Working right now? doubt it.
They're eating cupcakes instead
I'm so desperate i even looked at the dots in the hearts thinking there was some hidden message written in braille
Working right now? doubt it.
They're eating cupcakes instead
I'm so desperate i even looked at the dots in the hearts thinking there was some hidden message written in braille
Whats your fuc**** problem? It's done when it's done.. At least they dont throw half baked shi* on the market. No, its full of quality and Ideas. Besides, everyone knows that they publish in Episodes...
so if you cant wait a bit, dont buy it as long all episodes are out! And till than, shut the fu** up!
Lol. You should post the "Scary Movie" version where she's shouting "What are you waiting for?" and the principal jumps off the roof and kills himself.
My my. That's quite a temper you have there. Nobody has to "shut the f up" (as you eloquently put it). This is a forum for opinions, even if they're unpopular or obnoxious to you. If the mods don't want people to talk about something, they'll shut it down. Until that happens, you should take a deep breath and just ignore the comments that send you into a tizzy.
Whats your fuc**** problem? It's done when it's done.. At least they dont throw half baked shi* on the market. No, its full of quality and Ide… moreas. Besides, everyone knows that they publish in Episodes...
so if you cant wait a bit, dont buy it as long all episodes are out! And till than, shut the fu** up!
What gets me annoyed is the evasiveness of it all. They keep beating around the bush with these posts. Just give an update. I don't care about the date, but I just want them to officially acknowledge their loyal customers. They've gone past the estimated time-frame, so it would be courteous and good customer service for them to give some sort of official statement or update. I think people wouldn't be so PO'd if they did that.
I Can tell you one thing, definetly not vernon, molly, or glenn. when clem said i thought you were dead, she has a disgusted face, so it was someone that was a threat or someone she did not like. that leaves hershel, lilly, or kenny. Clementine didn't really know that kenny was dead, in other words, nobody physically told her that he was dead. in my opinion, it could be hershel or lilly, but im leaning over towards lilly, clementine never thought that hershel was dead.
well, i have some evidence it could be lilly more than kenny. When clementine said "I thought you were dead", she had like a disgusted/surprised face, and lilly wasnt really a loved person. besides, nobody actually told clementine that kenny was gone.
I second your sentiment. I have several magazine subscriptions, I watch several television shows, and I read a couple newspapers. ALL are "episodic" in nature, ALL deliver on time and if they don't, they promptly inform me, their loyal customer, as to the reason why. THIS is why I continue to pay in advance for these things. I can trust these companies. I cannot trust Telltale anymore and that makes me sad. I think they have a lot of potential and they have a lot of talent, but their PR department is horrible. They need to get their ducks in a row before I consider investing my money in them again. This is the nature of the market. If you don't treat your customers well, you'll eventually lose them and someone else will fill that gap and capitalize on it. I'll have to find other games to occupy my time after TWD S2 is done. There's plenty of good ones out there and I was thinking about getting an Xbox One anyway, so that will probably be my new gaming experience.
I think I might wait until my current Season Passes pay off, then I probably won't buy anything from Telltale again. They're just too unreliable.
I was not born with a mind capable of dealing with such long waits.
Whats your fuc**** problem? It's done when it's done.. At least they dont throw half baked shi* on the market. No, its full of quality and Ide… moreas. Besides, everyone knows that they publish in Episodes...
so if you cant wait a bit, dont buy it as long all episodes are out! And till than, shut the fu** up!
Yes I can.
Those are nice looking cupcakes.. I want some.. Ooops, I want episode 2 now!
It's official.......we've.......we've.......we've all been trolled by telltale

You will fail.
They are trying to distract us. But. Cant. Resist. Food.
I doubt it. Do you know Sam? You'll be like him. Hahahahaha! evil laugh
Then share it with us @puzzlebox! Maybe those cupcakes are like fortune cookies, they have hidden message in there! Anyways, Happy Valentine's Day!
Damn, girl! Careful you dont rot ya teeth.
Has it occured to you that maybe they don't really have anything to do?
That was EPIC. Truly an awesome trailer.
No it hasn't.......I still say we've been trolled though.
Not even that. Just retweeting whatever review of your game just came out. And cupcake pics.
Darn right i did. Gave em the strong six.
Just. Give. Us. Info.
Fuck those cakes! I wanna eat episode 2
'But... Here These... delicious cakes?'
Good job, you are doing it right! I am proud of you, son!
He'd better be right about this...
Please don't let next few days be TT talk for weeks. Either way I continue to live on in hope!
Whats your fuc**** problem? It's done when it's done.. At least they dont throw half baked shi* on the market. No, its full of quality and Ideas. Besides, everyone knows that they publish in Episodes...
so if you cant wait a bit, dont buy it as long all episodes are out! And till than, shut the fu** up!
Lol. You should post the "Scary Movie" version where she's shouting "What are you waiting for?" and the principal jumps off the roof and kills himself.
My my. That's quite a temper you have there. Nobody has to "shut the f up" (as you eloquently put it). This is a forum for opinions, even if they're unpopular or obnoxious to you. If the mods don't want people to talk about something, they'll shut it down. Until that happens, you should take a deep breath and just ignore the comments that send you into a tizzy.
What gets me annoyed is the evasiveness of it all. They keep beating around the bush with these posts. Just give an update. I don't care about the date, but I just want them to officially acknowledge their loyal customers. They've gone past the estimated time-frame, so it would be courteous and good customer service for them to give some sort of official statement or update. I think people wouldn't be so PO'd if they did that.
It won't. It just makes me feel better.
Don't worry, I gave your Willy Wonka meme a downvote. Happy Valentine's Day!
I Can tell you one thing, definetly not vernon, molly, or glenn. when clem said i thought you were dead, she has a disgusted face, so it was someone that was a threat or someone she did not like. that leaves hershel, lilly, or kenny. Clementine didn't really know that kenny was dead, in other words, nobody physically told her that he was dead. in my opinion, it could be hershel or lilly, but im leaning over towards lilly, clementine never thought that hershel was dead.
well, i have some evidence it could be lilly more than kenny. When clementine said "I thought you were dead", she had like a disgusted/surprised face, and lilly wasnt really a loved person. besides, nobody actually told clementine that kenny was gone.
I second your sentiment. I have several magazine subscriptions, I watch several television shows, and I read a couple newspapers. ALL are "episodic" in nature, ALL deliver on time and if they don't, they promptly inform me, their loyal customer, as to the reason why. THIS is why I continue to pay in advance for these things. I can trust these companies. I cannot trust Telltale anymore and that makes me sad. I think they have a lot of potential and they have a lot of talent, but their PR department is horrible. They need to get their ducks in a row before I consider investing my money in them again. This is the nature of the market. If you don't treat your customers well, you'll eventually lose them and someone else will fill that gap and capitalize on it. I'll have to find other games to occupy my time after TWD S2 is done. There's plenty of good ones out there and I was thinking about getting an Xbox One anyway, so that will probably be my new gaming experience.
I predict the walking dead will come out on February the 26th 2014
It's not announcement but I'LL, GOSH-DANG, TAKE IT!