How Ben wasn't seen in the episode 4 trailer?

Ben is never seen in episode 4's trailer the only thing is someones jeans and hand when Lee is talking to the group but it's obvious it's not the clothes Ben is wearing , do you think they are going to kill Ben off?
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Seriously? I didn't see it.
But if he does, I hope they don't play the "redeemed then killed" card, that would kinda suck.
Hell at the beginning of the EP3 Start screen we see duck waving with a smile from the train.
That didn't and can't happen according to the episode I played.
Well they will hehe that's why it's called the walking dead :P people will die and join
I don't think that the writers would kill both Christa and Omid in this episode. I feel that this is more of a build up before the climax of Episode 5 so I'm not really expecting many deaths. Maybe the death of Omid, and showing Christa taking it badly if the trailer is accurate, the death of Ben saved for Episode 5 as much as I'd hate to see him die I think he will just because whenever people have said they wanted a character to die that character died 1-2 episodes later, I also don't think Kenny will figure out that Ben caused everything until the end of the episode as a cliffhanger. Clem and Lee are safe for this episode at least.
Comic Book Spoilers:
Couldn't be Negan. Negan is up in Washington about 1 or 2 years later. Also should be more wary of spoilers, other people might want to read it themselves and not see it from you.
Seriously. Glenn's dead? Man, I need to catch up on the books.
Seriously though, id prefer to see Ben alive, it'd be mega cliche'd to have him become overcome with guilt and throw himself off the train.
Well spotted!
I think that is Ben. You can tell from the cuff of his jacket just above his hand. It's the same cuff as the letterman jacket he wears, so I guess we can just presume it's him for now.
lol, maybe, maybe.
I hope he's in EP4.. I still need to shoot him for what he's caused!
Yep :-(
I would have done the exact same thing in his case
The only difference would be that I wouldn't tell Lee what I had done
Give Ben credit
I don't expect his death to be brave, helpful, redeeming, willing or whatever, but his mere disappearance would lift one massive liability.
The biggest thing about Ben. I don't dislike him or blame him for Carley, but he's gonna get himself killed and drag others down.
(according to the trailer)We see Ben abandoning Clementine when they get surrounded by walkers and we hear Lee shouting and yelling at him because of this. Maybe with the anger and temper that was inside Lee he might have told the others about his mistakes and that he was the cause of all that.
My forethoughts on what might happen
If you haven't seen it and want to here is the link:
Telltale writer of Episode 4 said the game could come out sooner then you think thats good to know :P
and if you watch that trailer, you see a part where Ben leaves Clem unprotected and Lee threatens Ben over it.
All you Ben lover's should re-think your loyalty!
If I had the option, I'd have tossed Ben from the train!
Remember what Chuck told Lee? There are no strong, or weak, no boy's or girls, no brave or cowards, there is only alive or dead. So those of you saying Ben is just a kid, scared, made some mistakes.. Yea his mistakes basically caused the death of Doug/Carley, Lily is gone and got Duck Bitten which made Kat kill herself.. So Ben is responsible for 3 deaths and loss of 1 group member in one episode.
I agree! Lol I was surprised how many more people saved Carley over Doug! Shocking!
As for Ben dying, I'm not sure. I think it depends if there's hope or no hope. I think the TV show goes a little more hopeful than the comics, and the comics... I'm still not sure if there's supposed to be hope or not.
If there's hope, they'll either find another young boy around Clem's age, or they'll keep Ben around. (Give it about 7-10 years, and I'm sure Clem will be interested in Ben.) I know it seems weird to think about it that way, but if there's hope for the human race to continue, there will have to be kids young enough to grow up in "this" world who can breed later on. (And in all honesty, as Lee has become a father to her, I don't see them repopulating the world together.) Maybe not very romantic, but eh.
I think you've got a sick mind like Gary Whitta has hehe Repopulating the world together ? O.o Come on what do you take Lee for :P As for Ben I'm sure he's gonna get killed by zombies or by kenny either way