The Animal (You know what)



  • I know I will get downvoted because of this, but I was completely ready to kill that dog when it attacked Clem and simply decided to not do it once it wasn't a threat anymore. Partly because I didn't want Clem to do anything unnecessary and partly because I didn't think that dog deserved any mercy when it bit the hand that TRIED to feed him.

  • You....dont know much about dogs, do you?

    Rock114 posted: »

    I put the mutt out of its misery. I even offered that little bastard some food, then he tries to eat ME?! I even thought that the dog would be

  • No one's going to down vote you unless they can't handle different opinions. Your opinion is completely valid.
    But you don't know how smart dogs are though. The dog was probably starving for who knows how long. We have 2 border collies next door who are owned by lazy people who don't feed them, and i feed them everyday, and you should see how aggressive they get over food. they didn't attack me but they get aggressive. Now, this dog we don't know how long it went without food. If you offer it some and then you take it away, of course it's going to attack you, like a person would. It didn't hate Clementine it just tried to stay alive, which you would do the same thing if you were starving. Trust me when you're starving, you'll do some crazy shit, just ask the St Johns.

    I know I will get downvoted because of this, but I was completely ready to kill that dog when it attacked Clem and simply decided to not do it

  • The more I think about it, the more that I wish that eating the dog had been an option. After all, you'd just gone over setting up a fire pit and roasting an animal, and Sam had a fair sight more meat on him than a weasel.

  • Does the Dog attack you no matter what option you pick?

  • it was probably starving. clem made the comment of it that car looked like it was there a while so the dog has probably been there scavenging

    if ya saw how fast as hell it tried to eat that food when clem opened the can and it attacked as soon as she tried to take it away

  • If you picked Pete

    EmperorZorn posted: »

    You're going to like the next episode then, apparently we get to saw off a leg...

  • It's because Clem reached for the food after the dog grabbed it. If she hadn't done that, the dog's fight or flight instincts wouldn't have kicked in.

    RubyMoon posted: »

    I didn't really understand tho ... The dog was all nice and playful and as soon as you gave it a little bit of food it went crazy !

  • edited December 2013

    I'm a tough kinda guy. I don't like to be, but when it comes to sad moments, I keep my head up. Sometimes I even question my sanity.

    But that dog. The death of that dog assured me of my humanity. That was the most depressing, god forsaken thing I've ever seen.

    (Also, props to the designers. Loved the Volkswagen bus at the abandoned camp.)

  • Not trying to be a dick to Telltale by any means (seriously), but I saw it coming (not the exact death) the second we saw the dog. I was very disappointed. It felt like a poorly constructed plot device to try to hit the player in the feels. I was very upset about the dog dying, but more pissed that it was so obvious and such a poor plot device.

  • I knew the dog was going to die at some point. But turning to brute malice and getting impaled?! This dog was worse off than Ben!

    Nathanial posted: »

    Not trying to be a dick to Telltale by any means (seriously), but I saw it coming (not the exact death) the second we saw the dog. I was very

  • That was such a great scene, the best in the episode alongside the scene when Clementine has to stitch her wound. They did a good job reminding us how dangerous is the world of TWD, they didn´t go easy on Clementine just because she is a little girl as I feared, I really liked this Episode.

  • I was really sad about the dog as well.

  • You probably don't have a dog. Get one and you'll develope the stong hatred (ok, ice cold neutrality) to any four-legged creature (they are unpredictable arrogant bastards). True story.

    Didn't kill it. Why should I? It's dead anyway.

    When i 1st encounterd the dog, i think that Clem would kill it for doggy-burgers sake.

    Fed it, it bited Clem. Well, what'd ya expect from a dirty dog? Figures.

    The only dog that deserves mourning is sheep dog from «I'm a legend». Can't wach THAT scene.

  • Well, the thing is that in the previous game, one of the reasons Lee can give for not shooting him is that killing people changes you. I personally think that actually slitting a dog's throat, even as a mercy, will take a piece out of you, Yes, it is ultimately more kind, but it's still a brutal act that will change you. That's the dilemma I saw Clementine facing.

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    I posted a topic about it. I feel the same way as you when it comes to animals. I was hoping when i first saw the dog that it would be a frie

  • i had to kill the dog, out of mercy and goddamit i just dont understand why the dog would do that. Instinct ?

  • I didn't see it coming, even though in retrospect they foreshadowed it with that sign earlier. Yes, it's true that throwing in a dog is a relatively easy way to push people's buttons, but I actually expected something more predictable, like having to put the dog down because it got sick from biting a walker. Whoops, wrong. They reeled me in.

