I actually kind of want him to be dead. Not because I hate him, but because he's awesome, and if he lived through that, he'll die in a shitty way, later.
EDIT: Also, bio, someone probably just ported over the models, then someone else redid the texture to have him with white eyes, then someone used the paint tool and painted blood all over him.
We already got a ton of good old Kenny, we saw him try to take control, we saw him lose everything, we saw him grieve, we saw him overcome it, and now we saw him sacrifice himself.
Also, this is very spoilery for the non spoiler section... I think I'll put everything in spoilers now.
Don't fool yourselves. He was trapped with nowhere to go with Ben, and trapped with few places to go with Christa. They wouldn't make his fate dependent on Ben, and there was no way in hell he was getting out of there. Replay that scene, and look for a way out. Just do it. you won't find one. I guarantee.
My feelings! What do you mean feelings! Right now I feel anger and upset that you're trying to convince me Kenny's dead. He's not! He... He made it out, he did!
Really? Can you really say that to yourself without stuttering or looking away? *therapist voice* He's gone, you know that. There was nothing we could do to stop him, and his stache will live on forever in the history of gaming bros.
(Lol, wyatt and eddie are missing! Also, it's weird how Hershel and Shawn are with all of the villains.)
I'm not a therapist, but I'm trying to help you. Just think about it, how would he have gotten away? *calm voice* You and I both know that you don't really believe he's alive. We need to start fresh, with new characters to learn and love. Kenny, while awesome, would get in the way, there's no way we could continue with him.
I know you didn't, I was just yelling at the universe.
EDIT: Also, bio, someone probably just ported over the models, then someone else redid the texture to have him with white eyes, then someone used the paint tool and painted blood all over him.
Also, this is getting rather spoilery...
Also, this is very spoilery for the non spoiler section... I think I'll put everything in spoilers now.
Also, lol, just a random Omid in the corner.
Anyway, here's something else that I found: The entire TWD game cast.
...Well, almost.
I'm not a therapist, but I'm trying to help you. Just think about it, how would he have gotten away? *calm voice* You and I both know that you don't really believe he's alive. We need to start fresh, with new characters to learn and love. Kenny, while awesome, would get in the way, there's no way we could continue with him.
EDIT: Let's all remember him kindly
Since TKA logged off, let's now fill this page with faan art, before anyone realizes this is the nonspoiler location.
I've seen just about everything
EDIT: Do you want more Gale?
Hooray, another breaking bad fan! What season are you on?