning Season 1 staff) I feel pretty safe in saying Detective Brannigan is going to return. It was the largest thing cut from the original season and in that live stream they did they purposely avoided talking about what the original idea was with her. Sorta hope they don't go with the spy Cinderella thing and I don't think they will, seeing how apparently that was the build that people found "not very good" in house. Although Cindy was teased in the files of Ep 5 to "set up" Season 2, but I don't think anyone at AdHoc had any say for stuff that happened post Ep 3. If anyone else recalls cut storylines for Wolf 2 feel free to share!
I do wonder who will be new to the series, who will return, and if anyone will be gone. Personally for me I would say:
Blue Beard
Detective Brannigan
Boy Blue
King Cole
Briar Rose
(Then list of new original Telltale characters)
Possibly New:
Prince Charming (Techneically wouldn't be "canon" but I think they are probably gonna bend the rules a bit and so I am throwing him in)
Grimble (He will probably return at the desk, but there is a chance he may speak this time)
Frankenstein (Another very minor character, but could be added to the business office for extra interaction)
Probably returning but more as cameos:
Fly Catcher
Dr Swineheart
Hopefully returning but could possibly be cut:
Toad and TJ
Tiny Tim
If Toad doesn't return, we riot.
Unironically this
Me convincing Blind to post higher def images of the full Telltale article
Also seeing a few people in that reddit thread saying they arent really feeling the character designs which I dont really understand. I think they both look great.
Honestly kinda glad they gave Bigby a different coat, it makes it a bit more unique than the brown one from the comics and I feel the wool it purposely done for that "in sheep's clothing" thing. Plus I like how it gives Bigby a bit more style without it being like LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME because obviously Bigby is a pretty messy guy who doesnt care about appearance.
Snow's design def changed the most but it still looks like her and I like it overall. I like how the snowflake buckle is a lot more apparent, as in Wolf 1 she only had snow flakes on her shirt which I think a lot of people overlooked.
Anyway exhibit A for why these designs are really good. Open if you dare.
And lastly exhibit B. Open for your own peril.
Just read the gameinformer article. I really appreciate the care towards making Telltale’s design and business model work this time around. Only time will tell if it works out but so far I feel optimistic.
I’m digging Bigby’s design and that environmental concept art. Snow’s design is a bit off to me though. Maybe it will appear better in-game, just have to wait for game trailers to see.
How do you get the Magazine?
I am here just to piss Poogers off on purpose by saying that after all these years, there is a strong possibility that Wolf 2 is going to suck BIG TIME.
I bought it on the Game Informer mobile app for 5 bucks.
Take it back!!!
I hope Snow's in-game model will look more like her design from s1 because at first I didn't even recognize her lol. I do like her outfit though, it's less... formal? than the one from season one while still elegant. She now looks like the boss rather than the boss' secretary. Cool.
Bigby looks awesome as usual. And he has a coat which is all I wanted. I'm happy.
I'm ecstatic we got a proper update and something specific on TWAU2 after so many years of waiting for a sequel. It feels good.
I actually wouldn't count his chances out yet, seeing as this will all be taking place around Christmas time, they could bring him in just for that.
I realized that as well because I remembered how Scrooge was going to be in the game once upon a time. Very good point Dojo.
The full article sounds really cool when they briefly talked about the themes of the game. Apparently AdHoc was pretty big on not wanting it to be a reboot, and Jamie says that some questions from Season 1 will be a part of Season 2, so I really hope this means this will be more like The Wolf Among Us Part 2. Also AdHoc says a big theme will be Bigby's struggle to fully be accepted by Fabletown and the theme of Fables hiding in plain sight. They also said a lot more gameplay interaction than previous Telltale Games and that New York is much more emphasized as a location. Plus confirmation that the script is 100% finished and that they are happy this is the case as it helps pace and choices way more.
Also probably one of the biggest bits of news - the game will release episodically and by the sounds of it either weekly or bi-weekly.
(also they do still mention comic timeline stuff, so it will probably still be canon to the comics even if Willingham said it isn't. That said I do hope they take some liberties and dont hold themselves back. But I wouldnt expect things like character deaths from characters alive in the comic for example.)
