Monkey Island references in recent games

edited November 2010 in Tales of Monkey Island
Monkey Island references isn't exactly new - but it's not like there's a huge amount of them in later games.

I've been playing Fable III lately - lovely little game that. One that features a gazillion readable gravestones all over Albion (the world it takes place in). I haven't read them all yet, because there's just so many of them. Usually they explain how the person died. It said:

"Tried to hold his breath for ten minutes"

I'm fairly certain that's a reference to Monkey Island. So there you have it - someone at Lionhead Studios (perhaps Peter Molyneux himself?) is a Monkey Island fan.


  • edited November 2010
    Hah, that's really cool! Especially seeing as how gravestone reading is a common theme in Monkey Island itself. Speaking of which, it would have been even cooler if the gravestone had a little rhyming poem on it to describe the death.
  • edited November 2010
    Hayden wrote: »
    Hah, that's really cool! Especially seeing as how gravestone reading is a common theme in Monkey Island itself. Speaking of which, it would have been even cooler if the gravestone had a little rhyming poem on it to describe the death.

    Some of them do I think.
  • edited November 2010
    Hehe, reminds me of Quest for Glory IV and King's Quest II+.
    Now, about recent games - I can think about the not-too-recent Bone 2, in which Fone Bone, when he looks at a giant cauldron, says 'I think that's the second biggest pot O' soup I've ever seen!'
    There would also be, of course, Force Unleashed, but we have a whole thread about it.
  • edited November 2010
    I played "So Blonde" again yesterday. There's a rug in the city hall where Guybrush's head is woven in. When Sunny looks at it she says: "There's a picture of a young man woven into that rug. Behind him, there's a three-headed monkey. That's bizarre." Furthermore, there's a bar in which several paintings from famous pirates (Blackbeard etc.) are hanging from the wall. The last one in the row is a picture of LeChuck in Monkey Island 2 (from the box art) with his beard flaming.
    That, and a couple of other things. ;)
  • edited November 2010
    I remember there were quite a few in Jack Keane, which isn't surprising seeing as how the writers of Jack Keane relied on referencing other games and films for about 90% of their jokes and humour. I can't remember what the references were specifically, probably because they weren't funny, but there were definitely some in there.
  • edited November 2010
    I met "Guybrushe Threepewoode" in Lord of the Rings Online once... (It was a fellow player, tho, not a proper in-game reference.)

    He had a great hat!

    -The Gneech :cool:
  • edited November 2010
    There's a LeChuck like pirate in Ceville.
  • edited November 2010
    Also guys, we of course can't forget Tim Schafer's little revisit to the stump joke in 'Psychonauts'. (As well as in 'Grim Fandango').
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