    Nathanial posted: »

    Not trying to be a dick to Telltale by any means (seriously), but I saw it coming (not the exact death) the second we saw the dog. I was very

  • Haha! You sound like Rafael Nadal who "doesn't trust dogs instincts".
    By your comment, i guess you have never had a genuine dog with you.
    1: I've had one for 12 years, and the first time i got him, he was being tormented by kids and then when i took him he had been home jobbed with fish wire on his balls from assholes who held him down without any anesthetic and was he unpredictable? no, his the perfect dog, never once has he turned on me, maybe if you actually had a relationship with a dog you'd know what it feels like. That or you're trolling.
    2: So you'd let a dog suffer in pain to death? you think that's a humane thing to do? Would you say the same thing about leaving Lee to suffer because according to your logic "Lee's dead anyway"? Of course you wouldn't. Putting Lee and Sam out of their misery is the RIGHT thing to do. Leaving Lee to turn into a Walker and having Sam die in agony, you have to be a cold fuck to do that.
    3: No comment need, that's just fucking stupid.
    4: Dirty dog? Ha, how about starving dog. look when it's dead, it's barely got a stomach it's that skinny. As i said to a previous person on here, When people and animals get desperate for food they'll do anything. We saw what the St Johns did. Sam was only trying to keep alive, Have you ever seen a starving dog eat? they're aggressive as fuck, although they don't attack like Telltale put in here, they do get aggressive.
    and 5: Sam from i am legend protected Will Smith, he tried to cure her but she was turning into i don't know what they called them in the movie but she was turning bad and he had to strangle her to death. Both Sam in i am legend and the walking dead didn't deserve to die. You're a hypocrite if you have sympathy for one and not the other.

    Mafon2 posted: »

    You probably don't have a dog. Get one and you'll develope the stong hatred (ok, ice cold neutrality) to any four-legged creature (they are un

  • Well dogs don't do that in real life according to studies, i think by telltales perspective it was that starved that it went mad trying to get food and survive.

    Wyatt#1 posted: »

    i had to kill the dog, out of mercy and goddamit i just dont understand why the dog would do that. Instinct ?

  • True it will take a piece out of you but if you look at the other option, leaving something to die in agony will always take a piece out of you.
    I think it would be the worst feeling just leaving an animal dying and screaming in pain.

    JohnnyAngel posted: »

    Well, the thing is that in the previous game, one of the reasons Lee can give for not shooting him is that killing people changes you. I perso

    1. I had a dog for 14 years and i've encountered plenty of them to judge. I know you know it, you know i know it, but it's just unthinkable how cunning a dog become with age. But most time of a year they care only about food.
    2. I left Lee «suffer» as you put it here, don't see a reason in needless violence. You tellin' me that asking a lil' girl to shoot her substitute father is a nice thing to do? Or to have her stab cute lil' doggy in a muzzle?
    3. Guess i'm thinkin' about food most time of a year too :D. No realy, put fresh meat to waste is dumb. And i'm eatin' meat very rarely.
    4. «Dirty dog» is an expression, which means «treacherous», «untrustworthy», «dishonorable».
    5. We all are. Sam was turning into a vampire (man, how stupid does it sound!). There was a strong bond between Smith and Sam, they were the last ones. Sam became the only friend he had, the only one to talk to, the only one to care about. And he blew it. Smith struggled the only living thing he cared so much with his own bare hands desperate to help the situation. Now that's a drama. I may be neutral (ok, heavely distrustful) to dogs, but i can't ignore that scene. You can swap Sam to any animal and it still be tearing to watch, 'cause it's not about the specie Sam was.
    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    Haha! You sound like Rafael Nadal who "doesn't trust dogs instincts". By your comment, i guess you have never had a genuine dog with you. 1:

  • There is a scene in Mass Effect 2 in which you have to choose to capture a bad guy, or let him go in order to save people from dying in a fire. If you choose to let the people die, you get treated to listening to them scream in agony the whole time you're concentrating on catching up to the villain. I imagined something similar would happen with the dog. Still, though. In this case it's not just mercy vs. cruelty. The fact is that some people will accept undesirable circumstances, like guilt over letting a dog suffer, just to avoid having to take an action rather than remain passive.

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    True it will take a piece out of you but if you look at the other option, leaving something to die in agony will always take a piece out of you. I think it would be the worst feeling just leaving an animal dying and screaming in pain.

  • Hmmm,Everyone very sensitive with dog killing.The dog is infected look at its eye.Before clem give food its eyes is normal but when she opens the food its eyes is black just like a lurker.And for me knitting clem arm scene is far away more terrible.P.S. MY granpa say when he go to someplace called "Tegal" they eat pupies and frog.First they put pupies in the cage until 2 days without food,then they feed it spice and they burned it alive.Yeah sounds very sadistic but thats the truth)

  • i think sam was mad because clementine and christa were cooking max

  • There is no infected animals in the Walking Dead world. Only humans.

  • How could someone have been attached to the dog? He died like only 5 minutes after you met him. lol

    Anyway, I only felt anger when I put that stupid dog out of his misery. I was really mad at him for biting my sweet little Clem.

  • I realized that I must be a real monster...because I left the dog...I feelt that it did not deserve my pitty after attacking me...

  • I don't understand people who bawl or get overly emotional over the death of random animals that can go in the pets category. I can understand if it was a pet of yours that you've grown attached to, but a random animal? Perhaps I'm cold?