Tbh I would prefer the Telltale series be it’s own universe instead just so they can have more freedom with canon and player choice
Wow. All this sounds very promising and I fully trust the new Telltale and AdHoc with this game. Happy to hear that New York will be more prominent – NYC in the 80s is a great location and I definitely won't mind seeing more of it, especially at night with lots of neon lights. The theme of Fables hiding in plain sight sounds super interesting and I'm excited to see how they'll play with this concept.
I don't mind TWAU2 being canon to Fables, it's good for many reasons (e.g. they won't rush into a full romance between Bigby and Snow which for me is great because I enjoy the slow burn) but since I prefer the game over the comics I too hope the comics won't limit them too much. I really liked what Telltale did with the Fables world in TWAU1 with the noir vibe and mystery-driven plot.
Sorry maybe a dumb question but what does the theme Fables hiding in plain sight entail?
Very satisfied with all of their decisions thus far, hopefully it's like £35 and not £55.
I think it works in some regards, but sometimes it is a bit over stepping, a bit like how Bigby saying he only was in 5 max foot chases actually needing to be kept in tack was the kind of "Okay, does it really though?" when it comes to breaking canon. So hopefully just no micro fixation on reserving canon. Also with the whole Fables hiding in plain sight, that seems to me to hint about Branagin returning as her finding out/investigating Fables apparently broke canon due to some random line stated once in the comics.
Not super sure. First read I thought it was about Bigby specifically but I think it is more about how the Fables struggle in the human world, so themes like how Toad has to pay for glamour to blend in and how some Fables don't, stuff like that. Still curious about what the actual mystery will be about. I do think based on the reveal trailer it probably will start out as a missing persons case and maybe that apartment concept art we got is Bigby going to that person's home.
more like you casually leaking Wolf 2 concepts for 2 years now.
This is all really great news and just what I wanted to hear about what's going on with Wolf 2.
And I'm really digging those character designs. Maybe it's because I haven't played the original in years, but they look just as they did in my head, just in snazzy new outfits.
Plus I thought the character designs for Batman S2 were great
And I did it for free
Willingham himself said plainly that it wasn't Canon.
He said that mostly because he has 0 involvement with it. But it appears AdHoc and Telltale are still treating it as if it was, even if Willingham said it wasn't. So even though it is not "canon" it seems they will still abide by it for the most part.
OH that concept art is clean! Wolf season 1 was already a goddamn looker so just refining the models and textures a bit makes total sense. Kind of love the blue trench. Totally makes Bigby look like a fashion disaster, and Snow I actually really like. God I guess I'm gonna have to buy this issue!
What I meant was I prefer it that way and I’d rather Telltale not bother trying to stick to canon despite Willingham saying it wasn’t
Wasn't Cinderella teased because
Fables spoiler
she tracks down, seduces and kills Crane in like the first issue of Fables.
Lookin' good! I dig the new looks a lot, though I do wish Bigby's new coat was brown lol. I just think brown coats look cool. Also really digging Snow's new outfit, she looks more like she's in charge now.
I wonder what they mean by the game having more interaction. I assume it's just gonna be a ton more things to click on and more conversations to have but I hope it's a bit more than that.
Also since it's not canon anymore, can Bigby and Snow get together sooner lol.
That's Issue 22, I believe although
It is Bigby who kills him outside of jurisdiction.
Ah alright, thanks for the refresher lol. But yeah, I assume her being teased in episode 5 was a reference to those events.
In the files she teases something to Bigby saying he "needs to see something" so probably not. Also it is only in the files script. That event you said I would say probably not because that would be like 30 something years later lol
Also Bigby is the one who kills Crane
Also not 100% confirmed, but the article does seem to imply we won't play as Snow which I think is probably the correct choice. I feel Snow works way too well as an NPC because she has such influence over the player and their choices and a lot of the times players seem to think about what Snow would think of your actions. Playing as Snow would really take away that factor and the choice dynamic would be a bit lost if we end up just playing as the person that influences our choices the most, which theoretically means Snow could then make choices Snow probably wouldn't do otherwise.
Ah okay! Haven't played the game in years so I guess I'm gonna need to replay it before 2 comes out to refresh myself.