The forgotten reason of Lilly Shooting Carley

Hey , I know she completely lost it and went nuts after what happened to her dad and thats the main reason she killed Carley , But Im I the only here who thinks she had started to develop feelings for Lee ? Im not gonna say she was in love or anything but I think she did like him and the jelously of Lee's growing relationship with Carley, The horrible death her dad suffered and then Carley's last words ultimately caused her to snap , Lilly liked Lee , You may not think about it the first time but play the game a couple times and tell me Telltale doesn't hint it
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Well, I held her back while my best friend crushed her dad's skull in with a salt lick before her eyes.
I'll take your word for it.
Lol I sided with Kenny the whole game , So she "hates" me but Im talking about inside here , I think she liked him , Its like if your girlfriend cheated on you, yeah you are gonna hate her for doing that but you won't inmediately stop licking her
She brings that up during an arguement in the RV but i think she went off the deep end saying kenny killed her dad and Carley stole from them. In i a way Lily couldn't stop her dads death and Carley is the whole reason the bandits came and we had to make deals with the dairy farm people. Though it was really Bens fault but Lily thinks it was carley
For the people who sided with Kenny Like I did it might not seem that obvious , But side with Lilly throughout the game and you'll see what im talking about
pretty sure if your girlfriend cheated on you and you guys broke up, you probably wouldn't be licking her
It was a spelling mistake buddy , Anyway Im pretty sure you are perfect right ?
I think she started disliking Carley in episode 1 when Carley called Kenny boss. Oh, the look on Lilly's face.
But anyway, yeah I think it's quite possible Lilly had feelings for Lee and that it may have had something to do with her baseless accusations towards Carley.
jeeeeeeesus can you change that picture?
When did she had feeling for Lee? Was it after or before she told the group that he's a killer?
I think she showed some signs of this in ep 1, however she got really stressed past episode 2 so I dont feel she had those feelings.
She shot Carley/Doug because she had gone insane with the stress of running a group, her fathers dramatic death and the theft of the supplies. Pretty much everyone in the group telling her she was wrong and no one was stealing supplies cant of helped. Her reaction was still extreme and over the top.
It would be funny if it's Carly Clem thought was dead. The body in 400 days was there to joke with us. I miss Carly...
And on that, while I do know some crazy ex's, I'm pretty none of them have ever obsessed over a man who helped their fathers head in with a salt lick that tastes gross. Although I do know one who performed a pagan ritual once but thats a whole different story!
I think assuming that all eligible females had feelings for lee is deluded.
I've seen people claim that both Lilly and Molly were clearly in love with Lee, and they just make me facepalm so hard.
Remember that if you are absolutely horrible to Lilly from your very first meeting, she still kills Carley. I doubt she would have feelings for Lee after the way Scumbag!Lee treats her, ergo the killing is fueled by anger and lack of trust, not sexual and emotional desire for Lee.
I could, but then your comment wouldn't make sense anymore. I'd feel terrible.
Besides that, I like it, so no.
(If you were actually asking Jesus to change it, good luck with that.)
That totally gives me the creeps. Where'd you get that?
It's from one of the promotional screenshots. I smudged it a bit in GIMP.
That's some epic smudging right there... you got a degree on that? lol
Nope, I did play around with my pudding a lot as a child though.
Explains much...
So what if she loved Lee, that justifies what she did? Carley death in my opinion was the most horrible and gruesome death in the whole game. Because she didn't even had a chance, nobody expected Lilly would do that. Just place yourself in Carley's place. Would YOU forgive her then? No? Then why should we?
I wasn't trying to make fun of you or anything, I was just joking around.
I love to poke fun at myself when I make spelling mistakes that can be humorous.
Can't tell you the number of times I spelled my name as Jess by accident.
They both liked Lee.
Lilly was a nut job like her dad though.
Carly, on the other hand also seemed to like Doug. (Sheep shirt, shorts, socks, sandals and all!)
