XBox360 Season pass not working



  • They told me the same thing.....I sadly will not be purchasing another Telltale game. I was really excited about the Game of Thrones that they were working on but I think I am going to pass on it now.....The lack of customer support, their consistent inability to communicate to their customers has really killed it for me when it comes to Telltale.

    Bl4ckSh33p posted: »

    I called MS Support and they told me they are working on it and it "should" work in the next 24 hours. If not I should call them again.

  • Thought I could sneak ep 2 in before i started work again tonight, oh well waiting till next week it seems!

  • Hey guys just to let you know, I contacted Microsoft support. They told me to download it and instantly refunded me. So that's what I would recommend.

  • Telltale is now officially less communicative and dependable than my plumber, who actually did show up in a snowstorm as promised. And they're less reliable than yours truly, who finished shoveling just as the snow started letting up. Both of those comparisons should be really humiliating to their customer service reps. For a year and a half I've had contractors appearing with no warning to tromp through every room of the house or vanishing for weeks on end, and Telltale makes them look GREAT.

  • They told me it was not a mistake and that season pass holders have to wait until June for episode 2-5! No joke

    ThexImp posted: »

    They told me the same thing.....I sadly will not be purchasing another Telltale game. I was really excited about the Game of Thrones that they

  • And if you don't have the money to purchase it..? I don't have a credit card linked to my account.

    Nefarus_Fox posted: »

    Hey guys just to let you know, I contacted Microsoft support. They told me to download it and instantly refunded me. So that's what I would recommend.

  • This is bullshit.....I will be asking for a refund.....

    Quadrahands posted: »

    They told me it was not a mistake and that season pass holders have to wait until June for episode 2-5! No joke

  • But that wouldn't make sense, due to the PS3 season pass holders aren't reporting any issues. Plus the pass clearly states: Play episodes as they release. So waiting to June has to be misinformation.

    Quadrahands posted: »

    They told me it was not a mistake and that season pass holders have to wait until June for episode 2-5! No joke

  • FFS, I paid for this season pass last year to make sure I get the new episode ASAP. Would be nice if season pass got them a few hours later, but neveremind. Now when the episode is finally available (some people will even get it for free - via torrents) I can not play it even though I paid in advance.
    Well done Telltale & M$

  • Telltale seem to think fucking retweeting xbox support is a fucking acceptable way to communicate to it's customers. Don't have the fucking decency to say anything themselves.

  • So how are you guys getting these Microsoft people to give you the refund. I just spent 2 hours talking to one and he said that I'll be contacted with a response in approximately 4 days.

  • edited February 2014

    Oh my, you're right. That's really pathetic. They can't even be bothered to type a response themselves.

    Telltale seem to think fucking retweeting xbox support is a fucking acceptable way to communicate to it's customers. Don't have the fucking decency to say anything themselves.

  • Same here its out but wont download

  • edited February 2014

    Very disappointed with not being able to download the episode considering I paid for the season pass. I'm really regretting purchasing the season pass for The Walking Dead Season 2 now as well as this same problem might occur there as well. Not sure who is more to blame here given that the PS3 owners could download theirs properly, all I do know is that I'm disappointed here but glad that its not just me that is having this problem.

  • Xbox support WONT offer me a refund. Apparently its only applicable to CERTAIN customers. TELLTALE is a JOKE. I will NEVER buy another product from these clowns, and I will stop whoever I can from doing so as well.

  • MS support on the other hand appears to have its act together now, very painless purchase-and-refund with Kelsie. I recommend this route to those who do have a card available -- I'm thinking the record of mass refunds is more likely to prompt some investigation and followup. Microsoft can't be happy that this is slamming their CS reps right now, whoever turns out to be at fault in the end,

    Shrander posted: »

    Telltale is now officially less communicative and dependable than my plumber, who actually did show up in a snowstorm as promised. And they're

  • I have no idea how they're doing it, woudln't do it for me either.

    So how are you guys getting these Microsoft people to give you the refund. I just spent 2 hours talking to one and he said that I'll be contacted with a response in approximately 4 days.

  • I just did this. Rep said it sounded like I was having the 'lovely' Wolf Among Us problem, I said I'd like to go the purchase-and-refund route, she said OK, and it was done before the ep was past 17%.

    EvxnB posted: »

    I have no idea how they're doing it, woudln't do it for me either.

  • I know right? This thread has 15 thousands views in the last 6 hours, you think that would prompt a response

    Telltale seem to think fucking retweeting xbox support is a fucking acceptable way to communicate to it's customers. Don't have the fucking decency to say anything themselves.

