Why is there still no 'dialogue skip' feature
I know the game is almost entirely based on dialogue, and I would never skip anything my first time through. But the lack of any kind of skip function makes replays very, very tedious, as there are significant portions of the game that are the same every time that you don't need to or might not want to see again. If I lost my season 1 save again and had to replay for the 4th time I would probably die.
I feel like there must be some kind of engine limitation that makes this inconvenient to implement, because why else would such an otherwise simple feature not be included?
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I agree, this definitely needs to be added. What would be better though(In my opinion at least), is simply the option to choose choices at the beginning of each episode. That way we don't need to replay for the fourth time
. But yeah, I think this would be a good option, as it really annoys me when I can start mimicking the characters every sentence lol.
For second play through I think that should be included. I've played games where after first play through you can skip more than the dialogue. I don't replay TWD, but I see how its useful for a lot of people.
Should just be included regardless - I'd hate to not be able to use the feature due to a reformat etc. It's up to the player if they want to ruin their first playthrough by using it.
Really I'd just wait a while and play again when your ready to enjoy it. Personally I find the long sequences more annoying to replay; such as stiching or finding all the stuff in the pharmacy
But doesn't most dialogue require choices to choose? How can they skip dialogue? Or do you mean skip talking parts and get to the choices quicker?
Yes, that's what I mean
Unlike games like Uncharted per example, the game is mainly based of dialogue and not action. So if the choice of skipping dialogues is added, it's like the story will be filled with holes. It is an unecessary change 4 the game.
How will an optional feature you don't have to use at all change anything about the story? It's the same story either way, just faster for people who want it to be.
Faster and less coherent. Most of the dialogue choices we make show up while other characters are talking so if we just skip what they are saying we just end up with four choices with no context or we could just skip all of the talking bits and not have the game be what it is.
I know that parts of the episodes are a slog to get through during second play throughs and I have thought about how nice it would be to have a way to just skip by it and get to the more interesting bits, but risking having a button that skips dialogue that can be accidentally pushed and take away the context we need (and later find boring to sit through repeatedly) creates a problem for the first play through while only solving an issue for repeat playthroughs. Just imagine during your first play through accidentally hitting that button when talking to Sam about whether to give him the beans and all of sudden he's attacking you it would really mess with the flow and surprise in that scene.
I think the fact that now when you rewind in a finished episode it automatically moves all of the decisions up to the point you're rewinding to, to a new save file so if you just want to change decisions at certain points you can skip at least parts of the game you don't want to go through again.
All of this is easy to remedy/easily avoidable. Make it a tick box in the options, skip ahead when dialogue is skipped. It's not hard to conceptualize, which is why I was wondering if it's an engine limitation in the OP.
I agree that people that people should be able to play the games whatever way they want to, but at the same time, why should people skip dialogue in the first play through? Why did you buy a dialogue based game to then just skip the dialogue? Its a bit silly to me. Second playthrough makes more sense because at least they've detected the save game from one playthrough. Yes people should be able to choose what they want, but its rather silly for Telltale to cater to every single need, especially when they are trying to tell a story.
I don't know a lot about game development but making something 'just' a tick box is probably harder to implement on the devs side than it appears to be on ours. Maybe you're right about engine limitations maybe you're not, neither of us have that information. I'm just thinking it would be worse if this feature was added and done poorly than just leaving things as they are now.
I see what you're saying, but it would kinda defeat the entire game's purpose, even if you had to replay the entire first season again. Personally, I'm just playing through Season 1 for nostalgia reasons waiting for season 2 Episode Two, and I couldn't see myself skipping everything that makes the game what it is. They just need to focus on saving features.
Maybe rather than skipping a whole block of dialog you could click to skip to the next sentence. This may be useful to people who may have problem hearing and would probably be able to read a line of dialog faster than it would take for the dialog to be spoken and might want to read the next sentence faster.
Yeah! Less talking, more killing.
Dialogue skipping would mean the game would have to fill in choices for you. Such as, skipping the scene where you defend Duck to Larry - the game would have to fill in the blanks: were you a dick, or not?
The game is built on choices and responses though. Even little interaction let's say your talking to Kenny in Season 1. He tells you about Duck, there is a pause there to give you time to respond. How you respond he remembers later on, like "Kenny will remember your loyalty" or "Kenny appreciates you asking about Duck"
You would have a way to skip all over that, leaving them fill in your choices for you. Maybe you didn't want. The games aren't that along. If you really want this though, you would have an easier time posing this in suggestion rather then Walking Dead.
I take it that you guys never exited out of the game, came back, and realized that you had to do a bunch of crap over again to get to where you were.
BioWare games have skip options too.. they don't skip dialogue choices.
Yes, yes this is exactly what is is missing the game (in terms of mechanics). I LOVE to replay the episodes and explore other options once I'm done with my first playthrough. But since there are lots of options and lots and lots of dialogues, sometimes it gets really annoying to watch the same dialogues over and over again. It takes too long because there are only checkpoint saves. Just for this reason I skipped replaying some episodes and just searched the web to see what other options do. I would love to see a skip button in the game, it may even only appear in second playthrough, I'd be OK with that, but it should be there. Please.
