XBox360 Season pass not working



  • edited February 2014

    I don't know how to tell you this but Microsoft did screw over their fans on May 21st, 2013. And plus are you trying to act like YOU'RE an adult? Please. If you are then why bother responding to a forum full of kids since you're SO mature? Truly you have better things to do.

    Gutts posted: »

    I'm not suggesting you don't have the right to whine, I'm just letting you know you sound like a child throwing a tantrum. MS and Telltale

  • Microsoft or TellTale, an explanation will be needed after this. If it's not TT, I'll still be weary of supporting them with all these examples of their poor execution with their products. If it is MS, well, I might consider going to PS for "current" gen.

  • edited February 2014

    If you have the season pass, you essentially formed a contract with them. You can sue for restitution. You can argue that there was Fraudulent Misrepresentation when you entered the contract (basically you bought the season pass thinking the episodes would be released in a timely manner. You can argue that Telltale knew this would be impossible, and knew you thought this, but still misled you into entering the contract.) The court would then look and see if your thinking was valid, by looking at Telltale's history with Season Passes and their overall attitude during the duration of the contract. If the court agrees with you, you get your money back. Then you can ask the judge to have Telltale pay your lawyer fees.

    Also, theres a bunch of Consumer Protection Acts that vary between states and provinces. I haven't learned those yet in Law school but I'm sure there's clauses in there that deal with this sort of stuff

    Anyone know how to start a lawsuit to hit them in the wallet, the only place they care about, like you do with strippers?

  • "right to whine"...hah. You nitwit. You're whining about people whining. Come to think of it, maybe that is a condition of being a "Grown-ASS adult"

    Gutts posted: »

    I'm not suggesting you don't have the right to whine, I'm just letting you know you sound like a child throwing a tantrum. MS and Telltale

  • Total agree on group therapy thing. It has some bright sides too. When did you wait like this for some game? Sure this game propably is not even worth it but "sometimes road is goal". If you know what I mean.

    mbritta posted: »

    This forum is like group therapy, lol. I had a shitty day at work and just wanted to come home and play the next episode. It looks like the Microsoft service alert was last updated at 4:33 pm CST. Still no fix yet

  • This is beyond frustrating...Telltale has made some great games, but it's total amateur hour when it comes to their management and customer relations. They bought into their own hype when the Walking Dead blew up, and now it is undeniable that they have bit off more than they can chew. I bought episode 1 and the season pass last October! Since then episode 1 has been made available for free, and now early purchasers of the season pass are unable to download the new episode now that it is finally released FOUR MONTHS LATER. I will never again pay for a new episode of a Telltale game series. Lesson learned: be patient and save your hardearned dollars! The games will eventually be available at a discount, and you wont have to wait almost half a year in between episodes!

  • There will be no explanation. They already both blamed one another.

    In_Dux posted: »

    Microsoft or TellTale, an explanation will be needed after this. If it's not TT, I'll still be weary of supporting them with all these example

  • Sounds like a sad truth.

    ReaganStein posted: »

    There will be no explanation. They already both blamed one another.


    This link needs to find its way around, and I mean outside of this forum. This needs to be covered by someone. We're actually being punished for buying a season pass and this is ridiculous.

  • I agree with you. I wish I had been patient and should have bought it later when they would release it on disc. I wish I didn't hand over the money on day 1 for the season pass.
    They bit off way too much and when they announced that they have Borderlands and Game of Thrones I had a bad feeling that they were going to further neglect TWAU (bad enough TWD already delayed it). Nice to see that I was right, wish I wasn't.

    This is beyond frustrating...Telltale has made some great games, but it's total amateur hour when it comes to their management and customer re

  • IGN covered it if that matters.

    Big_Ordeal posted: » This link needs to find its way around, and I mean outside of this f

  • edited February 2014

    What I was told from Ember (the microsoft agent I spoke with) was "We've been contacted by alot of our Wolf Among Us Season Pass holders, and sorry about that but Episode is not yet available for Season pass" and " It will take the game developers a week or 2 to integrate the new Game Episode to the Season Pass in-game marketplace. Until then, we'll just have to wait Sorry. :( "

    When bought up that the season pass said that episodes were promised content as it was released (aka made available), and that this was a failure to provide services paid for. Their reply was only " I know it wasn't clear, but what it really meant was, you can download new episodes when they are available for Season Pass. As you can see, you've purchased your Season Pass for a cheaper price. It's basically a marketing strategy from the developer's end and I'm sorry if that wasn't clear to you guys in the first place."

    So I'm not expecting anything soon. I did leave feedback, and I will not be continuing with Microsoft products for the next generation of games.

  • The Twitter team claimed to have no time frames on the fix though.

    NghtFox17 posted: »

    What I was told from Ember (the microsoft agent I spoke with) was "We've been contacted by alot of our Wolf Among Us Season Pass holders, and


    NghtFox17 posted: »

    What I was told from Ember (the microsoft agent I spoke with) was "We've been contacted by alot of our Wolf Among Us Season Pass holders, and

  • You would think both parties would be doing some serious damage control right now if it were a two week wait.

    NghtFox17 posted: »

    What I was told from Ember (the microsoft agent I spoke with) was "We've been contacted by alot of our Wolf Among Us Season Pass holders, and

  • Microsoft has updated their Live Services Status saying
    "Are you a "The Wolf Among Us" Season Pass holder being asked to pay for episode 2 "Smoke & Mirrors?" Our team is already hard at work trying to get this resolved. Thanks for being patient while we work. We'll update you again in 60 minutes."
    Guess we have more waiting to do.

