"I know Vasquez was one of the antagonist but I am a bit disappointed they got rid of him so soon. I feel like there was so much more they could have done with him."
Episode 4 basically being the Vasquez special
I read an article about the new Terrifier movie coming out next year and the leaks say it’s going to be a set during Christmas despite the movie relate date is on October.
I don’t really like to say much, but I feel like it doesn’t really not only that doesn’t make sense just very offputting because it’s really off-season.
We still got plenty of kids this year. Cleared out our bowl just before we shut down at 8.
Even surprisingly had two kids come into Starbucks today in costume
Just HAD to give one of them a free thing (my supervisor even said so) they were very creatively dressed as a starbucks cup! All white clothes, logo on the shirt, huge piece of paper on her shoulder as the sticker. Very cute and creative..
Also I worked up the courage to watch It Follows tonight. It was good! Very interesting mystery and some cool camera-shots, music, and build-up to some frights. Ending was a little weird and abrupt, but overall it was pretty cool.
I think we had a record number of kids this year for Halloween, even with the below-freezing wind chills. I was worried for a while that we were going to run out of candy, but we managed to hold out. No leftover candy "problem" this year!
Guess Telltale is coming to terms with the fact that barely anyone played the Expanse so they didn't even bother marketing the episode this time lul.
Place your bets everyone, will it be over 1 hour long?
(Jokes aside, this episode actually has a potential to be the best one, because it's designed as a standalone episode so playing it might actually feel fulfilling unlike individual episodes of the base game.)
If I had to guess either something went horribly wrong and it released too soon or this was the planned date but after they ran away from the lay off news they wanted to delay it but they like forgot they didn't actually delay the release?
Someone else needs to confirm if its out on more than just Playstation. If its just Playstation it probably wasn't suppose to have happened. If it is all platforms then I guess they said screw it?
Also way too much irony that before they couldn't get it to release on time and now its releasing way too soon.
Guess Telltale is coming to terms with the fact that barely anyone played the Expanse so they didn't even bother marketing the episode this … moretime lul.
Place your bets everyone, will it be over 1 hour long?
(Jokes aside, this episode actually has a potential to be the best one, because it's designed as a standalone episode so playing it might actually feel fulfilling unlike individual episodes of the base game.)
There was still that interview of the CEO from only like a month ago and he said Wolf 2 news at the start of early next year. Worth noting that exact quote is "We should be showing more of that probably sometime later- (Corrects himself very quickly) or early next year, we'll be showing it early next year."
So I am assuming yes the game awards will probably have a trailer. I think it would be insane to skip them and honestly the way he spoke in the video comes off as "I was about to say more news later this year near the end of the year so I need to say early next year to not just say "Game Awards." Although I think it is super likely they will do another presentation event like they did last time as well. But if its really coming out next year I'd take that one last chance at the game awards plus the own event if the choice was up to me.
I hope Wolf 2 does well for them. After Expanse everything feels pretty rocky and I hope they find a way to get people playing their games. I think Wolf 2 will probably be a success for them but after Wolf 2 I feel like it is a bit unclear what direction they will go in.
Expanse Bonus episode has been officially announced. Honestly feels really rushed seeing how it was just spat out. Plus the repost on Twitter has a water mark they forgot to remove which comes off as really being over it.
🎵 Show me the Champion of LIIIIIIGHT!!
I'll show you the Herald of Darknesss!!
Lost in a neverending niiiiiiight...
Diving deep to the surfaaaace...!! 🎵
🎵 Show me the Champion of LIIIIIIGHT!!
I'll show you the Herald of Darknesss!!
Lost in a neverending niiiiiiight...
Diving deep to the surfaaaace...!! 🎵
aaaahhhhh god it's so catchy.
Beats me. They probably thought because of Wolf Among Us success (Game based on a then unpopular property), the Expanse could have the same results but Wolf Among Us came out way after The Walking Dead.
Expanse is weird all around. Very strange existence of Telltale wanting to get involved with and Deck Nine was always a weird choice seeing how their previous 2 games were not remotely close to what Expanse is story wise. Obviously benefit of the doubt at first but after Expanse it seems kind of obvious they don't know how to make a game like this.
I think outside the plot being nonexistent the game's biggest pitfall is easily the characters. It suffers hard from writers who for whatever reason just expect players to care. I still can't get over that they give the characters no time to grow and then at the last episode is actually expects us to care at all about character fates. Like we are at the finale and they all still feel like complete strangers.