I'm not sure you can compare helping to kill her dad with cheating
It isn't about forgiveness. It's about the chance for redemption. Like Lee was allowed
If she really liked Lee then there was no point in killing Carley. It made things worse because Lee would of left her on the side of the road or he would of been mad at her
Nut jobs? Nope. Assholes sometimes sure. Lilly only lost it after her dad
the most horrible and gruesome death in the game?
chucks death, bries death, dee's death, LARRY'S death, mark's death. not saying hers wasn't horrible and gruesome, but there were definately worse deaths :P
Everyone had their chances. Their died because they weren't strong or smart enough to survive in their given situations. Larry, most probably, died because of his heart condition. He was sick = unfit for survival = died, no sadness there.
But Carley? She didn't even HAD a chance. I find this most scary in ZA world.
If a human have a potential to shoot someone in the face because he THOUGHT something, and because of insultion, that human is a nutjob by definition. Ask any psychiatrist.
I honestly never seen any moments in Episode 1 to 3 where Lilly had romantic feelings for Lee.
I say she cared about Lee, well in my playthrough anyway, cause I sided with Lilly rather than Kenny about the whole Larry situation but then Lilly ruined my trust for her when she killed Doug. lol but if she did succeed in killing Ben I wouldn't of cared, god I hated him.
In my humble opinion, I believe Lilly's shooting motive was more out of her loathe for Carley than her "love" for Lee. I wasn't under the impression that she developed romantic feelings for Lee. Especially if you held her back and let Kenny crush Larry's head right in front of her. The hate for Carley probably stemmed in episode 1 when Carley called Kenny "boss." Lilly is the type of person who likes to be in control and doesn't like her leadership to be questioned.
Though I digress, I don't think Lilly liked Lee because after the shooting, she tries to throw Lee under the bus even if you sided with her from day one. If you're still not convinced then let's do a hypothetical. Let's postulate that Lilly shot Carley because she was jealous of her being with Lee. Why would she attempt to use the person that she developed feelings for as a scapegoat? Also, let's assume that you allowed Lilly access back to the RV and right before she stole the RV, you desired to advance with her.
Why would she lie to and leave the one person she felt compelling fondness towards with no transportation, (as far as she knew, that train wasn't going anywhere) and possibly for dead? Well I suppose that's one way to play hard to get. If Lilly was anything like her father with displaying her affections in a hostile and ambiguous way. Then I suppose she was head over heels for Lee.
I said she lost it after her dad was killed
I think it would be determent between whether her reasons for killing Carly; If you side with her most of the time (especially with Larry) and appreciate her as a leader, she would kill Carly based on jealousy. If not, she may kill her just to spite Lee.
Lilly was an egotistical head case LONG before her dad died.
Anyway, she and her dad were all for killing people, until it came to Larry. They all knew that one someone died, they would turn...
I thought this thread would say "because she cared about the group." As in even though she was completely and utterly out of line and borderline insane, she shot Carly because she thought she stole from the group.
That's a good one. She couldn't even make her mind about who stole from the group ! First she accused Ben, then Ben and Carley together, then it was all about Carley...
She clearly had no idea.
No, the truth is she shot Carley because she hated her for the confident, genuinely nice and caring person she was, her exact opposite. Carley was the mirror where Lilly could see in contrast her own flaws and defects. She was an insecure, aggressive, bitchy person whereas Carley was confident, loving and loveable ; Lilly was a control freak whereas Carley did not care about power struggles or positions and genuinely cared for the group without any afterthoughts, Lilly had father issues and a relationship of emotional dependence with Larry whereas Carley was her own woman.
And when Carley finally began to say out loud what Lilly always knew (and hated to know) existed in herself (her being a "scared little girl" and so on), that's when she lost it.
What are you even talking about?
I honestly believe it was a struggle for dominance. You hear about it all the time with guys, but it's true with girls, too. Everyone liked Carley, for the most part. She was a good shot, and she was nice to people, and she wasn't the one who had to be stingy with the rations. Carley was the popular girl, and Lilly was the loser nobody liked, with the asshole dad. Lilly was just taking back her power.
But that's just what I read into it. There are other interpretations, of course.
I was explaining how I thought that Lilly's motives for shooting Carley wasn't because she had an attachment to Lee but more towards she despised Carley. I also just gave a few possibilities to why she may have scorned Carley while expressing no endearment to Lee whatsoever. Nevertheless, it's just my opinion and if you just so happen to disagree with it then it's perfectly acceptable. Though I would love to hear what you believe and I apologize if it wasn't clearly intelligible.