Cute, works because of your name being a Dinosaur and all, and I kind of fail to see how that would make you feel better.
Like I said, it ain't mine. While my cousin was making this, I hadn't even played that part yet, so I didn't know what the deal was. And the dinosaur toy, well, that was random I believe. There aren't a lot of "toy" items in G-mod.
Haha... she was definitely talking about the artists! Some very cool stuff there. I've been showing ChrystalChameleon's "Kenny's fate will be explored" pic to anyone who walks by my desk.
I've changed my mind on the Kenny fan art (I can't get his moustache right or his character model so I gave up) and decided to do something referenced to a show I watched as a kid (well I still am a kid if you count 13 as a kid age and still watch it ) No hints, just have to wait and see when I'm done.
Well I guess I am guilty of watching Cartoons also, well I guess we are in the same boat, just not Kenny's boat, and I just got the Minecraft Kenny skin of 360.
Now do a dead version of it, since both are dead now
I'm not the artist that made that either. I'm just contributing to this thread by presenting any fan art that I find. (Which have been mostly CarLee pictures so far)
I can already see how that Episode would go, fastest case ever solved all because of that guy and that girl that look like they are from 1912, now let's get a beer, credits.
Made for Bioshock Infinite WD! hope you like it man!
I just got back after not being in the forums for a while,amd I have to say I love this and your booker only picture,another couple of fantastic pieces of art.
Also,Bio if I may call you by that name,where did you find that picture,that is awesome!
Once again,fantastic work!
Like I said, it ain't mine. While my cousin was making this, I hadn't even played that part yet, so I didn't know what the deal was. And the dinosaur toy, well, that was random I believe. There aren't a lot of "toy" items in G-mod.
did you make Nate?
Especially it's tail
other wise i missed something here
Holy shit, the people at Telltale saw my comic!?
Aaah, that is so amazing! Still, I hope that picture didn't give them any ideas...
I'm not the artist that made that either. I'm just contributing to this thread by presenting any fan art that I find. (Which have been mostly CarLee pictures so far)
mind = blown
blown = pants
pants = sploded
sploded = #censored#
Made Booker Dewitt.
But just wait...
Made for Bioshock Infinite WD! hope you like it man!
Glad u like it
You can make it your avatar if you want
i had birthday last month
uhm uhm-Carlee
Could you do some fan art of Nate and Kenny together. Maybe they be drinking Parsecs Whiskey or something.
I just got back after not being in the forums for a while,amd I have to say I love this and your booker only picture,another couple of fantastic pieces of art.
Also,Bio if I may call you by that name,where did you find that picture,that is awesome!