  • Xbox Services did just update....they're still resolving the problem. Check in, in another hour.

  • Two weeks is pretty ridiculous. This incident shouldn't take this long to resolve. It kind of sucks that season pass holders (myself included) must wait longer. I've waited four months...
    I hope this doesn't happen again with TWD S2EP2! Ill be screwed there too!

  • They updated it. Here it what it says now (along with date and time)

    2/5/2014 5:39:02 PM CST:

    Are you a "The Wolf Among Us" Season Pass holder being asked to pay for episode 2 "Smoke & Mirrors?" Our team is already hard at work trying to get this resolved. Thanks for being patient while we work. We'll update you again in 60 minutes.

    So their response after the hour wait is check back in an hour. Anyone have a magic 8 ball handy? I think that would get us a clearer answer.

    Xbox members, do you own a "The Wolf Among Us" Season Pass but are being asked to pay for episode 2 "Smoke & Mirrors?" Our team is engaged

  • Still, this is much better than the silence we're getting from Telltale.

    Xbox Services did just update....they're still resolving the problem. Check in, in another hour.

  • Just in case you guys don't see the reply I made here it is again.

    Microsoft updated the xbox live status message. Here it what it says now (along with date and time)

    2/5/2014 5:39:02 PM CST:

    Are you a "The Wolf Among Us" Season Pass holder being asked to pay for episode 2 "Smoke & Mirrors?" Our team is already hard at work trying to get this resolved. Thanks for being patient while we work. We'll update you again in 60 minutes.

    So their response after the hour wait is check back in an hour. Anyone have a magic 8 ball handy? I think that would get us a clearer answer.

  • After this, Episode 3 better come out next week, lol.

  • Didn't you hear? The 4 month delay was so successful they decided they were going to make the rest of episodes biannual,

    In_Dux posted: »

    After this, Episode 3 better come out next week, lol.

  • edited February 2014

    [Edited] Reply deleted

    darham175 posted: »

    Just in case you guys don't see the reply I made here it is again. Microsoft updated the xbox live status message. Here it what it says now

  • Haha. It's almost ironic because gamers complain about games coming out too quickly. Yet, here we are, hoping this game comes soon. Almost ironic though because of the circumstances.

    darham175 posted: »

    Didn't you hear? The 4 month delay was so successful they decided they were going to make the rest of episodes biannual,

  • Ya complete games... The Wolf Among Us won't be complete until all 5 episodes come out. so it really doesn't apply here.

    However I get what you meant.

    In_Dux posted: »

    Haha. It's almost ironic because gamers complain about games coming out too quickly. Yet, here we are, hoping this game comes soon. Almost ironic though because of the circumstances.

  • I'm just soo hyped to play it, I don't care if its being delayed due to the pass problems, its an amazing game and can't wait to play! :3

    Thanks Telltale Game for this game :3

  • edited February 2014

    I just sent Telltale a screenshot on twitter of Nightfox17's comment to find out wtf is going on! if i have to wait a day longer i'm going on a killing spree.

    Cjcfman posted: »


  • 1 post to applaud TT and just joined today? Seems legit....

    chrisk3249 posted: »

    I'm just soo hyped to play it, I don't care if its being delayed due to the pass problems, its an amazing game and can't wait to play! Thanks Telltale Game for this game

  • Why would Telltale care... they already have our money...

    Ooigle posted: »

    Still, this is much better than the silence we're getting from Telltale.

  • If it's MS who are working on the problem. What do you expect Telltale to say? They've already directed people towards Xbox support.

    Ooigle posted: »

    Still, this is much better than the silence we're getting from Telltale.

  • So how much did you get to say that?

    chrisk3249 posted: »

    I'm just soo hyped to play it, I don't care if its being delayed due to the pass problems, its an amazing game and can't wait to play! Thanks Telltale Game for this game

  • LOL Who here is truly happy about Telltales SHITTY service?!


    chrisk3249 posted: »

    I'm just soo hyped to play it, I don't care if its being delayed due to the pass problems, its an amazing game and can't wait to play! Thanks Telltale Game for this game

  • edited February 2014

    "We apologize for Microsoft shitting itself once again, and we have sent a group of staff members to Walgreens to gather towelettes and diapers. Thanks for your patience" -TTG

    anything would be nice...

    The Fallen posted: »

    If it's MS who are working on the problem. What do you expect Telltale to say? They've already directed people towards Xbox support.

  • I've been trying to dodge spoilers since yesterday. It'd be kinda hard to avoid them for 2 damned weeks.

    Mr-Atwood posted: »

    Two weeks is pretty ridiculous. This incident shouldn't take this long to resolve. It kind of sucks that season pass holders (myself included)

  • I always assume it will be more than 1 month between episodes so the 4 month wait didn't bother me but to punish us for having faith in them based on their previous products is a dick move.

    aaroncarney posted: »

    LOL Who here is truly happy about Telltales SHITTY service?! NOBODY

  • With you on this one Chrisk :)

    chrisk3249 posted: »

    I'm just soo hyped to play it, I don't care if its being delayed due to the pass problems, its an amazing game and can't wait to play! Thanks Telltale Game for this game

  • I would like to say thank you to Telltale for letting us vent like this though. It helps knowing I'm not somehow the ONLY person effected.

  • As soon as I can play without repay I will be cool. This one looks good just like the first one.

This discussion has been closed.