Maya was the only one who gets more than 2 minutes of time but she also ironically has 0 character and is just obsessed with Drummer and will do whatever Drummer wants.
You know what? I am a Maya hater. I don't think there has ever been a character with such little self agency in a Telltale game before.
Dunno if any of you made Walking Dead threads for the spin-offs that came out since the original show ended, but my Dad and I just watched Episode 1 of the new Daryl Dixon show and it was really good!
My dad's seen the whole show, but I stopped after Rick took down Negan in that one season finale at the tree with the stained-glass?
The new Dixon show is a cool refresh of the Walking Dead world, IMO.
Daryl's found himself washed ashore on the coast of France after some mysterious run-in that went bad. He meets some nuns at a convent, a bunch of french-speaking people he doesn't understand (I even had to translate a few things for my dad lol), and is tasked with accompanying this young boy across France who the nuns believe will be their new messiah, somehow bringing together the broken post-apocalypse.
So... it seems like this might be TWD's version of The Last of Us, and that seems cool!
There's also surprisingly some new Walker variant here? One of them has acid blood and flesh, so it's extra deadly in close-quarters.
Cool stuff, y'all should check it out, I've heard good things overall from the mini-series!
I enjoyed it more than Dead City, which I think is fine, I didn't really like how Dead City explained away some certain aspects from the end of the flagship show, but it's still fairly okay. Daryl Dixon actually felt like old fashioned Walking Dead to me in the opening shots being very reminiscent of Rick waking up from the coma in Season 1, and the travelling on the road from Season 4 and 5. It has nice little moments too that show a nice glimpse of humanity in a world ravaged by the undead.
I'd say my favourite character from Daryl Dixon would be Isabelle, I find her and Daryl to have good chemistry, she's kind of like a Carol 2.0 in my eyes because she's someone that Daryl can let his guard down around, and she's someone he does grow close to through the Season
Season 2 will be interesting though, Season 1 left off in an interesting place (I'll not spoil), that it's interesting to think about what's next and the other types of variant walkers we can see.
Dunno if any of you made Walking Dead threads for the spin-offs that came out since the original show ended, but my Dad and I just watched E… morepisode 1 of the new Daryl Dixon show and it was really good!
My dad's seen the whole show, but I stopped after Rick took down Negan in that one season finale at the tree with the stained-glass?
The new Dixon show is a cool refresh of the Walking Dead world, IMO.
So... it seems like this might be TWD's version of The Last of Us, and that seems cool!
There's also surprisingly some new Walker variant here? One of them has acid blood and flesh, so it's extra deadly in close-quarters.
Cool stuff, y'all should check it out, I've heard good things overall from the mini-series!
I haven't touched The Expanse yet, but I've not heard many good things about it, from limited choices, to abrupt endings, short Episode times, and as you've now explained, the writing isn't all that strong when it comes to giving the characters a bit of development. I'd say I'll play it at some point so I can say that I've played it, but I am a bit wary on it given all of the criticism towards the game.
Expanse is weird all around. Very strange existence of Telltale wanting to get involved with and Deck Nine was always a weird choice seeing … morehow their previous 2 games were not remotely close to what Expanse is story wise. Obviously benefit of the doubt at first but after Expanse it seems kind of obvious they don't know how to make a game like this.
I think outside the plot being nonexistent the game's biggest pitfall is easily the characters. It suffers hard from writers who for whatever reason just expect players to care. I still can't get over that they give the characters no time to grow and then at the last episode is actually expects us to care at all about character fates. Like we are at the finale and they all still feel like complete strangers.
Maya was the only one who gets more than 2 minutes of time but she also ironically has 0 character and is just obsessed with Drummer and will do whatever Drummer wants.
You know what? … [view original content]
I'd say my favourite character from Daryl Dixon would be Isabelle, I find her and Daryl to have good chemistry, she's kind of like a Carol 2.0 in my eyes because she's someone that Daryl can let his guard down around, and she's someone he does grow close to through the Season
She's absolutely brilliant so far. I find her character to be really refreshing and like you mentioned, she has great chemistry with Daryl. Plus her backstory is fantastic. I pray her character sticks around for the long haul.
