The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • I feel like having Lee in it is a bit weird since he can be played in different ways.

  • To be fair, so can Kenny. Depending how much you side with him, he can easily be more along the lines of chaotic evil.

    Tyranniac posted: »

    I feel like having Lee in it is a bit weird since he can be played in different ways.

  • Wow, more people fed Ben than Doug?! That's pretty sad, lmao!

  • How do you even feed Doug? I thought he always refused food.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Wow, more people fed Ben than Doug?! That's pretty sad, lmao!

  • Everybody accepts the Apple.

    Maybe because Apple is related to Apple Juice.

    Tyranniac posted: »

    How do you even feed Doug? I thought he always refused food.

  • edited February 2014

    That's because Doug was a nice guy (nice guys finish last?), rarely interacted with anyone, and had lesser screentime compared to the rest :(

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Wow, more people fed Ben than Doug?! That's pretty sad, lmao!

  • Actually... spoiler alert

    It is just a game.

    Dunn_dada posted: »

    i don't see why i can't...because it is just a game. it is a well executed and nicely written game.

  • The governor was my favourite character :3

    Sure, he was rather evil... but he didn't necessarily have the worst of intentions.

    His character was a bit more complex then just to state "He was a bad guy." There was reason to the madness.

    Somebody had to run things and keep everyone safe. So he killed those he deemed too weak to actually manage the task.
    The prison was a viable option to hole up in for protection. So he gathers up his crew to force Rick and his gang out of the prison (doesn't necessarily -want- conflict) but the prison was somewhere he could keep his new "family" safe.

  • OMG HELL FUCKING YES!Asassin's Creed 3 reference!I love Charlie!

  • Man,i tried to persuade my parents to buy me a tarantula or a snake for years...But they are just disgusted by 'em.I think they're cute :)

    Lord_zasca posted: »

    High five brother

  • AAAAWWW...Dean!The supernatural feels...

  • STFU!Dean is awesome!He's just been through a lot...Anyway,better than feeling NOTHING AT ALL!

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Dean cries like a bitch a lot doesn't he?

  • Why does Kenny have a dick face?...Literally...

    This amazing video was posted in another thread. All credit goes to @Senhorcreeper

  • Oh. I knew Carley accepted the apple but didn't think Doug did.

    Everybody accepts the Apple. Maybe because Apple is related to Apple Juice.

  • To smack people with it :D

    Phyre posted: »

    Why does Kenny have a dick face?...Literally...

  • I'm not naive, I know the consequences of judging Danny poorly. I hope you're not implying that my sisters are helpless or that I'm incapable of protecting them when they're in harm's way. Or that I think teaming up with a convicted sex offender doesn't merit any precaution or prudence. Because you don't know me.

    I don't "get" it, I'm talking about his possible perspective, not mine. I don't have anything concrete on Danny, and neither do you, that's the point. Suffering is part of existing, and you learn a lot about people by what they're willing to do to avoid it, like Justin. Danny was clearly interested in the well-being of the convict being assaulted while Justin wanted nothing to do with it, and when it came down to the choice, Justin was waving his finger at Danny, while Danny was trying to defend himself rather than do the same to Justin. If metaphysical values don't interest you, consider that giving Danny the benefit of the doubt absolves me of any stigma attached to kicking him out or killing him for trying to do something awful later, though teaming up with Justin wouldn't make stigma an issue in his eyes. After all, he only cares about whether or not he was the one who got crippled.

    All I've heard out of you is "it's the zombie apocalypse", but implying that the collapse of modern civilized society or a dire change in circumstances should affect how a person rationalizes in otherwise similar situations or how he/she consistently interacts with others is a baseless, irrational, and unintelligent argument in and of itself.

    tooducks posted: »

    From what you've seen? Because the zombie apocalypse is the time to indulge good old fashioned naivety? I hope you don't have sisters. And where do you get atoning from the five minutes you've known him.

  • I hate to say it but DND morality kind of doesn't work here.

    Also, how the fuck is Ben Neutral? He always did his best to help people, however he was a complete failure and got other people killed.

    Also Clementine in Season 1 would be Lawful good, where as Lee vanilla good. Remember, Clem is actually pretty damn Lawful.

  • No Awesomely Good with a pic of Omid?

  • it's still a grammatically correct sentence

    dan290786 posted: »

    It's actually "I've got charm coming out of my ass" so im afraid you're wrong too

  • OMG you're right! Maybe the Apple is Juice Box's father!

    Everybody accepts the Apple. Maybe because Apple is related to Apple Juice.

  • You shove the the crackers and cheese into his hands and say , "just eat it, motherfucker." By the way, is there a chart showing how many players gave X food item to X person?

    Tyranniac posted: »

    How do you even feed Doug? I thought he always refused food.

  • edited February 2014

    Alt text

  • Crap, here she comes, nobody clear your throat...

  • Lee when threatening the cancer survivors: "I have altered your other option. Pray I do not alter it any further."

  • The last thing I need is some horsefly trollin' me.

    Lord_zasca posted: »

    High five brother

  • when did the tiny face thing become a thing? its everywhere!!!! just the latest trend I guess.

  • Your a pretty good shot XD

    I always find Youtube poops a little funny Its not mine so credit to the uploader

  • well he still died and she lived lol

  • lol he had such a minor role in season 1 that he took the time to do his homework irl while on camera. This always bugged me, Lori was an idiot. Ricks somewhere, guess ill go wreck the first car I can find. Ricks dead, why don't I bowchickawowow with his best friend. (that's not an immediate slap in the face to your deceased husband you bitch, fuck dale fuck merle or daryl just not his best friend! wtf is wrong with you!!!) Carl saves Hershels life, why don't I yell at him. Then there's beth with that annoying "that is your mother" line when he explains himself. I wanted so badly for carl to say "Well she's my mom but that doesn't make her smart" Lori makes Ben look as smart as Lee and that's, that's just sad.

  • This is why I prefer comic Carl. He even shot a zombie while in the camp in Atlanta. TV Show Carl does his homework during two seasons, only in the 3rd he does something useful.

  • I haven't read the comics, but I seriously doubt comic Carl did anything related to homework after the first two weeks.

    hihitwd posted: »

    This is why I prefer comic Carl. He even shot a zombie while in the camp in Atlanta. TV Show Carl does his homework during two seasons, only in the 3rd he does something useful.

  • Thank you to the creator of this for doing an excellent job of narrating, I had no idea what was going on.

  • Not a single fuck.

    Invictus posted: »

    Credits to Fangster

  • Comic carl did next to nothing early on either, he killed his first zombie a little earlier though..., that said he definatly beats sophia,ben and billy

    hihitwd posted: »

    This is why I prefer comic Carl. He even shot a zombie while in the camp in Atlanta. TV Show Carl does his homework during two seasons, only in the 3rd he does something useful.

  • I just found it.well....thank YOU for thanking.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Thank you to the creator of this for doing an excellent job of narrating, I had no idea what was going on.

  • Eh I prefer the one that says, "Well I have two eyes!"

  • edited February 2014

    Lee can be played multiple ways, Clem would be Lawful Good, I guess Lilly would be Chaotic Neutral, though I'm not sure she fits it best, I don't think that The Stranger is Lawful Evil. Also, I'm not sure that Ben really fits neutral, same as I'm not sure that Lilly fits Chaotic Neutral best.

  • At least his IQ wont deteriorate...

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