XBox360 Season pass not working



  • not that guy

    dasniper2 posted: »

    shut up gurushin

  • I spoke to an xbox chat lady just before. She said they're investigating this. She gave me a reference number and told me I can buy it now and they'll happily refund the individual episode cost once everything is sorted.

    I'm pissed as hell but I'll give the xbox lady the benefit of the doubt. I bought the episode and I'll try to shake them down for money in a week or so.

    It does seem to be some screw up on Microsoft's end. I doubt telltale has much of anything to do with this.

    Still frickin annoying as hell.

  • Well I guess try again in a couple of hours

  • edited February 2014

    I am surprised by that I asked if I could do that myself a few hours ago and was told I couldn't it seems that this issue is evolving

    I spoke to an xbox chat lady just before. She said they're investigating this. She gave me a reference number and told me I can buy it now and

  • So i initially tried to download Ep. 2 as well but came up with the same problem. i would have to pay double to get it.
    i tried to re-download the season pass to see if that would work.
    and there was the episode in my Active Downloads, about halfway done.

    i don't know if it's just my season pass or what, but double checking that the episode didn't immediately begin to download is probably a good idea for a lot of people that couldn't download it. the pass may have auto-downloaded it for you.


    I spoke to an xbox chat lady just before. She said they're investigating this. She gave me a reference number and told me I can buy it now and


    I spoke to an xbox chat lady just before. She said they're investigating this. She gave me a reference number and told me I can buy it now and


    I spoke to an xbox chat lady just before. She said they're investigating this. She gave me a reference number and told me I can buy it now and

  • Worst case season passes wont work everyone gets refunded or more likely get credited for purchasing the episode from the marketplace

  • Can you follow up on this and let us know if you can play without paying? Double check to make sure you didn't get double billed, though I'm not sure what you can do if you were billed for the episode, they're sticklers about refunds at Msft

    Tamaria posted: »

    So i initially tried to download Ep. 2 as well but came up with the same problem. i would have to pay double to get it. i tried to re-downlo

  • I'm not exactly sober hahaha

    Most of this comment made no sense, but I'm not arguing Microsoft isn't at fault, my entire argument is that THEY ARE AT FAULT. However, they cannot be blamed if someone pays twice for content, idiocy cannot be controlled.

  • it says that i still have to pay $4.99 to buy the episode, so i'm going to assume i wasn't double billed. but It just finished "downloading" and popped up with a "can't download (episode name) at this time."
    so yeah....... this is really fucking stupid.

    i know that they had problems with the episode, but i can only hope that the issues with the season pass gets resolved soon, and that TWDG:S2 season pass doesn't get fucked like this one.

    NickL posted: »

    Can you follow up on this and let us know if you can play without paying? Double check to make sure you didn't get double billed, though I'm not sure what you can do if you were billed for the episode, they're sticklers about refunds at Msft

  • Really disappointed. Watching the snow pile up in Boston, waiting to shovel myself out, and waiting for plumbers who'll probably blow me off again and leave me without heat another day. You expect that kind of thing from contractors but this... sigh. The game industry keeps letting the bar sink lower and lower.

    Now I don't have a nice way to kill time OR the promise of a hot bath afterward.

  • edited February 2014

    Have a Joke.
    What do you call a Illegal Immigrant hunting a sex offender ....
    Alien Vs Predator

  • edited February 2014

    Would be kinda nice to get what I paid for already, you know? And I'm not buying it again, I really don't expect MS to follow through on the whole refund thing especially when it says no refunds when you make the purchase.

  • This is the first game I've gotten the season pass for probly not going to do that again

  • Hmmmmmmmm strange that! considering people are complaining that it does not work on PSN as well as on Xbox! Look it a issue that must get sorted without PlayStation Fan boys thinking they know better!

    Shanty140 posted: »

    Please explain how this is Telltales fault. They don't control Microsoft's marketplace. It worked fine for PSN.

  • Thanks for sharing.

    Tamaria posted: »

    it says that i still have to pay $4.99 to buy the episode, so i'm going to assume i wasn't double billed. but It just finished "downloading" a

  • If you do, it would take them months. It took them 4 months to refund me when the new currency came into effect but the conversion was off and gave me less money than what I paid for the points in the first place.

    Would be kinda nice to get what I paid for already, you know? And I'm not buying it again, I really don't expect MS to follow through on the whole refund thing especially when it says no refunds when you make the purchase.

  • edited February 2014

    Telltale, from the 17 plus weeks of waiting for a new episode. To making episode 1 available for free before any other episodes had been released. Lack of communication with your fans stating delays,and issues with development and now the season pass issues. REALLY you have covered yourself in glory with the manner in which you have dealt with this. (sarcasm.) Here's a tip, instead of releasing details on NEW games your working on try finishing the current ones and keeping your CUSTOMERS informed.


    Really disappointed and frustrated, It wouldn't take much just to at least tweet us.