I enjoyed it more than Dead City, which I think is fine, I didn't really like how Dead City explained away some certain aspects from the end… more of the flagship show, but it's still fairly okay. Daryl Dixon actually felt like old fashioned Walking Dead to me in the opening shots being very reminiscent of Rick waking up from the coma in Season 1, and the travelling on the road from Season 4 and 5. It has nice little moments too that show a nice glimpse of humanity in a world ravaged by the undead.
I'd say my favourite character from Daryl Dixon would be Isabelle, I find her and Daryl to have good chemistry, she's kind of like a Carol 2.0 in my eyes because she's someone that Daryl can let his guard down around, and she's someone he does grow close to through the Season
Season 2 will be interesting though, Season 1 left off in an interesting place (I'll not spoil), that it's interesting to think about what's next and the other types of variant walkers we can see.
I don't want to keep going off on Expanse but I do think it is a hard game to recommend. And now after playing all episodes I think if you don't know anything about the ip there is nothing here worth your time and I'd not recommend it at all. Don't know why they said this worked as a good stepping in point because it never tries to help you understand the larger world or what anything you are doing really means without that context unlike other Telltale games. And even then if you have experience with Expanse it still feels like a nothing story that lacks being a story.
In my opinion the entire game's direction feels like it never had a good course. Old Telltale had some issues for sure making you wonder why they would ever go in that direction. But episodes like Expanse episode 4 make me ask those questions 10 times more because I do not know how anyone could think an episode like that can be engaging at all.
I haven't touched The Expanse yet, but I've not heard many good things about it, from limited choices, to abrupt endings, short Episode time… mores, and as you've now explained, the writing isn't all that strong when it comes to giving the characters a bit of development. I'd say I'll play it at some point so I can say that I've played it, but I am a bit wary on it given all of the criticism towards the game.
Looks like Expanse is coming to Steam in just about 2 weeks.
I feel that there must have been a change in their deal with Epic or something because I think this might be the shortest Epic exclusive there's ever been now seeing how the norm is 1 year or sometimes 6 months. This will be just under 4 months.
I actually think releasing on Steam right after the season wraps is probably their best outcome for any Telltale game going forward if they decide to continue with Epic deals. I feel like Wolf 2 will probably have more people upset about the exclusivity but if they could spin their deal to basically be something like "The week after the finale on Epic it all drops on Steam" and have that known before the game releases it probably wouldn't get people riled up. But I doubt they'd get a deal like that. This super short epic exclusive deal does feel odd and maybe they were able to get permission to release the game sooner on Steam.
Everyone: Guardians of the Galaxy has been completely forgotten once it was finished.
Everyone else: The Expanse was even worse in terms of memory.
Me: Bitch please! Nothing is more forgotten than the Super Show. You know, the Lionsgate IP that Telltale announced in 2015? It wasn't even marketed and released.
Yeah, I think you might be right. If it was at least full 4 months, then it wouldn't feel that strange, but "a few days short of 4 months" is a really weird timeframe to work with.
And yes, I don't think Epic would allow a deal like that. It'd just cause the majority of the players to wait for the Steam release. Of course, I imagine a lot of players are planning on waiting regardless, but that level of uncertainty whether the Steam release is in a week or in a year might cause several of them to just give up and buy it on Epic.
Looks like Expanse is coming to Steam in just about 2 weeks.
I feel that there must have been a change in their deal with Epic or somethi… moreng because I think this might be the shortest Epic exclusive there's ever been now seeing how the norm is 1 year or sometimes 6 months. This will be just under 4 months.
I actually think releasing on Steam right after the season wraps is probably their best outcome for any Telltale game going forward if they decide to continue with Epic deals. I feel like Wolf 2 will probably have more people upset about the exclusivity but if they could spin their deal to basically be something like "The week after the finale on Epic it all drops on Steam" and have that known before the game releases it probably wouldn't get people riled up. But I doubt they'd get a deal like that. This super short epic exclusive deal does feel odd and maybe they were able to get permission to release the game sooner on Steam.
Everyone: Guardians of the Galaxy has been completely forgotten once it was finished.
Everyone else: The Expanse was even worse in terms … moreof memory.
Me: Bitch please! Nothing is more forgotten than the Super Show. You know, the Lionsgate IP that Telltale announced in 2015? It wasn't even marketed and released.
Don't think I have ever heard of epic changing deals but maybe Expanse was doing so poorly epic saw no value keeping it exclusive. Plus it seems Telltale and Epic do have a pretty good working relationship going on that whole Wolf 2 event was low key sponsored by them.