I agree. Other Telltale games have options to skip dialogue. It becomes annoying when you want to replay the game to do different choices, you have to listen to all the dialogue again.
Is this really all you can think of when someone says 'skip dialogue?' I mean come on.
Dialogue skipping is "press spacebar to skip the current spoken line and move on to the next line." Not this worst case scenario interpretation you made up.
I'm not sure how they programmed their engine, but as a programmer working on a game with dialog choices, I know that it wouldn't be very difficult to implement(At least in my engine). I think it's more that they just didn't think about this being needed and therefore it wasn't added. If there is enough demand I think it should be possible, if not then they should probably recode the choices script as it must be pretty bad lol
. I think what would be easier is a save-game creator, as that can be separately maintained instead of skipping dialog being hacked into their existing engine badly.
you should also have to hold the button down to skip it or something as well
People seem kinda confused by what a dialogue skip means, it doesn't mean skip dialogue choices or skip way ahead in a conversation, it means skip to the next spoken line (or next dialogue choice if that's whats next)
Well, some of the major choices are in dialogue form, and what you say effect what people think of you. You can't skip dialogue because it's kind of part of the "decisions" that you make.
Personally I don't think there is enough reason to imlpement this. I, for one, would like to see how my actions are recieved and skipping it would defeat the purpose. "Then don't use it." Right, I just don't see enough people using it to make it worth their time, no matter how much time it took. I would rather them spend 5 more minutes on story than 5 minutes on a system very sparingly used. Just my opinion.
i just bought the borderlands adventure yesterday. played a while at the egninning before i went to work. after restarting, i realized i didn'T make it to the first savepoint. no big deal i thought, i still know what i answered, let's hit space to shorten the dialoge (ESPECIALLY THE INTRO STORYTELLER). so..what..no..not possible?
go through everything again?
WELL you can'T even let i run while preparing food and select options because there's a bloody timer for dialog options, so you can even do that....
it'S like somebody thought: so, we made a great game, what can we do to f* it up...
i'll just watch the let's play of the rest i watched the first part of to decide that i want to buy/play this game.
guess i goitta thank telltale for the decision to not being in any way thinking like a customer (hey: we made a game where decisions matter, so play it again AND SIT THROUGH EVERYTHING AGAIN FORCED TO STAY CONENTRATED BECAUSE OUR DIALOG OPTIONS HAVE BLODDY TIMERS)
so..thanks for saving me the money to buy the wolf among us (was next on my list, i'll just watch a playthrough then).
yeah. too many people seem kinda dumb and then jump to conclusions and attack you for what they THINK you meant. you got it right though.
They added the dialogue skip feature on BTTF. Too bad that they don't do that anymore.
Dialogue skipping used to be an option in Telltale's older games, but they removed it from Walking Dead Season 1 onward as they put a much larger emphasis on story telling in the new games.
Which is kind of ridiculous. Lots of people replay these games to see what effect different decisions have. We should at least be able to skip dialogue after the first playthrough. As long as their save issues persist, dialogue skipping should be allowed across the board because of people who want to recreate their choices but don't want to hear all the dialogue again.
This is truly a feature they need to re-add. Seriously, what's the point of removing it? Put an emphasis on story and line deliveries? Come on, seriously, some of us do multiple playthrough, and that's a pain to watch every single line being pronounced, especially since, as someone said before, you can't do anything else at the same time because there are timers during dialogues.
As for those who think "I don't want it, it would ruin immersion", then just don't bloody press the button.
The only reason I (and I insist that it's only my point of view, doesn't mean it's true) think it would be removed, is to discourage people from playing the games multiple times. Maybe in case there's no real changes whatever your choices? I need to add that I wouldn't know, as I'm not brave enough to inflict that to myself.
Anyway, devs, come on and add that feature. Don't tell me it's because of the characters' motions, many games allow people to skip a line, and just skip the animation to the next line at the same time. Seriously.
Dialogue is a HUGE part of the game, if you keep skipping you'd have no idea what was going on and you'd just be making choices. When you make choices 90 percent of the time that involves dialogue
When you change your choices, dialogue usually changes.
are you s.o. from marketing trying bad excuses or did yo ustill, after all those posts, don'T understand what this is about? your post is the best proof if you skip everything without reading, which this issue is NOT AT ALL ABOUT. stop skipping posts in the forum, READ the comments made i this thread isntead of just assuming what you decide it MUST be about and then judge people without even knowing what's gonig on.
How hard could it be to add a auto skip to conversations.
Why would you skip dialogue i mean
really ?
Your horrible English/Grammar/Typing is impossible to decode.
If people wish to skip dialogue, i don't see why they shouldn't have the option. I only play this game once, but i would assume, if you play multiple times, it would make the game go quicker.
Well, he's still right, you apparently didn't even take the time to read the comments.
Nobody's forcing you to skip anything.
What we'd like is a feature that allows us to skip the next line/animation. It would allow some of us to do multiple play-through without going mental. If you're so afraid to miss lines you've never heard, some Japanese visual novels (which function on the same model, except for the animation) already have a function that prohibits you from skipping dialogue you've never heard. But the easiest way is : don't skip. It's a bloody choice we're asking for, nobody's taking your hand and forcing you to click on the damned "skip" button.