The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • I'd like to see this with 400 Days / Season 2 Ep. 1!

  • Scumbag Vernon Criticizes your Plan of getting on a boat, Steals it the next day

  • OH NO they're after Larrys Lucky Charms, those bastards! I just gave my self a bad mental image O_o

    Reuspie_ posted: »

    Stop stealing my images, please. I hate you, you are really stupid. Nway, here's the original image, with the right quote and with MY credits.

  • Heres the twist. Loris dumb so how does she grade his homework?

    At least his IQ wont deteriorate...

  • Vernon Logic: Openly blasted the "Crawford way" , Left a group with a child, a teenager, and a young couple to die for the sake of four 60 years old Cancer Patients...... Hypocrite

  • edited February 2014

    Apple: Juice box, I am your father!"
    Juice Box: NOOOOO!!!!

    OMG you're right! Maybe the Apple is Juice Box's father!

  • Clem to Juice Box: "I ate your father, and now I'm gonna drink you!"

    Apple: Juice box, I am your father!" Juice Box: NOOOOO!!!! DUN DUN DUN!

  • eep!

    Clem to Juice Box: "I ate your father, and now I'm gonna drink you!"

  • Come on man, he was not being a hypocrite he was saving his group (even if seeing the world in a cold-hearteed objective way I also agree it's stupid since they were going to die because of the cancer anyway). I'm not a Vernon fan at all, I didn't liked the guy, even liked Kenny more than him... but if I had people with cancer in my group I would saved them instead of any other group with children or teenagers or whatever... Upoi protect your own, that's way I say "I understand that Vernon had to take the boat to survive, just as he has to understand that if I ever see him again I will shoot him between the eyes for doing that..."

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Vernon Logic: Openly blasted the "Crawford way" , Left a group with a child, a teenager, and a young couple to die for the sake of four 60 years old Cancer Patients...... Hypocrite

  • edited February 2014


  • Don't Dead Open, Inside?

  • edited February 2014

    Nate Carver?

  • No. He wasn't "saving" anyone or leaving anyone to die. He stole a useful resource that the original finder had fixated on. He and his people were doing just fine in the morgue. They had beds and were well stocked on food and water, but he didn't think it was enough. He convinced them it was okay to take from people who didn't have much besides a boat. I just hope that wherever he is floating out there, the loneliness is killing him.

    DLGR13 posted: »

    Come on man, he was not being a hypocrite he was saving his group (even if seeing the world in a cold-hearteed objective way I also agree it's

  • edited February 2014

    I give it a 5!

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Nate Carver?

  • He doesn't appear once doing homework.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    I haven't read the comics, but I seriously doubt comic Carl did anything related to homework after the first two weeks.

  • 10! 10 you psycho!

    I give it a 5!

  • Alt text

    seems relevant, seeing as both episode 2 and the second half of TWD S4 are "around the corner".

  • That would be AWESOME!! Everyone would be like "HOLLY SH*T!!" and you would be like "CALLED IT!! i knew it..."

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Nate Carver?

  • At my school, were not allowed to celebrate Valentine's Day, so all everyone talks about is The Walking Dead.

    seems relevant, seeing as both episode 2 and the second half of TWD S4 are "around the corner".

  • edited February 2014

    You're not allowed or you just don't?

    Cuz I don't know why you wouldn't be allowed to celebrate a holiday, no matter what it's about.

    At my school, were not allowed to celebrate Valentine's Day, so all everyone talks about is The Walking Dead.

  • edited February 2014

    Our principal thinks it's crappy and childish. We can't give each other a little gift or give someone a card (though I think I'm just gonna write a poem for my BF in private) or anything like that. At my old school, they'd give us an hour or two to give people cards and have a little "party" (really just someone bringing in cupcakes or something). At my school, we can't do any of that. I hate my school. Boo hoo for the dragons. >:( I miss being able to wake up at 8 and actually ENJOY school.

    You're not allowed or you just don't? Cuz I don't know why you wouldn't be allowed to celebrate a holiday, no matter what it's about.

  • Plus, it's technically not a holiday...

    You're not allowed or you just don't? Cuz I don't know why you wouldn't be allowed to celebrate a holiday, no matter what it's about.

  • That's stupid. A principal isn't a dictator ruling his/her own little country that is her school, she is there to keep the rules that are there in check.

    You saying you could actually get in trouble for it, or is it just deeply frowned upon?

    Our principal thinks it's crappy and childish. We can't give each other a little gift or give someone a card (though I think I'm just gonna wr

  • Your principal sounds like he has a massive power trip. That or he's just a dick.

    Plus, it's technically not a holiday...

  • Your principal sounds like a pouty wiener.

    Our principal thinks it's crappy and childish. We can't give each other a little gift or give someone a card (though I think I'm just gonna wr

  • Right? It could be someone's last name.

    DLGR13 posted: »

    That would be AWESOME!! Everyone would be like "HOLLY SH*T!!" and you would be like "CALLED IT!! i knew it..."

  • Alt text

    seems relevant, seeing as both episode 2 and the second half of TWD S4 are "around the corner".

  • edited February 2014

    Alt text

    I fuckin' love Evil Dead.

  • AnteroAntero Banned
    edited February 2014

    Didn't see any TWAU Meme thread

    Alt text

  • Put TWAU stuff here. why not i guess

    Antero posted: »

    Didn't see any TWAU Meme thread

  • I just died! XD

    Antero posted: »

    Didn't see any TWAU Meme thread

  • ...Needs more Ichabod.

    Antero posted: »

    Didn't see any TWAU Meme thread

  • after what we saw in episode 2 i dont want to see ANYMORE of ichabod

    tatertots24 posted: »

    ...Needs more Ichabod.

  • edited February 2014

    Alt text

    Alt text

  • No.It needs more man boobs.

    tatertots24 posted: »

    ...Needs more Ichabod.

  • Goddamnit, why Principal Vince??

  • Thats President Vince for you

    Goddamnit, why Principal Vince??

  • There is one somewhere.

    And.... Wtf?

    Antero posted: »

    Didn't see any TWAU Meme thread

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