I would imagine Wolf 2 would probably keep a more standard exclusive time because well... People actually want to play it.
Yeah, I think you might be right. If it was at least full 4 months, then it wouldn't feel that strange, but "a few days short of 4 months" i… mores a really weird timeframe to work with.
And yes, I don't think Epic would allow a deal like that. It'd just cause the majority of the players to wait for the Steam release. Of course, I imagine a lot of players are planning on waiting regardless, but that level of uncertainty whether the Steam release is in a week or in a year might cause several of them to just give up and buy it on Epic.
So I've got a few days off work, I think I'll give The Expanse a go and see what it is like, I'm not too hopeful for it given the reputation it has garnered on the Forums for being relatively mid, but hopefully I go in and enjoy it. Fingers crossed
UPDATE: Finished Episode 1, it was okay, I don't like how it just abruptly ends.
I personally wasn't a fan of Camina's dialogue, it's not very emotive, maybe that's to do with the type of character that Drummer is, but the delivery on some dialogue could've been better, I feel it's just very flat.
Cox is a bit of a melt, I did share a drink with him, but I did not go along with his orders of removing Rayen's leg to save the vault, I understand when you're in the vast, cold reaches of space, supplies may be slightly tricky to find here and there, but I question what kind of Captain would be as brash as he was, knowing full well that the removal of Rayen's leg could've been fatal. I know it's several centuries ahead into the future and they've got all this high tech gear that can help treat wounds, Virgil has a wall chock full of prosthetics, but if it were my leg, I'd be hesitant to part ways with it for the sake of profit.
Exploration was pretty fun, although I wish Drummer's jet pack would move faster, there was a lot to examine, and I did collect a lot of scrap, however not all of it, as I didn't get the achievement. I liked how much interactivity there was within the Artemis, finding out more about Drummer, with her being on the run and all, to her aspirations of finding a significant other, I felt it was neat to include all of that and the belongings of other crew members, it gives a little glimpse into each of them.
As for choices, very few and far between, I wish there was more, not in the case it plays out like A New Frontier where it's 90% cutscenes and dialogue, but finding that balance where we get more information on the crew and to interact with them, and not being a long winded Cutscene.
So far I do like the crew from the little I've seen, Maya and Drummer clearly have a flirtatious competition between them that both seem to enjoy, I don't mind their relationship, I did however near shit myself when I salvaged scrap from a fuel tank and Maya told me it was about to explode, I thought it was a bit of a stupid thing to joke about, but I laughed it off.
The Ending choice was easy for me, Cox is proven to be a horrible Captain. Selfish, greedy, willing to sacrifice his own crew, yeah no, he's not a nice person, but I sent him to the brigs instead of sending him out to space to die, maybe I can make use of him later, but primarily, I didn't want to give him that fate, even if he tried to turn me into a well done steak.
So all in all, it was okay, has neat little moments, plenty to interact with, but not enough of the crew, and it just abruptly ends. Regarding length, it took me about two hours, mainly because I was looking around at everything, taking in the game, but I've heard these Episodes are quite short, so I'll see how I get on in future Episodes.
Also, love that scene. It's literally Sovereign's only real scene, and it's immaculate. "You exist because we allow it. And you will end because we demand it." That is one of the greatest villain lines I have ever heard.
Edit: Wait, we got more. N7 colors, oh dear God of it's who I think it is I'm going to lose it
I'm a little peeved because they're still not really telling anything in regards to the game. Is Shepard coming back? Is it a direct sequel to the trilogy? Andromeda 2? Something that ties both together? They're being too cute with it and it's aggravating. That being said, that suit and armor looks fucking sick.
Also got this admittedly cool poster, but it again tells us nothing. Seeing people say that it looks like there is an angaran in the photo, which implies a sequel to Andromeda. Another one saying there's a geth, and there's a visible hanar, which implies original trilogy connection.
It was destiny, Rhysquez was. That's why...
You guys think we are going to see Wolf 2 at the Game Awards this year?
Me who already knows it will be The Expanse dlc
I randomly checked out the Bruner House website only to see a post there saying Minecraft Story Mode turned 8 with a small discussion about it.
Kevin is part of the asking for Season 3 thread.
Day 1000 is soon.
Minecraft Season 3 a Bruner House Production?!?!
Happy Halloween 🧛🏻♂️

I read an article about the new Terrifier movie coming out next year and the leaks say it’s going to be a set during Christmas despite the movie relate date is on October.
