XBox360 Season pass not working



  • I didn't make the purchase until a rep already agreed to grant the refund, didn't close the chat until both transactions were through. I definitely wouldn't try buying now and pleading for a refund later, but for me it was much less aggravating than sitting around and waiting for something, anything, from Telltale.

    TomX713 posted: »

    Definitely everyone. Really upsetting for those of us who purchased the season pass in October. Luckily I refused to pay another $4.99 and de

  • edited February 2014

    Telltale Games ‏@telltalegames 4 min
    Note: Microsoft is investigating a current issue regarding season passes for TWAU on 360 and will supply progress updates via @XboxSupport.

    just came out

  • The 5 dollar price may not be too much for me to fork out, but I'm mostly cross about the lack of communication. A simple, "We are aware of the situation and are currently trying to fix it." is all I ask for.

  • Go to microsoft online support and they will refund you. They did for me.....

  • Microsoft:

    Why not give me what I bought instead of trying to make some of us pay for it again?

  • edited February 2014

    So, basically they're claiming it's microsofts issue. If this is correct, can we use this experience to learn about holding off jumping to wild conclusions and claiming we will never again deal with TTG, a company that, although small and sometimes plagued with these sorts of issue, has continued to release awesome content at a much lower price overall than the big companies?

  • After offering a discount on the season pass, before those who had paid full price had had any return, this is a case of being kicked whilst I'm down. I'm out. I vote with my wallet and it won't open for TellTale again,

  • Telltale Games ‏@telltalegames 4 min @XboxSupport Thanks to everyone for their patience. The teams should have everyone playing as soon as possible today. Stay tuned for updates


    sanity posted: »

    Telltale Games ‏@telltalegames 4 min Note: Microsoft is investigating a current issue regarding season passes for TWAU on 360 and will supply progress updates via @XboxSupport. just came out

  • except when i chatted online with MS support, they stated it was on TTG part that season passers can't get episode 2

    So, basically they're claiming it's microsofts issue. If this is correct, can we use this experience to learn about holding off jumping to wil

  • Games always go down in price after a while. Most consumers expect to pay less if they choose to wait for a deal. This is a rather common practice. I don't hold it against Rockstar games that GTA V is now on sale, because I wanted it right when it came out.

  • Just got off a chat with Xbox support. They told me it was TellTale who had to fix the problem but they offered me a refund if I bought episode 2, which I did.

  • It could absolutely still be the fault of Telltale, I'm just saying everyone is jumping to extremes before having all the information. But telltale also should have been more communicative

    BillyKidd posted: »

    except when i chatted online with MS support, they stated it was on TTG part that season passers can't get episode 2

  • Man, I've held off on commenting here for quite some time, but this is just unacceptable. This is a great game, and I have been dying to play ep2 for quite some time (like everyone else). I called Microsoft too, clearly the problem is on TTG's end. Really guys? It's unacceptable to not respond at all to this, and have your mods/devs on their twitter feeds reiterate xbox support solutions is just weak. How about, 'hey sorry guys! we blew it, we're trying to fix this.' That's all I want. Accountability. A company(I love) that won't hold themselves accountable is troubling. In an age where communication is necessary, where has it gone? This isn't about nondisclosure deals at this point.

  • Exactly. Would have taken 10 seconds, and would have saved THEM more grief than it saved us.

    WindWhiskey posted: »

    Man, I've held off on commenting here for quite some time, but this is just unacceptable. This is a great game, and I have been dying to play

  • Sounds to me like the code TT wrote to access the episode in game isn't working so this sounds like to me an issue on TT's side. Those that want to blame MS need to think twice about where you are pointing the finger. Both companies have a role and think of MS as the retailer supplying the product and TT as the manufacture. So if you bought something from a store and when you get home and open the box and plug it in and it don't work would you blame the store or the manufacture? Now it sounds like the "store" (MS) is being a good store and supporting it's customers by giving refunds to some however when they realized it was a bigger issue (or when) they will stop giving refunds and TT needs to fix their coding. Watch you will see another update before you will have access to the episode inside the game. I'm sure TT is working on it as we speak so i'll be patient and glad I found this thread so I know it isn't just me having this issue.

  • This is just a farce at this point. I am seriously never buying a telltale game again, and there are a couple I really want. The newer monkey island, and the Sam and Max games look awesome, but I can't in good conscious give these people any more of my money.

  • XboxSupport have just tweeted me saying they are currently looking into the issue and we should stay tuned for updates. As far as i'm aware they've been saying this for hours. Jeez, how long does it take....

  • [removed]

    Big_Ordeal posted: »

    This is just a farce at this point. I am seriously never buying a telltale game again, and there are a couple I really want. The newer monkey

  • Not even a comment of themselves, they're just stating what Xbox Support has been telling all day. Not even an apology.

  • I have already tried

    ThexImp posted: »

    Go to microsoft online support and they will refund you. They did for me.....

  • edited February 2014

    we payed early so we could play it late. This dose not make any sense.

    Games always go down in price after a while. Most consumers expect to pay less if they choose to wait for a deal. This is a rather common prac


  • This is bullshit.

    And that's all I have to say.

  • edited February 2014

    From Twitter:"Note: Microsoft is investigating a current issue regarding season passes for TWAU on 360 and will supply progress updates via @XboxSupport.

    — Telltale Games (@telltalegames) "
  • That's the best apology I've ever heard. Shunting all responsibility is actually a form of apology in China.

    From Twitter:"Note: Microsoft is investigating a current issue regarding season passes for TWAU on 360 and will supply progress updates via @XboxSupport. — Telltale Games (@telltalegames) "

  • Is this even legal?

