I mean that if you select a person with your cursor, Lee will look at that person. I don't know if it occurs outside of episode 1.
Anyways, if he is at a certain angle, his eyes will go crazy, as shown above.
I got the feeling that Danny St. John was a child molester because you can over hear Andy telling him they need to keep some of the captives alive but not the little girl this time. He puts a lot of emphasis on that so I always assumed the bandits traded Jolene's daughter to the St. John's in exchange for food/supplies.
well not necessarily the bandits took her according to jolene.
so they either raped and killed her or they just raped her and she died from… more the injuries or she suicided after being raped..
or she's actually alive and just suffering from stockholm syndrome.
Jolene nuts, but she's not stupid. If she believed her daughter was alive, she wouldn't be putting her energy into taking another little girl… more. The bandits have been dealing with the St. Johns long before Lee's group showed up - why would we have more knowledge than them?
You know where hamburger comes from... why don't you just go out and get your own cow?
I got the feeling that Danny St. John was a child molester because you can over hear Andy telling him they need to keep some of the captives a… morelive but not the little girl this time. He puts a lot of emphasis on that so I always assumed the bandits traded Jolene's daughter to the St. John's in exchange for food/supplies.
yeah he would look at them but with that part of the drug store his eyes just almost pop out of his head when looking at carley. I wonder if it was intentional just to have something to laugh about in such a dark game. (somebody should add a carley will remember that on the top of the pic.
I mean that if you select a person with your cursor, Lee will look at that person. I don't know if it occurs outside of episode 1.
Anyways, if he is at a certain angle, his eyes will go crazy, as shown above.
ohhhh I hate the internet.... usually im afraid to learn what these acronyms mean since I just learned what fap meant. well at least I wasn't insulted so im happy...ish
" Remember that time in Barstow?"
Obviously she's alluding to when they had sex in a men's restroom before the apocalypse and they are going in there to be "nostalgic" together.
I'm willing to bet the mechanics of Telltales games are directly inspired by that series.
Also, a Telltale Silent Hill game is something I both hope for, but will not likely see anytime soon - like a Battle Angel movie.
I'm willing to bet the mechanics of Telltales games are directly inspired by that series.
Also, a Telltale Silent Hill game is something I both hope for, but will not likely see anytime soon - like a Battle Angel movie.
DENIAL [<- "I AM HERE" in video]
Who is that sitting down there? Is that...Duck...?? ._.
Yeah I don't think it does. I'm sure they just changed their mind on that and left out the scripting for it or whatever in later episodes.
O.o I think it is...
it is gonna be just like that
Kenny's the biggest badass in History!
I got the feeling that Danny St. John was a child molester because you can over hear Andy telling him they need to keep some of the captives alive but not the little girl this time. He puts a lot of emphasis on that so I always assumed the bandits traded Jolene's daughter to the St. John's in exchange for food/supplies.
walking Among us the 'dead' wolf.
jolene says and i quote
'rapist monsters'
and when she was filming clem she is attacked by them.
bandits will do anything to survive, is cannabalism that far a stretch ?
yeah i got that vibe too.
don't get me started
Jimmy Carter
lol pell3t
it's a forum seems like s o p to me
Would of been better if Larry was there and Kenny was carrying a salt lick...
it's clearly campman/the stranger come on ppl

wakey wakey..
Abraham Lincoln.
i don't get it
richard nixon.
Me either.
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
metal gear solid style ?
did you see this http://kotaku.com/if-the-lion-king-was-made-by-hideo-kojima-1505470468?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Facebook&utm_source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=Socialflow
if not then a twd in that style would be pretty darn freaky.
apologies to hbh i forgot abotu silent hill being a konami game
Not My Work. Credit to origional artist.
I guess I'll join...
John F. Kennedy.
Kinda fun...
Calvin Coolidge.
Credit cyanide and happiness, artist Matt Melvin.
yea, what he said!
No idea what s o p means but at first glance I thought you called me a s o b lol
yeah he would look at them but with that part of the drug store his eyes just almost pop out of his head when looking at carley. I wonder if it was intentional just to have something to laugh about in such a dark game. (somebody should add a carley will remember that on the top of the pic.
standard operating procedure
Uhhh, ummm...
Harry Truman.
ohhhh I hate the internet.... usually im afraid to learn what these acronyms mean since I just learned what fap meant. well at least I wasn't insulted so im happy...ish
surprise twist. Its Samuel Jackson ---V--- lol im bored.
" Remember that time in Barstow?"
Obviously she's alluding to when they had sex in a men's restroom before the apocalypse and they are going in there to be "nostalgic" together.
I'm willing to bet the mechanics of Telltales games are directly inspired by that series.
Also, a Telltale Silent Hill game is something I both hope for, but will not likely see anytime soon - like a Battle Angel movie.
The only time the mustache failed him...

Ben continually gets the draws the short straw
Even in the TV show...
A narratively based psychological horror with Telltale's pacing and characterization?
I'd be all over that...
Now I want Ben to materialize before me so I can hug him. T_T
Wow, this makes me feel really bad for him, lol.
imho as a 'known ben hater' this just justifies killing him more
1/2 joke
for some reason the other pictures didn't show up -_-
like another 'dream sequence' ?
imho i'd proper lose my shit if they do..
in a heartbeat
like a horny dog
like a cat in heat
like flies on a fresh turd.
ok i'll stop now..