Just because you find something humorous, doesn't mean the public should share your opinion. The truth is, this is a real world problem, there… more may be people in this thread who has suffered a loss of a sibling or child. There are some things that you shouldn't joke about. This is one of those things.
Killing in general is bad, but there are severity levels. Like killing a woman who was armed and was going to kill another, and then there is suffocating a defenseless baby. Which do you honestly think is worse?
I bow down to you, scholar of mulletmon... I pray that you give me mercy, as I make a timely exit of this battle of knowledge, as I am inferior in every way.
Considering this is a meme and fun thread it would make sense to post 'fun' memes. Instead of a complete physco suffocating a child.That just isn't even funny, even if you had a dark sense of humour.
Killing in general is bad, but there are severity levels. Like killing a woman who was armed and was going to kill another, and then there is suffocating a defenseless baby. Which do you honestly think is worse?
There is a difference between oviously saying you shouldn't have her as a baby sitter because she is a physco and a meme comparing moderaters 'allegedly' smothering complaining people to a woman smothering a defenseless young child.
Since the PM system is broken...Everyone here, please take at least 3 minutes of your time and read this PLEASE: (I'm not kidding and I'm dead… more serious). If you can't read it then please tell me and I'll add you to the discussion below:
EDIT: Updated, even more users added to join in the PM.
well, he has a point, though. I think you all are just a bit overreacting. You do realize it's just a show and no baby was really "almost-suffocated", do you? He just happens to have a slightly darker humor than you. That's completely fine.
I will enjoy seeing you get torn apart by dozens of walkers and eating your flesh while you're alive so you can feel unimaginable pain; screaming for mercy as I watch you get eaten.
I will enjoy seeing you get torn apart by dozens of walkers and eating your flesh while you're alive so you can feel unimaginable pain; screaming for mercy as I watch you get eaten.
I think we should forget about Lizzie altogether because things are getting out of hand. And SpareClem2014, I suggest you should take everyones advise about your earlier post of Lizzie, a lot can be offended of it, especially if its an infant & how some members here are parents, etc. It probably be alright of a meme if you made the same kind of message but instead use the Governor as Telltale and some other character as us. Thanks.
I saved Omid first because he was injured. He would've tripped or simply fell down because of his injured leg. Christa on the other hand was in perfect condition. So yeah BrOmid FTW!
Omid or Christa?
My 1st attempt. Took me way longer to upload it than to make it. Hope you like it!
p.s. I really don't know how to make the image bigger...
Just ditch 'em both, Lee. If Omid and Christa are so damn sensitive about who should be rescued, they'll be much happier being eaten alive by zombies. They're pretty much "equal opportunity" when it comes to humans.
Omid or Christa?
My 1st attempt. Took me way longer to upload it than to make it. Hope you like it!
p.s. I really don't know how to make the image bigger...
I saved Omid first because he was injured. He would've tripped or simply fell down because of his injured leg. Christa on the other hand was in perfect condition. So yeah BrOmid FTW!
Since the PM system is broken...Everyone here, please take at least 3 minutes of your time and read this PLEASE: (I'm not kidding and I'm dead… more serious). If you can't read it then please tell me and I'll add you to the discussion below:
EDIT: Updated, even more users added to join in the PM.
I saved Omid first because he was injured. He would've tripped or simply fell down because of his injured leg. Christa on the other hand was in perfect condition. So yeah BrOmid FTW!
Since the PM system is broken...Everyone here, please take at least 3 minutes of your time and read this PLEASE: (I'm not kidding and I'm dead… more serious). If you can't read it then please tell me and I'll add you to the discussion below:
EDIT: Updated, even more users added to join in the PM.
You don't want to be kicked into the pit of Lee.
O no guys its another Lizzie post. This time its related to a little girl scoring a head shot killing a woman.
That dudes hair. Didn't he create the internet or something?
Killing in general is bad, but there are severity levels. Like killing a woman who was armed and was going to kill another, and then there is suffocating a defenseless baby. Which do you honestly think is worse?
Dr Ash...the mystery is solved.
Considering this is a meme and fun thread it would make sense to post 'fun' memes. Instead of a complete physco suffocating a child.That just isn't even funny, even if you had a dark sense of humour.
The one that sends you to the special hell?
Hell no
There is a difference between oviously saying you shouldn't have her as a baby sitter because she is a physco and a meme comparing moderaters 'allegedly' smothering complaining people to a woman smothering a defenseless young child.
You are seriously awesome man...
can't read this.
well, he has a point, though. I think you all are just a bit overreacting. You do realize it's just a show and no baby was really "almost-suffocated", do you? He just happens to have a slightly darker humor than you. That's completely fine.
Yeah, that's true! Not sure how much longer Omid is going to last though...
Ok Imma update it...just wait
EDIT: Done.
damnit Eddie! lol jk
That part was a total fail in directing the scene.
He's moving like a squirrel! And uh... Lee's just being a creeper.
Dafuq!? I guess there's even more reasons why Carl's a tard now that season 4 is out :P
I will enjoy seeing you get torn apart by dozens of walkers and eating your flesh while you're alive so you can feel unimaginable pain; screaming for mercy as I watch you get eaten.
The Walking Lees: The Clone Wars lol that was awesome!
This is funny.
cmon its funny
I think we should forget about Lizzie altogether because things are getting out of hand. And SpareClem2014, I suggest you should take everyone
s advise about your earlier post of Lizzie, a lot can be offended of it, especially if it
s an infant & how some members here are parents, etc. It probably be alright of a meme if you made the same kind of message but instead use the Governor as Telltale and some other character as us. Thanks.(Honestly I sound like a Moderator right now)
To you but not everyone else including me; anyway I`ll be ignoring you for the rest of my life for posting that shit here.
haha it was posted earlier on this thread look at page somewhere between page 35
My 1st attempt. Took me way longer to upload it than to make it. Hope you like it!
p.s. I really don't know how to make the image bigger...
I saved Omid first because he was injured. He would've tripped or simply fell down because of his injured leg. Christa on the other hand was in perfect condition. So yeah BrOmid FTW!
Just ditch 'em both, Lee. If Omid and Christa are so damn sensitive about who should be rescued, they'll be much happier being eaten alive by zombies. They're pretty much "equal opportunity" when it comes to humans.
Yeah I agree. Oh the photo's gone again... Just use the link.
Still can't read this. RIP me.
Oops sorry, ok ill update it again and round up more users
EDIT: Done.
Aw man, I feel terrible now...
I saved Omid first cause I felt like a dick for pushing him. I didn't think he's bounce... :0
He has the third eye...The Eye Of Jesus...In the middle of his head.He's too fabulous.
Well in my playthrough I just told him that "We'll take your lady" (or something like that) then he gets mad and jumps first then falls over XD
I still can't read, lol.