XBox360 Season pass not working



  • If only Microsoft had something in place to prevent things like this from happening, Something like I don;t know some sort of certification process games would be forced to go through before being let out into the world.

  • edited February 2014

    And no one is saying you won't get what you paid for... If I order something from Amazon and a snowstorm keeps the package from being delivered I don't go on UPS and Amazon's website complaining to them about how I paid for something and I don't have it yet. I wait till the following day in the hopes the weather gets better and it can be delivered. Its only been 12 fing hours... talk to me in 12 fing days if you're still waiting.

    People are entitled to recieving what they have paid for.

  • At least the staff comes on here to tell us to use polite language, not to tell us when things are going to be at least close to being fixed.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Everyone is more than welcome to vent here while Microsoft and Telltale work on resolving the issue, but please keep the language at least somewhat civil.

  • Some how I think the PR guy who works the forums most likely isn't A. Microsoft (being that its a Microsoft problem) and B. A Network guy

    Alis0nn posted: »

    At least the staff comes on here to tell us to use polite language, not to tell us when things are going to be at least close to being fixed.

  • Oh boy here's another pretentious ass who wants to act like an adult by going on a video game website and complain about the complainers.

    We're all playing other games but we're not going to let this slide like you are. If you have a problem with people rightfully getting upset over items they paid for then leave. The fact that you're calling people out to begin with makes you look like a child as well. Truly you have better things to do than go online and argue with a group of kids Mr. BigAdultSir.

    Trencher posted: »

    God some of you people need a life. Take a deep breath, relax and go find a different game to play until they get this fixed. Take your sense

  • I also love how the official xbox twitter is also advertising Episode 2. Amazing

  • Xbox don't cur.

    Cjcfman posted: »

    I also love how the official xbox twitter is also advertising Episode 2. Amazing

  • edited February 2014

    I just wish we had an official ETA. It shouldn't be that hard to figure one out, should it?

    And if it takes over 24 hours, us season pass owners should really just be credited with episode 2 on its own. That would actually resolve the issue nice and easily. It's ridiculous that we haven't been already.

  • edited February 2014

    But what does it matter to you? This is a forum to express how you feel about TT products. If people here decides to express themselves in a rage because the product they've bought wasn't delivered to them on the day expected, they are allowed to do so. Their money has been taken, they have the right as a consumer to bitch and whine as they please. And you criticizing them is just as childish, maybe even more so, than them criticizing a company who has taken their money and has given nothing back in return.

    Also, you don't have to read their comments. You're welcome. Your problem is solved.

    Trencher posted: »

    I'm refreshing the page ever so often while I play another game in the background (see, there are other games out there you can play instead o

  • Well it came out at 5am and its about 16 1/1hrs later so my UNofficial guess would be never.

    Mukora posted: »

    I just wish we had an official ETA. It shouldn't be that hard to figure one out, should it? And if it takes over 24 hours, us season pass o

  • I'd settle for $5 in Microsoft funbucks since so far we only can't get episode 2. At least then I could afford to rebuy it and play.

  • Maybe I didn't quite get across my point. It's important to voice complaints and vent frustration. I'm not saying we shouldn't . It's when people get vulgar and make accusations of fraud, that's when things get stupid. I'm upset like the rest of you, but I'm not threatening lawsuits or drawing lines in the sand. Sh*t happens. If people here didn't love the games, they wouldn't be this upset. I'm just suggesting people be a little more rational.

    Gutts posted: »

    I'm not suggesting you don't have the right to whine, I'm just letting you know you sound like a child throwing a tantrum. MS and Telltale

  • OFCOURSE...........

  • As Microsoft continually updates the message to check back, I would expect they will post an ETA once the issue has been isolated and they have some idea of how long a fix will take. The main issue right now is probably finding what needs to be fixed.

    While I would not expect them to grant all season pass owners a proactive credit (as said credit could be used to purchase other things by those willing to wait), last I was aware they are willing to refund the purchase cost if you decide to buy the episode instead of wait. Perhaps not the ideal solution, but it is essentially the same as your suggestion while being better from a business standpoint.

    Mukora posted: »

    I just wish we had an official ETA. It shouldn't be that hard to figure one out, should it? And if it takes over 24 hours, us season pass o

  • 5 imaginary dollars to anyone who can guess what the most recent status update says.

