What if Nate was Clementine's caretaker instead of Lee?
Picture Credit: http://jamesab10.deviantart.com/
I found this picture on deviantart when I was looking for Nate fanart to add to the Walking Dead fanart thread. And, the question on the picture made me stop & think about how Clementine would of turned out if Lee and her hadn't crossed paths. If she had ran into Nate or someone similar to him, would she still of retained the lovable qualities we've all come to know? Do you think Clem would of eventually tried to leave after finding out what sort of person Nate truly was? Or do you think she would of ended up adopting his point of view the same way she did Lee's? I'm interested in hearing what you all think.
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Such a scary thought, he would probably scare her into becoming like him!
I wouldn't like that. From what we've seen, Nate is kind of a dick.
Nate is like Negan From the walking dead comics. Psychopath that will use humor before he kills someone.
Interesting premise. I don't think she would stay with someone like Nate. Early S1 Clem had a very strict and straightforward moral code. No stealing, no killing. Period. She only developed a more complex system of morality with exceptions to those rules when she met Lee because she saw that even though he had killed someone, he was still a good person.
Nate is...not quite a good person. I think Clem would be able to recognize that almost immediately, perhaps even before talking to him. He'd probably be one of those people she drops a hammer on for being "up to now good."
I like to think that she just leaves him behind. In episode 4, she abandons Lee because the stranger on the walkie-talkie told her that he has her parents. So, I'm thinking if she leaves just for that, then she might as well leave Nate, right? Don't know if that made sense..
One thing is for certain...Clem would probably grow up to be one sick fuck.
I can see Nate putting a gun in Clems hand and try to make her shoot somebody, and I can see Clem turning the gun on Nate and shooting him instead. And feeling guilty afterwards.
everyone seems to be talking about how Clementine would react, but did anyone consider she would make HIM a better person
I don't think there's anything that could better Nate at this point.
Well, maybe the carebears could. Clem's cute, but she's no carebear.
If that happened...
She'd be all:
And he'd be all: 
A lot more folks would have been killed, and a lot more stuff would have been taken in Season 1.
Let's not forget that Clementine was a little girl all by herself before Lee found her. Had Nate chanced upon her, she would have easily been manipulated by him. Sure, even in the beginning she had her foundation morals, but if Nate had purposefully used her parents to his advantage, he could have easily gotten her to stay with him with the empty promise of "We'll find them eventually". She was alone, scared, and vulnerable. Nate is a real piece of work, but with little to no other options, I can't really say that she'd have left him in the dust.
At the time, she'd have no resources or the survival skills to carry onward to survive on her own. And by the time that she did, I do think Nate would have worked his own character and morals (or lack of) into her, changing her for the worse. While Lee had protected and taught her about surviving, Nate would have taught her to be a cold-blooded killer.
So while just the thought is a nightmare, I do fully believe that if Nate had found her, she would have stayed with him and subsequently, turned into someone else entirely.
Nate and Clem conversation:
Nate: Hey kid you wanna see something cool?
Clem: What is it?
(Shows Clem two hostages tied up)
Clem: OMG what is this? Why are these people tied up?
Nate: (In Psycho eyes) Don't worry kid you have nothing to worry about...
Clem: Nate please let them go. There's no need for this...
Nate: Haha kid why should I let them go? These people are not important.
Clem: They are people just like us Nate. We just can't leave them like that...
Nate: This is about survival kid. These people raided our camp and tried to steal from us.
Nate: They don't deserve to be called people.
Nate: The last kid I ran into was Russel. He was cool but a pussy. He went his separate ways when we were at the gas station
Clem: Why did he go separate way? Did you do something?
Nate: That is not important. What's important is what we have to do to these thieves.
Clem: We can just ask them why they raider the camp and ask who they are.
Nate: Now that's a stupid idea kid. Do you really think talking to these people will make things better?
Clem: Yes
Nate: Hell no!! Last time I tried talking to someone these two assholes shot my friend.
Nate: I went after them and one of them shot my headlight of my truck.
Nate: Found one of them in their car in the woods. The other one escaped.
Clem: I'm sorry to hear that Nate.
