Who here thinks Rebecca is a b!tch?



  • ''Who here think Rebecca is a bitch?''


  • Really hate her, compared to Larry who I never really disliked; I got his reasons

  • edited February 2014

    Like Larry, she is an extremely realistic and well written depiction of a terrible person.

    Larry had almost no redeeming qualities. An out and out paranoid self centered asshole. However he felt like a real person, much like Rebecca, and this caused me to hate him even more.

    Reusou posted: »

    The glimpse you get in the bathroom could be the hurt rose beneath the barrage of all those thorns that she displays during the rest of the ep

  • She tries to take the gun to shoot Clem with it. Play the scene again and look at what she is saying to Nick, and look at how she is acting.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Also if you stay silent when you wake up with the whole cabin group surrounding you, Rebecca tries to take the gun from Nick and that's when it fires. goddamn it rebecca nobody likes you

  • I can't stand her. The second Telltale gives the chance, I am getting rid of her

  • We can only hope.

    Well, I would understand her bitchy behavior if I was persuaded that it is just the "mess of hormones" as Alvin puts it

  • What kind of question is that? I don't see who doesn't.

  • I didn't even know that. What a fucking bitch, my god.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Also if you stay silent when you wake up with the whole cabin group surrounding you, Rebecca tries to take the gun from Nick and that's when it fires. goddamn it rebecca nobody likes you

  • edited February 2014

    Alt text

    I saw what you did there

    Glinda posted: »

    I believe she will redeem herself in some way. In the picture for episode 3 Rebecca looks like she's in harm's way (see what I did there?) and

  • Ditto.

    I can't stand her. The second Telltale gives the chance, I am getting rid of her

  • SpareClem2014SpareClem2014 Banned
    edited February 2014

    At the drug store Larry wanted to throw Duck out just because he was marked up holding his arm. He is just as bad as Rebecca for wanting to throw Clem out. How do you even like Larry?

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    We can only hope.

  • It was kind of a stupid question, lol. Only character in the whole series I hate more is Michelle.

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    What kind of question is that? I don't see who doesn't.

  • Because Larry never said a fucking thing to Duck after realizing he wasn't bitten. Also because he had a reason to be an asshole to everyone. Also, because he's one of the better written characters in the game.

    At the drug store Larry wanted to throw Duck out just because he was marked up holding his arm. He is just as bad as Rebecca for wanting to throw Clem out. How do you even like Larry?

  • I still don't understand you guys thinking Larry was any better then Rebecca. When you first meet him in the drug store he wanted to throw Kenny's son out just because he was hurt with no clear bite marks. Larry was crazy.

  • He wanted to throw out Duck, and then he hit Lee (with some reason). Rebecca wanted to throw out Clementine, but instead of shutting up once she realized she isn't a threat, she just became a bigger bitch, and revealed that she cheated on her fucking husband. So she doesn't care about her husband, and doesn't care that she was fucking wrong. Fuck her.

    I still don't understand you guys thinking Larry was any better then Rebecca. When you first meet him in the drug store he wanted to throw Kenny's son out just because he was hurt with no clear bite marks. Larry was crazy.

  • edited February 2014

    He did actually apologize though, am I right? I just think Larry had it really tough, he can be a real asshole, but he can show a good side if you give him a chance. Him punching Lee at the drugstore made me regret going out of my way to get him his medication, but hey, I didn't see it coming.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Because Larry never said a fucking thing to Duck after realizing he wasn't bitten. Also because he had a reason to be an asshole to everyone. Also, because he's one of the better written characters in the game.

  • Wait, Larry apologized for what? I agree with him being a better guy than people give him credit for. Him punching Lee made me pissed at first, but when I learned why he did it, I felt some sense of respect for him.

    GdaTyler posted: »

    He did actually apologize though, am I right? I just think Larry had it really tough, he can be a real asshole, but he can show a good side if

  • That's the thing though, Rebecca doesn't know that Clem isn't a threat. Anyone who thinks she should is imposing their player perspective on the character. All she knows is that the threat of Clem turning is gone. She could still be a spy for Carver in Rebecca's mind. As such, the viewpoint that Clem is "just a child" could prove detrimental to their group. Add on the unpleasant side effects of being pregnant in a world gone to hell and I can maintain some degree of empathy for her situation.

