XBox360 Season pass not working



  • edited February 2014

    Alt text

    Cjcfman posted: »

    Thanks for the spoiler

  • edited February 2014

    For the last time; This is MICROSOFT's problem not TELLTALE's problem. So for all you people blaming Telltale you guys clearly don't understand the situation at all.

    Read: "There appears to be an Xbox issue affecting multiple titles with DLC right now"

  • you know what? no, it is telltales fault. It is also microsofts, but definitely some, if not most, blame lies with telltale. Can you tell me any other DLC titles that are having issues right now? go ahead and look it up, i'll wait

    fugelot11 posted: »

    For the last time; This is MICROSOFT's problem not TELLTALE's problem. So for all you people blaming Telltale you guys clearly don't understa

  • Wishing Telltale games to go under due to this slight delay is a valid response?.. I guess you and I have different ideas of what a valid response is.

    Tokalla posted: »

    Original release date for those who bought the season pass in October was sometime around the end of November, seems like they have waited wel

  • That's what Telltale is saying. Microsoft has also blamed Telltale earlier. Both parties aren't exactly forthcoming with what's happening and who is at fault.

    fugelot11 posted: »

    For the last time; This is MICROSOFT's problem not TELLTALE's problem. So for all you people blaming Telltale you guys clearly don't understa

  • edited February 2014

    Microsoft has responded to our request for comment on the problems facing The Wolf Among Us (and reportedly other titles with DLC).

    “Some Xbox Live members may be experiencing temporary service issues with downloading season two of ‘The Wolf Among Us,’” A Microsoft representative told Game Informer via email. “Our engineering teams are working to fix the problem. In the meantime, our apologies for the interruption.”

    Microsoft are even taking the blame. It is their problem.

    holyschwatz posted: »

    you know what? no, it is telltales fault. It is also microsofts, but definitely some, if not most, blame lies with telltale. Can you tell me any other DLC titles that are having issues right now? go ahead and look it up, i'll wait

  • Do you go down to EB games and complain to them when you preorder a game and the games delayed 6 months?.. They took your money and gave nothing in return.

    MosesARose posted: »

    But what does it matter to you? This is a forum to express how you feel about TT products. If people here decides to express themselves in a r

  • Imagine you've been waiting to go to said theme park for 4 months, you're told that when you get there the ride you were most looking forward to riding was open for sure. Then you get there and it's closed indefinitely even though you were told it was open… you wouldn't be a little bit pissed off? doubt it

    Tokalla posted: »

    Your comparison is poorly made, as entrance into a theme park grants access to more than a single ride. You also seem to be forgetting we are

  • Sweet, Telltale hired me? Thanks for letting me know! (and btw, if I was a Telltale employee I'd have booted you for using the word C**t by now)

  • How can you sit here and attempt to insult a company when you can't even spell or speak proper English? No one is ripping anyone off. Glitches like this happen, unfortunately, and we just have to wait for them to resolve it. You guys are all acting like a bunch of spoiled brats.

    well becous they are lieing to us in game the game says play as avoble well its avaloble but if u just dowloas like in most pass game you get charged twice it a scam and telltale and ms are fing us

  • all that article says is 'reportedly' i see no proof of other games DLC issues in your link. Just find me one other game thats having DLC issues. Until then i blame both microsoft and telltale

    fugelot11 posted: » Micr

  • Honestly, at this point it has become so sitcom-esque that I'm having a hard time being mad about it. I just... I just want my game, guys.

  • I don't understand why everyone is loving telltale. This is just as much their fault as Xbox. No one is claiming responsibility, apologizing, or making it up to the consumer. It's just incompetence at its highest level and we are just eating it up

  • Me too. Me too.

    FatTonyVG posted: »

    Honestly, at this point it has become so sitcom-esque that I'm having a hard time being mad about it. I just... I just want my game, guys.

  • I know that feel bro…. i know that feel

    FatTonyVG posted: »

    Honestly, at this point it has become so sitcom-esque that I'm having a hard time being mad about it. I just... I just want my game, guys.