I don’t really like to say much, but I feel like it doesn’t really not only that doesn’t make sense just very offputting because it’s really off-season.
Hope you all had a great Halloween
. We didn't get as many kids as last year, but the ones who did come were very happy with all the candy.
We still got plenty of kids this year. Cleared out our bowl just before we shut down at 8.
Even surprisingly had two kids come into Starbucks today in costume
Just HAD to give one of them a free thing (my supervisor even said so) they were very creatively dressed as a starbucks cup! All white clothes, logo on the shirt, huge piece of paper on her shoulder as the sticker. Very cute and creative..
Also I worked up the courage to watch It Follows tonight. It was good! Very interesting mystery and some cool camera-shots, music, and build-up to some frights. Ending was a little weird and abrupt, but overall it was pretty cool.
I think we had a record number of kids this year for Halloween, even with the below-freezing wind chills. I was worried for a while that we were going to run out of candy, but we managed to hold out. No leftover candy "problem" this year!
Bigby after Beauty isn't entirely sold on his theory that the killer becomes very hungry for apples after committing murder.
I just made a discovery that both Resident Evil Village is on mobile and Resident Evil 4 will be there shortly. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/resident-evil-4/id6462360082
I mentioned it in the Expanse forums but... its bonus episode is out on Playstation. Just kind of dropped out of nowhere.
Guess Telltale is coming to terms with the fact that barely anyone played the Expanse so they didn't even bother marketing the episode this time lul.
Place your bets everyone, will it be over 1 hour long?
(Jokes aside, this episode actually has a potential to be the best one, because it's designed as a standalone episode so playing it might actually feel fulfilling unlike individual episodes of the base game.)
Telltale releasing the bonus DLC episode out of no where completely giving up on marketing and simply not caring about Expanse anymore

If I had to guess either something went horribly wrong and it released too soon or this was the planned date but after they ran away from the lay off news they wanted to delay it but they like forgot they didn't actually delay the release?
Someone else needs to confirm if its out on more than just Playstation. If its just Playstation it probably wasn't suppose to have happened. If it is all platforms then I guess they said screw it?
Also way too much irony that before they couldn't get it to release on time and now its releasing way too soon.
There was still that interview of the CEO from only like a month ago and he said Wolf 2 news at the start of early next year. Worth noting that exact quote is "We should be showing more of that probably sometime later- (Corrects himself very quickly) or early next year, we'll be showing it early next year."
So I am assuming yes the game awards will probably have a trailer. I think it would be insane to skip them and honestly the way he spoke in the video comes off as "I was about to say more news later this year near the end of the year so I need to say early next year to not just say "Game Awards." Although I think it is super likely they will do another presentation event like they did last time as well. But if its really coming out next year I'd take that one last chance at the game awards plus the own event if the choice was up to me.
I hope Wolf 2 does well for them. After Expanse everything feels pretty rocky and I hope they find a way to get people playing their games. I think Wolf 2 will probably be a success for them but after Wolf 2 I feel like it is a bit unclear what direction they will go in.
Expanse Bonus episode has been officially announced. Honestly feels really rushed seeing how it was just spat out. Plus the repost on Twitter has a water mark they forgot to remove which comes off as really being over it.
🎵 Show me the Champion of LIIIIIIGHT!!
I'll show you the Herald of Darknesss!!
Lost in a neverending niiiiiiight...
Diving deep to the surfaaaace...!! 🎵
aaaahhhhh god it's so catchy.
I listened to this while working out
Why was the expanse there to exist in the first place I still don't get it
Beats me. They probably thought because of Wolf Among Us success (Game based on a then unpopular property), the Expanse could have the same results but Wolf Among Us came out way after The Walking Dead.
Expanse is weird all around. Very strange existence of Telltale wanting to get involved with and Deck Nine was always a weird choice seeing how their previous 2 games were not remotely close to what Expanse is story wise. Obviously benefit of the doubt at first but after Expanse it seems kind of obvious they don't know how to make a game like this.
I think outside the plot being nonexistent the game's biggest pitfall is easily the characters. It suffers hard from writers who for whatever reason just expect players to care. I still can't get over that they give the characters no time to grow and then at the last episode is actually expects us to care at all about character fates. Like we are at the finale and they all still feel like complete strangers.
Maya was the only one who gets more than 2 minutes of time but she also ironically has 0 character and is just obsessed with Drummer and will do whatever Drummer wants.
