Maybe their saving it for the second to last like they did the first time haha, because you know its actually the best thing there like last time as well hahaha
I love how the Muppets have assimilated into society as felt, fluffy beings and every time they're on camera everyone acts as if they aren't controlled by someone's hand.
Geoff Keighley comes in. "It's the moment you've all waited for!"
The curtains open revealing the CEO of New Telltale and a projection of… more the files of Wolf 2 on the background.
"The live deletion of Wolf 2!"
Telltale CEO drags and drops Wolf 2 into the recycle bin.
"So... I hear you guys like Telltale? Huh, yeah you do, that's right... That's right. Well, please please PLEASE enjoy the long anticipate return of a beloved character. Enjoy."
actual people in the industry rather than celeb presenting?
bro just had a flashback after the bad word
Well that just sounded stupid
This Game Awards was shit so far. Only Al Pacino and Jedi Survivor were the highlights so far
I think Al Pacino was the best part for the wrong reasons lol
god of war sweep I guess
Forbidden West DLC?
I can't wait to play it in five years when it comes to PC ;-;
But what if... We see Bigby in the next 5 minutes...!
Yay, new Horizon content.
Honestly, this game made Hollywood look somehow better than real world Hollywood
Oh how I wish I could shake Pedro Pascal's hand like that...
Pedro Pascal is such a badass. His rise has been meteoric.

Pedro, don't kneel to Troy Baker. You are better than him.
So I guess I shouldn't shit talk this game since I work for Amazon.
Maybe their saving it for the second to last like they did the first time haha, because you know its actually the best thing there like last time as well hahaha
I am not coping.
Oh shit Remnant 2! I actually liked the first game quite a bit!
Remnant 2 gave me Bloodborne vibes
How game studios expect people to react to their New Ip, New Studio, CGI trailer with 0 context of what the hell it even is
I didn't even see the whole thing
Chris Pratt is still just.... why.... sigh
Keegan-Michael Key continues to impress as Toad.
Nuff said
Animal: A Hideo Kojima Game when?
Would legit be a best-seller.
I love how the Muppets have assimilated into society as felt, fluffy beings and every time they're on camera everyone acts as if they aren't controlled by someone's hand.
also god of war sweep I guess
Metal Hellsinger deserved to win
At this point, A Plague Tale Requiem isn't going to win anything. The show is too rigged.
Banishers looks VERY different from Dont Nods usual ventures, but it looks pretty interesting!
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 losing in music just sucks.
I-I just- I just want to see him!
Still no Bigby??
But still no "We're not at the Game Awards" tweet, right??
In 2019 it was the second to last reveal, could easily be again considering.
Geoff Keighley comes in. "It's the moment you've all waited for!"
The curtains open revealing the CEO of New Telltale and a projection of the files of Wolf 2 on the background.
"The live deletion of Wolf 2!"
Telltale CEO drags and drops Wolf 2 into the recycle bin.
My man CRASH BANDICOOT here to announce appearance in Smash Ultimate...not
I'm glad I'm not the guy who lives in THAT universe!
god of war sweeeeeeeeeeep
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Carver announcing TWD Season Negative 2.
"So... I hear you guys like Telltale? Huh, yeah you do, that's right... That's right. Well, please please PLEASE enjoy the long anticipate return of a beloved character. Enjoy."
Fiona walks into Fran's Frogurt