Server communication issue
Is there anyone being able to activate the game?
I've been able to download it but I cannot activate it... Apparently the activation servers are down/ too busy.
Thank you
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Is there anyone being able to activate the game?
I've been able to download it but I cannot activate it... Apparently the activation servers are down/ too busy.
Thank you
Just installed and I get the message.
It seems really silly.
I'm so anxious to play, I really hope this gets sorted out quick! It would be a shame we got the short end of the stick for not using steam.
Hi go_ob! We hit the go button a little too early this morning, and for a period of about 10 minutes people were able to download something that's not the final build. You should uninstall that and delete the download - we'll have a fresh, working download later this afternoon (US west coast time). Thanks for your patience, we can't wait for you to play the episode!
Thanks Puzzlebox! At least we know whats going on now!
Oh ok, brilliant! Thanks for the quick reply.
Lol. That's pretty funny, shows how quickly we hit the download button when it came up
Thanks for explaining.
Ok. Thank you for the info.
However, there is still one thing that annoys me. Steam has already released its version and I assume that it is activated through Steam. In all, people having bought the game through a third party get better conditions? Given that they leave less profit for TT (~70%), in my opinion, this doesn't looks like a great strategy...
But thanks anyway
Good to know. When is this supposed to be resolved by? I'm still getting that message. Is the final build the one that's up for download right now?
Looking forward to the season.
Server communication issue is still present.
This reminds me of the Diablo 3 and Sim City launch. How many more games in the future is gonna have a dodgy launch? Have they not learned?
It's really frustrating. I was looking forward to playing this over a bottle of wine with my girlfriend, but no such luck. I really regret not buying it on steam now.
Did you get it pre-ordered? They mailed a Steam code to me. Check that.
I'm sure they had these problems when jurassic park and walking dead launched, i wasnt expecting much different this time round.
I preordered and didnt get a steam code, so i definitely feel royally f'ed by telltale. Lucky them, they already got my business. What a way to ruin your relations with your customers.
It sucks, but don't worry too too much about it. Remember: however frustrated you are, the people who've been working on the game for so long are WAY more frustrated their launch is being marred by obnoxious issues like these.
Also, no I didn't get a steam key
let's be real, they already have our money, they arent all that worried about it.
was finally able to download my game, but when I go to activate it I get a can't connect to server error.....really
I have the same problem. Just like like I had for every single episode of the Walking Dead I downloaded. If memory serves this usually sorts itself out within a few days. Any comment on this Telltale workers?
well now i know to get there future games right from steam.
I did PAY for this game, right?: I am allowed to play games I spent my money on, right?
apparently not
Of course, the pirates get to play the game and I don't.
Note to publishers: PIRATES DON'T PAY FOR GAMES. You can't stop them, and even if you did, they won't buy the games.
The only people who can't play ARE THE PEOPLE WHO BOUGHT IT, and you're basically telling them if they want to play, PIRATE IT.
(face palm)
I "love" being treated like a criminal by a software company.
This is highly upsetting. I waited patiently all day for the game to drop and now that it's finally available of TT's website, I can't connect to the server to play the game.
Jonah, I had a similar though as I encountered the server communication error. It is frustrating to think that those who did not pay for the game were able to more freely experience my purchased product. It's times like these when both publishers and developers need to have a serious conversation about the effectiveness of DRM. I believe when the implantation of DRM systems in any way inhibits the enjoyment of a purchased product- by design or not- it has overstepped its place and infringes on my rights as a consumer. I own this copy of "The Wolf Among Us" through this purchase, and property rights should never be infringed upon by the enforcement of copyright. It's just an opinion, and I don't mean to target Telltale specifically, but I believe in general this is an issue of fundamental importance of what we are as a society. How we protect and recognize personal property has always been a cornerstone of what defines us a civilization and in the dawning of the digital age consumers and producers alike need to take a good hard look at their practices and how they may affect our shared values and rights. At any rate, sorry about the rant, but I think this is something we all need to explore more. Please, if you disagree, I'd welcome the discussion.
This is really Ironic , we buy this game from the official company website , yet we are the only ones who are having problems playing the game...
as a developer I can tell you that it doesn't matter , when customers are frustrated everybody in the company are pissed off.
of course I am not talking about telltale , it's like that in my company and I'm assuming in every other company
I see they sent a steam key , oh well i'll just get it on steam
No steam key for me so far. How much more will we need to shout that DRM is a terrible idea so people will understand.
Try to switch e-mail adress for your user name... it took me a few times but i got though the authentication after the 5th or 6th try. The Login servers are probably a little (or a lot) congested due to the high amoount of people going through that process at the moment. Keep trying and you'll get through.
@Jennifer talk about a rough outing for TTG on TWAU at the start. Not the same exact issue as the last TTG glitch but a issue never the less.
Using username, not email fixed it for me
Authentication worked for me on the second attempt, which is weird considering how much problems this still causes others. After it worked once, however, you can start the game while being offline.
Keep trying, I really hope it'll work out.
(In any case - if the previous Season DVDs are anything to go by, there will be absolutely no kind of online DRM on them, and possibly no DRM at all. Not something to look forward to if you're trying to get the game to run right now, I know.
i installet it for like 2 hour from now and cant get in its says Cant go to telltale Server and like that help?
At least they were nice enough to give a steam key, but this is so bad for their business.
Still, I kinda feel bad for Telltale.
Same launch disaster as "The Walking Dead - Episode 1".
They learned nothing....
Brilliant, that did it, finally.
Have this issue as well. Was able to download fine this morning though.
I have not recieved any steam key.
Would be nice if there were an official post saying that their login/auth servers are getting hammered, please be patient something like that.
I don't see how that resolves a server error.
And I'm sorry, this isn't an old car. There should be no reason I have to "keep trying and eventually something will happen".