You know what? I am a Maya hater. I don't think there has ever been a character with such little self agency in a Telltale game before.
If The Wolf Among Us 2 doesn't feature a Case Board like this one, it's an instant 0/10.

Dunno if any of you made Walking Dead threads for the spin-offs that came out since the original show ended, but my Dad and I just watched Episode 1 of the new Daryl Dixon show and it was really good!
My dad's seen the whole show, but I stopped after Rick took down Negan in that one season finale at the tree with the stained-glass?
The new Dixon show is a cool refresh of the Walking Dead world, IMO.
Daryl's found himself washed ashore on the coast of France after some mysterious run-in that went bad. He meets some nuns at a convent, a bunch of french-speaking people he doesn't understand (I even had to translate a few things for my dad lol), and is tasked with accompanying this young boy across France who the nuns believe will be their new messiah, somehow bringing together the broken post-apocalypse.
So... it seems like this might be TWD's version of The Last of Us, and that seems cool!
There's also surprisingly some new Walker variant here? One of them has acid blood and flesh, so it's extra deadly in close-quarters.
Cool stuff, y'all should check it out, I've heard good things overall from the mini-series!
If The Game Awards doesn't have this musical score for Alan Wake 2, I'm not watching it.
I enjoyed it more than Dead City, which I think is fine, I didn't really like how Dead City explained away some certain aspects from the end of the flagship show, but it's still fairly okay. Daryl Dixon actually felt like old fashioned Walking Dead to me in the opening shots being very reminiscent of Rick waking up from the coma in Season 1, and the travelling on the road from Season 4 and 5. It has nice little moments too that show a nice glimpse of humanity in a world ravaged by the undead.
I'd say my favourite character from Daryl Dixon would be Isabelle, I find her and Daryl to have good chemistry, she's kind of like a Carol 2.0 in my eyes because she's someone that Daryl can let his guard down around, and she's someone he does grow close to through the Season
Season 2 will be interesting though, Season 1 left off in an interesting place (I'll not spoil), that it's interesting to think about what's next and the other types of variant walkers we can see.
I haven't touched The Expanse yet, but I've not heard many good things about it, from limited choices, to abrupt endings, short Episode times, and as you've now explained, the writing isn't all that strong when it comes to giving the characters a bit of development. I'd say I'll play it at some point so I can say that I've played it, but I am a bit wary on it given all of the criticism towards the game.
She's absolutely brilliant so far. I find her character to be really refreshing and like you mentioned, she has great chemistry with Daryl. Plus her backstory is fantastic. I pray her character sticks around for the long haul.
I don't want to keep going off on Expanse but I do think it is a hard game to recommend. And now after playing all episodes I think if you don't know anything about the ip there is nothing here worth your time and I'd not recommend it at all. Don't know why they said this worked as a good stepping in point because it never tries to help you understand the larger world or what anything you are doing really means without that context unlike other Telltale games. And even then if you have experience with Expanse it still feels like a nothing story that lacks being a story.
In my opinion the entire game's direction feels like it never had a good course. Old Telltale had some issues for sure making you wonder why they would ever go in that direction. But episodes like Expanse episode 4 make me ask those questions 10 times more because I do not know how anyone could think an episode like that can be engaging at all.
Looks like Expanse is coming to Steam in just about 2 weeks.
I feel that there must have been a change in their deal with Epic or something because I think this might be the shortest Epic exclusive there's ever been now seeing how the norm is 1 year or sometimes 6 months. This will be just under 4 months.
I actually think releasing on Steam right after the season wraps is probably their best outcome for any Telltale game going forward if they decide to continue with Epic deals. I feel like Wolf 2 will probably have more people upset about the exclusivity but if they could spin their deal to basically be something like "The week after the finale on Epic it all drops on Steam" and have that known before the game releases it probably wouldn't get people riled up. But I doubt they'd get a deal like that. This super short epic exclusive deal does feel odd and maybe they were able to get permission to release the game sooner on Steam.
Everyone: Guardians of the Galaxy has been completely forgotten once it was finished.
Everyone else: The Expanse was even worse in terms of memory.
Me: Bitch please! Nothing is more forgotten than the Super Show. You know, the Lionsgate IP that Telltale announced in 2015? It wasn't even marketed and released.