  • Really when I called ms today they said I wasn't the only one who has called about this and that fault was not on there end ,and I for sum reason tell tale has respond ed to this yet so don't start pointing fingers

    Shanty140 posted: »

    This isn't TellTales fault. This is Microsoft's fault. Get mad at them.

  • yeh bought episode 1 around October along with season pass, after such a long wait it was all the more annoying to find Telltale trying to take more money of me for something I already paid them for, phone Xbox and they said they've got people working on it, try again in 24 hours, if that don't work
    I'm going to get my money back even if it is just 10 pounds, man ill go to court , stealing is stealing no matter how big the company is. either way they gone lost them a fucking customer.

  • For those MS won't give a refund, how long ago did they start talking to a rep? Someone mentioned 2 hours, at which point some of the 'wait until june' blather was still going on. At least some of the reps are now well aware of the issue and cheerfully granting refunds.

    I'm hoping a flood of refunds for a single game will prompt MS to investigate this very closely and be sure it doesn't happen again, whether on their end or by putting a boot to Telltale's neck. They might not read forum posts but they'll sure notice the cash flow.

  • Xbox Chat Support online. Don't try calling them.

    So how are you guys getting these Microsoft people to give you the refund. I just spent 2 hours talking to one and he said that I'll be contacted with a response in approximately 4 days.

  • Same thing happened to me, which is a real bummer cause I was so looking forward to playing this today.

  • I just got off the phone with one of them

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    Xbox Chat Support online. Don't try calling them.

  • I'm having this problem as well :(

  • Is this problem for everyone? Or just a huge majority?

  • ....and? Anyone can all them, that doesn't mean you'll get any help.

    Devo2k14 posted: »

    I just got off the phone with one of them

  • The MS rep I chatted said it was everyone.

    DeathDeli posted: »

    Is this problem for everyone? Or just a huge majority?

  • edited February 2014


    DeathDeli posted: »

    Is this problem for everyone? Or just a huge majority?

  • samething for chat support online

    MotoX_Champ posted: »

    ....and? Anyone can all them, that doesn't mean you'll get any help.

  • Apparently Telltale is notorious of their lack of customer support. This is my first and last game from these clowns.....

    Cjcfman posted: »

    I know right? This thread has 15 thousands views in the last 6 hours, you think that would prompt a response

  • Definitely everyone. Really upsetting for those of us who purchased the season pass in October. Luckily I refused to pay another $4.99 and decided to wait a bit longer, so I didn't have to deal with MS for a refund. I feel really bad for those of you who do. But I'm stuck home after an ice storm in the northeast, nothing to do, and no game to play when it should have been available hours ago.

    DeathDeli posted: »

    Is this problem for everyone? Or just a huge majority?

  • This is very very frustrating and I can see why people are getting angry but that doesn't mean people should no longer be a customer of TTG!! They're currently releasing two brilliant episodic games and 2 more I'm sure will be fantastic ones later in the year! No doubt that TWAU has not gotten off to a really a great start but the game itself started off amazing and I'm sure the rest will be amazing too. We've waited this long for episode 2 we can wait another day right? Even if it was set for release today.

  • This really is taking the piss. It's bad enough the episode was this stupidly late, I doubt the remaining 3 will be released anywhere near "Summer 2014" like they're claiming on the listing, but now every fan who loved the game enough to pay in advance for unseen content is being punished for it! Hell if anything it should have got to season pass owners before everyone else, I guess since they already have our money they don't care...

  • I sure hope they'll fix it REAL SOON because we Europeans had to wait a little extra and NOW I CAN'T EVEN DOWNLOAD IT? </3


  • I called xbox support and they said that the people getting refunds are liars and that they are aware the problem and we have to wait. Well I got nicely brushed off...oh well.

  • I was thinking along the same thing. It'd be something different if it was uniform across all platforms but even then, at most (at least for me), this should just make you more weary about purchasing season passes.

    Bradderz posted: »

    This is very very frustrating and I can see why people are getting angry but that doesn't mean people should no longer be a customer of TTG!!

  • This sucks! Having the same problem, obviously "sigh"... I have been waiting for months! Microsoft better make up for this! If they don't I'm seriously considering updating from Xbox to the PS4!

  • Has this really happened before? I have been people on here talking of similar situations. I am rather new to TTG, I got TWAU for free and got hooked and bought the season pass. This is really discouraging for me. If this isn't your first time experiencing this, I would stop supporting TTG for awhile. I'm not one for entitlement usually, but this is ridiculous. All this for 90 minutes too? Idc how good this game is. I'll even read the comics if I can't let it go. But since I'm new, and I know people waited longer for this, I'll hold out. But after I finish this series, I'm done with TTG until I hear stories of better service.

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