The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • edited February 2014

    Why do you ask?

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    u mad bro ? /sarcasm

  • lol sorry hard to find any good ones here n their so many pages to search.

    Post Deleted by user <-- This guy

  • edited February 2014

    Robert Kirkman/Telltale needs to create an intellectual and cultured villain in the comic/game:

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  • edited February 2014

    why would anyone like insulting them selves unless they are crazy/insane aka 'u mad bro ?'

    Why do you ask?

  • o right nevermind then :)

    Pell3t posted: »

    I think I typed this before you put it up. didn't know I could just url it. wouldn't of had to make an account and forget my password when I posted my wopping 2 pics on here

  • edited February 2014

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    why would anyone like insulting them selves unless they are crazy/insane aka 'u mad bro ?'

  • Nevermind indeed. lol

    o right nevermind then

  • Hey thanks anyway, none of my photos have posted once, hence the link

    Just leaving this here, since I know some people are lazy and won't bother clicking on the link to see your meme. Edit: Well, damnit. This was supposed to be a reply to RiordanOwens. Fuck me.

  • Already done. Nate.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Robert Kirkman/Telltale needs to create an intellectual and cultured villain in the comic/game:

  • muehehe

    Pell3t posted: »

    Nevermind indeed. lol

  • edited February 2014

    maybe take the male appendage out of it ?

  • I think it's stuck.

    maybe take the male appendage out of it ?

  • I feel ya bro.

    lol sorry hard to find any good ones here n their so many pages to search.

  • oh my...

    I think it's stuck.

  • Cant tell if evil laugh

    Or Genius laugh

    This could work for a Fry from futurama meme XD If only I had the effort...


  • edited February 2014

    I got it out.

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    oh my...

  • both, old bean both :)

    Pell3t posted: »

    Cant tell if evil laugh Or Genius laugh This could work for a Fry from futurama meme XD If only I had the effort...

  • edited February 2014

    lol fixed it now eh :D

    strange sometimes it loads up other times nothing but the icon

    I got it out.

  • edited February 2014

    lol the downvote has been removed and i got it,

    must be an infection..

    /sarcasm/joking around.

    Woo for Spygear.

  • edited February 2014

    SUPER SOON. Oh boy. Next few days? Oh boy oh boy.
    Pinky swear about this one, please Telltale?
    Pinky swear.
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  • I hope so, but he just doesn't give off that "i'm smart and well-read" EVIL vibe, more like "I'm your buddy, buddy, but watch the fuck out, I'm GORKED".

    Already done. Nate.

  • AMC's new Walking Dead minigame/quiz: Around Every Corner(of the Labyrinth)

  • I'd better go get my custom user picture sometime.

    I wonder if meme's of Forum users count. Oh well.

  • Right?

    Dog-Arnie: Wrong. Facebite

    Tenmile posted: »

    Clementine is all: I thought you were dead... And I'm just thinking:,LjfARbh,gPwG6Ba#2 haha

  • Oh, I'm sorry Clem. Don't worry, you're not old enough to be called that yet, okay? You can go on back to your things.



  • Holy crap! Sarah is Terminator too?! First it was Clem and now her? This battle's gonna be epic...Somebody make a movie poster of this now!!!

    Reusou posted: »

    Huh. SUPER SOON. Oh boy. Next few days? Oh boy oh boy. Pinky swear about this one, please Telltale? Pinky swear. PINKY SWEAR.

  • "Let go, dammit! Get Clem and the others out of here!"

  • How dare you show that face to me.

  • Is "Silence of the Lambs" too obvious?

    Reusou posted: »

    Not mine, found it somewhere a while ago. Still makes me smile. I wonder if anyone gets the reference...

  • Unnecessarily off-topic trivia: those two sharks are either dead or dying.

  • Clearly Glenn Mazzara didn't have good experiences meeting new people in his childhood. Dammit guys, you could have fucking gone somewhere with these two!

  • Alt text

    Phillip's got dem skills

  • If you haven't watched the YMS on Walking Dead, go do that. He really demonstrates well how AMC basically hired on Frank Darabont, waited while he wrote and directed a few episodes(into season 2) and do them very well, then canned his ass so they could cash cow the series as hard as they could, killing his baby in the process.

    While we're there, I recently played a little game on AMC's site. It loaded terribly, so between the many page reloads, I got to see the TV trailer for Season 2 Telltale's Walking Dead four times on their website. I guess they think that including it on their website and on every page or account they have on the internets promoting their channel/shows will make it seem like they were tied to its success, even though the game was developed by an independent studio.

    Phyre posted: »

    I love this.But...Why post it?But then again...Why not?

  • Sarah Connor is the terminator? PLOT TWIST!

    Gengar posted: »

    Holy crap! Sarah is Terminator too?! First it was Clem and now her? This battle's gonna be epic...Somebody make a movie poster of this now!!!

  • Also, you forgot the chest-hole-of-imminent-death in his chest, the one he should obviously be screaming in pain from being pulled off of in this high-altitude takeoff.

    Do those lip-whiskers have healing powers too?

  • edited February 2014

    What telltale wants us to see:

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    What I see:

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  • Getting happier and happier I didnt pinkie swear :/

    Reusou posted: »

    Huh. SUPER SOON. Oh boy. Next few days? Oh boy oh boy. Pinky swear about this one, please Telltale? Pinky swear. PINKY SWEAR.

  • Making an entirely new post to complain about one little downvote? Wow, that's pathetic.

    lol the downvote has been removed and i got it, must be an infection.. /sarcasm/joking around.

  • I know what you meant, I was kidding. I do think Nate could be an awesome villain though.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    I hope so, but he just doesn't give off that "i'm smart and well-read" EVIL vibe, more like "I'm your buddy, buddy, but watch the fuck out, I'm GORKED".

  • Yeah I'm aware. Given the ambiguity in the title and summary of this thread and the frequency at which people also tend to post humorous pictures and comments about the TV show, I'd say the content of my post is completely justified and not out of water. But if you were just making sure I knew what I was talking about, that's okay too.

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