    Regarding the issue of paternity, I'm not jumping to any conclusions on that just yet. That could be a really interesting angle depending on how they go about it. It could've been a lapse of judgment on her part or it may have been rape. Personally, I think it would be interesting to find out that her relationship with Alvin was already on the outs prior to the zombie outbreak with the baby being the only thing keeping that ship afloat now. Both of them clinging to some semblance of familiarity even if it's the toxic kind.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    He wanted to throw out Duck, and then he hit Lee (with some reason). Rebecca wanted to throw out Clementine, but instead of shutting up once s

  • Think about that for a second. A child, spying on them. What could she possibly do without a gun, eh? She could smash someone over the head with something... But she's a child. She couldn't hit hard enough that they'd die before retaliating. She could get a knife I guess, but oh wait, they're in the top cupboard. Easy solution. No child killing, no dooming the child to loneliness (and likely death). Her being part of Carver's group indicates that Carver already knows where they live. You know what's easier than sending in a spy to get details on what a group is doing? Having somebody hide in the bushes and eat chips, waiting. On top of that, nobody would have those walkers so perfectly timed that Luke and Pete would get them. She's either retarded or a bitch. If they were sending in a spy, they wouldn't have her get bitten by a fucking dog, for another thing... Fuck there are SO MANY holes in that logic.

    That would be alright, but if that were to be the case, Rebecca would not give a flying fuck if Clem told the group that Rebecca hoped the baby was Alvin's.

    Night_Owl posted: »

    That's the thing though, Rebecca doesn't know that Clem isn't a threat. Anyone who thinks she should is imposing their player perspective on t

  • edited February 2014

    Hmm. True, I suppose.

    One could still argue that Larry functioned on an extreme Kenny engine, where all he cared about was Lilly, his family. Then again, he does actually seem to mention intentions of protecting Clementine from Lee at times, through thorny threats.

    I guess I just need to learn that not everyone has a key for their locked hearts.

    Qipoi posted: »

    Like Larry, she is an extremely realistic and well written depiction of a terrible person. Larry had almost no redeeming qualities. An out

  • Gaining the group's trust would make Clem far more dangerous than any of the physical violence you propose. There are more subversive ways to undermine the group. And the idea is that Rebecca suspects Clem could be there under the guidance of someone she was previously acquainted with. Who knows how crafty this Carver guy is at this point? Maybe the paranoia is justified.

    As far as what was said the only one Rebecca seems to actively be concerned about knowing her secret is Alvin hence why she tells Clementine to stay away from him.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Think about that for a second. A child, spying on them. What could she possibly do without a gun, eh? She could smash someone over the head wi

  • But seriously, please tell me what could be accomplished with a little girl that a guy in the bushes couldn't do. Stealing? Yes. He could go in there in the middle of the night and take whatever the fuck he pleases. If they tried to get Clem to do that, wouldn't you think they'd be watching her? Or at least a little distrustful towards her? Now, Rebecca's bitchy-ness is still completely unjustified, but I would understand them not trusting her entirely. But you know what fixes all that shit? Hiding the supplies. Bam. Now she can't do shit but physical violence, which I went over.

    Still, don't you think your husband would find out if you were raped? Especially if you live in a group of 6 fucking people?

    Night_Owl posted: »

    Gaining the group's trust would make Clem far more dangerous than any of the physical violence you propose. There are more subversive ways to

  • Bump

  • Total bitch. Mess of hormones. My main goal in TWD S.2 is going to be to make her trust me.

  • My main goal of season 2 is to make sure she gets lockjaw. After the baby's out, of course. I'm not a monster.

    Total bitch. Mess of hormones. My main goal in TWD S.2 is going to be to make her trust me.

  • I hated Larry, but Rebecca's worse. Larry at least had some sort of REASON to hate Lee, and to want to throw Duck out at first.

    He knew Lee was a murderer - that makes him someone he shouldnt trust.
    He thought Duck was bitten - that made Duck someone who was a danger. When he finds he wasnt bitten, he doesn't say anything more about Duck in any sort of negative way.

    Rebecca, on the other hand, hated Clem before even knowing she was bitten (by a dog OR a walker) - it was just 'a little girl! I hate her!' I predict a C-section in the future.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Wait, Larry apologized for what? I agree with him being a better guy than people give him credit for. Him punching Lee made me pissed at first, but when I learned why he did it, I felt some sense of respect for him.

  • edited February 2014

    Thank you...

    I mean, I really liked Larry, but you display my points beautifully.

    pander1 posted: »

    I hated Larry, but Rebecca's worse. Larry at least had some sort of REASON to hate Lee, and to want to throw Duck out at first. He knew Lee

  • A guy in the bushes can't weaken the cabin's defenses from within. An unlocked door or a cracked window could prove invaluable during a well timed attack (say when Pete and Nick are away checking the fish traps; that may even be the reason Clem was taken with them). Obviously some degree of trust is needed but at the same time having to keep an eye on Clem means being distracted from watching what's going on outside. So even distrust could still work to Carver's advantage. As far as Clem getting her hands on a weapon, there's a number of seemingly harmless objects that can be used as weapons if you're smart enough. Or hell, maybe one of those numerous candles lying about "accidentally" tips over or something.