  • How about leting us buy it and you refund the people with season passes ...SO YOU CAN KEEP YOUR FANS!

    From Twitter:"Note: Microsoft is investigating a current issue regarding season passes for TWAU on 360 and will supply progress updates via @XboxSupport. — Telltale Games (@telltalegames) "

  • It's just a technical hick up since MS's XBL infrastructure is fucked. It'll get sorted out by tomorrow at the latest most likely. Already waited a few extra months I can wait a few additional hours.

    MrGraffio posted: »

    Is this even legal?

  • So, I've just finished talking with an Xbox Live support, if anyone's wondering this is what I was told:

    you: at 20:17:40
    One more question

    Kevin Carl: at 20:17:44
    Sure thing.

    you: at 20:19:54
    If you can tell me, how much longer approximately will we have to wait 'till it's all fixed up?

    Kevin Carl: at 20:23:10
    According to my own research on the topic (My sister also has the same issue) -- It lies on Telltales new server not recognizing the passes from PS network, XBL (us) and a few from Steam. Server restarts take very very long only big system, so assuming they knew of the problem yesterday and today, the server rewrite will take 24 hours and the full server restart and port lining to the users will take 48.

    Kevin Carl: at 20:23:34
    An educated guess is 24 hours more.

    Kevin Carl: at 20:25:10
    long on* big systems

    you: at 20:26:16
    Ugh ... that sounds quite a long time, we're waiting a few months for a new episode and now that happens :/

    you: at 20:27:03
    I think I'd rather have a refund, if possible ... I'm thinking about buying each episode separately ...

    Kevin Carl: at 20:27:26
    Alrighty, please give me a moment.

    you: at 20:27:34
    I mean, if this is what's going to happen again when the episode 3 is supposed to come out ...

    you: at 20:27:39
    No problem!

    Kevin Carl: at 20:27:49
    I hope they learned their lessons, at least.

    you: at 20:28:50
    Agreed ...

    Kevin Carl: at 20:29:51
    The refund is filed, please take note that if the money has not reflected back in a few minutes, it will take around 24-48 hours, depending on the bank's reversed charge policy.

    you: at 20:31:18
    So this is it?

    Kevin Carl: at 20:31:28
    Yes, it's already made.

    you: at 20:31:49
    Okay, thank you very much for your help!

    Kevin Carl: at 20:32:07
    You're welcome. Is there anything else we can help with?

    you: at 20:32:35
    That would be all, thanks again!

  • Thats sucks, i mean i ALREADY waited for a months, so why should i wait more?

    It's just a technical hick up since MS's XBL infrastructure is fucked. It'll get sorted out by tomorrow at the latest most likely. Already waited a few extra months I can wait a few additional hours.

  • edited February 2014

    Well im officially fed up, iv'e had a crap week, been ill and had all other kinds of shit going on and was looking bloody forward after a long long 4 month wait to play episode 2 and my friends on PSN getting a day before and talking about it and then this bullocks. Iv'e had it, my excitement/care has gone, they can fix this problem whenever they like im gonna play some GTA and forget all about my woes. This is the last time i ever by a season pass, and possibly even anything, from telltale im well and truly fed up with them, there shitty deadlines and there bad communication. Next time i'll probably just wait until they've finished all the episodes or made a GOTY edition before i buy i did that with TWD season one and thoroughly enjoyed the game and didn't have all this hassle. I might even just watch walk-throughs on youtube and save myself patience and money.

  • " Telltales new server not recognizing the passes from PS network, XBL (us) ", that can't be right. At least not 100%, people on PS say it works fine, also I'm in Uk and having the same problem, so it's not just US xbox users.

  • like i said the game was released early October and it is now early January 4 months.. FOUR MONTHS...and now no apollogy no comunication. and no deal for the people who took a leap of faith and bought the season pass early...on behalf of all those people. If telltale dosen't have an apollogy or good news. SHUT THE F%#* UP!

    It's just a technical hick up since MS's XBL infrastructure is fucked. It'll get sorted out by tomorrow at the latest most likely. Already waited a few extra months I can wait a few additional hours.

  • Try again....

    EvxnB posted: »

    I have already tried

  • Sadly not Microsofts issue this time around, it squarely falls under TTG lap of responsibility.....

    Aron-Alex posted: »

    This sucks! Having the same problem, obviously "sigh"... I have been waiting for months! Microsoft better make up for this! If they don't I'm seriously considering updating from Xbox to the PS4!

  • It's everyone around the world it seems, I'm in France and I'm having the same problem...

    " Telltales new server not recognizing the passes from PS network, XBL (us) ", that can't be right. At least not 100%, people on PS say it works fine, also I'm in Uk and having the same problem, so it's not just US xbox users.

  • This is the support chat:

    Nelson: at 20:42:19
    Sorry about that, did you already downloaded the episode 1?
    EDOARDO: at 20:42:30
    yes and i played it
    EDOARDO: at 20:42:55
    my problem is that if i want to download the episode 2 i have to pay for it
    EDOARDO: at 20:43:37
    but i haven't to pay 'cause i bought the season pass
    Nelson: at 20:43:50
    I understand that, have you tried to download the episode 3?

    MAMMA MIA!!!!!!!!!
    Greetings for Italy guys hope we will play soon

  • Just contacted xbox live support on their site. They told me to buy the episode and they immediately refunded my bank account with confirmation number. Takes 72 hours to post.

    So that's an option if you don't feel like waiting. Ridiculous considering I already bout the damn thing but whatever.

  • update: decided to contact MS support again; got Carmella. Awesome, she put 5 bucks into my microsoft account, and downloading it now.

This discussion has been closed.