Scumbag Andy Cuts off your friend's legs,Kills him after dinner,Traps the whole group in a meat locker while deciding who to kill...." All we wanted was gas"
Okay, I know this may sound ridiculous because you make a point and Danielle is/was fictional .. but repeatedly implying "rape" and murder in virtual messages the way you did in this comment, despite the littlest deets that we got on what may have happened to her.. just sounds freakin' incompassionate to me. And it hits me very badly, just them feels be haunting me. Curse my imagination.
well not necessarily the bandits took her according to jolene.
so they either raped and killed her or they just raped her and she died from… more the injuries or she suicided after being raped..
or she's actually alive and just suffering from stockholm syndrome.
Scumbag Andy Cuts off your friend's legs,Kills him after dinner,Traps the whole group in a meat locker while deciding who to kill...." All we wanted was gas"
Considering all the bizarre, semi-creepy stuff kids are probably asking for Christmas nowadays, the WD game must be tamer than a Rankin/Bass special to Santa.
Can't wait for the ride to open at the Magic Kingdom.
What? I thought it was a Liger.
You were watching them??
Credits song: "I Ran" by Bowling for Soup.
Nah, just kidding. I just found this randomly while looking for memes about TWD Looks both sides
This sums up my thoughts on the Kenny/Lilly argument
It's Andy, duh!
I would play the shit out of this game.
Mustache are the secret of his superpowers
Kinda reminds me of School Days Nice Boat ending xD
oh... uhhh.... Well that's still WRONG
Shh! Edit that comment! No one can know!
Scumbag Andy Cuts off your friend's legs,Kills him after dinner,Traps the whole group in a meat locker while deciding who to kill...." All we wanted was gas"
Yes. I was just clearing up how wrong it is...
And yet they died... lol
Where is your Kenny now, Kennians?
Well, better trigger-happy potheads rather than gorked shitheads like Nate... right?
That's it. I'm outta here...
Okay, I know this may sound ridiculous because you make a point and Danielle is/was fictional .. but repeatedly implying "rape" and murder in virtual messages the way you did in this comment, despite the littlest deets that we got on what may have happened to her.. just sounds freakin' incompassionate to me. And it hits me very badly, just them feels be haunting me. Curse my imagination.
Well, friend:
That's a quote from the Manslayer's Gamer Poop, if you haven't figured that out already.
I left that comment 24 days ago. Kinda late to respond to it, don't you think?
I'd love for Kenny to come back, but I'll be totally fine, if he won't.
Hah I laughed so hard at this.
Shit Im on my phone so i can't see it , what is it ?
BADASS CLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm laughing at this so much right now.
I love when Lily says Nazi. I think this where she becomes a little paranoid.
Considering all the bizarre, semi-creepy stuff kids are probably asking for Christmas nowadays, the WD game must be tamer than a Rankin/Bass special to Santa.
I can't stop laughing at the first one. XD
Why can I see black blocks in the foliage on either side of the road in the "Russell's High" video?
Suddenly those images begin to feel very uncomfortable...
![Alt text]( "Optional title"
holy poop on a stick
In regards to all Kenny-haters:
Sam & Max and Walking Dead crossover. Made by me.
"Dear America:
This is your child."