    But don't get me wrong, I don't care for Rebecca's behavior at all. I'm just trying to keep in mind her possible motivations which might be more complicated than being a bitch.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    But seriously, please tell me what could be accomplished with a little girl that a guy in the bushes couldn't do. Stealing? Yes. He could go i

  • He wouldn't need to weaken the defenses from within when he could just wait for two of them to come out, then shoot them both. Wait for a few people to look for them, rinse , repeat. Why would they need a cracked window when they could just hit it with the butt of their assault rifles (which the title card for episode 2 confirms they have)? With all the zilch activity they seemed to have going on, I could see them being happy they finally have something to do other than wait and worry. With Luke keeping down Clem, it seemed that Pete was still keeping watch, as he noticed that they were a goddamned beacon (or whatever it was he said). Just assigning one person to look over Clem doesn't mean that they're now defenseless. The most dangerous thing Clem found was the fucking needle, which would only be a problem inserted into someone's eye, which they'd probably see before it hit. It would be more practical to walk up in the dark and just set the foundation on fire. The cabin survivors wouldn't notice it until it's a million times bigger than it would've been if it had been set from within, and it would be harder to stop, since there is no running water on the outside of the house. Rain might be a problem, but look at the fucking sky before attempting. Problem solved.

    I am keeping in mind all possible motivations, and they don't make any fucking sense.

    Night_Owl posted: »

    A guy in the bushes can't weaken the cabin's defenses from within. An unlocked door or a cracked window could prove invaluable during a well t

  • edited February 2014

    Not sure how you know what he would or wouldn't need when the story hasn't gone into Carver's abilities or his situation at all. Rebecca, unlike us, is familiar with him but the cabin group may not know what's currently up with him which may be part of what's putting them on edge. He could have a group capable of pulling off what you say or not. I also never said watching Clem will leave them defenseless but it could be a distraction short of them tying her up.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    He wouldn't need to weaken the defenses from within when he could just wait for two of them to come out, then shoot them both. Wait for a few

  • Everyone has their good points and bad points. I like how TWD's characters are so different and real. Rebecca is going to be a real interesting character.

  • As of episode one, I rather dislike her. Haven't revealed that I know her secret. Refused to speak to her actually.

  • "Hey, Rebecca is pregnant and her hormones are just acting up. I'm pretty sure she's a good woman!"

    Just kidding. I hate her.

  • The worst part is, Nicks still gets the blame for the gun going off.

    GdaTyler posted: »

    I didn't even know that. What a fucking bitch, my god.

  • As he should. There's a reason Pete keeps telling him to keep his finger off the trigger. The gun never would've gone off otherwise.

    Qipoi posted: »

    The worst part is, Nicks still gets the blame for the gun going off.

  • edited February 2014

    I believe the real question here is: Who doesn't think Rebecca is a huge bitch?

    Hopefully, Telltale has something up their sleeves for her, as-is she has to be the most 1-dimensional character we've seen in this series so far. If her role in this game is just to be the biggest bitch possible, my Clem is going to handle her as soon as that opportunity presents itself.

    Perhaps Clem will take a page from Kenny's book and take her out with a salt-lick of massive proportions. We can dream right?

  • Spoiler

    Rebecca is now my most hated character in the games. She cheated on her husband, is unsure about who's baby it is, tells the group to kill Clem then gets pissed at Nate when he nearly shoots her, gets mad when she steals medical supplies (you leave an eleven year old with a possibly infected, open wound in a shed outside, what the hell do you think she is going to do?), she acts like she has control over Alvin, and she doesn't even say sorry. If she wasn't carrying that baby and I didn't feel sorry for Alvin I would have had Clem beat her to death with her hammer.

  • I am still pissed about that!

    GdaTyler posted: »

    It was kind of a stupid question, lol. Only character in the whole series I hate more is Michelle.

  • Great point Qupoi. Every story (not just Telltale) seems to have a villain/annoying type who the fans root against just to make things interesting.

    Qipoi posted: »

    Like Larry, she is an extremely realistic and well written depiction of a terrible person. Larry had almost no redeeming qualities. An out

  • You shouldn't judge looks, it may come back to bite you in the A** if you do.

    himmatsj posted: »

    She ain't pretty, she old, she fat. She got a mouth of a ****. Ain't nothing to like about that woman!

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