I think the stranger put it in there. Just before you go in the first time you see his shadow run past behind you. I think he se it as a trap for Lee when he came back, but Lee bypassed it at first because he and Molly had to escape across the roof.
The video doesn't match up with the audio, it's lagging behind by 1 or 2 seconds and it's really noticable. I'd suggest getting better recording software.
EDIT: On second thought, it's best no one sees this atrocity.
EDIT again: On third thought, what the hell? Can't always hide my failures I do intend to do better when I start my 7th TWD playthrough tomorrow.
EDIT: On second thought, it's best no one sees this atrocity.
EDIT again: On third thought, what the hell? Can't always hide my failures I do intend to do better when I start my 7th TWD playthrough tomorrow.
But seriously, you are a lot better than I was when I tried to make videos like that years ago. I didn't even have the proper programs to edit videos like that :c
Too late. Already saw it! Hahahahaha! xD
But seriously, you are a lot better than I was when I tried to make videos like that years ago. I didn't even have the proper programs to edit videos like that :c
EDIT: On second thought, it's best no one sees this atrocity.
EDIT again: On third thought, what the hell? Can't always hide my failures I do intend to do better when I start my 7th TWD playthrough tomorrow.
EDIT: On second thought, it's best no one sees this atrocity.
EDIT again: On third thought, what the hell? Can't always hide my failures I do intend to do better when I start my 7th TWD playthrough tomorrow.
"I know who you are, Lee Everett, and I know you're a homo. If anything happens to my daughter, it'll be your ass." -Larry, coming soon. (Just around the corner.)
"I know who you are, Lee Everett, and I know you're a homo. If anything happens to my daughter, it'll be your ass." -Larry, coming soon. (Just around the corner.)
EDIT: Oh, and for your praise:
I guess this could be considered a gamer poop. I know it's short. But it's my first time making a poop. (That sounded wrong.)
Well, Im pretty sure hes not in the house.
yeah, definitely not
I see the bite has already damaged Lee's brain:D
Good Poop! I like it.
"Good poop! I like it."
Must. Not. Take out of context. Must. Not. Laugh. Must Maintain. Dignity.
Also, I think my next one will be a lot better. I figured out how to extract audio
I'll be like mans1ay3r.
Hope these haven't been posted already
Holy shit Groovy420, if that is indeed your real name. That just fucked my mind.
I also just found out that you pass the stranger in the cop car in episode 1. Damn he was in all 5 episodes in a way.
Let's forget this was here, shall we?
This Poop is Poop, i don't like it.
I know. I'm working on a season 2 poop.
"You came for ass. Now go." -Rebecca.
Nah i actualy liked it...i just tryed to make a stupid joke:
What a way to kill the moment!
The video doesn't match up with the audio, it's lagging behind by 1 or 2 seconds and it's really noticable. I'd suggest getting better recording software.
EDIT: On second thought, it's best no one sees this atrocity.
I do intend to do better when I start my 7th TWD playthrough tomorrow.

EDIT again: On third thought, what the hell? Can't always hide my failures
"You are wearing out your ass"?, lol
shhh. I took it down for a reason :P
I see what you did there ;D
Too late. Already saw it! Hahahahaha! xD
But seriously, you are a lot better than I was when I tried to make videos like that years ago. I didn't even have the proper programs to edit videos like that :c
Obvious cutting is obvious XD
Dude, please make MOAR! I'd say they're definitely good.
"I know who you are, Lee Everett, and I know you're a homo. If anything happens to my daughter, it'll be your ass." -Larry, coming soon. (Just around the corner.)
EDIT: Oh, and for your praise:
Oh fuck, that was funny!
Yeah, that scene is so hilarious. Jeff Daniels is a legend.
As long as you didn't see it coming, I'm satisfied.
Telltale Games: "Episode 2 is just around the corner."
Telltale Games: "Lol jk, you've gotta wait until next month."
Definitely didn't see it coming.
She looks sooooo adorable! Like she's taking her first school picture or something :P
Of course! What's not heartwarming about a tween smeered with zombie intestines?
Yeah. I felt really bad for her when she had to get smeared with all that shit. But it had to be done. Poor lil thing.