Yeah, I think you might be right. If it was at least full 4 months, then it wouldn't feel that strange, but "a few days short of 4 months" is a really weird timeframe to work with.
And yes, I don't think Epic would allow a deal like that. It'd just cause the majority of the players to wait for the Steam release. Of course, I imagine a lot of players are planning on waiting regardless, but that level of uncertainty whether the Steam release is in a week or in a year might cause several of them to just give up and buy it on Epic.
Bro doesnt know that Super Show is still coming
Don't think I have ever heard of epic changing deals but maybe Expanse was doing so poorly epic saw no value keeping it exclusive. Plus it seems Telltale and Epic do have a pretty good working relationship going on that whole Wolf 2 event was low key sponsored by them.
I would imagine Wolf 2 would probably keep a more standard exclusive time because well... People actually want to play it.
So I've got a few days off work, I think I'll give The Expanse a go and see what it is like, I'm not too hopeful for it given the reputation it has garnered on the Forums for being relatively mid, but hopefully I go in and enjoy it. Fingers crossed
UPDATE: Finished Episode 1, it was okay, I don't like how it just abruptly ends.
I personally wasn't a fan of Camina's dialogue, it's not very emotive, maybe that's to do with the type of character that Drummer is, but the delivery on some dialogue could've been better, I feel it's just very flat.
Cox is a bit of a melt, I did share a drink with him, but I did not go along with his orders of removing Rayen's leg to save the vault, I understand when you're in the vast, cold reaches of space, supplies may be slightly tricky to find here and there, but I question what kind of Captain would be as brash as he was, knowing full well that the removal of Rayen's leg could've been fatal. I know it's several centuries ahead into the future and they've got all this high tech gear that can help treat wounds, Virgil has a wall chock full of prosthetics, but if it were my leg, I'd be hesitant to part ways with it for the sake of profit.
Exploration was pretty fun, although I wish Drummer's jet pack would move faster, there was a lot to examine, and I did collect a lot of scrap, however not all of it, as I didn't get the achievement. I liked how much interactivity there was within the Artemis, finding out more about Drummer, with her being on the run and all, to her aspirations of finding a significant other, I felt it was neat to include all of that and the belongings of other crew members, it gives a little glimpse into each of them.
As for choices, very few and far between, I wish there was more, not in the case it plays out like A New Frontier where it's 90% cutscenes and dialogue, but finding that balance where we get more information on the crew and to interact with them, and not being a long winded Cutscene.
So far I do like the crew from the little I've seen, Maya and Drummer clearly have a flirtatious competition between them that both seem to enjoy, I don't mind their relationship, I did however near shit myself when I salvaged scrap from a fuel tank and Maya told me it was about to explode, I thought it was a bit of a stupid thing to joke about, but I laughed it off.
The Ending choice was easy for me, Cox is proven to be a horrible Captain. Selfish, greedy, willing to sacrifice his own crew, yeah no, he's not a nice person, but I sent him to the brigs instead of sending him out to space to die, maybe I can make use of him later, but primarily, I didn't want to give him that fate, even if he tried to turn me into a well done steak.
So all in all, it was okay, has neat little moments, plenty to interact with, but not enough of the crew, and it just abruptly ends. Regarding length, it took me about two hours, mainly because I was looking around at everything, taking in the game, but I've heard these Episodes are quite short, so I'll see how I get on in future Episodes.
Just want to wish everyone a happy Day 3409 of waiting for Wolf 2! A month from today we may get some news!
Happy N7 day! To celebrate, why not watch my favorite scene from the original Mass Effect?
Not sure if we'll get any news about ME4 but who knows.
Also, love that scene. It's literally Sovereign's only real scene, and it's immaculate. "You exist because we allow it. And you will end because we demand it." That is one of the greatest villain lines I have ever heard.
Edit: Wait, we got more. N7 colors, oh dear God of it's who I think it is I'm going to lose it
We got the full teaser now for N7 Day
I'm a little peeved because they're still not really telling anything in regards to the game. Is Shepard coming back? Is it a direct sequel to the trilogy? Andromeda 2? Something that ties both together? They're being too cute with it and it's aggravating. That being said, that suit and armor looks fucking sick.
Also got this admittedly cool poster, but it again tells us nothing. Seeing people say that it looks like there is an angaran in the photo, which implies a sequel to Andromeda. Another one saying there's a geth, and there's a visible hanar, which implies original trilogy connection.
Me when I hit the credits of Alan Wake 2