Abuse of defenseless persons

I'm really sorry, but I saw in Chapter 3 of the second season ... and what the hell is this abuse of two girls? (Sarah and Clementine), especially Troy. What seems to him? I am very sensitive to maybe ... so I wanted to cry when he hit Clementine. Her look ... I can not explain. that's sad. I'm glad he's dead ... How evil can a person have to hit a small child? She was really helpless ... a vicious bully.
Troy hits Clem in the head pretty hard, the weight of the AK and the force it was swung, the hit must have sent her head bashing onto the ground, Clem will be lucky if there is no permanent brain damage given her age. She's going to have major swelling, but the scar she's going to have is going to stay a while.
In principle, the game is really sad.
I think the writers were attempting to imply that Troy was kind of a jerk. They may have succeeded.
He's a regular Walter White when it comes to character depth.
When i saw that part of the scene i kind of giggled. I know i know im a terrible person but even if i had a heart i still wouldnt let it get to me, i mean Clementine is tougher than most characters i've seen in any game. Did you happen to finish the game recently?
Look at her face ... poor baby ...
It's so hurt...
I wish I had killed that asshole myself. But they let Jane do that for no reason.
I'm sorry but that first picture is kind of funny. Just picture her from that pose, ducking under Troy's arm and the AK and uppercutting him squarely in the jaw with Ken-style fiery hands. Her fist is clenched and everything.
It was to imply that your size can be the main reason why you're used as a punching bag or taken advantage of because it depends on whether you're able to defend yourself of not. It was also implying that some people just don't care whether or not you're a little girl or an old man, you're not always going to have an advantage.
Also, implied that Troy was a massive dick.
i got v pissed at this ngl
Well of corse it would have pained and hurt her pretty bad but still she is tough and has seen these kind of situations before like in st.johns farm and carley death.
That was actually quiet bad to see clem get whacked
Note some people might not harder this comment. part of this is true events in my life and don't intend to scare people with it. please don't gouge.
I really don't like seeing clam get slap by carver. or troy; I thought Kenny hitting carver with the crowbar frightened me at the part I stop playing for about a week, that was my breaking port. even the fact I had played this over 400 hours ( I stall can't take this scene; the feeling to remove that I use to know of someone like myself had to face. that I thaw up in disguised.) Of this episode. that the Kenny I know, in season 1 was a family man, he cared about duck, even questions people like lee verbally that he didn't like him not feeding the kids or clementine. Kenny at season 2, was lasing it even with sarita being there made no difference his dark side tuck over. and I belive june was right about Kenny being the new carver.
even when I don't watch Kenny hit carver. the sound's reminds me. I had 3 years ago that my foster provider handcrafter me and beet me in the hummer at the point my hind was blooding. I am a bitter place now' it's just stall with me even today.
I have to agree with this post that hitting kids is never O.K. that is when I played the episode 3 of the walking dead season 2 called "In card blood" (beta now called in harms way). that is why that I stop playing for about 1 week with my 20 stuff animal toys that is comforting to me, I myself have a job and stall working out my issues, I love this game and I always will but episode 3 I might never completely harder base on emotional needs.
Thank you From Wright Micah
You can avoid getting hit by Carver and Troy. Play it cool with Carver and talk about the walkie talkie in the beginning of ep. 3. Then leave the room when your looking for Luke (not even there anyway) and Troy will just grab Clem. Then help Sarita from getting hurt over Kenny. If you want, you can minimize damage to Clem. Can't stand the abuse of women, especially Clementine.
I can't.
I'm sorry, can you rephrase that?
poor clem
He has no heart! How could he ...
it's abuse of kids ...
Clementine was tough. I'm not saying it makes what happens to her right, but she could survive being hit in the face. It just made Kenny's revenge against Carver all the sweeter.
Personally, I found Carver ordering Carlos to hit Sarah more upsetting. Sarah freaked out if you tried to hug her, and here Carver was ordering one of the few people she trusted to smack her in the face. When I play through that scene, I always pick the option insisting it was my fault, and I'm always disappointed that we're forced to remain quite when Carver threatens us with what amounts to "You want some too?". Is an option to respond to his threat by looking him in the eye and snarling "Fuck you, Carver" too much to ask?
I you applying that I should make mine shorter, or do you mean make the sentencing more clear.
or do you mean that my comment is going over your hand. I don't know what really to fax.