The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • No matter how shallow it might be (and no matter how shallow the relationship itself was) I still prefer that Lee have a girl Friday. He already had a buddy in the form of Kenny, at least until the meat locker. She was also an interesting character in her own right who asked you personal questions which help to flesh out Lee's character.

    Doug is fine, but seriously, he's like Kaiden; he gotsta go.

    He was a smarty pants... sadly not noticed or appreciated by most people. Some either think with their dicks or make the "gun" excuse.

  • Alt text

    Hbh128 posted: »

    You're my heroine.

  • Well, I saved Pete because he was out of ammo and needed the help, but Nick ran away in the final shot of him, didn't he? And if he knew where the river was from the house, he'd know his way back too.

  • Define sexism.

    Phyre posted: »

    That's how sexists do things.

  • Yeah, cause the zombie apocalypse is the time to start trusting convicted rapists.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Well all we know is that he was convicted, and we've been down that road before.

  • Weird that this comment has no dislikes. Is this why everyone else chose Danny the rapist over Justin?

    Vince's Presidential campaign slogan.

  • We, we didn't listen!

  • edited February 2014

    Because if you were convicted of rape, well, despite what might be your attempts at turning a new leaf or atoning, it's your turned to get fucked, right?

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    At any rate, between a guy who admits to lying with no shame towards lying and embezzlement, and a guy from what I've seen is trying to do the right thing, every time I'm gonna go with the guy who does the right thing.

    tooducks posted: »

    Yeah, cause the zombie apocalypse is the time to start trusting convicted rapists.

  • edited February 2014

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  • Rick and The Governor are measuring dicks.

    But nothing can defeat Daryl.

  • edited February 2014

    I don't think the joked played out in your favor. I'm still confused.

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    Hbh128 posted: »

    Y' if Christa's a man...dammit.

  • edited February 2014

    Yeah, Daryl is badass

  • Fine, it doesn't make sense, with the, uh, different gender parts, and...shutup.

    I don't think the joked played out in your favor. I'm still confused.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

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  • One of the most beautiful quotes this season.
    sob So beautiful...sniffle

  • This is now a thread talking about how awesome GOUSTTT is.We're here for ya,man.

  • "Ugh, come on kid."



    hayd24 posted: »

    I'm laughing at this so much right now.

  • He may look like the future generations, but Shane doesn't count. He's just fucking weird-looking.

  • I think it's ridiculous that nobody could have taken position on a roof and sniped that asshole through his other eye with a scoped rifle, but whatever, plot I guess. Shame too, the whole thing could've been over with one well-placed shot.

  • edited February 2014

    You know why?Because God has created mustaches for a reason.God wanted to help some people,but he once swore to never get involved in their lives.So he gave them a gift.Mostly to men,because God is sometimes sexist,but if he really loves some of his daughters,he gives them this gift,too.That gift is called a mustache.God puts a small amount of his power in that furry little squirrel from your face.He wants you to cherish it,love it like you love Him.Kenny did so.During the zombie apocalypse,when even his wife and child left him,the mustache still stood by his side.He loved it,took care of it,even when he was about to get eaten alive by a herd of pissed off dead people.The mustache loved him,too.They were as close as they could get,they trusted each other so much and they have been through a lot together.So when Kenny really needed his godlike mustache to be with him,it saved his live.The mustache enveloped Kenny in its long hairs,shielding him from the ominous claws of the walkers.A pink glow came from its tips,and Kenny heard the mustaches voice:BELIEVE!So he did,and the mustache grew sparkly wings and flew away,with one sole destination:the heart of the only child Kenny knew was alive.Clementine.The mustache went into her heart and Kenny with it,and Clem's heart pooped them out when she felt really alone,during her sleep.Kenny and his mustache hid to greet her in the morning,so they didn't scare her.And then Washington kissed Oprah,and everyone was water.The end. P.S.It is all true.Alt text

  • The sole purpose of this image is to give us spoilers:Clementine will do drugs in S2

    Ben never died... He evolved... like a majestic phoenix... into... ... A tree...

  • Yeah, I was thinking same thing too.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    I think it's ridiculous that nobody could have taken position on a roof and sniped that asshole through his other eye with a scoped rifle, but whatever, plot I guess. Shame too, the whole thing could've been over with one well-placed shot.

  • edited February 2014

    I know!I am not sorry at all Lori's dead,i can't even understand how Rick forgave her.I mean,she had sex with her husband's best friend just after she was told her husband MAY be dead.And then,when he came back,she was all like "I didn't do nothin',i love you"and shit like that.I mean,i was just likeAlt text.And when she was giving birh,they might as well have searched for a veterinarian,because LORI IS A BITCH...Talk about rage on my part...

    hihitwd posted: »

    Lori was a slut. Husband is presumed dead, not even a week later is fucking husband's best friend.

  • That's me during their conversation.How can that fucking be a human bite?

  • I love you,GOUSTTTT.

  • Was it just me that noticed that Clem has a mono eyebrow in this photo?

  • coughs OH mother of god...

  • Hershel: I'm a vet.´
    Rick: It's okay, Lori's a cow. HAHA.

    Phyre posted: »

    I know!I am not sorry at all Lori's dead,i can't even understand how Rick forgave her.I mean,she had sex with her husband's best friend just a

  • edited February 2014

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    Credits to Fangster

  • Telltale always kill off the best characters


  • edited February 2014

    From what you've seen? Because the zombie apocalypse is the time to indulge good old fashioned naivety? I hope you don't have sisters.

    And where do you get atoning from the five minutes you've known him.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Because if you were convicted of rape, well, despite what might be your attempts at turning a new leaf or atoning, it's your turned to get fuc

  • The movie entirely forgot this.

    Moderated posted: »

    He is legend because his zombies were sentient beings who he mercilessly murdered. He was who they feared. He realized this, and knew he was legend to them, a scary story, a bad thing.

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