  • That's what i've been trying to say, they're both to blame!! but some people wanna sit there and defend tell tale like they have no control over what's going on with their game

    Decoh aq posted: »

    I don't understand why everyone is loving telltale. This is just as much their fault as Xbox. No one is claiming responsibility, apologizing, or making it up to the consumer. It's just incompetence at its highest level and we are just eating it up

  • That's different. The equivalent in that scenario is that if you had it pre-ordered, you can't play it. Even though you already payed for it, unless you pay for it again, whilst anyone who didn't pre-order gets it on time exactly as scheduled. This is BS

    Trencher posted: »

    Do you go down to EB games and complain to them when you preorder a game and the games delayed 6 months?.. They took your money and gave nothing in return.

  • Crying about having to wait an extra 24 hours is incompetence.

    Decoh aq posted: »

    I don't understand why everyone is loving telltale. This is just as much their fault as Xbox. No one is claiming responsibility, apologizing, or making it up to the consumer. It's just incompetence at its highest level and we are just eating it up

  • STFU

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    Crying about having to wait an extra 24 hours is incompetence.

  • I agree, It's 11:15 pm Central Time here, and I've been trying to get it to work. I know that there is something going on, just like with Gears of War 3's Raam's Shadow DLC. It was released but someone screwed up and they had to recreate the dlc for people who had the season pass, very annoying. Hopefully, it will be fixed tomorrow. Guess I will just have to wait till the weekend to play it though ;(

  • The wolf among us is the first game in which I purchased a season pass. The ridiculously long delay between episode one and two was frustrating at first, then I just began losing interest in the game altogether. Then they had the wolf among us season passes on sale and I felt used for already purchasing one and not getting anything in return yet. I feel like a sucker just thinking about having bought this stupid season pass. Now the second episode is out and I can't download it without paying for it which has me more angry than ever. I viewed my purchase of the season pass as a sign of good faith in telltale. Well, needless to say, telltale has shattered that faith. I will never invest my money or time in such a disorganized company like telltale ever again. This whole situation has really been a lesson to me. I have no expectations for this game anymore because I've been given no reason to expect anything. At this point, I really just wish I could get my money back, though I know its more trouble than its worth. I will continue to wait more patiently than any customer should have to wait because I have no choice. After this, the odds of me purchasing another telltale product are slim to none. No game is worth this amount of frustration and disrespect.

  • edited February 2014

    Hyperbole is to be expected of those frustrated. More importantly, I never said that all reactions were reasonable (in fact, expecting emotional reactions to be reasonable is an unreasonable expectation of emotional people). I am mostly concerned with the majority that your commentary is attempting to ignore but you so readily chastise as entitled whiners in desperate need of instant gratification. Though I do notice you apparently perceive a nearly 3 month delay as slight, which does mean we have very different perspectives on the passage of time. Missing a release window by 2+ months, and then having an issue where the most devout of customers/fans (even if only those on a single device) are further delayed leads to expectations of hyperbolic anger and frustration. People are entitled to what they purchased, and part of that purchase was the expected timeframe (much like 80's pizza delivery).

    Trencher posted: »

    Wishing Telltale games to go under due to this slight delay is a valid response?.. I guess you and I have different ideas of what a valid response is.

  • Still no fix? is MS done with the updates?

  • Another pretentious ass trying to act adult. You don't see that anywhere.

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    Crying about having to wait an extra 24 hours is incompetence.

  • I think you're confused about what the word incompetence means...

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    Crying about having to wait an extra 24 hours is incompetence.

  • Ok, so I just downloaded the standalone version and it won't install it. I keep hitting "A" to install and it does nothing.

  • I'd say the best place to know when the issue is resolved would be the Xbox Status page that has been updated hourly by those actually fixing the issue. Waiting for this thread to update the info from that page seems slower to me...

    Trencher posted: »

    I'm refreshing the page ever so often while I play another game in the background (see, there are other games out there you can play instead o

  • Restarted the game and it finally worked.

    Ok, so I just downloaded the standalone version and it won't install it. I keep hitting "A" to install and it does nothing.