  • Let me guess: Come back in a hour?

    darham175 posted: »

    5 imaginary dollars to anyone who can guess what the most recent status update says.

  • Oh no, they did indeed add something of great proportions. They stated they're aware. Hooray.

    darham175 posted: »

    5 imaginary dollars to anyone who can guess what the most recent status update says.

  • To me that says for the love of god please stop messaging us, we are busy not doing anything about it.

    Oh no, they did indeed add something of great proportions. They stated they're aware. Hooray.

  • I don't want a refund, I just want my episode. Learn some patience.

  • If I had any cookies you would get one. Assuming your not allergic to gluten or anything like that.

    MosesARose posted: »

    Let me guess: Come back in a hour?

  • Pretty much. I wonder who is tasked with actually re-writing the same update over and over, and how long it'll take before they run out of ways to do so XD

    darham175 posted: »

    To me that says for the love of god please stop messaging us, we are busy not doing anything about it.

  • That poor unpaid intern :(

    Pretty much. I wonder who is tasked with actually re-writing the same update over and over, and how long it'll take before they run out of ways to do so XD

  • Does that mean they weren't aware for the last 10 hours now. Wow that indeed was some great new insight on their part LOL.

    Oh no, they did indeed add something of great proportions. They stated they're aware. Hooray.

  • I'm gonna head to bed and hope it's fixed in the morning. Don't play episode 2 without me you guys.

  • That's exactly what I'm going to do. What a disappointing evening.

    darham175 posted: »

    I'm gonna head to bed and hope it's fixed in the morning. Don't play episode 2 without me you guys.

  • Your comparison is poorly made, as entrance into a theme park grants access to more than a single ride. You also seem to be forgetting we are not talking about something released on schedule with minor hiccups. The release of this product was expected in November by many of those who purchased the season pass. You seem awfully dismissive of others circumstances and issues for one proclaiming entitlement and drawing comparisons to infants. Your point could be made much more reasonably without such judgmental criticisms.

    Trencher posted: »

    And I totally agree.. but when I go to lets say.. Disneyland and the Pirates of the Caribbean ride is down I don't go screaming my head off ab

  • I was really excited to play episode 2, but not am very disapointed.:(

  • I remember this morning i woke up feling kind of annoyed that i would have to wait for the game to download. Little did i know.

  • There are a lot of creative people on the team that put this together whose fault this delay is definitely NOT, and I know I will appreciate the story, art, and creativity of the title once it is fixed.

    That said, the name "Smoke and Mirrors" grows more ironically appropriate by the hour.

  • I too will go to sleep and hope to smack a pimp with a cricket bat in the morning

  • Sense of entitlement? Sorry I thought paying for a service would get me that service.

    Trencher posted: »

    God some of you people need a life. Take a deep breath, relax and go find a different game to play until they get this fixed. Take your sense

  • Original release date for those who bought the season pass in October was sometime around the end of November, seems like they have waited well beyond 12 days for the episode they purchased. Amazon has certain criteria to potentially refund shipping costs or grant other compensation depending on the cause and duration of a delay in delivery (also depending on the shipping type chosen). Your willingness to exercise patience does not invalidate the frustration and irritation others are feeling and expressing.

    Trencher posted: »

    And no one is saying you won't get what you paid for... If I order something from Amazon and a snowstorm keeps the package from being delivere

  • welp, first and only time I'll ever buy a season pass for anything ever again. hohum.

  • Yeah, this is my first time buying a season pass. And I am definitely irritated about the whole thing. Won't be doing this again...

    welp, first and only time I'll ever buy a season pass for anything ever again. hohum.

  • At least never from Telltale. Ubisoft and Rockstar were awesome with their season passes.

    welp, first and only time I'll ever buy a season pass for anything ever again. hohum.

  • edited February 2014

    Seems kind of far-fetched that the Season Pass doesn't work since its been four months since Episode 1. You would think TTG would double check their games to make sure things were going smoothly during that time. Though, I guess it was too optimistic to assume they would.

  • Well I guess I'll just play some fable anniversary

  • I really hope if this isn't fixed soon they can just give us the standalone episode 2.

    It's pretty much the best solution- everyone who bought the season pass actually gets to fucking play, and In addition, it would give Microsoft time to fix the problem without everyone breathing down their necks.

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