  • In real life happens to me the same... Trust on a dog, then he bites me. Here, the same... Clem fed her and tries to kill Clem to get all food. I don't learn the lesson about dogs.

    I prefer cats, anyway.

  • I don't feel guilt over killing the dog because Clem wasn't trying to hurt it, she was just defending herself and as it turned out, the dog got impaled.
    I don't feel guilty about killing it. Sure, it's hard to do but i'd rather end it's suffering then walk away seeing it die in agony.

    JohnnyAngel posted: »

    There is a scene in Mass Effect 2 in which you have to choose to capture a bad guy, or let him go in order to save people from dying in a fire

  • 1: No i don't "know" it, please enlighten me. Of course they care about food, they look to us as their masters. It's like when we were babies. we expect our parents to feed us and take care of us. I've had mine for 12 years and his always done things i've wanted him to do and i've done what he wanted, it's called respect.
    2: Nothing is easy to do, but would you want the alternative? Leaving Lee to to turn into a mindless walker and leaving the dog to suffer in agony? You think the alternative is more suitable?
    3: I don't eat meat actually so i wouldn't know the thrill.
    4: Haha how can he be those things when you hadn't met him? also Dishonorable means bringing shame or disgrace on someone. how did he do that to Clem?
    5: Sam died defending Smith. She threw herself into the firing line just so he didn't get attacked. He couldn't prevent her being bitten because he was being attack by another infected dog. by the time he got to her she was bitten. He thought he could save her but the "cure' didn't work. You can see her attacking him, what would you do let her bite him? He didn't want to see her as one of those "vampires" so he put her out of her misery which was the right thing to do just like having Clem put the dog out of it's misery. See that's your problem. You don't trust dogs so of course you're going to not trust this dog in the game, i trust dogs way more then i trust humans. Dogs are always with you, they wait for you when you go out and are still there when you come home. They stay by your side when People will, lie to you, never stay by your side all the time and will use you if you give them the chance. Dogs don't get the credit they deserve and it's pretty sad that you can't get how loyal they are. You're just like my ignorant people. You see a few dogs that are not trustworthy so you automatically assume that they all are. That's like me saying because a few chicks sleep around i'll say "all chicks will sleep around". See how fucking stupid that is?
    But like i said, You haven;t had a loyal dog and when you get one hopefully for your sake, You'll know where i'm coming from dude.

    Mafon2 posted: »

    * I had a dog for 14 years and i've encountered plenty of them to judge. I know you know it, you know i know it, but it's just unthinkable how

  • mercy killed it here, definitely was surprised, I even died at my first attempt to defend myself. I wonder if we'll be tested again, whether to trust an animal or not, cause at this point I don't think I'll hesitate to kill the next furry creature that tries to befriend me.

  • I have no sympathy for that feral bastard. Better if Sam had attacked me on sight than betray my trust the way he did. I was sorely tempted to let him suffer, but I didn't want to project my anger onto Clem.

  • MalvusMalvus Banned
    edited December 2013

    The whole thing was handled really poorly in the first place... the dog wouldn't go for Clementine instead of the food if you chose not to give it anything and you NEVER take food away from a dog (though Clementine might not have much experience with dogs). I agree it was starving but that's no excuse since it was a family dog, if anything it would have went for the food. The whole scene was there so they could gut punch you in the feels. Then again, the scene with Omid was the same thing. I get it they're trying to tell us it's a bleak world but I'm pretty sure at least 80% of the playerbase for the game already played or knew about The Walking Dead in the first place and setting up cheap feel scenes for newcomers without taking your fans into consideration was stupid. I expected more, not less. I will give you kudos Telltale for having the options to play the innocent little girl angle or going all adult and just generally allowing us to shape Clementine's personality. All in all I'd say I'm pretty excited and at least it looks to be something different. Keep up the good work Telltale!

  • I was actually annoyed that Clem would go and pet the dog. It's a wild dog for heaven's sake! You have no idea if it's dangerous or not. When I heard growling as I approached I immediately wanted to either run away, scare the dog away, or fight it. But there was no such option. I was not surprised when it attacked Clem, as that's how dogs react to me in real life.


    kwrona posted: »

    I was actually annoyed that Clem would go and pet the dog. It's a wild dog for heaven's sake! You have no idea if it's dangerous or not. Whe

  • Oh my god... it makes so much sense now... Or maybe Max was the rabbit in Game of Thrones you kill as Gared...

    i think sam was mad because clementine and christa were cooking max

  • You're three years too late in response. STOP necro bumping threads.

    Oh my god... it makes so much sense now... Or maybe Max was the rabbit in Game of Thrones you kill as Gared...

  • I dropped my phone when this part came up ( I played the games on my phone ) and covered my mouth , I was blowed away and not but 10 minutes before that I saw omid get shot the first episode was full of WTF moments

  • Can we get this thread closed? Three year old threads just cluttering up the board after being resurrected.

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