  • No, but I did utilize that money to purchase something else cheaper and get the rest back. Of course I always chose to pay in full, but my friends usually just put the minimum deposit down (usually $5 or $10). Now I just preorder online and nothing bills until it ships. Further, EB would never keep the money if you wanted it back for a delayed or cancelled game (or even if you simply cancelled the preorder). Your comparisons aren't really appropriate, and you usually utilize the aspects that lack commonality to demonstrate your point (EB is not the game developer and is in no way able to force change on the release date being postponed or even a game being cancelled, whereas Microsoft is distributing a released product and these comments are being made to the game developer).

    Trencher posted: »

    Do you go down to EB games and complain to them when you preorder a game and the games delayed 6 months?.. They took your money and gave nothing in return.

  • i don't believe you, unless you bought it again

    Restarted the game and it finally worked.

  • I know this whole ordeal had really pissed me off. Another delay and this is only episode 2

    MatthewPaul posted: »

    Seems kind of far-fetched that the Season Pass doesn't work since its been four months since Episode 1. You would think TTG would double check

  • 4 month delay, and 360 users already had to wait an extra day, now we have to wait at least one more? I am so done with buying telltale games on release. I knew that after they made the Wolf among us season pass on sale before a single piece of dlc was even released, but this **** has made it that much easier.
    I also love the defending they are getting here. Multiple people have said this is affecting other games, but not one person has given an example. Also how come every other developer (except valve) can release their **** on time? But as son as telltale is a day late everyone blames MS?

  • Bed time for me. Hopefully when I wake up this will be working. But I feel this may go on some more. If it does I will be back here and hopefully you will be to complaining but not to bad about this mess. Well good night all.

  • Wouldn't it be messed up if your season pass expired after 15 weeks of non-use? That would explain everything.

  • Don't even say that man if that was it Wayne Brandi have ya choke a bit*h

    nomnomine posted: »

    Wouldn't it be messed up if your season pass expired after 15 weeks of non-use? That would explain everything.

  • -So certain that the issue will be fixed in 24 hours or less-
    As much as I hope that's the case, I can't afford to stay up or wake up at 4 in the morning. And if I get back from classes tomorrow and still can't download my f***ing game, you're gonna be the first to find a big ol' log of shit in your cereal bowl.

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    Crying about having to wait an extra 24 hours is incompetence.

  • This whole experience has just been terrible. I bought the game the day that it released, right after finishing the first episode I bought the season pass. I had complete faith in Telltale.

    Since that date I have not received anything for my money. In fact, I've been put in an even worse position for showing support early on. People who hadn't bought the game got the first episode for free only a couple of months later, and the season pass for around half of the cost I paid for it. Why on earth should early adopters be getting the worse deal here? We waited close to three months before even getting word on when episode 2 would release, for months there was just silence.

    Telltale, you make incredible games but you have absolutely no respect for your customers. You don't even have the decency to update us on what is going on. I honestly regret buying anything from you now. I am beyond annoyed at how I've been treated as a supporter. I will not be paying for a Telltale game again. I'll play them, but I will not pay for them.

  • "Xbox Live Status

    Purchase and Content UsageLimited

    Affected platforms:

    Xbox 360
    Affected services:
    Buying downloadable items
    2/6/2014 12:37:31 AM CST:
    Xbox members, do you own a "The Wolf Among Us" Season Pass but are being asked to pay for episode 2 "Smoke & Mirrors?" Our team is engaged and hard at work trying to get this fixed. Thanks for your patience while we work. We'll update you on our progress in 60 minutes.

    Xbox Live Core Servicesup and running"

    Not seeing anything here about other games' dlc.

  • I dunno why my post got cut off, but here's the rest of the quote:

    Xbox members, do you own a "The Wolf Among Us" Season Pass but are being asked to pay for episode 2 "Smoke & Mirrors?" Our team is engaged and hard at work trying to get this fixed. Thanks for your patience while we work. We'll update you on our progress in 60 minutes

    "Xbox Live Status Services Purchase and Content UsageLimited Affected platforms: Xbox 360 Affected services: Buying downloadable i

  • I have a season pass but paid again last night when it became available on my Xbox. Just got off the phone with MS Support. Got a full refund from them with no problems. If you, like me, got charged again, get in contact with MS... They know of the issue and will give refunds for a double charged episode.

This discussion has been closed.