Clem: I had a friend named Lee who taught me how to survive
Clem: I had to kill him because he was bitten
Nate: That was different. My friend did not get bite
Nate:(Hands Clem gun) So what do you say? We kill these people and take all their stuff, or we just let them go and end up getting killed letting them go?
Clem: (Shoots Nate in the leg)
Clem:(Free's hostages) Hurry you have to leave now before he gets back up!!!
Hostages: Thank you kid we owe you big time for this.
To be continued Lol
Those eyes, pure evil.
Lol read my comment Nate and Clem conversation. It's in this thread
Would honestly enjoy playing that :$
I believe that Clementine actually could impact Nate for the better because Clementine was rather stern about her morals. Evidence to that statement is that when you made the "immoral" choice, you would always see a upset and downhearted Clementine. Which made being scumbag Lee all the more strenuous. All of you are forgetting that if it were not for Clementine, Lee could have easily been in Nate's shoes being a "convicted murderer" and all. Besides give Clementine some credit, she can be very persuasive (sad eyes).
Additionally, playing as Russel, when Nate suggests we kill the elderly couple and Russel asks "Are you serious?" He looks genuinely confused and even hesitated until Russel walked away. As if that's all Nate has ever known, to steal and kill. Also this was 184 days in too (Which hits the 6 month mark). In conclusion, I believe Clementine would have substantial influence over Nate rather it being the other way around. Especially if the apocalypse has only just started.
You could argue that only 41 days in he was trying to kill Eddie and Wyatt, but you have to understand. Eddie killed one of Nate's buddies. I think it would be safe to say that if a stranger killed one of your friends or a fellow group member, you would all go after them (I would at least). This is just my opinion though and you disagreeing with it is perfectly reasonable.
Yeah he especially when he killed Glenn
He is fucking GORKED
dat gif dough.
What...What the actual fuck? Did someone paste a virtual "kick me" sign on Jayden's back or something? He's literally the nicest person on this forum and every day another person calls him an asshole/idiot/whatever. What the fuck is going on?
Too many haters here Lol. I got used to people calling me names like troll and idiot. Jayden shouldn't worry about the haters. If they don't like what people posting they can got damn our ass kiss it
Your case was largely just a misunderstanding. If you take my advice and clean up your posts a little, those people will leave you alone. People just seem to insult Jayden for no reason and it's baffling to me. I feel like it might even be the same person who's just randomly decided "fuck this guy" and registers a new account every time their old one gets banned.
They're just jealous of Jayden it seems
I think I know who you are...
I have to say I'm abit worried about this idea
. Although Clementine may have strong morals, I have a feeling disagreeing with Nate doesn't end well. I think Clementine would probably try to get away, or steer him towards some other group while playing along with his current rules(too be safe). In all honesty though I think Nate would leave her behind, or try to use her as bargaining against a group. I could see him threatening to kill her in order to get supplies and such, Shivers. Lets just say I'm really happy Lee found her 
hello ILoveClementine
Edit: Just realized how well my avatar works with this sentence lol
Lol someone still got that Baton stuck up their ass Lol. Hadean is just mad she can't use her brain to come up with her own opinions to share with the community. She would rather bash someone down and feel good about it. Now Hadean is a good example of a troll. She's making everyone feel uncomfortable and making people feed into her comments. Trolls love when you keep arguing with them so just leave her alone.
HAHA I bet she's Michonne welcome back sweetie
He would have raped her at the first night, in Hershel's barn.
Nope. I'm a friend of ILoveClementine. Jayden got her banned from the forums.
Are you sure about that? You registered less than a day ago, yet are talking about a user you just came into contact with as if you have seen previous posts of his and come up with the silly opinion that he is an idiot. This means you are a previous user who must have gotten banned or you wouldn't have created a new account. There is a certain user who fits this criteria, ILoveClementine. Signed up then started flaming JaydenAceRyder, was then banned. I have a feeling that ILoveClementine was possible an alt account for another user that got banned now that I think about it, oh my, we could have a string of alt accounts, a network of users all bent of destroying JaydenAceRyder, each one sacrificing themselves to the ban hammer while leading the rest of them. The Ryderloution has begun!
Actually, that was me. Tell her I said hi!
Lol just leave this situation alone. The mods know Jayden is innocent. If you keep arguring with her you'll get banned by them too. Hubba Hubba
Lol, your probably right, I'll stop now