Who would you rather end up with, Gwyn or Elaena?



  • Elaena... I want nothing to do with any whitehills they're all dead to me.

  • Rodrik and Elaena. They are a genuinely nice couple. They are meant to be husband and wife and raising a family together.

  • Well I let Asher live so I don't have real chances with Elaena. But I still rather end up with her (I said I'd stood with Gwyn before, but after episode 5, no, just no more Whitehills in my life) than Gwyn.

  • Once a Whitehall always a whitehi...nah you guys right Elaena all the way.

  • Depends on the character. Politically I'd like Asher to marry Elaena simply because of the alliance and greater gain. If we're talking romantically then Gwyn all the way!

  • A Whitehill is a Whitehill... I like Gwyn, I really do. But I don't trust her not to put a knife through Asher's neck after the Forresters slaughter her family. So for either Rodrik or Asher, I'd have to go with Elaena, from a strategic point of view. But then again, marrying Elaena may be futile now, considering how she got the Glenmores into trouble with the Boltons.

    God, I wish the events of A Nest of Vipers never happened. In Sons of Winter, I remember thinking about how well Rodrik and Gwyn could have lead a house together. Guess it doesn't matter anymore.

  • Eleana. My Rodrik lived, so there's that... but in all honesty, I never for a moment liked or trusted Gwyn. Her sneaky plan of "submit to my family so we can have peace" seemed all too convenient for her family to take everything they wanted with no resistance at all, which is why I didn't go along with it for a second. (Also, I doubted her fat arrogant father could ever be reasonable or level headed anyway, and I was right.)

    I know Asher loved her. I know, in my head, that she probably DID want peace and probably WAS trying to help us. I know she told us about the traitor when she didn't have to. I probably should have given a little more thought to my little brother Ryon, but... It was just a gut instinct, from the very first I did not like or trust her and if I've learned anything in this life it's that when something seems off to me when I meet a person that raises alarm bells in the back of my mind, I should heed that warning, because every time I've tried to logic them away I've regretted it later.

    I dunno if I should necessarily extend that life rule to video game characters, but I did. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Since I had Rodrik live, I'd say Eleana.

  • Really depends on the brother and the circumstance. My Rodrik survived so I want to see him and Elaena kick the Whitehills' asses and get married and have lots of children with names like Arthur and Ethan and Asher and for something good to come of all this. I love them so much, and I really like Elaena as a character. If Asher lives I can only really see him and Elaena ending up together as a means to "legitimise" a hypothetical Rodrik Jr. that may or may not be a thing going on (cough cough Do it, Telltale cough), which I would enjoy although it'd also be terribly tragic and depressing. ;_;

    I'll admit in the beginning I didn't trust Gwyn at all. I like her, but I was cordial but aloof with her at the funeral and entirely put off by her suggestion we just let Gryff do whatever. I thought it sounded like a trick, but then I guess if we think he's bad, imagine growing up with him. Now I generally trust she means well because why would anyone come after her if Ludd wouldn't mind her coming to talk us into submission (how does she do all these things that defy her family and seemingly not get in trouble for them?), and she seemed genuinely sorry about the whole Highpoint thing. I'd love to see her and Asher reunited but they just can't work, even if Gwyn is cool somehow with us destroying her house. The rest of the Forresters would never accept her. And I couldn't see Rodrik with her instead of Elaena. Maybe I have my shipper glasses on, but also it'd just be weird, especially since poor Elissa would probably have an aneurysm. It worries me we haven't heard from Gwyn since Highpoint but maybe Ludd finally put her on lockdown. If somehow she could magically be grateful to us for getting rid of her family and we didn't have to worry about Torrhen, I'd love to see her as Lady and have a decent relationship with House Whitehill for once, but that seems about as unlikely as Gregor and Ethan walking in the door with pizza.

    As a general rule I don't think Gwyn is getting with either Forrester brother any time soon. Too much has happened and if Asher and Gwyn were unlikely before, now they're bloody impossible. As shit as they are, I'm not sure Gwyn will take all that kindly to us killing Ludd and Gryff, though I'm not entirely sure what her sentiments would be exactly. She clearly respects Ludd since she won't let you talk trash about him, but when you say you've locked Gryff up she seems a lot more upset that you're not trying to keep the peace than that you've imprisoned her brother. And Rodrik and Gwyn... it'd be strange with Asher dead and I can't see Rodrik from a moral standpoint having just banged Elaena dumping her for his dead brother's ex girl. I mean in this world, obviously he intends to marry Elaena if he's sleeping with her, and her father's all but disowned her. Rodders isn't the type of guy to drop her like that under those circumstances, even if he didn't love her, which he clearly does.

    Why couldn't we save both brothers? I would have loved to see both Rodrik and Elaena get married and Asher and Gwyn's reunion and where that could go and if the feelings are still there or not. T_T Hell, I wanted to see Asher and Rodrik talk for more than ten seconds!