  • edited February 2014


    Worst case season passes wont work everyone gets refunded or more likely get credited for purchasing the episode from the marketplace

  • I had no problem downloading it on PSN. You have anecdata, so do I.

    Hmmmmmmmm strange that! considering people are complaining that it does not work on PSN as well as on Xbox! Look it a issue that must get sorted without PlayStation Fan boys thinking they know better!

  • Still no fix, and still no word from Telltale. Does anyone even read this forum or Twitter?

  • been waiting this for long time and now this... it's really annoying! i bought season pass to get episodes as soon as they are released, well won't be doing the same mistake again and i sure hope this gets fixed ASAP!

  • My guess no. This whole thing has put me off buying their games again.

    Forsythia posted: »

    Still no fix, and still no word from Telltale. Does anyone even read this forum or Twitter?

  • I think the big issue I'm having is its always something with telltale. And Microsoft. As someone who has been a big fan of their Jurrasic Park, Walking dead, and now wolf among us adventure comics, I can't recall ever have an easy, fully enjoyable experience with the software and support areas. Almost every episode of walking dead has been painfully late, and I've had major issues both times I've dealt with the season pass. Its unfortunate, telltale has some amazing writing and some great partnerships, leading to some great characters, but a lack of basic passing along intellegence and maybe even outgrowing themselves developmentally is really making me have a sour taste about the whole thing.
    Currently, I'm debating if Microsoft's nightmare of tec support is worth the 15$ refund for my annoyance. Though not the end of the world, it is the end of my day off, and wasting it on Xbox live jury rigging is enough to make me go play outside.

  • I got ep1 free and the season pass discounted; I can only imagine how livid I would be if I'd paid full price months ago.

    Telltale isn't alone in this but they're major contributors to an industrywide decline in reliability and quality that's leaving a very poor impression on consumers. I wonder how long before people give up on buying at release entirely, let alone preorders or season passes, and wait out several rounds of inevitable patching and discounting before they buy in. I got burned on several unplayable messes in succession a couple of years ago, and boy, that impulse control is easier and easier to maintain.

    IIJamzyII posted: »

    Telltale, from the 17 plus weeks of waiting for a new episode. To making episode 1 available for free before any other episodes had been relea

  • Well this is a wide steaming pile of bullshit.. Like really?? I'm very close to buying it again because of all this fucking waiting, I can't handle it no more.

  • edited February 2014

    Same here. This whole TWAU mess made me hold off on playing season 2 of the walking dead.

    IIJamzyII posted: »

    My guess no. This whole thing has put me off buying their games again.

  • I just paid for it again and am downloading it now. I'm not letting this drama get in the way of a good story. I had the money and they'll either refund me or not. Let's all just be calm and carry on.

  • edited February 2014

    Ran into this exact same problem this morning, but didn't realize I had actually double paid until after the initial download. I contacted MS customer support (via online chat, forget that phoning in jazz) and they were able to refund me the $5 for episode 2, after they verified I had priorly purchased the Season Pass. The refund hasn't hit yet, obviously, but they do seem to be offering them to those who are afflicted by this bull at the moment.

  • Well it is 6:50am where they're based, I doubt they have someone on twitter during the night.

    Forsythia posted: »

    Still no fix, and still no word from Telltale. Does anyone even read this forum or Twitter?

  • Wow these official responses are overwhelming. Alt text

  • It'll come when it comes, I guess. Still a bit peeved, but a lot of good it's doing me refreshing this thread eh? Not really angry at Msft or Telltale, just bothered in general. Wouldn't be so rough if I had something better to do with my day or another game to play, but today is a bad weather day, I don't play very many games except what TTG has to offer and I can't capitalize on it like I hoped. Oh well,

  • edited February 2014

    dbl post, sorry.

  • The temptation is definitely there. It the fun, awesome decision that degrades us from cattle to fish in a barrel. It's the easy way out that leads to worse abuse later.

    BigNick posted: »

    I just paid for it again and am downloading it now. I'm not letting this drama get in the way of a good story. I had the money and they'll either refund me or not. Let's all just be calm and carry on.

  • It's rather funny that the name of the episode would describe the vibe that I'm getting from this situation.

    I wake up with excitement abound. I notice that the episode is available so I proceed to the game. After a few loading screens, I select the download on Episode 2 and am greeted with a 5 dollar price on the screen.

  • Ran into this exact same problem this morning, but didn't realize I had actually double paid until after the initial download. I contacted MS customer support (via online chat, forget that phoning in jazz) and they were able to refund me the $5 for episode 2, after they verified I had priorly purchased the Season Pass. The refund hasn't hit yet, obviously, but they do seem to be offering them to those who are afflicted by this bull at the moment.

    Ammuze posted: »

    It's rather funny that the name of the episode would describe the vibe that I'm getting from this situation. I wake up with excitement abou

  • I just paid the extra $5 because I couldn't wait any longer to play the episode. :P (It was amazing)

  • Fucking Microsoft!

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