  • I never liked or trusted Gwynn either.

    cussbunny posted: »

    Eleana. My Rodrik lived, so there's that... but in all honesty, I never for a moment liked or trusted Gwyn. Her sneaky plan of "submit to my

  • Well I would be with Elaena or Gwyn based on who I saved from episode 5 ;p

    But I don't really trust a Whitehill. Especially Ludd's daughter, Gwyn. She may gave us some information about the traitor in episode 3 but who knows if she stabs Rodrik/Asher in the back. Especially in Game of Thrones.

  • Elaena. I hated Gwynn's please submit to my father and messed up brother ever since I first met her.

  • Well, Asher is alive for me, and I still like Gwyn alot, so if given the option in ep 6 I guess I'd go with her

  • Kept Asher, so I hope the game lets you go with Gwyn.

    Gwasher 4 lyfe

  • I realize it's determinant, but I would really like to see Asher have to choose between Gwyn or Elaena (finally a choice I wouldn't hate to make), moreover, I think it would be interesting if Elaena was pregnant (but again, it's also determinant) and Asher chose her and raised his sibling's child as his own, Ned Stark Style....But in the end, I'd pick Elaena either way, Rodrik gets a happy ending, Asher honors his dead brother. Win-win!

  • I want Cotter to end up with Potato!

  • Cotato or Potter? xD

    I want Cotter to end up with Potato!

  • Cotato!

    Cotato4Life #CotatoOTP #CotatoFTW <3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Cotato or Potter? xD

  • Considering it's Game of Thrones, I'm assuming something horrible is going to happen to both of them.

  • My Asher is still alive so, Gwyn.

  • Gwyn for sure. While plenty of people are upset at her for wanting us to submit to Gryff, they really don't understand that her sole intention this entire time has been to help and try to create the best possible outcome with the least blood spilled. Plus w/o her, we would never had known there was a traitor in our midst so she set us on the right path even though it hurt her own family's power.

    Elaena is nice and all but I can't help but remember her moments of weakness back in the first episode and when she lashed out at Rodrik for a moment after her brother died. I understand her being upset, but to say this was our fault, was nearly enough to make me say see ya. And of course I remember her bringing the group of soldiers too, but Gwyn just seems to have the better mind for making true peace.

  • Gwyn, no doubt. I've had enough of Elaena a long, long time ago. Now, when my house is screwed because of helping her avoid a marriage (though I've never given a crap about whom she'll be married to), and my Rodrick never gave her any reason to think that she is welcome at Ironrath, I think it's more than fair, that I'll send her home. Gwyn is my beatiful cinnamon roll, unappreciated, precious and perfect. I still have shreds of hope for stopping the war, and if someone can help me with this, it's definetly her. Don't you dare force me into hurting her in any way, telltale.

  • Elaena seems much more cordial than Gywn, even ignoring the feud between the Whitehills and the Forresters. I'd have to choose Elaena out of the two because of that.

  • Why not both?

  • Reggie PLS:(.

    Cotato! Cotato4Life #CotatoOTP #CotatoFTW

  • Cuz there can't be two m'ladies m'lord (Lord Kenny ruler of zombieland)

    Kenny4ever posted: »


  • Eleana, I dont like Gwyn. Dont kill me.

  • Doesn't seem like a choice we'd get to make. However, I imagine the surviving brother might or might not end up with his respective love interest (Elaena for Rodrik and Gwyn for Asher) depending on the player's actions. And if so, I am perfectly fine with that ;)

  • Same man

    Eleana, I dont like Gwyn. Dont kill me.

  • I am bewildered that so many people want to be with Gwyn.

    I am going to kill both Ludd and Gryff, I can't imagine Gwyn marrying the man who kills her father and brother. She could cut Asher's throat in his sleep, she could petition for Torrhen to raise an army to rescue her, she has several possible outlets for revenge if we keep her in Ironrath or even alive for that matter.

    Can somebody explain how this is a good idea? I understand the need to give Asher heirs and secure Forrester claim over Highpoint, but won't things be a little too far gone? I'd honestly rather have a kid with Beskha.

    The Forresters and the Whitehills remind me of the Blackwoods and the Brackens from the novel. They hate each other and no matter how many kings try to settle their feud, they end up at each others throats (usually because of the Brackens). Can't help but feel like this is a similar situation in which we need to simply exterminate the entire bloodline.

  • gwyn because i have a weakness for blondes

  • Gwyn because she has the look of a goddess.

  • Kills Vladimirthegreat

    Eleana, I dont like Gwyn. Dont kill me.

  • All chances of peace ended when Asher died. I want to destroy the entire bloodline of the Whitehills to end this circle of violence once and for all.

    I am bewildered that so many people want to be with Gwyn. I am going to kill both Ludd and Gryff, I can't imagine Gwyn marrying the man w

  • You want to end a cycle of violence by killing an entire family? That doesn't seem contradictory to you?

    All chances of peace ended when Asher died. I want to destroy the entire bloodline of the Whitehills to end this circle of violence once and for all.

  • It is, but how else to end this? I can't simply forgive them for what they have done. What would you do?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    You want to end a cycle of violence by killing an entire family? That doesn't seem contradictory to you?

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